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The GtaN Brawl General discussion thread! -Wait, did the title change?


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I don't assume anything. Banning MK is a risk we're willing to take to improve the metagame, as the other alternative includes inherent stagnation
Who knows, maybe it WONT stagnate.

MKs dominance is slipping, thus the metagame is still developping.

On another note, i 2-0ed kingace on wifi XD

I could tell he was having a hard time adjusting though.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
Joe ur defending of MK is pretty funny. After u lost to hype at DUY's U were so pissed off at the brokeness of MK that you actually picked him up. You told everyone how broken he was and **** and now u are changing ur tune. Don't get me wrong your a skilled player but i mean coming from a guy who hated MK in the beginning its kinda sad.

@ swordgard the reason MK makes this game not enjoyable is the fact that he forces you to camp him in order to have any shot at winning. I have not seen a character that is able to use camping so much in his advantage since O sagat in ST. O Sagat was so campy and dominant in ST at one point Japan decided to soft ban him and u know what happened, players became more skilled with there characters not having to deal with the insane camp. Meanwhile in America they stuck with the camp style. When evo came around Japan wrecked US ****. They didnt need the O sagat matchup experience cause they were just way more skilled and too this day their better then the US at 2d fighters. I think the banning of MK will make this community more skilled as a whole


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Joe ur defending of MK is pretty funny. After u lost to hype at DUY's U were so pissed off at the brokeness of MK that you actually picked him up. You told everyone how broken he was and **** and now u are changing ur tune. Don't get me wrong your a skilled player but i mean coming from a guy who hated MK in the beginning its kinda sad.



Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Just for the record, Yun is the best in sf3 and msp is not the best team in Marvel...
Akuma is the best in ST and he's banned....

Edit: Joe, I thought you meant you were 4-0 with me. Which is why I was like when did that happen?
Chun is actually the best in 3S =/. However; Yoshimitsu is not the best in SC2 - Cervantes is the clear-cut top, and the #2 spot was debated for a long time (probably still is) between Yoshi and Mitsu)

@Swordgard; get out of here with your logic. This is a game that we want to have fun with, f*** logic. Let's take a cue from the HD Remix community and ban this ****** because life is short and we'd rather spend it having fun then arguing whether a character in a video game is broken or not. :)

Deleted member

Who knows, maybe it WONT stagnate.

MKs dominance is slipping, thus the metagame is still developping.
It already is stagnating. People are quitting, frustration is at an all-time high. I wouldn't say his dominance is wavering in the slightest - I'm not sure why you're saying that. We can ****-ride Ally all day, but he's the anomaly.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Joe ur defending of MK is pretty funny. After u lost to hype at DUY's U were so pissed off at the brokeness of MK that you actually picked him up. You told everyone how broken he was and **** and now u are changing ur tune. Don't get me wrong your a skilled player but i mean coming from a guy who hated MK in the beginning its kinda sad.
this was when i was a scrub and used Fox only, i was bitter from losing and made rash judgements based on me not being as skilled as MK players,sorta like what 80% of this community is turning into, the metagame was way different back then and i had a different mindset, i thought MK was broken actually when i played King Ace at pownz when he nado ***** me, and when i look at it now,it was my fault that i didnt know how to punish or DI out of the nado, i was just being a scurb, like cmon i didnt even know what tech chasing was lol.....and im not defending MK im pointing out how terrible and laughable the Pro Ban movement here is, i dont care either way.....ofcourse im gonna speak up when i see bull**** pro ban stuff being flung around here


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
@ swordgard the reason MK makes this game not enjoyable is the fact that he forces you to camp him in order to have any shot at winning. I have not seen a character that is able to use camping so much in his advantage since O sagat in ST. O Sagat was so campy and dominant in ST at one point Japan decided to soft ban him and u know what happened, players became more skilled with there characters not having to deal with the insane camp. Meanwhile in America they stuck with the camp style. When evo came around Japan wrecked US ****. They didnt need the O sagat matchup experience cause they were just way more skilled and too this day their better then the US at 2d fighters. I think the banning of MK will make this community more skilled as a whole
Choi vs. Daigo



SNES crew: Ally/Ace/Minus/Ambrose/Percon/Holy???/???

You guys are gonna ****. All they expect out of Canada is Ally and Holy. Ace comes up to the plate, and OMFG **** MK NADO NADO NADO. Minus comes in, they expect the campfire, and OMFG AGGRO FALCO WTF? Ambrose comes in with his >lain Iceys and Percon comes in with his Chudat-like Kirby.



