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STARFURRY 3! Results are up! Thanks to all who came out.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I can bring a brawl setup if Bam comes pick me up. I'll ask him.
Excellent, that helpts a lot.
Driving my own car. Going to probably hang out in Toronto for a few hours before going to Sanuzi's house.
Alright, thanks.
Doing these four events with this turnout is going to be impossible unless there is a TV for every 2 people. Esp if brawl is first.
Do you like, want me to rent the venue out for Sunday too? I mean, I could do it, but it means everyone will have to change their plans and it'll be another $150 out of the pot >_>. Anyway, this next post basically covers what else I was gonna say.
I dunno, we've done it before with 80-90 people and had quite a bit of time to spare (without pools). We're doing it with pools this time though. If it seems like it's taking too long for the initial tourney, brawl singles, doubles or whatever, we could just cut pools for everything else.

The tourney will be completed within the timeframe ;D

Edit: GRMO, I'll bring powerbars. Probably like 4-5. I don't have extension cords though.

Powerbars are good; I really don't have many. Thanks.
I can bring 4 extension cords and a couple of power bars.
Nate and I are bringing recording setups! Can we set up a feed?
Sounds good, go for it.

Umm, Im gonna be driving up with a friend from upstate ny. It would be awesome if someone could house us aswell!
My house is seriously full...Josh?

The melee half of this tournament has a ridiculous amount of hype xD
lol yeah, the trash talk is good XD

PS. To everyone: I'm capping off signups at 100, since that's the max amount we can have and still fall under the venue's rules. I've added everyone who has said they're coming since I last notified you of limit, so please go over the list and make sure you're on there. Several places have just entered as a group of people, so can you clarify those numbers for me? Thanks. You will be given a lower priority for entering the tournament if you aren't on this list. I can make an exception for out-of-province visitors. I'm sorry, but because of the massive amount of people coming, I have to do this.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005

Hubble: I'll be able to house you, I have near unlimited space. I just need your confirmation now.
Ohio: Get your **** together. If you're housing with me, TELL ME. I will not let you in the front door unless you've confirmed.
The Grm: I may not be able to make it today; too many things going on, something I didn't expected x.x

I'll probably bring two-three T.V.s and two systems. Whoever has gamecube coaxial adapters, bring them. I have one but I need a second one pl0x.

Also, I need to know some hard facts.


The List (Add yourself)
- I.B.
- RaynEX
- Adnanface
- Sylar
- Sako
- Others
If you're not on the list, I am not expecting you. If I'm not expecting you, you will not be let in.

Things to note:

* Housing will be provided for the Friday and Saturday of.
* Do not show up at that door before 7:00 PM. No excuses.
* Bring sleeping bags, I only have couch space for... 6 people.
* Clean up after yourself, don't make a big mess and please try not to be overly loud!
* You will be expected to leave early morning Sunday, preferably before 11-12 PM. No excuses.
* I will not be assisting people in their departures, directions excluded (i.e., drives to bus stations)
* I have a mentally disabled (see: ********) brother. I'll keep him out of the basement, but be warned.
** If you have a problem with gay people, find somewhere else to stay. I don't want to feel uncomfortable under my own roof.

I can house quite a bit of people, so if you have no where to stay... look no further. Just be sure to follow the rules, and lastly, have a good time!

The List
- I.B.
- RaynEX
- Adnanface
- Sylar
- Sako
- KneeofJustice
- TheManaLord
- PikaPika!
- GameFreak
- MarikYoshi? MAYBE
- Unknown225225522552255222
- Nurglepuff? MAYBE

`Jammin' Jobus

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006

Hubble: I'll be able to house you, I have near unlimited space. I just need your confirmation now.
Ohio: Get your **** together. If you're housing with me, TELL ME. I will not let you in the front door unless you've confirmed.
The Grm: I may not be able to make it today; too many things going on, something I didn't expected x.x

The List
- I.B.
- RaynEX
- Adnanface
- Sylar
- Sako
- KneeofJustice
- TheManaLord
- PikaPika!
- GameFreak
- MarikYoshi? MAYBE
- Unknown225225522552255222
- Nurglepuff? MAYBE
I might need housing as well. I'll be able to tell you by tuesday.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
I'm coming with 3 people for sure:
And maybe a forth:

I'll clarify if Chris is coming or not as soon as I know.
Sorry, I have to cap it off after Justin. The list is at 100 now.

