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The Happy Thread

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Things are generally looking pretty good in most aspects of my life. Just need to get my **** together next semester and I'll be fine. :)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
1. We can control our will.
2. Our will dictates our emotions.
3. Happiness and unhappiness are in the realm of emotions.
4. Therefore, we have free reign over whether we are happy or not.
5. Happiness is more pleasant than unhappiness under all circumstances.
6. Therefore, happiness is the obvious choice to be chosen under all circumstances.
7. Conclusion: Be happy all the time no matter what is going on and you are untouchable.

:D Most people know these steps but almost never apply them. Can't remember the last time I was discontent with things for even a second, and my life by laymen standards probably sucks.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Sorry to burst your bubble there, but if you honestly were happy all the time you would've stopped at "Can't remember the last time I was discontent."


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I think people who try so hard to appear happy all the time are complete toolbags.

why would someone even want to be happy ALL the time? what a featureless and unremarkable existence that would be. It's the darkness and negativity that gives the positive aspects of one's life any weight at all.

and it's also dumb to say that our will dicates our emotions, as if everyone is in complete control of their emotions at all times.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Sorry to burst your bubble there, but if you honestly were happy all the time you would've stopped at "Can't remember the last time I was discontent."
Based on the assumption that I have always been entirely aware of the practical applications of emotional control. Y'know, I used to be a child?

I think people who try so hard to appear happy all the time are complete toolbags.

why would someone even want to be happy ALL the time? what a featureless and unremarkable existence that would be. It's the darkness and negativity that gives the positive aspects of one's life any weight at all.

and it's also dumb to say that our will dicates our emotions, as if everyone is in complete control of their emotions at all times.
Oh really? Do we really need suffering in order to appear remarkable? I have been considered the most strange, complex, and unique individual as far as my friends and spectators go, even having won most original back in high school for my senior year (and I am the antisocial type, so basically hardly anyone knew my outside of my zone of friends, so I had built up the reputation without even trying or caring). You seem to not really explain what you mean, I'm sorry, but all the joy in life comes from my joy, and the individuality springs from my experiences, dreams, friends, and projects. I'd never say someone was boring just because they've never been legitimately POed or upset about something, and in fact I know many friends that I've never seen shaken with emotion that are a blast to be around, they are much more fun to be around especially because they are incapable of being offended.

The always happy people you speak of are the oh-so-friendly sweet-and-sugary to all people who are on highs. I am not uppity though do have emotions, and I have preferences and expectations, playfulness, taste, etc... none of these are originated from sorrow and anger. I am talking about a stoic contentment that cannot be broken. Not someone who constantly wears a fake smile on their face, though it'd be shallow to infer someone like that is quite featureless.

As for your last comment, yes, our will certainly does control your emotions. You always give the final assent to whether something causes you anger and to lash out, nothing MAKES you do anything, as much as most people say others do. Theoretical and practical wisdom are completely two different things. Obviously, most people don't know how to control their own emotions, in fact I don't 100%, though well enough to never actually be unhappy with life and to look forward to everything and accept any hardship and hurdle I must scale.

Pick up a book on philosophy, think about things, do not think yourself so plain that you are featureless without things that make you cry, the crying did nothing for you, and I wouldn't count you out as such a boring and base character. You cut yourself too short my friend. Also, for logic-sake, do not equate control of emotion as lack thereof, since if there was no emotion... you wouldn't be controlling anything. Yes, someone with no emotions would have no emotional features, very true assessment.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
Will can control emotions, but in reality all you're doing is controlling the urge to act on them or controlling the natural tendency to let them effect your mood. The emotion is still there. This is especially true with emotions that originate in the lower, more primitive part of the brain, such as anger/fear. Granted, this is for the average person. Maybe there are mental gurus out there who can actually prevent emotional responses from happening at all through intense desensitization training, but I think for the sake of the conversation it's safe to assume that most people aren't like that.

And being happy all the time is definitely not a negative quality. I don't really understand why anyone would think that. The only time I think I could understand such a sentiment is if it's in regards to happiness being a result of/causing ignorance, which in my experience definitely does happen. That might just be because of how our society set up though.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Will can control emotions, but in reality all you're doing is controlling the urge to act on them or controlling the natural tendency to let them effect your mood. The emotion is still there. This is especially true with emotions that originate in the lower, more primitive part of the brain, such as anger/fear. Granted, this is for the average person. Maybe there are mental gurus out there who can actually prevent emotional responses from happening at all through intense desensitization training, but I think for the sake of the conversation it's safe to assume that most people aren't like that.

