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Sonic Tournament Results CHANGING THIS TITLE

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Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
I cant believe I had to read something like that...

ITT i would be happy if you never came back to the sonic boards. You dont win anything. You dont like the jokes/memes. You dont contribute anything other than i got (bad placing) out of ____ at (random tournament) and lost to OS like 50 times in money matches.

You have done nothing to boost sonics meta game...the only thing u have done is play horribly against someone who thought sonic was bad to begin with. So before you run around talking about scum of the internet ill have you know that I like the sonic boards more than anywhere else on this stupid forum. These guys are hilarious...they make amazing avatars...turned one spelling mistake into a giant joke...and put up some of the funniest images ive ever seen. ON TOP OF THAT the sonic boards are becoming the most inviting and productive character boards ive ever been apart of. and i was apart of like 4 different ones in melee and I was in 3 or 4 when brawl started. While alot of them may not have much experience...they are willing to listen and learn matchups through their opponents which is a great quality.

Now with that being said about how i feel about the sonic boards....let me tell you what i think about YOU.

YOU have not improved since the first videos you put up. YOU fall for the same stupid traps and YOU recover the exact same way everytime. YOU do not up air OOS to punish moves...infact YOU dont do anything OOS other than ROLL (HORRIBLE IDEA) and mayb a smash attack. YOU r in general a horrendous player and aside from OS loving you because your his ****in cash cow (since u throw all ur money @ him) im sure no1 else thinks much of YOU. YOU charge ur spin attacks way to much...YOU dont ASC nearly enuf....YOU almost NEVER cancel any of ur moves. YOU almost NEVER use tilts. YOU almost NEVER realize when ur tactic is being punished. So with that being said i think YOU need to lighten the **** up and get what u can from these boards cause the people here can at least acknowledge their flaws and they r trying to get better. YOU on the other hand dont acknowledge whats getting u punished which is why u type ******** things like "i can watch my own videos" and then dont improve in an entire month.

Also...when ppl say ur sonic is steak you should be proud. that is a good thing and it means they KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN UR CHARACTER BOARD. how would they know that? they've visited and looked @ it. thats a good thing. NOW ONTO HONESTY....how many ppl r calling ur sonic steak if all u do is place poorly and lose to OVERSWARM of all people. The sonic boards are nice...i am not. they dont want you to go because they know they can help u get better and they hate to c people leave but I PERSONALLY think you had no ability to improve since u were given countless hints and didnt work on any of them in a month. U r utter trash with sonic and if u never post here again I hope you continue to do as "well" as u do in tournaments now and never see what first, second, or third feels like.


Goodbye, u werent any good anyway. U play sonic with a cement mindstate and had no room for growth anyway. I love the sonic boards and I think they are the best thing on SWF.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
He might be looking at the silly posts with them, but...

I feel that both IIT and Infzy are right... wait... what?! That can't be right... ITT is right that we have problems... but now Infzy is coming up with this (I don't know the word), and I... I... I just don't know what to believe anymore...

Edit: Now Malcolm is comnig in here with the same stuff Infzy has... but...

Don't you peopel realise that even if you don't believe ITT contributes (and if that's true, just go along with the next segment of this sentence), can't we help him by allowing him to come to us?


Off-Topic - Infzy, I got your Wii#, I'll send teh replay to you when I can, it should be at you sometime by Monday the absolute latest, though I tend to send it tonight.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
I will be at cot4 helping all sonic boarders btw. ITT on the other hand...he can go "advance his metagame" aka not make it out of pools.

Edit: Kinzer he does come to us. He comes to us with crappy vids and then when we tell him how to not look like hes the worst sonic mainer we have....he says stuff like "this doesnt work and i hate the sonic boards" or he doesnt acknowledge it with a "oh i shoudl work on that". instead he puts up more vids weeks or months later NOT MAKING ANY CHANGES and wants more critisicism. hes a brick wall and im done looking like a fool and talking to a wall. I wont miss him. I hope he stays faithful to sonic that way he can continue to sink lower and lower in tourneys...since he doesnt change his "playstyle" @ all.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
I wonder if it means anything to states that I'm not even a Sonic main and I post more on this board than any other board by quite a margin. The DK boards are derelict and unintresting, and haven't provided me with anything to make my DK better.
Most other boards are the same story, either too dead or full of crap. Has anyone ever tried posting anything in the Marth boards? That place has some kind of hormone issue or something.
I have a strong rotation of about 10 characters, in fact if I played a dozen friendly matches I would likely use a different character for each match, expecting to perform well with each character. Sonic wasn't part of that for a long time, I tried Sonic out and hated him. Few months later I came to these boards, read some crap, and watched some videos. Sonic is now in my top 5, which may not mean a lot to those of you that strictly play a main and maybe 2 other chars, but its a biiiig deal to me. I learned so much from the guys in these boards and it's drastically affected my playstyle.
So, I wasn't here when everyone was apparently spamming and being stupid, I've only been here a month or so. As far as my unimportant eyes can see, there's no reason for the hate.

