Derf right now we have 4 possible they are with their likely hood:
1. My mom lets me take the car again, if this happens I could take myself, rock, UI, and 2 others (chances of happening = small)
2. Mankosuki comes to Fort Myers Friday night after getting off work and takes us to SUPS Saturday (chances of happening = small)
3. My friend David said he's take us if we each paid him 10 bucks + I enter teams with him (we used to always team for fun)...if he takes us we'd most likely go up and come back the same day (chances of happening = very good unless he was kidding for some lame reason/something comes up that he's obligated to do)
4. Someone else picks us up thats on their way to SUPS (chances of happening = no clue since no one has said they could besides possibly Manko)
So yeah pretty much we're waiting to hear back from Manko, then if he can't take us I'll try and get my mom's car/go with my friend David!!!
I'll try to know tonight!!!