I don't even know where to begin I just what ahahahahahahhahaha
My brain is doing backflips over the impossible amount of hilariousness there is to munch on.
Your daily dose of EE snark is now color coded for your pleasure.
Oh man here it comes, the frat boy credentials, this guy must get SO MUCH PULL OH MAN
I stand optimally corrected
What a PIMP you are oh man, I stand OVERWHELMED by your achievements.
The fact that you cite this as an accomplishment is both the funniest and spergiest thing I have seen in quite a few internets. Even moreso in lieu of your declaration of ALPHA STATUS RRRGGGHHH.
And the magic part is that you're the only one that doesn't get the joke!
See above.
Also, you know that vibe you get when a little kid learns a new word for the first time, and then starts using it at every opportunity because they think it makes them sound like they possess some sort of expertise when in reality they're just reciting something they overheard? Yeah. Yeah, that.
But hey, at least you'll always have calling people "sad pathetic nerds". On the internet. On a video game forum. Nope. Definitely no hypocrisy here. Definitely not being facetious here. Not even a little.
Okay I totally am HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my freakin' God. This post is like raaiiieeeeaaaaaAAIIIN on your wedddiiiiiiinnng DAY, I'll tell ya.
Nice capitalization there. A capitalization that makes it clear that you completely worship this Alpha Male ideal that you so desperately want to see yourself as. Which is, y'know, beta-thinkin' if you're the sort that subscribes to such labelling.
Look duder, here's the way it is. You are not an alpha male. You are not even a particularly enlightened individual. You are an adolescent; a dime a dozen teenager that thinks because he's finally gotten over the awkwardness of post-puberty and stopped sprouting constant acne, he has the world all figured out. In fact, going by how blatant and blissfully unaware you are of your social pitfalls, you're easily one the geekiest guy to post on this page of the thread.
Then again, maybe I shouldn't doubt your eminence. After all, you know a guy that had sex six or seven times1!!!!!11!!!11!!! Wow!
Alright, multiple choice to close out the post:
A) Pickle is the most alpha Hudderite I know.
B) Mangaka is the new personal trainer. Put the homestead on that one, boys, it's a winner.
C) Pickle's definition of the term wingman may or may not include a reference to Top Gun.
D) Nickname time! Pickle, you are now Skynet.
Because you're just so self-aware.
E) Great, now I have to start caring about Forum Awards, because it's a travesty if this doesn't win funniest post.
F) In all seriousness, your accomplishments are completely unimpressive. However, they are things that would make me happy to see someone post about as new insights through the lens of a young person growing up into a man. But instead of growing up, you're regressing if anything. The fact that you tried to leverage these "alpha accomplishments" at all -- in addition to the fact that they really are anything but -- as an excuse to act condescending towards people who know infinitely more about both the world and dating than you do makes you completely deserving of all the backlash you're getting.
G) I could have infracted you for trolling but this was both infinitely more satisfying and probably more beneficial for your development into a worthwhile and contributing member of society.