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Sonic Tournament Results CHANGING THIS TITLE

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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
pull a mr.3k....hes done great now isnt he? (ssssssssssssaaarcasm)

GL @ CoT4 man....im not gonna bash u anymore cause u asked me who do i play and then said u dont c me play any big names. clearly im fighting an unarmed solider here.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
btw guys i dont know how much this means to you guys,but i really respect you sonic mains...:)

oh and texas has a new sonic..better than mr.3000 some say...name ESPY. im sure this isnt new news

either way you guys are cool..peace


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Now I got to admit, Mr. 3K is pretty much dead... he hasn't had any word of tourney results since last year in like... October or some junk... it's been a long time you can't deny.

Besides that, Mr. 3K had to use D3 to back up his high placings... I'd much rather take 7th place with Sonic alone than having to say I made first with Sonic/MK.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
mr 3000 DOES NOT USE DDD..i watch all his matches irl along side him...he hasnt used D3 since hobo9 which was 5 months ago vs gnes mk..and he won with sonic...


da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
pull a mr.3k....hes done great now isnt he? (ssssssssssssaaarcasm)

GL @ CoT4 man....im not gonna bash u anymore cause u asked me who do i play and then said u dont c me play any big names. clearly im fighting an unarmed solider here.
see malcom, stuff like this is why you are in my sig right now...


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
mr 3000 DOES NOT USE DDD..i watch all his matches irl along side him...he hasnt used D3 since hobo9 which was 5 months ago vs gnes mk..and he won with sonic...


Sorry, I just saw some of Mr. 3K's tourney results, ahd he got 13th with Sonic/D3.

I've seen him go full Sonic... like maybe once or twice that I recall. Wasn't one of the times going full Sonic because one of the Hobos had MK banned to?

I gotta give him props then, but seriously AFA we all know, he's pretty much dead now.
Jan 11, 2006
Ohio / Michigan
I will be at cot4 helping all sonic boarders btw. ITT on the other hand...he can go "advance his metagame" aka not make it out of pools.
Just an FYI, I'm going to laugh if this come back and bites you in the ***!

Another thing about this whole situation, KID and ITT are not looking at eachother play styles as "good" or "viable". Well, the funny part is that they are both placing a high up their in tournaments so they are both doing something right. ITT has done many of his things without the Sonic forums where KID has. I would say that both of you should be proud of what you have done and not flaming eachother. I won't lie though, you do have a big ego KID that you need to get under control. A lot of this probably wouldn't of happened if you would have done that. ITT might of made of mistake of also by lashing out at you guys. ITT did have everyone against him also which I understand would set me off.

One last thing, I have no idea who said "I guess the people you play in your area must really suck" You my friend, are a very special person indeed. We have many great players from our area that have no right being called "nubs" or as you guys would say "steak". That's my biggest compliant so far in this. Watch what you are all saying. KID and MM might also have good player's from there areas also but that still give's you no valid right to say that players from ITT areas suck. That my friend is being bias towards ITT in general which is not even worth the argument if you are going to approach to this discussion like that. No one is going to listen. Seriously.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2005
Houston, TX Melee
yeah i dunno him and trex stopped going to tourneys..he may show up to hobo14

xyro doesnt watch 3ks matches he just posts him as sonic/ddd

um...ESPY from san antonio got 4th in finalsmash5

thats ridiculous..he got higher than dmg dojo melee1 and others....ive never played him though but i will in a few weeks


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
pull a mr.3k....hes done great now isnt he? (ssssssssssssaaarcasm)

GL @ CoT4 man....im not gonna bash u anymore cause u asked me who do i play and then said u dont c me play any big names. clearly im fighting an unarmed solider here.
I was referencing his absence from the forums, nothing else.

Also, if you'll notice I never said anything bad about you in any way shape or form. I honestly didn't know you fought any legit players, we've taken this entire discussion completely off topic and that's that the sonic forums need some work. If you just come in here hoping to become a better sonic player you have to search forever to find even the slightest shred of useful information. I've talked with 2 seperate people at tourneys that wanted to main sonic but decided not to because of the sonic character forums.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Just an FYI, I'm going to laugh if this come back and bites you in the ***!