Here's my tournament related post.
Tuscaloosa, Feb 7th. Tourny is happening. Aside from the regular Singles and Doubles, pools/brackets, there's going to be a low tier tourny. Despite my consistently using Yoshi, Link, Ganon, Mario and sometimes Falcon, I decided I'm going to heavily main Sonic through the whole thing.
Now, sorry I'm posting this in the "why sonic boards suck" thread, but I was hoping that I could get some hands-on experience with a couple of the good players/horrible posters ruining this form here. I don't think I have any replays to offer yet, I need to make some.
So, send me a PM if someone wants to share an IM conversation with me and possibly a few matches. That would be some kind of well cooked delicious meat product.
Second Edit: Here's the tourny flyer.

New guy, WOT, steakachu.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Ive never seen this kalm guy b4 but i like him ^^.

tuscaloosa is the same day as cot4 kalm =(

I think u should go sonic in low tier...low tier are alot of his good matchups so u can take it! at the last low tier event i heard about sonic took 2nd 3rd and 4th so that looks promising. they all lost to a ness so mayb u want another character for ness lol. but yeah post some vids up and we will gladly help you man =D


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
If you choke Ness under one of the platforms in Battlefield, it drops him on the platform right above you. Nasty counterpick option if you learn the matchup well and can make the setup worth it.

Edit: **** that had nothing to do with Sonic I'm a terrible poster and I'll most certainly be banned now.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
I have you on my FC list Kalm, we just have to get online at the same time.XD

Getting a Job at the gas station didn't work out as they're now no longer hiring. Which means, no license and no Smash tourneys for now since the're no where else I can walk to for a job D:


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Sure I'll play now I guess. I was sorta planning on going to bed and maybe setting up something tommorrow since it's 2amXD

I'll try,but don't expect nothing good tonight.

/tired and headache johns lol

room's up join when ready^^


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
Wow lots of walls of text and drama. Too much to read through it all.

But honestly ITT, KID is right. I may not have tourney placings or anything, but fact is fact. Homing Attack is very likely your most effective option to use against nado. It easily locks on to nado and hits, at the very least 50% of the time more like 75+% if you're doing it right, which should be enough to discourage MK from using tornado for anything other than a punisher, in which case I believe MK has safer and more damaging options.

Just wanted to say that, regardless of what you may feel about the Sonic boards, your opinion is yours, and I'm cool with that. And I'm probably one of the least spammy members of these boards.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that I'm saying KID is right about HA vs Nado. We had an entire thread dedicated to beating out Nado and Shuttle loop, I don't know if you saw it. But otherwise, I agree with you about recovery options just being options and whatnot. And theres certain stuff that not as prominent Sonic mains such as myself I think do better than some obviously better ones. Like Espy didn't know Sonic Uair went through Link and Lucario's Dair.

Also, out of curiosity, do you know that Sonics UpB wil always hit MK out of shuttle loop when Sonic is above MK, so long as you are quick enough to react to it? Basically use UpB as soon as you hear the swish noise and you will hit MK out of it. I say so because I saw avoidable instances where you were hit by shuttle loop. Of course you can't play perfectly, but I say it because I didn't see you do so.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'm still not really convinced about HA vs. 'nado... it seems safer to get in a Dair or spring if you can; it'd be faster and more precise aim. Or if possible, get down to the stage and punish MK's landing (Sonic can actually do this since we outrun 'nado so easily, unlike most chars.) Altho the HA might work ok if the MK's maneuvering options with the 'nado are limited.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
I'm still not really convinced about HA vs. 'nado... it seems safer to get in a Dair or spring if you can; it'd be faster and more precise aim. Or if possible, get down to the stage and punish MK's landing (Sonic can actually do this since we outrun 'nado so easily, unlike most chars.) Altho the HA might work ok if the MK's maneuvering options with the 'nado are limited.
Next time I play you infzy, I'll show you, just be MK and move as much as you like, the physics of it is quite simple. I play an awesome MK main all the time now, and HA will hit MK out of it 75% of the time if you're using it right. He never uses Nado against me for anything other than punishing.

