Falcon is not hard to kill horizontally. Period there, yes, because he's a fast falling guy with a limited recovery.
But he lasts too long off the top. Like someone else mentioned before, it's an increase of about 40% of damage. As soon as I can, I'll do some more testing on it. I haven't had the chance to test Beta 3 or 3.1 yet, but saw that those values hadn't changed from Beta 2.
If I'm Snake, I'm not sending Falcon horizontally that often. All I have for that is Ftilt. Meanwhile, my Utilt, Dtilt, Uair, gronded Fair, Granades, C4, Dsmash, and Usmash all send him upwards. All of those now take way longer to kill Falcon.
In fact, not just Falcon but Fox and Falco too. All characters that get a substantial increase in Dgrav AND UpGrav, essentially. Not to mention faster FF's also reduce vertical kill power.
I mean, it's fine to nerf vertical kills. They were almost always too easy in vBrawl (Screeeeeeew you, Jungle Japes!). But faster FF's and Dgrav increases already do that.
Adding UpGrav to that mix just screams out for us to increase move-specific knockback as soon as we can (when that code is available). Too many vertical KO moves are getting gimped and need some power restored via a knockback increase.
But he lasts too long off the top. Like someone else mentioned before, it's an increase of about 40% of damage. As soon as I can, I'll do some more testing on it. I haven't had the chance to test Beta 3 or 3.1 yet, but saw that those values hadn't changed from Beta 2.
If I'm Snake, I'm not sending Falcon horizontally that often. All I have for that is Ftilt. Meanwhile, my Utilt, Dtilt, Uair, gronded Fair, Granades, C4, Dsmash, and Usmash all send him upwards. All of those now take way longer to kill Falcon.
In fact, not just Falcon but Fox and Falco too. All characters that get a substantial increase in Dgrav AND UpGrav, essentially. Not to mention faster FF's also reduce vertical kill power.
I mean, it's fine to nerf vertical kills. They were almost always too easy in vBrawl (Screeeeeeew you, Jungle Japes!). But faster FF's and Dgrav increases already do that.
Adding UpGrav to that mix just screams out for us to increase move-specific knockback as soon as we can (when that code is available). Too many vertical KO moves are getting gimped and need some power restored via a knockback increase.