*runs away*


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
honestly though the real question here is, why is the community dying here is it really because of mk or is it simply because the game itself isn't too deep and the recent release of new fighters is bringing in interest like sf4/blazblue. You guys all continue to go to tournaments currently regardless of mk and there are ways to deal with mks. DOC doesn't even use mk unless its a gay stage. Nickcam's wario can handle mk too its not like there aren't ways to deal with it. His only brokeness only lies in the fact that he has no hard counters, most of his matchups with the high tier cast are winnable though. What this means is the better skilled player will usually win, and hey look i've been playing mk for a while and i play against nickcam and guess what he usually beats me, why? because hes a lot more skilled and knows the matchup. If you look sliq came here and placed 3rd with a bowser what does that say about this community's mks.

Really all you guys are doing is whining like babies about his inherent brokeness, yes he does have tools which make him better than the cast but no its not to the point where he cannot be dealt with. If he was that broken everyone who picked him up would be placing first but look at apex and genesis results like hype stated before. I agree with banning a dbl mk in dbls however i think in singles its ridiculous to ban a character because he has no hard counter or counter pick stages its still a very close match with a handful of the top tier characters.

In all honesty if you guys decide to ban MK as a community thats your choice, don't like it then don't play. You guys are screwing over mk mains who have been playing mk b4 all the ppl jumped on the mk bandwagon and started playing him a lot. The argument u guys have is that if we are skilled players then it won't matter much and we can just pickup other characters and play. While thats true for beating scrubs-mid level players, to play on a high competitive level which is pretty much like PR material your gonna need a character you are familiar with and a playstyle which suits you. Picking up another character while everyone is a year ahead of you in experience just means that you've effectively handicapped yourself by 1 year of playtime with that character.

You guys can just go ahead and ban mk, saugas just gonna lose another driver but no biggy since carter and mikey can. Reason why i'm quitting because already as it is i only go to tourneys to play and have fun and the only way i would be able to play decently woudl be to use the character i've been using since release but if you guys ban it then its no fun for me anymore. I don't have time to pickup another character and play it because i am very busy with life.

For the record i've never stated i'm good with mk or anythign like that highest i've placed in a tourney is 13th those pesky falcos keep beating me (fool and minus). I'll be waiting on the community's decision and if you guys decide to ban mk i hope you did it for the right cause and not because of some whining. If the community actually grows and becomes big again i might reconsider playing again. I really hope that you guys are doing this for the right reasons, i really love smash as a game ever since n64 smash came out and seeing the brawl scene die so fast is pretty heart breaking. hope the scene will be revived, someone msg me on msn when it is and thanks for screwing over me, hype, and phil (at least joe could still go bak to fox if he wanted)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2008
K Ace is right, whoever is anti ban and hosts a tourney can unban him, whoever is pro ban and hosts a tourney can ban him.

so basically majority of tourneys will be mk free

i say we at least TRY the mk banning for a tourney.
Some of you say "oh everyones gonna go snake/falco/some **** here"
well, lets see

Way i see it, tourney number will INCREASE after an MK ban, considering that the majority here is pro ban.

And honestly, why do people argue about people from US coming up here?
First of all, when was the last time US came to a tourney here?
Second of all, who honestly gives a ****?

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Joe you didn't really prove a point there yknow.
im not trying to prove a point,im giving reasons as to why i think they way i do

as a matter of fact,what the hell have the pro banners here proved? nothing,you just got together and outnumbered the anti banners and turned our scene into a joke

noone has answered my question as to why Holy can beat every MK here,wait let me guess he's inhuman just like Ally right? nvm every person that can beat MK is inhuman despite MK losing to numerous players and characters, scrub attitude i hate sounding like the generic anti ban people but honestly you guys are just scrubbing out because your not good enough to beat MK


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
im not trying to prove a point,im giving reasons as to why i think they way i do

as a matter of fact,what the hell have the pro banners here proved? nothing,you just got together and outnumbered the anti banners and turned our scene into a joke

noone has answered my question as to why Holy can beat every MK here,wait let me guess he's inhuman just like Ally nvm, scrub attitude i hate sounding like the generic anti ban people but honestly you guys are just scrubbing out because your not good enough to beat MK
KingAce beats him...

and no one said MK is impossible to beat (if you think so you're dumb) it's just he breaks the CP system, metagame stuff, y'know all that


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Joe the whole point of this was we don't want to have to put up with people RUNNING THE CLOCK FOR 8 MINUTES TO WIN and crap like that. We want to have more fun with the game instead of putting up with MK's gay crap.