Lemme elaborate.

Using Spring or Dair is your best option if you are directly above MK. But to try to run in and counter nado with spring or Dair is quite futile, as its much easier for MK to maneuver out of the way than it is for you to land a spring or Dair perfectly in the center of the top of the nado.

Running away from nado to punish landing is nice and all, but its not nearly as safe. MK can laglessy cancel Nado, punish you for running in if he does. Also, what happens if MK is using nado near the edge where you have little running room to run away? Then you have to get offstage or rely on your shield or hope to hit him out of it with a Bair or Fsmash. Thats just too risky.

The reason why Homing attack works so well against MK is because MK is constantly spinning throughout the attack. Normally homing attack goes for the back of an opponent as I think you well know. Thats why when the opponent is above, its better to attack them when they approach you, and if theyre below you, its better to use it when theyre running away.

During Nado, MK is spinning constantly, so basically homing attack is locking onto MKs entire body, since his "back" is constantly rotating. Homing attack also seems to do a bit of extra tracking at the end, which MKs spinning motion just helps. Basically, if you use homing attack aligned around where the top of the nado is, HA will find the perfect trajectory to the center of nado. Just jump and using homing attack, thats it.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
And ROOOOY! looked down upon the HA, for shame. :p
But this is pretty cool Napi.
Question though, does it usually work better if you cancel the HA or don't?



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
It's better that you don't cancel it so that the HA can get more verticle range to strike the tornado.

BTW our B > MK's B fo sho.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
the guy doesnt know anything about sonic vs MK napz....but why would he? not like we've had entire threads dedicated to it. not like some ppl have matches up against good mks he could learn from....what do we contribute? not like ive been writing its 55:45 for like a month now and he could just ask me and my AIM SN is right there...none of these options were availible...its our fault for not spoon feeding some old *** dude who cant play a video game right. we just make steak jokes and talk about pokemon.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Malcolm - Lol?

Kalm - Assuming your main is Donkey, I would say they're equal.

Donkey Pawnch has SA frames, HA always aims for the back.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
And ROOOOY! looked down upon the HA, for shame. :p
But this is pretty cool Napi.
Question though, does it usually work better if you cancel the HA or don't?

Hahah ROOOOY I think will hate HA even if it countered MK alone. XD. I don't know if he noticed, but when I played against him a couple of weeks ago, I was purposely spamming homing attack(and hitting 80& of the time :p) for annoyance.

I know I'm crazy for thinking the Sonic MK matchup isnt that bad at all, but I still find it funny funny how simple Sonic properties seem to pwn some of MKs techs. Spring alwaayyyss pwns Shuttle Loop if you are above MK when he initiates it. Just hit UpB as soon as you hear Shuttle Loop initiate. For this too the premise is quite simple. MK UpB is only invincible in the frame it comes out(5, I believe. Some have argued its like 5-8 or something, but its still still not much). Unless MK uses it riiiighhttttt next to you, you should have enough time to use UpB before the SL hitbox reaches Sonic. After that Spring will Hit MK out of it almost every single time because SL travels a narrow vertical path. At the very least, you will be safe, because of invincy frames which should match the time the Hitbox for SL is out. Again, against MKs I've played using SL for anything other than punishing sonic from realllyyy close becomes a bad option, because its a free four damage that easy combos into Dair as well. Shuttle loop is also beaten out by Fair, as is his glide/glade attack. Uair pwns Dair, although his obviously has a much wider hitbox and comes out faster(although that shouldn't be a prob with proper spacing).

/End Sonics pwns MK rant.

Yea, I haven't played top name MKs, but again, the mechanics of some of it is simple. Its fact.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
They only have invincy frames on their SL if it's grounded and it's either 5 frames or on frame 5 iirc.
Now, we should get back to tourny results.
I doubt MC likes sifting through all this crap, lol.



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Sonic for serious MK counter?

I could believe it, seeing as how Sonic in the battlefield always has his matchup ratios +.5 or +1, and as far as mindgames go, Sonic as much moret han MK does.

He just has more range, more power, and faster attacks.

Edit: Aegz, MC always gets himself banned, he doesn't/won't/can't do anything about it anyway.

