I believe its time for.....
Lime: GRRRRR8 tourny, dont mess up brackets anymore and I think the next tourny will be even better. Sorry I didn't get to play u this time round, theres always the next one.
Lex: For having such a fat peach, she sure is fast.... It breaks physics!
Linguini: You're a man for challenging my sheik, you'll be an even bigger one if you challenge my marth.
Mcscruff: Did I see you lose to a link?
Exo: Good trainin the night before, but I dont think theres anything that can really prepare someone for xif, except xif himself. Hope I was of some help to u.
NSR: stop getting gay'd out of brackets
Riot: I'll miss you, the only gannon that gives me the chills.
Xif: If sheik drinks a 5-hour energy drink, does she get negative lag?
Sighrax: bring more money next time for a MM
Lambchops: Stop suiciding against me! nuff said
Seibrik: ur cool
Esam: i got higher than u?
Doodah: stop beating me in tournies... please.... let me just get passed u one time. ur hurting my lil sheiky's self-esteem.
Rex: SORRY for playing sheik
OTRU: your rly cool! Keep foxin it up, get better than col bol maybe?
Col Bol: sry we didn't play, hearin nothin but good, cant wait for the next Central Meets South
Skrach: Very nice marth, heard u beat rex in the pool by crouch canceling... I should try this hidden technique sometime.
Hiroshi: Gaaaaaaaaayyyy tieeeeer sucked

stop losing to random people!
Pritch: hope u were happy with teams, good friendlies, too bad we didn't play more, I need the peaches
QDVS: HOW DID U WIN WITH FALCO??? The world will never know.... Thats a pretty decent marth, u should think about winning some tournaments with it or something... Oh wait... >_>
UI: Do mediocre peaches beat u? if so i might have a counter-pick for next time

if not, Ima go zelda on yo buttucks
Rock: Didnt play u again? Wtf is up with that?
Phanna: NICE sets, I think we're dead even personally, I don't care if I won the MM

I want a rematch next time, all Jungle japes! >=D
Johnny: Owns? Dont know, didn't play you. Come play with meeeeeeeeeee at the comic shop
Galeon: Im gonna work on u.... U'll beat OTRU yet
.......... I think thats everyone that I actually talked to.... I know this because I went down the attendance list. If I missed someone, blame the list, and im terribly sorry.
This was fun.
Hopefully next will be Smash Bash III, just gotta find a venue. PM me ideas if ya got any.