Ok...here goes. I just played a few 1v1s against a human and some cpus using the characters I know best. This might seem lengthy, but I hope it helps. Oh, first let's get a faster dash speed in there please
Ganondorf: I'm glad thunderstorming is back with this codeset. Ganondorf NEEDS it. The shorter hop is nice for setting up spikes and on the stage u-airs. My biggest complaint is his fast fall and recovery. His recovery felt worse for some reason today and it was a real hindrance. What made it even worse is that his fast fall is SOOO **** fast. On one hand it's great for a fast fall air dodge to get back on the ground, where Ganondorf's strength lies. But on the other hand you can't mix up your recovery at all. A fast fall means death off the stage. This allowed my friends to gimp me quite easily with characters with a decent reach. Also, why can't Ganon ledge-hop? I can't not back off the ledge and get back on. I feel that hurts his recovery options more.
ADJUSTMENTS: Slow his fast down. 1.2 or 1.15 might be good. It keeps the whole 'Fast Fall to get to the ground' but also gives him some options off the stage. That or buff his up-b distance so he can recover after a fast fall.
Capt. Falcon: Ok he felt GREAT on the stage. U-Air on the stage is nice and his approaches with RAR'd B-airs and N-airs seemed a little stronger. But boy does he fall like a sack of a bricks. Capt. Falcons off the stage game made me wet before but now I have a lot of trouble going nearly as far out to chase someone. If we fix his up-b to not be direction dependent I think he'll be fine with these changes because otherwise he has to use his second jump to redirect himself instead of stalling out there to get a good Knee or u-air.
ADJUSTMENTS: Fix the directional Up-B nonsense and he's fine. If that can't be fixed drop his gravity to 1.1 or maybe even 1.05.
Link: He never had a strong off the stage game so I really like the new Link. The SH height is perfect for z-air spam and gives him a very good approach. Sadly it can't hit short characters but the medium to tall characters it's GREAT on. I still feel he could use a recovery buff. I might try to put that code to buff Links UP-B that Almas posted a while ago. On one note I did find myself suiciding with his d-air more. I use to be able to recover from a missed d-air when I try and predict a 'get up from the edge' move but now if I miss it's game over. High risk high reward I guess but it was still annoying. I say bring Link down to 1.1 down gravity.
ADJUSTMENT: His on the stage game is mad good so I'm hesitant to buff the recovery. Just keep it as a possibility.
Ike: The f-air approach feels a lot a better allowing for some good spacing for Ike. His recovery still sucks but I guess that's ok with how **** he is on the stage. I always thought his FF was fine in vBrawl, it's too fast now. He used to be able to FF a f-air or even a b-air but I was killing myself at least 30% of the time trying for that. Also, much like Ganondorf, Ike can't ledgehop.
ADJUSTMENT: Is it possible to let him ledge hop?
Marth: No double f-airs hurts his approach but at the same time the height is great for the 1 f-air. He places it perfectly on everyone. I noticed a full hop f-air to another f-air works but I didn't find it too helpful. Overall though he didn't feel too changed. Still felt solid.
ADJUSTMENT: He's good to go!
Snake: Ummmm maybe it's just me but the full hop and short hop heights are nearly the same on Snake. Besides for a full hop f-air (which doesn't seem like a viable approach at all) there is no reason to not just SH everything. Especially since he lost his full hop n-air. Snake seemed worse with these changes when he lost that, but maybe for balance purposes that'll be all right. Still, n-air was a good situational move but now I can't find a use for it. He will only hit with the first 3 parts of the attack until he lands, but the 3rd hit doesn't have enough stun to combo into anything. Maybe a grab, I never did try that.
ADJUSTMENT: On one hand he was too good and losing the n-air hurts, but as a avid Snake player I'll miss it. I'd like to say buff his full hop height, but let's see if this brings Snake back down to par with the others.
Wolf: I didn't feel anything terribly different about Wolf. His b-air approach seems even better thanks to a higher shorthop, but it really only made it easier to do. Wolf's recovery sucks and with the higher gravity I found I had 0 chance at a spike unless the enemy was recovering like an idiot. Do we want the d-air to be a spike or on the stage combo move?
ADJUSTMENT: He feels great still but I'll miss the spike. It felt badass to land but now I can't risk it. Buff his recovery or will that make him too good?
DK: I didn't have to change my style at all really. DK's loss of the double b-air is sad, but like Marth the single one is placed perfectly to hit the cast. His fast fall is in the same boat as Ganon's. It's nice to get back on the ground but hurts my recovery. Then again, DK's recovery is vastly superior to Ganon's so the Fast Fall might just be ok.
ADJUSTMENTS: Good to go!
Wario: Ummmm did he change?
ADJUSTMENTS: Good to go!
ZSS: I played like **** when I used her. Her jumps felt all off on me and besides for the usual u-air combos I was having trouble placing any f-air and b-airs. I only played two rounds with her, but she didn't feel right or fun at all.
ADJUSTMENTS: She needs shorter short hops still. 0.8 seems really low, but we should still try it.
OVERALL: Overall the changes have grown on me but I still have some initial complaints with the setup. This is a definite nerf to the off the stage game for much of the cast, and I'm a little sad to lose that. But most of the stage games felt great. I think this a good start but it needs some fine tweaking. I used to think most of the casts gravities were ok as they were, but seeing the work so far makes me anxious to see or work on it more.