The worse that could happen to this thread is that you get infracted for posts in here, it gets locked, it gets unstickied, and all the old results forever get lost.

Not too much of a price if you ask me.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
Well just the same all this talk shouldn't be in this thread, we need to move this conversation to the Official Sonic thread.

Oh wait nvm post it here.
Sonic can never be a serious MK counter, we should know better than that. Mindgames does not work on MK. It's like you said, sonic not only loses on power, range, and priority, he loses on them all BIG time, and MK having faster attacks? Sa difndsnij nignro ngoeirwn geor.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Napz: Hmmm, I'm not convinced about your explanation about Homing Attack locking-on to the centre of the tornado.

I'm pretty sure the game doesn't have any code about "where your character's back is". But it would know the extremities of your character's bounding box, and I bet that's what HA is actually locking on to. I can't test now tho, my batteries are charging o_O

Note that when MK gets in a tornado, he'll always exit facing that same direction (right?). However, during the tornado his hurtbox is small, so it hardly matters which corner you lock on to; you're headed for basically the centre of the 'nado.

Basically the same phenomenon but I think the mechanics are different than what you suggest. Rawr!


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
That was sarcasm.

Also is it not true that he does have faster attacks? Unless I'm missing out on an AT that makes Sonic's DSmash come out in 5 frames, than yeah, that's an extreme example but you can still see my point.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Enterprise, Alabama
Meta Knight just faster attacks where it counts, such as fast attacks that can kill/range/pri.... you get my point. The argument why he's broken is that he simply has too much of everything that makes a character good.
As for the HA vs Nado, has anyone spent about 5 or so minutes in training mode with two controllers setting up positions and getting %s? Or are we done debating whether its good or not and now just commenting on it?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
first of all, i just want to point out that if you were to take the top five sonic mains in the world right now, I would have to believe that more than half of them are active members of this board.

And as far as im concerned, Malcom, and Espy are the 2 best sonics in the world to the point that nobody else really comes close, and they are both highly active in this board, so we must be doing some thing right.

also, gimme two seconds to find a quote from my own KID AT thread...


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
Napz: Hmmm, I'm not convinced about your explanation about Homing Attack locking-on to the centre of the tornado.

I'm pretty sure the game doesn't have any code about "where your character's back is". But it would know the extremities of your character's bounding box, and I bet that's what HA is actually locking on to. I can't test now tho, my batteries are charging o_O

Note that when MK gets in a tornado, he'll always exit facing that same direction (right?). However, during the tornado his hurtbox is small, so it hardly matters which corner you lock on to; you're headed for basically the centre of the 'nado.

Basically the same phenomenon but I think the mechanics are different than what you suggest. Rawr!
Hmm you may be right, but MKs hurtbox doesn't seem any smaller to me while in the nado, just well protected by hitboxes. If it were so small, I don't think Bair or even Fair(did it a couple of times yesterday with fair, near the top) could go through the nado at certain points.

Either way, yea its the end result that matters :p Sonics Homing attack tracks particularly well agains the nado.

I'm pretty sure the game knows where a character's back is. Have you seen lightspeed by SonicOrochi?

Start around 6:20. Whatever the mechanics of it, it seems pretty clear that the HA is tracking the back of the opponent all the time.

As for the HA vs Nado, has anyone spent about 5 or so minutes in training mode with two controllers setting up positions and getting %s? Or are we done debating whether its good or not and now just commenting on it?
Yes, me and Kinzer did this a long time ago, and I've done it with the MK main I play against that goes to my school. HA, used right, > Nado.

They only have invincy frames on their SL if it's grounded and it's either 5 frames or on frame 5 iirc.
Now, we should get back to tourny results.
I doubt MC likes sifting through all this crap, lol.
Yea I'm pretty sure its just frame 5. Thanks for clarification.

Sonic for serious MK counter?

I could believe it, seeing as how Sonic in the battlefield always has his matchup ratios +.5 or +1, and as far as mindgames go, Sonic as much moret han MK does.

He just has more range, more power, and faster attacks.
Serious MK counter likely never, but I don't think its exactly one of the worse choices you could make.

I would post this is the Official Sonic thread, but seeing as its locked...

I have soooo much to say about the MK matchup it aint even funny.

