All four of those games were completely epic IMO >_>
Majora's was the first really open game with a lot to do, Wind Waker was crazy awesome and whole new experience, and TP perfected an already brilliant formula.
And Viet: Yea, I suppose we are a bit clouded by fanboyism xD
But theres no doubt that the "safe" formula they have been using is an excellent one
All Zelda games are good, except those crappy cd-i ones. But yeah, about the four you all mentioned....
Ocarina of Time is probably still and will always be my favorite game of all time (Melee is a close 2nd), it was just so good it made all the other Zelda games look like crap, even though they werent. OOT is one of the greatest games of all time, if you disagree you probably never played it, or are too picky with todays standards. You need to play it as it was released. Today, are better, but the impact OOT left wont be beaten.
Majora's Mask did what OOT didnt have, it offered more of a people oriented feeling. There were more options in the game which was definitely a plus. I loved the story as well, it was pretty unique and the three-day concept was pretty cool as well. Majora's Mask is almost as good as OOT imo.
Windwaker was good, I liked it. The cartoonish thing wasnt either bad or good, it was just different and I played with it, and ended up loving it. The sailing was kinda gay but yeah...the dungeons were fun and there were a lot of things to do outside of the dungeons. Oh and the ending was really fun.
Twilight Princess....meh...Emblem Lord if any game was overhyped...its this. Its just that the delays into delays...and for what? The game was one of the worst Zelda games there is, I dont care. The first 3 dungeons were so creative and designed so well. Goron Mines was just amazing, the Forest Temple is one of my favorite dungeons in Zelda period. Then they transform you into a ******* wolf, wtf? You know Metroid Prime? I love the series, however, in Echoes...dark world or w/ gay. I hate the extra dimension feeling you get in a video game. If they simply took out the Mansion dungeon and Arbiters Grounds AND all that wolf stuff, and added some more sidequests with a story that revolves saving Hyrule...not **** like saving Minda and collecting Mirror Pieces. Hyrule field was HUGE, but there was nothing in it, FAIL. You couldnt even talk to people in the Market and other towns, TP was isolated as ****. Meh... I can continue on forever, but you probably get my point.