And being happy all the time is definitely not a negative quality. I don't really understand why anyone would think that. The only time I think I could understand such a sentiment is if it's in regards to happiness being a result of/causing ignorance, which in my experience definitely does happen. That might just be because of how our society set up though.
I see what you mean, and that puts what I said about not controlling 100% of my emotions pretty well, that the hardest thing to control is the origin of certain types of thoughts. I am still a student of these mental practices, but overtime and experience I have grown to actually stop the origin of judgments which dictates when something is bad or good in the emotional sense. I am entirely incapable of picking up on when someone looks awful or says something that was meant to be spiteful, though in the latter I still maintain the ability to analyse that it could be interpreted that way in a moral sense. Though beyond that, I'm good at controlling the emotions that do come through and stopping them from actually affecting my actions, like at one point a large guy was going to attack me from accusing me of something I hadn't done, and I merely stood my ground (not from courage haha, I'm quite weak) and after he walked away clearing his head, it was only till later that day when the emotion bled through and I was actually quite angry at the incident enough to shake, but even with that I wasn't unhappy, just displeased with his antics (testosterone is a dangerous thing...)

Haha the more ignorant you are of the world the easier it is to be happy, ignorance sometimes is bliss. xD I think I've seen a quote that said that he does not know a single happy genius or something to that effect. The world is pretty messed up, and I admit I have almost an Epicurean way of going about it (as in being more of a peaceful recluse and concerning oneself with just doing what one likes rather than politics and such).


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2003
Forest of Feelings
Hmm, is that really a good thing though? Seems kind of dangerous to condition yourself to have no reaction when a bigger guy is coming at you. But to be fair, it seems like it worked out for you in that particular situation.

From what I've learned, the frontal cortex is much better at receiving information from the reptilian part of the brain than it is at sending information to it because their are much more pathways leading in that direction. I guess with enough practice a person can actually create new pathways from the front to the back, making it much easier to control. I'm definitely not an expert though, so don't quote me on that.

Funnily enough I think the quickest way to stop yourself from getting mad at the things people say/do is to convince yourself that you're way better than everyone. It sounds terrible but it's effective. I don't really support this method cause it can potentially lead to other problems but it definitely works.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
Holder said:
Based on the assumption that I have always been entirely aware of the practical applications of emotional control. Y'know, I used to be a child?
I had still given you the same answer if you said 'in the last couple of months'. In fact, that is something I was assuming you meant.

Look, you can't feel happy without feeling sad once in a while. You could throw all the 'my inner joy is true ' crap at me you want, but that is just blatant ignorance( and that appears to make you 'happy'). Everything is relative. Imagine yourself explaining to a kid what the meaning of 'left' is(aka happiness) without knowing what right (sadness) is. You'd say:"Well, look at this hand, this is my left side."
"what's that other hand then?"
"Don't know, just know that this is my lefty."
"Well how do you know for sure that is left, and not the other one?"

Look, I'm not trying to rob you from your positive outlook in life. That's a great thing to have. But to think that ignoring sadness or 'choosing to not feel it' makes your life better is a bit ridiculous. You can't ignore it. You will feel it. The only thing you CAN do, is to accept whatever it is is happening to you and move on.

And I don't think LT meant finding a person unremarkable if they have never experienced sadness. I think he meant that for that person, his/her life would be less remarkable if they never did.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
What Rici said. It's not the appearence of unremarkability that I'm talking about. I'm saying that looking back on a life lived with such a singular emotion or outlook must be empty and purgatorial...not to others but to yourself. I just don't believe it's a thing to strive for and to do so is to struggle against the very fundamental precepts of human existence. It's like to try to will away sleepiness or hunger. And yeah, you can probably link me to some religious or spiritual practitioners who don't sleep for years or fast for months on end but I feel that is irrelevant in the context of this conversation.

I am all for reaching for stoicism at all times in my life but I think it's simple self-indulgence to try and convince yourself that people's emotional outlook is as simply kept in check by a 7 step mantra. I'm not saying that doesn't work for you specifically, but to toss it around as if it was applicable to all of society is pretty delusional and slightly egotistical. When you mention that you apparently can't read social cues like facial expressions or diction of voice makes me hesitant to apply your theories of emotion to the average person.