Just to be a jerk: Duy's biweekly - Joe (fox) vs Danny (snake) after about what 3-5 months of not practicing, Danny wins
Duy's NEXT biweekly i.e. not that far away: Joe (mk) vs Danny (snake) easy win for Joe

Pro-ban isn't full of BS

Kingace also has recently took a big lead vs Holy in set count

Deleted member

im not trying to prove a point,im giving reasons as to why i think they way i do

as a matter of fact,what the hell have the pro banners here proved? nothing,you just got together and outnumbered the anti banners and turned our scene into a joke

noone has answered my question as to why Holy can beat every MK here,wait let me guess he's inhuman just like Ally right? nvm every person that can beat MK is inhuman despite MK losing to numerous players and characters, scrub attitude i hate sounding like the generic anti ban people but honestly you guys are just scrubbing out because your not good enough to beat MK
Way to belittle my arguments without actually refuting them. Human error and smart capitalization allows for great players to beat the best MKs, but that doesn't happen enough for it to be a reliable argument.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
KingAce beats him...

and no one said MK is impossible to beat (if you think so you're dumb) it's just he breaks the CP system, metagame stuff, y'know all that
he gets taken to last game last stock almost every time they play(i think),and Phil is the best MK here, he should be winning against Holy EASILY because the matchup is like 65:35..(even if Phil has dominated Holy which i find really hard to believe, Holy still hasnt lost to ANY other mk here)

and wtf if he isnt impossible to beat then why are we banning him? because you cant take him to a stage where your guaranteed a win?(diddy/ics/falco on fd,snake/falco on halberg etc etc) the ban isnt justified at all, the only reason why our scene is banning him is there sick of losing to him and its true

and lol at using me vs danny as evidence....did you not see how terrible i played in that set? ill put any amount of money that my rusty fox will beat his rusty snake.....i got smarter as a player,it just so happened that my skill greatly increased around the time i picked up Mk,how is it that i dont even practice Fox but im still good with him? its all player skill people not the character like you guys said, player skill always beats MK,which is why Holy vs Mk is exactly the reason why i cant take the pro ban seriously here

edit: delorted i ignored all of your posts after you said youd be tourney viable with Mk after 2days of practice,but fine ill take a look at what you said

Way to belittle my arguments without actually refuting them. Human error and smart capitalization allows for great players to beat the best MKs, but that doesn't happen enough for it to be a reliable argument.
why cant the non Mk mains do this? cause there not good enough? or are you saying that the mks in ontario make no mistakes and cant be capitilized on


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
he gets taken to last game last stock every time they play,and Phil is the best MK here, he should be winning against Holy EASILY because the matchup is like 65:35 and wtf if he isnt impossible to beat then why are we banning him? because you cant take him to a stage where your guaranteed a win?(diddy/ics/falco on fd,snake/falco on halberg etc etc) the ban isnt justified at all, the only reason why our scene is banning him is there sick of losing to him and its true
This is Brawl, the game doesn't work that way

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Like u were? Only difference is we are not picking him up
ok so your admitting that your sick of losing to MK,do something about it like i did then, your character has beaten mk(fiction vs m2k) and also you've beaten every mk here besides Ace lol seems like you just want to make $$ off this game

and tbh i probably could take out any MK here besides Hype Brose and Phil with Fox with the skill i have now

edit: stalling isnt a problem in our area,the only time the clock has been ran was me vs minus, and anyone vs ICs(how the matchup should be played if you expect to not get *****) not a big enough deal to be consider a cancer to the communuity

and another thing, does MK really dominate our scene? Me,hype and phil are the only true MK mains and add Brose in there if your considering all the good Mk mains(no offense to the rest) wow 4 MK players,thats unheard of in any other area which is why the MK ban is just in our scene

-rolls eyes-


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Really all you guys are doing is whining like babies about his inherent brokeness, yes he does have tools which make him better than the cast but no its not to the point where he cannot be dealt with. If he was that broken everyone who picked him up would be placing first but look at apex and genesis results like hype stated before. I agree with banning a dbl mk in dbls however i think in singles its ridiculous to ban a character because he has no hard counter or counter pick stages its still a very close match with a handful of the top tier characters.

You guys are screwing over mk mains who have been playing mk b4 all the ppl jumped on the mk bandwagon and started playing him a lot. The argument u guys have is that if we are skilled players then it won't matter much and we can just pickup other characters and play. While thats true for beating scrubs-mid level players, to play on a high competitive level which is pretty much like PR material your gonna need a character you are familiar with and a playstyle which suits you. Picking up another character while everyone is a year ahead of you in experience just means that you've effectively handicapped yourself by 1 year of playtime with that character.
Woooooooow I'm sorry but the only one "whining like a baby" is you in this very post. We aren't screwing anyone over - It's extremely easy to pick up a new character in this game and the vast majority of knowledge/skill you may have acquired can be transferred to almost any other character with ease. Seriously, go to training mode, pick G&W and use his bair for like 10 minutes - congratulations you learned a new character :)

MK was actually one of the characters I wanted to play before release... Two days after Brawl's release I gave up on him for two reasons:
1. Everyone and their grandmother was already playing him
2. After only two days of playing the game I realized he was broken as **** and would probably eventually get banned.