Another thing about this whole situation, KID and ITT are not looking at eachother play styles as "good" or "viable". Well, the funny part is that they are both placing a high up their in tournaments so they are both doing something right. ITT has done many of his things without the Sonic forums where KID has. I would say that both of you should be proud of what you have done and not flaming eachother. I won't lie though, you do have a big ego KID that you need to get under control. A lot of this probably wouldn't of happened if you would have done that. ITT might of made of mistake of also by lashing out at you guys. ITT did have everyone against him also which I understand would set me off.

One last thing, I have no idea who said "I guess the people you play in your area must really suck" You my friend, are a very special person indeed. We have many great players from our area that have no right being called "nubs" or as you guys would say "steak". That's my biggest compliant so far in this. Watch what you are all saying. KID and MM might also have good player's from there areas also but that still give's you no valid right to say that players from ITT areas suck. That my friend is being bias towards ITT in general which is not even worth the argument if you are going to approach to this discussion like that. No one is going to listen. Seriously.
M2k> anyone,anywhere. spring dair spring dair spring dair is not good. Saying you want to stop but do it anyway is fail. Taking KID's names for ATs seriously is fail. Steak is just a joke,maybe an overused one but a joke nevertheless and it's part of what makes us what we are. And other boards can think whatever the hell they want.



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
It's hard to learn Sonic even if this board were as clean as the vatican.

Sonic is d*** hard to pick up, I've said this in the SBR, and I might as well say it here too.

And I might be an a-hole for saying something like, but how do I know those two people would've been dedicated or done anything new for Sonic? We have to be chatty because Sonic is mad technical, and playing Brawl is depressing on itself as is. I'm telling you if this place were any different in the tiniest way, a lot of the people wouldn't be here.

You can go ahead and classify us as spammy, or anybody else reading this for that matter, IDC what you have to say, opinions are one thing, but actually taking to the time to look at this place and see it for what it really is is an entirely different thing. I would rather have the board like it is now, than have something like the Ike or Marth boards if you have ever seen them.

Ike boards are dead, and Marth boards are spammy and angry at the same time.

At least we're trying to get things done and help anybody we can. No other board I know of can say that.

I'm pretty sure we can do with what we have as of now, anybody that gets recruited to the bandwagon is a luxury, but not really all that necessary.

Edit: SS8677, I think you quoted the wrong dude...?


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
puffball is espy i guess...i assume...

either way i dunno

3ks performance in pools at OHSNAP3 was nothing less than amazing
Yeah Espy is Puffball lol We already know he's awsome. If you see 3k, Tell him to come around and let us know he exists XD

@ Kinzer: If he's read the discussion up to this point he knows what I'm talking about. They may have good people there, but good and the best are two different things.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
and last I heard, SonicMaster5 (a sonic board regular) beat Blue (A sonic main that intentionally avoids this board) in a set.

We ****

and im not going to let you or anyone else tell us other wise.
^^This. I sure enough did. i learned alot from my first tourney. I just gotta attend more and make you guys proud. I have the potential, i just needs some ridez.
You guys all know your stuff, and it keeps me going. I am going to get my name out there!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Just an FYI, I'm going to laugh if this come back and bites you in the ***!

Another thing about this whole situation, KID and ITT are not looking at eachother play styles as "good" or "viable". Well, the funny part is that they are both placing a high up their in tournaments so they are both doing something right. ITT has done many of his things without the Sonic forums where KID has. I would say that both of you should be proud of what you have done and not flaming eachother. I won't lie though, you do have a big ego KID that you need to get under control. A lot of this probably wouldn't of happened if you would have done that. ITT might of made of mistake of also by lashing out at you guys. ITT did have everyone against him also which I understand would set me off.

One last thing, I have no idea who said "I guess the people you play in your area must really suck" You my friend, are a very special person indeed. We have many great players from our area that have no right being called "nubs" or as you guys would say "steak". That's my biggest compliant so far in this. Watch what you are all saying. KID and MM might also have good player's from there areas also but that still give's you no valid right to say that players from ITT areas suck. That my friend is being bias towards ITT in general which is not even worth the argument if you are going to approach to this discussion like that. No one is going to listen. Seriously.
all of this is completely true, i dont believe I called him out on the people in his area, but if i did, that was wrong and thats my bad.
That being said, if we are going to seriously talk about what sonic plays against the best people, its easy to see that that claim goes to malcom hands down