And no, Sonic will likely never be an MK counter, not in his wildest dreams. You need a favorable matchup for that. But I thinks it is totally winnable. On paper it could be 65:35 or whatever, but I've never played an MK main that actually made me feel like the matchup is that bad. If I lose its not because I'm getting beat by a character.

As for the matchup itself, I'm speaking real life here, not on paper numbers. Although there are some subtler on paper things that people don't seem to take into account very often.
Sonic will survive longer than MK, unless he's getting gimped(which... he shouldn't), since Sonic is just heavier plus has awesome momentum cancelling. MK has poor air speed and average acceleration and cant effectively chase a moving Sonic. His Uair is pwned by spring(doesn't clash with projectiles because of transcendent hitboxes), His Dair is pwned by Sonics Uair(vertically). Nado is pwned by Homing attack, Shuttle Loop is uber pwned by spring and Fair, SideB is pwned by Sonics Fair. Glide and glide attack pwned by fair.

MKs shield is horrible. Sonics shield pressure game is great if you're actually try to do so. Pull off perfect combos on shields lol. Dtilt will go under his shield, ftilt//fair/Usmash will poke through it.

MK has noticable end lag/commitment time on some moves that is just punished by Sonic quite easily if the Sonic has precision. No other character can punish MK in that way.

Bair outranges MK aerials I'm pretty sure. Bla bla.
MK is light.

Bla bla.

Only thing I see MK has having clearly over Sonic in this matchup is a great kill move(Dsmash) and umm.... speed, which I think is offset by our damage output with our easy combos on MK, and ability to punish. Remember, we are not comparing one characters attributes against another character's attributes, we are comparing how such attributes fare against eachother.

Could go on forever. I'm still waiting for someone to prove what makes this matchup "hard". Its not that Sonic has the advantage, but it just isnt hard if you know what you're doing. In my opinion, and from my analysis. Ill let you know more as I play more MK mains :p

But of course MK dtilt pwns everything Sonic has.

But SCROD owns MK :D

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
But first off, a disclaimer...

Boxob has told me that im getting a big ego as of late, so i just want it to be known that just because i say KID AT doesnt mean that im claiming ownership or creation of these in anyway. Im basically taking a few things that werent known to everybody, making them known to everyone, and giving them practical uses as well. as a matter of fact one of the KID ATs that i will get to is named after somebody else.
some of the stuff is created by me, but saying KID AT #420 is just a way of me keeping them in order in the context of this thread
this was the third effing sentance in my thread, yes, i get full of myself sometimes, but thats just how the sonic boards work, i get a little too big for myself, and everyone else here, lets some of the hot air outta my head and i come back down to earth. its like family around here, and we arent afraid to speak our minds

I have to agree with malcom in that I dont see how you can take all the effort that Ive put into not only that thread but sonic play in general over this last year, and some how say that you are better than me because of it. I dont see any ITT threads that made sonic any better as a character in this game.

People act like we never do anything productive, but if it werent for these boards, Sonic would actually be as bad as his tier position would say.

And I dont give a shiz who the hell you think you are, nobody on this planet has been maining sonic longer than me. You may have been maining him for the same amount of time, but Ive been maining sonic since November 2007 when the first announcement of sonic being in the game was made in the dojo (might have been september, i dont remember anymore.)

Like you dont even understand what its like to have been in this board for the last year working to make this character what it is, and than to have all your efforts actually payoff in game.

You guys dont understand how proud I am of this board when ever I play and do something like force an MK to drill off the edge because he nado'd on a spring. Because they freak out and Im just like, "thats the blood sweat and tears of the sonic boards put into action" yea, we spam, and we get off topic, but if we were really as bad as people think we are, we would still be getting killed at 70% from offstage shuttle loops (sound familiar?) and we'd still be SDing from not knowing why we didnt have a jump when we spindashed off the edge.

nobody outside this board has any idea of what weve done to make this character as beast as he is now.
Malcom is stomping people left and right.
Espy is top 8ing in huge tourneys
and last I heard, SonicMaster5 (a sonic board regular) beat Blue (A sonic main that intentionally avoids this board) in a set.

We ****

and im not going to let you or anyone else tell us other wise.

also. I came to the same conclusion as Napi when it comes to the HA > nado situation.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
People act like we never do anything productive, but if it werent for these boards, Sonic would actually be as bad as his tier position would say.