I also wasn't saying "being happy all the time is bad". I'm saying that anyone who claims such is being insincere.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I had still given you the same answer if you said 'in the last couple of months'. In fact, that is something I was assuming you meant.

Look, you can't feel happy without feeling sad once in a while. You could throw all the 'my inner joy is true ' crap at me you want, but that is just blatant ignorance( and that appears to make you 'happy'). Everything is relative. Imagine yourself explaining to a kid what the meaning of 'left' is(aka happiness) without knowing what right (sadness) is. You'd say:"Well, look at this hand, this is my left side."
"what's that other hand then?"
"Don't know, just know that this is my lefty."
"Well how do you know for sure that is left, and not the other one?"

Look, I'm not trying to rob you from your positive outlook in life. That's a great thing to have. But to think that ignoring sadness or 'choosing to not feel it' makes your life better is a bit ridiculous. You can't ignore it. You will feel it. The only thing you CAN do, is to accept whatever it is is happening to you and move on.

And I don't LT meant finding a person unremarkable if they have never experienced sadness. I think he meant that for that person, his/her life would be less remarkable if they never did.
Again, I am very aware of both hands, in fact I am well-versed in the ways of wallowing in sadness, and I have renounced such ways. So yes, I do know what sadness can make a person do, I have my past actions and scenarios to call upon. And no I don't worry about things even when I try really hard for something that matters to me, I just take it in stride. People are indeed capable of not being unhappy with any given situation, though if I find a situation where it is impossible I'll let you know, but it hasn't happened as of yet, and to me it is more fundamental, not a "this case" "that case" kind of thing.

Edit: Though I do like your point here which reminds me of one I saw in Plato's Republic, a Socratic dialogue, where it goes like this:

Socrates: Do you suppose that anyone who is moved the the center from below could imagine other than that he had moved up? At the middle point, then, if he should look back down whence he came, would he not think that he is now on top since he doesn't know what is really above?

Glaucon: By Zeus! I don't see how he could think anything else.

Socrates: But should he descend again to where he was before, he would suppose--and correctly--that he had moved downward?

Glaucon: Certainly.

Socrates: And all that he experiences results, in turn, from his inexperience of what is really up, down, and center?

Glaucon: Clearly.

Socrates: Then is it any wonder that those without experience of truth have false notions about pleasure and pain and what lies between, and about many other things as well? When they are brought down by pain, their impressions were realistic enough; they know they are in pain. But when they move upward again to the middle point, they are persuaded that they have reached the ultimate in pleasure. It is as though, in the absence of white, they were comparing black with gray. Similarly inexperienced in true pleasure, they are persuaded that pleasure is the absence of pain.

That is definitely a good point I would say, in fact I'd concede to saying I am incapable of unhappiness, and I am left with the center and up, since I am saying I am merely content at all times, which is a form of happiness, and the other one would be excitement perhaps, which would be up, and I'm definitely not always stuck there.

What Rici said. It's not the appearence of unremarkability that I'm talking about. I'm saying that looking back on a life lived with such a singular emotion or outlook must be empty and purgatorial...not to others but to yourself. I just don't believe it's a thing to strive for and to do so is to struggle against the very fundamental precepts of human existence. It's like to try to will away sleepiness or hunger. And yeah, you can probably link me to some religious or spiritual practitioners who don't sleep for years or fast for months on end but I feel that is irrelevant in the context of this conversation.

I am all for reaching for stoicism at all times in my life but I think it's simple self-indulgence to try and convince yourself that people's emotional outlook is as simply kept in check by a 7 step mantra. I'm not saying that doesn't work for you specifically, but to toss it around as if it was applicable to all of society is pretty delusional and slightly egotistical. When you mention that you apparently can't read social cues like facial expressions or diction of voice makes me hesitant to apply your theories of emotion to the average person.