About KIDs ego,
1. im sorry to anyone who takes me literally, the people that regularly talk to me know to disregard a lot of the stuff that I say, because when you cut throught the BS, many of my posts are very informed.
2. I guess I just take this a little too far than...

point is, im only trying to help. sometimes i phrase it the wrong way, and thats my bad, but if you ignore the stupid stuff and focus on the things that i say that are important, you will see that what i say is beneficial

yeah i dunno him and trex stopped going to tourneys..he may show up to hobo14

xyro doesnt watch 3ks matches he just posts him as sonic/ddd

um...ESPY from san antonio got 4th in finalsmash5

thats ridiculous..he got higher than dmg dojo melee1 and others....ive never played him though but i will in a few weeks
hes sick, be prepared for a fight.
I was referencing his absence from the forums, nothing else.

Also, if you'll notice I never said anything bad about you in any way shape or form. I honestly didn't know you fought any legit players, we've taken this entire discussion completely off topic and that's that the sonic forums need some work. If you just come in here hoping to become a better sonic player you have to search forever to find even the slightest shred of useful information. I've talked with 2 seperate people at tourneys that wanted to main sonic but decided not to because of the sonic character forums.
And Ive seen people that never had anything to do with sonic, pick him up and get good with him, PURELY because of their interactions with the people that play him in this board. examples include Kalm, and Havokk.

And its not our fault that the character is possibly the most complecated character in the game and we dont have one single post in one single thread that can make you an expert sonic player.Besides that, it not hard to check any one of the stickeys and get better as a sonic player.
AT and glicth thread
side b and Down b thread
how to gimp thread.
Ask any question about sonic and we will answer it with in a half hour thread a.k.a. rFAQ thread

all of these should be on the first page. so when you say people cant find usefull info because they have to search too hard, I honestly have NO IDEA what you are talking about.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
SM5's sig is win.

There is no other way to go out in tourneys, than playing all Sonic... +10 Steak points if you have "Steak" as your tag and you get all the references.

BTW who is Blue? I honestly don't know who he is...

Edit: Kid is right, there is no such thing as a "ultimate guide"... yet.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
Also, if you'll notice I never said anything bad about you in any way shape or form. I honestly didn't know you fought any legit players, we've taken this entire discussion completely off topic and that's that the sonic forums need some work. If you just come in here hoping to become a better sonic player you have to search forever to find even the slightest shred of useful information. I've talked with 2 seperate people at tourneys that wanted to main sonic but decided not to because of the sonic character forums.
This is not bashing you at all, but rather an honest question. We have incredibly thorough guides and threads in thestickies which elad you to other threads. The video archive is extremely extensive, and i think one of the best ways

If they didn't pick up Sonic it was either way back when we weren't as organized(although we still had good stickies), or it was because they didn't put enough effort, which is understandable with the difficiculty of picking up Sonic.

After all this time playing Sonic, I STILL encounter subtleties that are useful and intriguing, and Sonic depends alot on such subtleties, probably because his gameplay is so driven by glitches/oversights in his moveset design. Sometimes I think, if I had started playing Sonic just a few months later, I would be way behind in my gameplay because there are so many useful little pieces of information that are just hard to incorporate into a thread.

If someone asksa question on these boards, we will help them to get the right answer.

Honestly, we may be rude at times(well, not me =P) but this is probably one of the most helpful and knowledgeable boards on all of SWF.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Thanks Kinzer, i go all Sonic, all the time. you wont see me playing anyone else, ever. I dont care if it's for fun, i am picking Sonic, man. I am that dedicated. :)

Blue is a Sonic user from New Jersey who comes in the top 8 pretty often. He is known as the Campy Sonic.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Random post with arguments like you must be bias.

Who r u? I dont even kno who u R so why would I care what u have to offer? especially when its a clear midwest bias about how good your players are. How well did AZ do when he went to MD/VA? How well did anther do against ally? How well has ANY OF YOUR REGION done when they have travelled? oh...u say they never get 1st? u say they usually do pretty poorly? u say even ur shining star cant place 1st? great. when m2k azen chillin chu inui or atomsk travel they win. thats my region.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
malcom, you shouldnt disregard someones opinion just because of where they are from, he hasnt shown any real bias, and you being disagreeable like that isnt accomplishing anything.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
i didnt disregard him just because of where hes from. i disregarded him because hes a nobody IN where hes from. the combination is why i disregarded him. but i do agree it isnt accomplishing much acting in such a way. so when he responds with the obligatory "you have no idea what ur talking about post" i will apologize for being so immovable in my points.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC

ITT, I must say I'm a bit disappointed. I don't want to completely repeat what everyone said, but I actually met you...so...