Like you dont even understand what its like to have been in this board for the last year working to make this character what it is, and than to have all your efforts actually payoff in game.
You guys dont understand how proud I am of this board when ever I play and do something like force an MK to drill off the edge because he nado'd on a spring. Because they freak out and Im just like, "thats the blood sweat and tears of the sonic boards put into action" yea, we spam, and we get off topic, but if we were really as bad as people think we are, we would still be getting killed at 70% from offstage shuttle loops and we'd still be SDing from not knowing why we didnt have a jump when we spindashed off the edge.

nobody outside this board has any idea of what weve done to make this character as beast as he is now.
Malcom is stomping people left and right.
Espy is top 8ing in huge tourneys
and last I heard, SonicMaster5 (a sonic board regular) beat Blue (A sonic main that intentionally avoids this board) in a set.

We ****

and im not going to let you or anyone else tell us other wise.

also. I came to the same conclusion as Napi when it comes to the HA > nado situation.
<3 KID

<3 Sonic Boards.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
sorry for being so madd late to this discussion....

and if I give somebody advice on their sonic, you can bet any amount of money that it theres a thread/post with detailed testing on to prove my statement somewhere on these boards.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
this was the third effing sentance in my thread, yes, i get full of myself sometimes, but thats just how the sonic boards work, i get a little too big for myself, and everyone else here, lets some of the hot air outta my head and i come back down to earth. its like family around here, and we arent afraid to speak our minds

I have to agree with malcom in that I dont see how you can take all the effort that Ive put into not only that thread but sonic play in general over this last year, and some how say that you are better than me because of it. I dont see any ITT threads that made sonic any better as a character in this game.

People act like we never do anything productive, but if it werent for these boards, Sonic would actually be as bad as his tier position would say.

And I dont give a shiz who the hell you think you are, nobody on this planet has been maining sonic longer than me. You may have been maining him for the same amount of time, but Ive been maining sonic since November 2007 when the first announcement of sonic being in the game was made in the dojo (might have been september, i dont remember anymore.)

Like you dont even understand what its like to have been in this board for the last year working to make this character what it is, and than to have all your efforts actually payoff in game.

You guys dont understand how proud I am of this board when ever I play and do something like force an MK to drill off the edge because he nado'd on a spring. Because they freak out and Im just like, "thats the blood sweat and tears of the sonic boards put into action" yea, we spam, and we get off topic, but if we were really as bad as people think we are, we would still be getting killed at 70% from offstage shuttle loops (sound familiar?) and we'd still be SDing from not knowing why we didnt have a jump when we spindashed off the edge.

nobody outside this board has any idea of what weve done to make this character as beast as he is now.
Malcom is stomping people left and right.
Espy is top 8ing in huge tourneys
and last I heard, SonicMaster5 (a sonic board regular) beat Blue (A sonic main that intentionally avoids this board) in a set.

We ****

and im not going to let you or anyone else tell us other wise.

also. I came to the same conclusion as Napi when it comes to the HA > nado situation.
I'd have to say Espy is the most famous good Sonic player and a great sonic main as well. I'm not sure how the texas scene is, I know they have hylian down there and I hear his Diddy is similar to AlphaZealot's from the midwest. I've also seen his diddy and it seems very similar. Malcolm also seems to be pretty good as well. I'm not sure If he's ever played any of the intense east coast competition or not, but I'd say he's legit.

I'd still have to say Shugo is the best sonic main in america right now though. Your skill level is clearly not dependant upon how much you post on the forums and how many strategies and moves you can come up with. I never asked for advice on my matchup against OS and I can watch the video for myself and see where I messed up. Posting advice like "going under the stage" if I'm stuck on a ledge is pretty bad. These aren't scrubs... the majority of those strategies won't work.

As for the comment of me being OS's cash cow, that's just stupid. He's taken less money in MM's from me in both our careers than he's taken from most people in a single MM. OS isn't even a MK that I'm worried about, there are many other MKs from my area that know the Sonic matchup WAY better than he does. Also with the comment on where I only come in here and post my failures, that's just not true. I've made enough money from MM's and placing in tournies to be able to afford my venue and entry fee in all my other tournies.

I've been to about 20 tournaments now. Not sure how many anyone else has been to but I'd say I know enough that when I say up throw to spring to up b doesn't work and HA against nado doesn't work that I know what I'm talking about. They might work in theory and if I have some scrub friend start spamming 'nado and I spam HA, it might work. As far as a high level tournament match, it isn't viable. Remember communism works in theory.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Im tired of writing long stuff so im gonna keep it short

1) When shugo beats someone either well-known (for their skill) or there are vids put up of him playing against someone and I genuinely c that the person has knowledge of the matchup and they arent a moron I will consider him in the top 10 but until then...hes just another kid from ur region.