I also wasn't saying "being happy all the time is bad". I'm saying that anyone who claims such is being insincere.
I'm not religious so I wouldn't post anything like that nor do I know anything of that nature. Again, you are on the assumption that I have never went through hard times, I can recall specific moments of my life that were difficult that I let push me around, though I cannot recall the last moments of that enabling. I've let relationships rule my will, and thus made my happiness contingent on things of relativity, let alone something beyond my own will, something utterly beyond my control. And you may say that it is like swimming against the flow of a river, to me it isn't, and I am the one doing it. If I were to explain it, it'd be like when a monk asked Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, "What is the highest technique you hope to achieve?" And he answers, "To have no technique." Which sums up Eastern philosophy very well, which you should read up on too. To me it is like non-action, being like the strongest thing, the air itself that is untouched in any match and crushes things with their own weight as they pass by uselessly (Tao Te Ching roughly says that in a part).

You don't understand stoicism my friend, or you'd know your own judgment of what I said is what makes it egotistical. I went into the Happy Thread, posted a good and light hearted snippet of a comment, that is all. It was no insult to anyone, and it wasn't an insult to you who may think that seven steps to happiness is a joke, which yeah of course it is more than that, I basically wrote down cold logical syllogisms. No it at times is not easy to follow that. No I do not look down upon those who fail to do so, and ultimately, which you seem to assume which is strange, I don't think of myself highly at all that I can be content with things. It is one of my few abilities, I basically sacrificed my knowledge of houses to better understand the brick in which people use to build. It is most certainly applicable to everyone if I can achieve it, but it is a hard road, just like it was for me, and some aren't natural disposed to that lifestyle, I'm just introverted so anger was not even a part of the battle with me. Also, I can understand expressions and diction, like I said I can see when things can be taken in a manner, just no feelings or hormones are roused in that process and I am incapable of arguing and raising my voice (not physically) and instead stick with discussions and a controlled voice. Not to mention the fact that even if I was an Asperger's patient, I doubt choosing constant contentment necessarily causes that.

You said someone like that is featureless and unremarkable. I'm sorry if I misread what you meant though, we are speaking over difficult means so assumptions create large discrepancies.

Hmm, is that really a good thing though? Seems kind of dangerous to condition yourself to have no reaction when a bigger guy is coming at you. But to be fair, it seems like it worked out for you in that particular situation.

From what I've learned, the frontal cortex is much better at receiving information from the reptilian part of the brain than it is at sending information to it because their are much more pathways leading in that direction. I guess with enough practice a person can actually create new pathways from the front to the back, making it much easier to control. I'm definitely not an expert though, so don't quote me on that.

Funnily enough I think the quickest way to stop yourself from getting mad at the things people say/do is to convince yourself that you're way better than everyone. It sounds terrible but it's effective. I don't really support this method cause it can potentially lead to other problems but it definitely works.
Haha he was much bigger than me, and not alone. If I had gotten angry and challenged him, it would have been all over. XD Though yeah if I got attacked only then would I try to defend myself even if it was futile.

And yeah I think you're right, I have seen a documentary on that before where the mid part of the brain (can't recall the names) controls emotion and basically has a highway straight to the ethical center, whereas the ethical center has like a thin, roundabout, root system it has to weave through to get back to the emotion headquarters, even presuming someone even tries to do get that far. Emotionally we are programmed like the other animals, "fight-and-flight" system, or whatever it is called. But because humans are so much smarter and can conceptualize the future, we manipulate our own emotions much more, so on several occassions each day the average adult goes through multiple periods of stress equivalent to what prey feels like for a brief second when a predator is chasing them. Stuff like that unravels chromosomes in your body, essentially sucking up your lifespan. O___O That documentary blew my mind.

Hahaha as for your ego theory... XD I just find it easier to think yourself equal and when people do things you just remember that they too are going through the battle that is life. Though admittedly that is probably more difficult than just going, "I am the best. *scoffs and turns away*" XP


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I did not mean egotistical in the sense of thinking highly of yourself per se, but in the context of just your original post with those 7 steps, I interpreted your post as a "prescription" to humanity rather than as a personal guideline. As I read it, it seemed to me you were insisting the secret or key to a positive life, by your metric. and I make no qualms about me myself being egotistical mind you. doesn't mean I can't use the word.

And you say you didn't mention facial expressions/social cues, then what does this sentence mean:

"I am entirely incapable of picking up on when someone looks awful or says something that was meant to be spiteful, though in the latter I still maintain the ability to analyse that it could be interpreted that way in a moral sense."

also, it's mildly condescending how you keep telling me to read books. The main point of my argument the concept of suffering and contentment in constant flux, balancing each other out, is explicitly Taoist. I'm not a stranger to Eastern (or Western) philosophy.