Even if people are a year ahead of you with a character you have to account for skill plateaus and realize that you can catch up very quickly. I played exclusively Ness (with a very occasional D3 counterpick) in tourney for a year, then I went to a tourney and used Snake (who I had never used in tourney before at all and only picked up in friendlies 2 months prior) and placed 5th out of 30-something...then I did the same thing the next week at FFYF2 and placed 9th out of 40-something.

Like I said before, with how long this game has been out if you honestly can't play any other character then you don't deserve to win anyway.

Anyway, Dimmy next time we're both at the same tourney $5 MM bo3 MK ditto :)

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Avarice why dont you MM your Mk vs my Fox then if your so cocky to challenge Dimmy hm? any amount of money as high as 50$

ill do this MM vs any of you pro banners and most likely 2-0 you all

im serious


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
No joe if i wanted to make money off this game i would pick MK. I want to be able to pull off wreck combos (Up air, up air , nado is not a wreck combo) and have the respect of people for playing a respectable character. Also i want to be able to approach any character and not count it as an auto loss (MK does not allow this).


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
joe, you don't ban characters that are impossible to beat, otherwise (going back to SF) Akuma wouldn't be banned. he's definitely beatable...it's just well yeah all the reasons have already been said

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
No joe if i wanted to make money off this game i would pick MK. I want to be able to pull off wreck combos (Up air, up air , nado is not a wreck combo) and have the respect of people for playing a respectable character. Also i want to be able to approach any character and not count it as an auto loss (MK does not allow this and IC to a certain extent).
you seriously think approaching MK = auto loss? what the ****?.....approaching ICs offers a WAY larger chance of having an auto loss handed to you

you pro banners are seriously too good

and the reason Akuma was banned was because he dominated most if not the entire cast, Mk goes even or close with Snake,Diddy,ICs,and Wario....more then enough characters to not completely break the game


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
ok so your admitting that your sick of losing to MK,do something about it like i did then, your character has beaten mk(fiction vs m2k) and also you've beaten every mk here besides Ace lol seems like you just want to make $$ off this game

and tbh i probably could take out any MK here besides Hype Brose and Phil with Fox with the skill i have now

edit: stalling isnt a problem in our area,the only time the clock has been ran was me vs minus, and anyone vs ICs(how the matchup should be played if you expect to not get *****) not a big enough deal to be consider a cancer to the communuity

and another thing, does MK really dominate our scene? Me,hype and phil are the only true MK mains and add Brose in there if your considering all the good Mk mains(no offense to the rest) wow 4 MK players,thats unheard of in any other area which is why the MK ban is just in our scene

-rolls eyes-
You shouldn't have a problem with the ban since your Fox is so good now

You shouldn't pull the money card on anybody, because every time you lose in singles you say you keep losing money on the game, sounds like someone wants to keep MK in the game so you have a chance at the money

A big argument from Minus was that having him as a backpocket character is only beneficial: as shown by - Ambrose, Doc,

5 MKs are on our PR: kingace, hype, doc, ambrose, yourself,


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
MK isn't safely approachable, you have to manipulate the MK into things that the MK shouldn't even be falling for in the first place.

Basically, if the MK makes a mistake, that's your only chance.

and LOL Joe I'll take on your Fox with Peach.....


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
joe, mk vs rob is 65:35. RLY!
i culd of sworn the way holy uses him it is at least a little less then even. i hate when people throw ***** numbers around.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Avarice why dont you MM your Mk vs my Fox then if your so cocky to challenge Dimmy hm? any amount of money as high as 50$
Because I honestly have a score to settle with Dimmy :), and since he's all worked up about losing his MK that he's spend the last 15 months improving I would like to see how my MK that I've spent maybe...a couple weeks improving will do.

and the reason Akuma was banned was because he dominated most if not the entire cast, Mk goes even or close with Snake,Diddy,ICs,and Wario....more then enough characters to not completely break the game
You're thinking of ST Akuma. HD Remix Akuma does not dominate the cast, yet he was still banned because he simply didn't fit in the engine... kinda like how MK's unpunishable moveset doesn't belong in an engine built on baiting and punishing.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
yoshimitsu in sc2

er. Mitsurugi was the best in SC2 bordering on a soft-ban. Yoshimitsu isn't even in the top or high tier. What ramshackle list are you getting that from?




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