Get off the guys nuts...u post about him more than he posts @ all.

2) I play way better people than u.

3) No1 cares to what tournaments you've gone to. And no1 can make that inference since your the only sonic main who hasn't learned that dairing everytime after the up-b is a bad idea. YOU SAY you wont do it but as i've stated before your like a brick wall....we can tell u and you can tell yourself but you will never stop. you are stuck in your ways.

4) I think its best to just admit we live in different worlds. The rest of us are playing competent players who can sometimes have their DI off and b put in the position to be upaired after the spring. You on the other hand are playing cementblock minded players like yourself who hold back to avoid the upthrow even when ur doing the "omg this takes so long they will surely DI right by the time this horrible move comes out" backthrow and they die from that throw which doesnt kill @ 200 with decent DI. You also refuse to use anything other than a cross stage spindash and even when ur opponent starts to create a counter from across the stage you dont switch up your strategies. You instead run straight into it and pray ur game is broken for some reason and sonics spindash > all moves. That doesnt happen with the other sonic mains. So when we say Homing attack and we see you situation alot of us see an OBVIOUS opportunity. but you dont cause i am 1000% sure you take it in the most literal sense and once u c tornado just mash the b buttton like a moron. with that said...i thought u werent posting here anymore?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
I'd have to say Espy is the most famous good Sonic player and a great sonic main as well. I'm not sure how the texas scene is, I know they have hylian down there and I hear his Diddy is similar to AlphaZealot's from the midwest. I've also seen his diddy and it seems very similar. Malcolm also seems to be pretty good as well. I'm not sure If he's ever played any of the intense east coast competition or not, but I'd say he's legit.

puffy beat hylian, sethlon, razer, and DMG multiple times in the last couple of months.
Malcom plays with people that are recognised as the best with their characters. Snakeee, Bum, M2K, Atomsk, inui...
Malcom also took M2K to game 3 just a week or two ago.

I'd still have to say Shugo is the best sonic main in america right now though. Your skill level is clearly not dependant upon how much you post on the forums and how many strategies and moves you can come up with. I never asked for advice on my matchup against OS and I can watch the video for myself and see where I messed up. Posting advice like "going under the stage" if I'm stuck on a ledge is pretty bad. These aren't scrubs... the majority of those strategies won't work.

If im telling you they work, they work, if you cant implement them right thats not my fault, and btw, this sounds like a veiled shot at me, and if you really think im not skilled...
be there. play me, put up or shut up.
not to mention the fact that shugo wouldnt be nearly as good as he is if he didnt learn about all of sonics capabilities from tenki who is a major person in the sonic boards.

As for the comment of me being OS's cash cow, that's just stupid. He's taken less money in MM's from me in both our careers than he's taken from most people in a single MM. OS isn't even a MK that I'm worried about, there are many other MKs from my area that know the Sonic matchup WAY better than he does. Also with the comment on where I only come in here and post my failures, that's just not true. I've made enough money from MM's and placing in tournies to be able to afford my venue and entry fee in all my other tournies.

If OS is soooo easy to beat, why havent you done it already, all I hear is shuttle loop johns when i see your matches with him, maybe thats the reason you cant do anything, cus maybe if you paid attention to the people that are consistently beating you, you might be able to do something about it.

I've been to about 20 tournaments now. Not sure how many anyone else has been to but I'd say I know enough that when I say up throw to spring to up b doesn't work and HA against nado doesn't work that I know what I'm talking about. They might work in theory and if I have some scrub friend start spamming 'nado and I spam HA, it might work. As far as a high level tournament match, it isn't viable. Remember communism works in theory.
So you know everything about the character, but you still lose to overswarms downtilt rage, and you praise shugo for being the best when he has only been to 1 tourney and he didnt even win.
And of course up throw to double up b doesnt work, and even if you meant to say up air, we all know that doesnt work either and Ive never told you to do that, and that means you are pulling crap out of your bunghole.
And once again, ill say that just because you cant implement it right doesnt mean that it doesnt work, it just means you need to get better at it.
learn from your main and step it up

quick sidenote to shugo if he may be reading this.
you are an awesome dude, I can tell. but your little meatride club makes you look really bad. ITT acts like this board makes Sonic look bad when he does way more to sully your personal image than any damage we could possibly do to this character.