Hubble: I'll be able to house you, I have near unlimited space. I just need your confirmation now.
Ohio: Get your **** together. If you're housing with me, TELL ME. I will not let you in the front door unless you've confirmed.
The Grm: I may not be able to make it today; too many things going on, something I didn't expected x.x

The List
- I.B.
- RaynEX
- Adnanface
- Sylar
- Sako
- KneeofJustice
- TheManaLord
- PikaPika!
- GameFreak
- MarikYoshi? MAYBE
- Unknown225225522552255222
- Nurglepuff? MAYBE
That takes two people off my list.

Add "Jack" to the list.
It's capped off at this point, so I probably can't.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
Ontario, Canada
It appears that you have entered SRTM into the attendees list as STRM.

I just happened to notice this while reviewing the attendees list (>90!!!).

Just so there's no doubt,

Heheh, btw, 'sup SRTM. =D I have random thoughts of playing doubles. You wanna go?

Also, likelihood is increasing I can bring a Brawl setup.
I could have maybe brought a GC but it looks like there's enough of those?
doubles? maybe, i'll let you know later in the week. I had a request earlier from someone else, but theres a good chance. We'll probably get owned, but I don't remember seeing you play.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Sorry, I have to cap it off after Justin. The list is at 100 now.

That takes two people off my list.

It's capped off at this point, so I probably can't.
wait, so who's housing with you right now? where are montreal or americans staying?

edit: checked first page =P still doesn't seem clear where all americans are staying though.

(trying to decide if i should stay housing with you or switch to josh...basically i want to play the most people i haven't much/at all before)


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
wait, so who's housing with you right now? where are montreal or americans staying?

edit: checked first page =P still doesn't seem clear where all americans are staying though.

(trying to decide if i should stay housing with you or switch to josh...basically i want to play the most people i haven't much/at all before)
Well, that's because it's not clear where they're staying D:


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
wait, so who's housing with you right now? where are montreal or americans staying?

edit: checked first page =P still doesn't seem clear where all americans are staying though.

(trying to decide if i should stay housing with you or switch to josh...basically i want to play the most people i haven't much/at all before)
idea which house you wanna go to?
i'll go with you since im bussing it home with you the next day XD


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
idea which house you wanna go to?
i'll go with you since im bussing it home with you the next day XD
i'm not sure. josh's house has more people and most of the GTA melee people now...but grmo's has montrealers.

actually, you know what...josh's makes more sense cause we can bus back with more people. switch me to josh's house please.

note to self: lots of friendlies with grmo and montrealers while at venue


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
i'm not sure. josh's house has more people and most of the GTA melee people now...but grmo's has montrealers.

actually, you know what...josh's makes more sense cause we can bus back with more people. switch me to josh's house please.

note to self: lots of friendlies with grmo and montrealers while at venue
josh put me down for your house.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Alright, from what I can tell, we'll have max 8 Brawl setups, which is obviously going to be nowhere near enough. As a TO here, I'm seriously concerned by the lack of interest from the Brawl community, and I know that it's going to drag the tournament down. By the looks of it, everyone who's traveling from far away is coming to play Melee. If there are people who have already spent a lot of money getting a bus or train ticket or something, then I'll keep Brawl on for this. If not, I'm dropping it, and while I'm aware that it'll lose us a lot of attendees, I'm not too inclined to care, since the community for that game has been all but unresponsive to this. Not to discredit those who have been trying to make this work, but there are only a few of you, and that's not enough.

So, I need to ask: how many people would be willing to drop Brawl in favor of Melee crews/low tier, for a game that people are supporting this for and is far more guaranteed to run smoothly? I apologize for not expecting this, since I didn't realize that Brawl was dying (I've been out of the scene for a while), but unless people can convince me otherwise, I'm going to remove Brawl from the schedule so that other people who are traveling very far to play Melee (a good number of Americans and Quebecers, for example) can actually enjoy this event. So, please let me know. That means Melee players too. Everyone I've talked to so far agrees with this, so you've got until the end of the day to convince me otherwise.

At the very least, Brawl Teams is being dropped.


EDIT: For those of you who didn't want to read that: Brawl events are probably going to be cancelled. If you want to know why, then read this post.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
So, I need to ask: how many people would be willing to drop Brawl in favor of Melee crews/low tier
i support.

nah im playing.

yeah seriously where the **** is the brawl community?

wheres thier so called "hype"?

also Adnanface, Link vs. Peach MM Bo7 no bans any stage $10-20 ?


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Please, ditch brawl, it'll let the turnout for melee truly flourish and it will make the tournament run so much smoother. Just add a MELEE ONLY to the tourny topic title and it'll get even more people.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Grmo, many people are planing on attending this for brawl. It may not look like it but it is happening. Plus I do not know if you included the television Ambrose is bringing.