Anyways, this is all stemming from a misinterpretation of your original post and I'm not very interested in continuing this dialogue but reply as you wish!

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I did not mean egotistical in the sense of thinking highly of yourself per se, but in the context of just your original post with those 7 steps, I interpreted your post as a "prescription" to humanity rather than as a personal guideline. As I read it, it seemed to me you were insisting the secret or key to a positive life, by your metric. and I make no qualms about me myself being egotistical mind you. doesn't mean I can't use the word.

And you say you didn't mention facial expressions/social cues, then what does this sentence mean:

"I am entirely incapable of picking up on when someone looks awful or says something that was meant to be spiteful, though in the latter I still maintain the ability to analyse that it could be interpreted that way in a moral sense."

also, it's mildly condescending how you keep telling me to read books. The main point of my argument the concept of suffering and contentment in constant flux, balancing each other out, is explicitly Taoist. I'm not a stranger to Eastern (or Western) philosophy.

Anyways, this is all stemming from a misinterpretation of your original post and I'm not very interested in continuing this dialogue but reply as you wish!
Once again I say it is your judgment that makes it condescending, who are you to tell me what I meant by that? I am being incredibly formal if you can tell by my long convoluted posts, I dislike reducing something to "My favorite color is blue" kind of thing, which it bore likeness to at the beginning. And no, the Taoists don't believe the Yin and Yang is happiness and sadness, it is male and female (and in some instances I think it is used as good and evil, like good can't exist without the other, but that is superfluous, especially since we've already passed the "I have experienced sadness before" part), and it is also used as the spiritual and the physical. If there is a happiness and sadness interpretation of it, then it is definitely just a denomination of it and not the only way to look at it. But again, I seriously just like spreading interest in philosophy, since it is severely unknown to people, you only get a change to be taught it in college, and that is simply optional, and by that point people are hardly to even care about such things or put much stock in it. Books like "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius if read by everyone would probably make us all just a little bit better at seeing things, a good quick read that isn't exhaustive like philosophical essays. I don't like assuming people know anything about philosophy, and I have no qualms with suggesting books to another, just because they are brainy things doesn't mean it is meant to offend. Another unconventional belief I have that may receive dislike from you as well is this:

1. The origin of the offensiveness is what is offensive.
2. Something is found offensive insofar as someone is offended.
3. Someone not offended finds something not offensive.
4. The one who finds finds offensiveness is the offender.

Of course, that doesn't make when someone is doing something wrong unto someone not wrong, just the suffering obtained from it (unless physical obviously, it doesn't ask how you want to take a punch or something). This mostly applies to finding something rude or poor mannered, or when someone says something online you presume I take an offensive stance against your nature. I'd go ahead and say you are likely smarter than myself, philosophy is just a hobby of mine.

Also, social cues is the whole, whereas expressions, diction, fashion, labels, body language, those are examples of pieces to the whole. So when I say I don't pick up on the negative lighted pieces of the whole, it does not mean I miss the whole, nor do I miss how something could be considered negative, it is simply a more objective lighting, not even a happy-go-lucky sugar-coated version. Looking at things objectively actually causes contentment, like removing yourself from the equation or leveling off equally or whatever manner you'd like to describe it.

Anyways, sorry if I upset you, was just wanting to post a little something in the Happy thread tis all. Appreciate hearing someone's thoughts though, especially if they disagree.


shattering perfection
Jul 30, 2001
secret room of wonder and despair
I'd like to just clarify I wasn't talking so much about the concept of yin yang (though that is also something I interpret more broadly than just "male/female") but the broad fundamental concept of "this" being "that". It's not just exclusively Taoist though. I think Heraclitus said "The way up and down is one and the same". So it is with all contrasting things, and to my perspective "happiness" vs "sadness" or any such emotional paradoxes fall under that category as well. They aren't the only example of course and I don't know where I put that notion forth for you to interpret.

Anyhow, no hard feelings of course! I speak crassly and even tastelessly sometimes but I don't mean it maliciously


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Based on the assumption that I have always been entirely aware of the practical applications of emotional control. Y'know, I used to be a child?