I find it hurtful that you think that our memes are just utterly stupid and these boards do nothing but give Sonic a bad name.

Sonic WOULDN'T HAVE a name if it wasn't for this community. I sure as hell know I wouldn't have any chance of placing as Sonic or still maining Sonic if it wasn't for these guys. The discussions on these boards are very intricate if you look past the steak or pokemon...it's what makes the place exciting and fun. Can't we progress Sonic's metagame AND have fun at the same time? It's a game forum for crying out loud.

The things I learned from these guys is amazing and they're all really nice people. Just because KID is a bit arrogant, doesn't make him any less of a person or any less of a skilled player. I have respect for everyone here because I know we're all contributing or placing in tournaments. I haven't contributed anything ground breaking, but I like to feel I'm a part of the fight for him. I've only been to one tournament so far, but I felt my placing was really good for my first one ever...and I'm going to another one this weekend. Yeah, I'm going to be making my tag as Steak, because I'm proud of what everyone has accomplished. I see it as more of a symbol than a meme.

I'm also planning to go to bigger events, like CoT4 to meat (intentional misspelling) top players and meat other Sonic mains like Malcolm. Malcolm not only places in big tournaments and plays (and does very well against) top players, he has respect for the contributors to this forum. Most "top players" could easily just be like "lol, this scrub wants me to rate his matches..." but I already feel like I have a connection with all these guys (not just him) because we're all helping eachother get better and progress Sonic's metagame.




Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
Just dropping in. From a non-sonic main to another non...non-sonic main Sonic main, I just want to let you (no one in particular) know that Sonic is not a joke, nor are the boards in general. The whole :093: and steak thing is funny, yes, but it doesn't really affect anyone's opinion on any other Sonic mains. It doesn't matter if you like posting pokemon or talking about scrumptious meat products, it's the product you deliver.


e: god **** Cam, get those 2k posts.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC

I don't know what to do for my 2,000th post >_> but Steak is always win.

Well, let's just keep truckin guys...no need to let ignorant posters not understand our ways and how productive we really are.



Smash Master
Dec 24, 2006
Lincolnshire, England.
Just dropping in. From a non-sonic main to another non...non-sonic main Sonic main, I just want to let you (no one in particular) know that Sonic is not a joke, nor are the boards in general. The whole :093: and steak thing is funny, yes, but it doesn't really affect anyone's opinion on any other Sonic mains. It doesn't matter if you like posting pokemon or talking about scrumptious meat products, it's the product you deliver.
If only that were the case lol. I'm glad some people see us in a non bias way, though.

But some people do, obviously. As an example, the SBR ruled that we're all unintelligent and none of us are to be permitted in the SBR solely on the grounds of the character we main.

Obviously, the fact that we post :093: after our posts sometimes detracts from the fact that we're probably by far the most productive board in Smashboards, and we've got some of the most intelligent members on this site.

There are a few cool SBR's, but seriously the majority just fail hard. I'm wondering why anybody would actually want to be one now, particularly from Sonic boards, they'd only get ridiculed in there.



Smash Champion
Jul 8, 2008
Yeh how is all the matchup stuff? I have 1 month before Uni starts again, so it may be a busy time...

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
We went from character 19 to character 34 or so. We did some of the new matchup write-ups (I DID DEDEDE) but yours still need update. ROY also made a list of discussion which you should put in your OP.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I know I can't.

I can't wait to hear about your trip in Samoa Greens.

...I'm a little bit tired right now, but a little bit of Dr. Pepper and the aid of adrenaline will get me through this tourney far enough to place.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
Las Vegas
Hey who is this X guy? he just came over to vegas and took 3rd...
his sonic was so beast!!

mind games like crazy! loved it!

by far the best sonic i have EVER seen!


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Oh dang! Lol, SK92, can you link us to the tourny results thread?
Oh, and X is known as __X__ on these boards. He's an old sonic main from Utah who is very good at wifi sonic dittos, lol.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
Las Vegas
ummm, ill probably give him the results to post, im to lazy to do that right now.

and it looks like his sonic is effing beast in real life too.
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