Either way, although we may not be posting, when people are meeting at casuals, or talking on MSN, this tourney is mentioned. Please keep the brawl tournies. TVs will probably show up when we get there.

Unless you are just trolling the brawl community, then we just got owned.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2007
-down for dropping brawl due to laem community response and more set ups for one game to help let the overall tournament run smoothly, not to mention how bad that place would smell-

**** son maybe not.
i wanna give gi a nice big *** grabbing bear hug no homo.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea for dropping Brawl. I'm bringing a Brawl setup BTW...


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Last big brawl tourney had 80 people. People know about this, they just aren't posting. Brawl is growing with every tourney we have...just read the Prepare Yourself thread.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Grmo, many people are planing on attending this for brawl. It may not look like it but it is happening. Plus I do not know if you included the television Ambrose is bringing.

Either way, although we may not be posting, when people are meeting at casuals, or talking on MSN, this tourney is mentioned. Please keep the brawl tournies. TVs will probably show up when we get there.

Unless you are just trolling the brawl community, then we just got owned.
Not trolling. I'm serious, and the fact that there are lots of people who AREN'T TELLING ME ANYTHING does not do anything to convince me. I'd say the chance for Brawl just dropped another 10%. A probably is the worst thing I can hear right now. Oh, and now I'm hearing that there are a lot more people coming that I don't know about, or who haven't signed up? That's it, it's going. it's at like 3% now. >_>

Good job.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
what's weird is, the brawl communities in gta/montreal are actually doing quite well. gta probably has more melee people, but there's no shortage of brawl players.

seems hard to draw the line...how few brawl players signed up, is enough to not bother with that half of the tournament? but, if the majority of the people are there for melee, it does make sense to give them more of it.

edit: lol at the last 5 or 6 posts.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea for dropping Brawl. I'm bringing a Brawl setup BTW...

I may be able to bring a Wii+Accessories, but don't count on it, because my foster dad likes to be a **** to me now. :(


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
ive been posting =[

i just don't have a tv i can bring. but i am bringing wii wii+brawl. i don't think you should drop brawl.

tbh i think that will just start up a huge argument and hrut the general comunity.

and if tehres less brawl people, wont we need less tvs?

or if we don;t get tvs, put a max umber of peopl who can join brawl based on the number of tvs we have for it or somthing.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Look, have you consider (and this is my reason for not posting beforehand. or I did like once or twice as IceClimbers5) that when there's a shared tourney between brawl and melee, it is usually brawl-bashing time! So then a brawl vs melee discussion is brought out once again. And we all know melee is better but do we honestly have to hear it to such an extent? Like yes, you guys win, leave us alone.

I see many many melee player posting, very little brawl players. But I can easily see a clash, like I just mentioned, waiting to happen.

You want Brawl players to start posting? fine I'll spread the word. Let the **** talking begin, KingAce is a scrub, I'll beat him this tourney, meh meh meh


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
ive been posting =[

i just don't have a tv i can bring. but i am bringing wii wii+brawl. i don't think you should drop brawl.

tbh i think that will just start up a huge argument and hrut the general comunity.
Say things go in the direction I think they're going to go. The tournament doesn't finish, and the Melee players that are traveling very far to come play don't get to finish. The tournament is a failure. Inevitably, the Melee players are upset with the Brawl community for taking so long, and will state that this inherent flaw in the game - that which makes it take forever - has hurt the smash community in general...do you not think that argument will be worse?

I apologize for being the medium to this, but it's not like it's something I just wanted to do.

EDIT: Wowww...Gichan, seriously man, this has nothing to do with Brawl bashing and has everything to do with tournament organization.

Was I too late to join? I think there were 92 people left when I put this message.
You're not too late; Brawl is being dropped due to the huge failure in terms of communication from its players.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Say things go in the direction I think they're going to go. The tournament doesn't finish, and the Melee players that are traveling very far to come play don't get to finish. The tournament is a failure. Inevitably, the Melee players are upset with the Brawl community for taking so long, and will state that this inherent flaw in the game - that which makes it take forever - has hurt the smash community in general...do you not think that argument will be worse?

I apologize for being the medium to this, but it's not like it's something I just wanted to do.
Do Melee first then


Mar 6, 2002
Montréal, Québec, Canada
how would the tournament not finish, the only way this wouldn't finish is if people don't play their matches. If organization is okay, then we'll have time to do everything. Also, if there's no brawl, you're losing melee players from montreal cuz then only 1 car will go to this.

Also, I'm surprised to see some people are still hellbent on saying that brawl sucks. Not much going on in your lives, huh... Then you wonder why brawl people don't post and only show up at tournaments.
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