Oh really? Do we really need suffering in order to appear remarkable? I have been considered the most strange, complex, and unique individual as far as my friends and spectators go, even having won most original back in high school for my senior year (and I am the antisocial type, so basically hardly anyone knew my outside of my zone of friends, so I had built up the reputation without even trying or caring). You seem to not really explain what you mean, I'm sorry, but all the joy in life comes from my joy, and the individuality springs from my experiences, dreams, friends, and projects. I'd never say someone was boring just because they've never been legitimately POed or upset about something, and in fact I know many friends that I've never seen shaken with emotion that are a blast to be around, they are much more fun to be around especially because they are incapable of being offended.

The always happy people you speak of are the oh-so-friendly sweet-and-sugary to all people who are on highs. I am not uppity though do have emotions, and I have preferences and expectations, playfulness, taste, etc... none of these are originated from sorrow and anger. I am talking about a stoic contentment that cannot be broken. Not someone who constantly wears a fake smile on their face, though it'd be shallow to infer someone like that is quite featureless.

As for your last comment, yes, our will certainly does control your emotions. You always give the final assent to whether something causes you anger and to lash out, nothing MAKES you do anything, as much as most people say others do. Theoretical and practical wisdom are completely two different things. Obviously, most people don't know how to control their own emotions, in fact I don't 100%, though well enough to never actually be unhappy with life and to look forward to everything and accept any hardship and hurdle I must scale.

Pick up a book on philosophy, think about things, do not think yourself so plain that you are featureless without things that make you cry, the crying did nothing for you, and I wouldn't count you out as such a boring and base character. You cut yourself too short my friend. Also, for logic-sake, do not equate control of emotion as lack thereof, since if there was no emotion... you wouldn't be controlling anything. Yes, someone with no emotions would have no emotional features, very true assessment.
Best new member of the year.

Amazing post as well my man/lady.

As well as your other posts, I've kinda felt the same way as you for a while, but it took a long period of major darkness to find happiness.

Now I really have nothing in life to be unhappy about, except maybe the weather in this country and the lack of hooking up with hot guys recently hahahah.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
I think I've really quit smoking..5 days now and very seldem urge to have one ^^;
Something negative (feeling like I'm dying from this chest cold. Almost better now tho) into something positive.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
You should keep strong at it. Don't ever have a smoke again!

My cousin quit for two months. Claimed it was easy and everything seemed to be going alright. Then he had a stressful day (not his fault), used a cigarette to cope and he's now back to square one.

Still really happy with my job :D I got a high score on my application, so I get preference for the rotations I want. Only problem is I don't know what sort of doctor I want to be yet...


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
I am totally tempted by dermatology :p While I've always liked medicine and find it interesting, it's always been "just" a job to me. I'm not doing this subject to spend the rest of my life overworked, underpaid and unappreciated. A lot of people say I should be a paediatrician though. Kids always like me... but I don't always like them lol.

I'm like the laziest person ever and dermatology has lots of good aspects to it. It's a 9-5 job, the patients are less likely to be jerks/piss you off, you get to do surgeries, there's room for private work and there's no ward rounds.

edit: just found out I was the highest rated applicant for North East London!!! Time to celebrate.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
I've been feeling like crap...so my roomie decided to cheer me up by putting a bunch of really awesome quotes on heart shaped post its and hiding them around our dorm room! Now they're adorning the wall next to my bunk. Best roomie ever! <3 Definitely like a sister to me ; w;


Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2011
Being a scrub in NorCal
I'm happy to have my friends. They make me happy even when there is finals and family issues.

Plus I'm happy that I'm going to my first melee tourney this saturday in doubles. I'm ready to get my *** kicked though, hope I can make it through the first round. :)


"The snake, knowing itself, strikes swiftly"
Jul 19, 2008
Australia | Melb
Passed all my uni subjects when I thought for sure I was going to fail at least one! Yay Just scraped through with a overall 56/100 for the sub I thought I failed


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Jack Daniels made a ***** beer that tastes like Jack and coke. I could drink this all day


Smash Ace
Jun 23, 2011
Being a scrub in NorCal
The tourney was a lot of fun, we lost but we did get a lot of friendlies in. Friendlies at tournies are way more fun then at home and It's fun watching good players in person. Now for studying for finals >_>


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
I'm about ready to start marathon training for the 3rd time in 3 years begining January 1st. I just got finished with a long run and am feeling the best I've ever had in December. Looking forward to a fun 2012 training season.
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