That being said, I can tell you are very good, just find some rides, get to more tourneys and stop letting people call you the best when you are still getting beat by IC infinites... its not a good look. You really are beast, but when you lose to lains ICs and anther beats him, whether he beats them with sonic or pika its still a statement that he plays sonic and he does something you cant.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
Im tired of writing long stuff so im gonna keep it short

1) When shugo beats someone either well-known (for their skill) or there are vids put up of him playing against someone and I genuinely c that the person has knowledge of the matchup and they arent a moron I will consider him in the top 10 but until then...hes just another kid from ur region.

Get off the guys nuts...u post about him more than he posts @ all.

2) I play way better people than u.

3) No1 cares to what tournaments you've gone to. And no1 can make that inference since your the only sonic main who hasn't learned that dairing everytime after the up-b is a bad idea. YOU SAY you wont do it but as i've stated before your like a brick wall....we can tell u and you can tell yourself but you will never stop. you are stuck in your ways.

4) I think its best to just admit we live in different worlds. The rest of us are playing competent players who can sometimes have their DI off and b put in the position to be upaired after the spring. You on the other hand are playing cementblock minded players like yourself who hold back to avoid the upthrow even when ur doing the "omg this takes so long they will surely DI right by the time this horrible move comes out" backthrow and they die from that throw which doesnt kill @ 200 with decent DI. You also refuse to use anything other than a cross stage spindash and even when ur opponent starts to create a counter from across the stage you dont switch up your strategies. You instead run straight into it and pray ur game is broken for some reason and sonics spindash > all moves. That doesnt happen with the other sonic mains. So when we say Homing attack and we see you situation alot of us see an OBVIOUS opportunity. but you dont cause i am 1000% sure you take it in the most literal sense and once u c tornado just mash the b buttton like a moron. with that said...i thought u werent posting here anymore?

1) Guess you're right, you'll have to see him play. Rest assured he's amazing.

2) Who do you play that's better than the people I play?

3) I'll admit d-airing after up-b ing is a bad idea. I'll also admit that I as well as my friends have noticed I do it too much. I've had that habit since WAY back in february last year and I'm trying to break it. I actually have a person now that says "wrong" everytime he sees me do it now. I'm obviously not stuck in my ways since I've made constant and drastic changes to my playstyle. Had KID told me that I spring to dair too much, it would have been some helpful advice that I would have appreciated.

4)I play extremely competent players who obviously have a good mixup. I've even killed some of them with an up throw to up b. I've also killed people using neutral b off the side of the stage. People die to falcon punch and ganon's up tilt but it doesn't make them actual kill moves. If and when I get a kill from a springed up air my friends call it "the treatment" because it's clearly a terrible mistake they've made on their end. Also, you've only seen a few videos of me and those videos are usually me at my worst.

I guess we'll just have to see how well we do at eastern regionals.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
[1] Rest assured, Shugo is better than alot of the Sonic mains here, in habits and mixups. He's made incredible improvement since our first games and he even has a notable partner to play with offline (KC), so he has a leg up on alot of us who only have WFC to play on until we find tourneys.

Malcom plays with people that are recognised as the best with their characters. Snakeee, Bum, M2K, Atomsk, inui...
Malcom also took M2K to game 3 just a week or two ago.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
I never said malcolm was bad, he seems quite legit. I just checked his tournament results on this thread and those tournaments I didn't see too many big names. I think I just play a very different playstyle than you guys and you see me do stuff and think I'm a scrub. Back in the melee days I played samus and would only rarely wavedash and people thought I was some sort of a noob because I didn't play my samus like they played theirs.

I'll probly just pull a Mr. 3k and just go my own route.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
To be fair, a lot of us, including me, actually have gone to tourneys and we freaking hate Wi-Fi.

BTW they aren't scrub tourneys... unless SK92 is considered to be one... in which I always took him down to the last stock at mid % when we fought. That's just me, I'm sure the other people around here have fought names just as big if not bigger. I heard Malcolm took M2K to a full set... as mentioned before.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
mr. 3000 is dead as far as im concerned.

people need to stop talking about him like hes somekind of legend.
comparatively, he got pretty much the same tourney results that I got for the number of tourneys he went to and the number of people that he played against but i havent seen his name in a tourney result post/thread in about 3 months now.

dude probably quit

espy is definitely the best Sonic in texas right now.
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