Smash Lord
I cant believe I had to read something like that...
ITT i would be happy if you never came back to the sonic boards. You dont win anything. You dont like the jokes/memes. You dont contribute anything other than i got (bad placing) out of ____ at (random tournament) and lost to OS like 50 times in money matches.
You have done nothing to boost sonics meta game...the only thing u have done is play horribly against someone who thought sonic was bad to begin with. So before you run around talking about scum of the internet ill have you know that I like the sonic boards more than anywhere else on this stupid forum. These guys are hilarious...they make amazing avatars...turned one spelling mistake into a giant joke...and put up some of the funniest images ive ever seen. ON TOP OF THAT the sonic boards are becoming the most inviting and productive character boards ive ever been apart of. and i was apart of like 4 different ones in melee and I was in 3 or 4 when brawl started. While alot of them may not have much experience...they are willing to listen and learn matchups through their opponents which is a great quality.
Now with that being said about how i feel about the sonic boards....let me tell you what i think about YOU.
YOU have not improved since the first videos you put up. YOU fall for the same stupid traps and YOU recover the exact same way everytime. YOU do not up air OOS to punish moves...infact YOU dont do anything OOS other than ROLL (HORRIBLE IDEA) and mayb a smash attack. YOU r in general a horrendous player and aside from OS loving you because your his ****in cash cow (since u throw all ur money @ him) im sure no1 else thinks much of YOU. YOU charge ur spin attacks way to much...YOU dont ASC nearly enuf....YOU almost NEVER cancel any of ur moves. YOU almost NEVER use tilts. YOU almost NEVER realize when ur tactic is being punished. So with that being said i think YOU need to lighten the **** up and get what u can from these boards cause the people here can at least acknowledge their flaws and they r trying to get better. YOU on the other hand dont acknowledge whats getting u punished which is why u type ******** things like "i can watch my own videos" and then dont improve in an entire month.
Also...when ppl say ur sonic is steak you should be proud. that is a good thing and it means they KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN UR CHARACTER BOARD. how would they know that? they've visited and looked @ it. thats a good thing. NOW ONTO many ppl r calling ur sonic steak if all u do is place poorly and lose to OVERSWARM of all people. The sonic boards are nice...i am not. they dont want you to go because they know they can help u get better and they hate to c people leave but I PERSONALLY think you had no ability to improve since u were given countless hints and didnt work on any of them in a month. U r utter trash with sonic and if u never post here again I hope you continue to do as "well" as u do in tournaments now and never see what first, second, or third feels like.
Goodbye, u werent any good anyway. U play sonic with a cement mindstate and had no room for growth anyway. I love the sonic boards and I think they are the best thing on SWF.
ITT i would be happy if you never came back to the sonic boards. You dont win anything. You dont like the jokes/memes. You dont contribute anything other than i got (bad placing) out of ____ at (random tournament) and lost to OS like 50 times in money matches.
You have done nothing to boost sonics meta game...the only thing u have done is play horribly against someone who thought sonic was bad to begin with. So before you run around talking about scum of the internet ill have you know that I like the sonic boards more than anywhere else on this stupid forum. These guys are hilarious...they make amazing avatars...turned one spelling mistake into a giant joke...and put up some of the funniest images ive ever seen. ON TOP OF THAT the sonic boards are becoming the most inviting and productive character boards ive ever been apart of. and i was apart of like 4 different ones in melee and I was in 3 or 4 when brawl started. While alot of them may not have much experience...they are willing to listen and learn matchups through their opponents which is a great quality.
Now with that being said about how i feel about the sonic boards....let me tell you what i think about YOU.
YOU have not improved since the first videos you put up. YOU fall for the same stupid traps and YOU recover the exact same way everytime. YOU do not up air OOS to punish moves...infact YOU dont do anything OOS other than ROLL (HORRIBLE IDEA) and mayb a smash attack. YOU r in general a horrendous player and aside from OS loving you because your his ****in cash cow (since u throw all ur money @ him) im sure no1 else thinks much of YOU. YOU charge ur spin attacks way to much...YOU dont ASC nearly enuf....YOU almost NEVER cancel any of ur moves. YOU almost NEVER use tilts. YOU almost NEVER realize when ur tactic is being punished. So with that being said i think YOU need to lighten the **** up and get what u can from these boards cause the people here can at least acknowledge their flaws and they r trying to get better. YOU on the other hand dont acknowledge whats getting u punished which is why u type ******** things like "i can watch my own videos" and then dont improve in an entire month.
Also...when ppl say ur sonic is steak you should be proud. that is a good thing and it means they KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN UR CHARACTER BOARD. how would they know that? they've visited and looked @ it. thats a good thing. NOW ONTO many ppl r calling ur sonic steak if all u do is place poorly and lose to OVERSWARM of all people. The sonic boards are nice...i am not. they dont want you to go because they know they can help u get better and they hate to c people leave but I PERSONALLY think you had no ability to improve since u were given countless hints and didnt work on any of them in a month. U r utter trash with sonic and if u never post here again I hope you continue to do as "well" as u do in tournaments now and never see what first, second, or third feels like.
Goodbye, u werent any good anyway. U play sonic with a cement mindstate and had no room for growth anyway. I love the sonic boards and I think they are the best thing on SWF.