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Something Most People Don't Know About You...(Read the OP before posting, please)


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
aight here's a question

how do you get a chick who is fairly new to sex I guess to change positions without being super ****ing weird about it

one thing i hate is a bunch of talking...I don't want my sex to sound like we planned it on google maps

"Aight turn over...aight now put that leg up here..I'ma reach around and get it at a 45 degree angle...aight you ready"

^not down with this?


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I'm like Y.b.M. in the sense that when I finally get upset, I just kind of go off an don't care about whatever I end up doing. However, my family (and I guess my close friends) know me as a "slow burner". I get irritated rather quickly, but it actually takes a very long time for me to get physically or violently upset. Once when I lost myself as a child, I actually chased my brother around with a kitchen knife.

Fifth grade to middle-school was the absolute worst part of my entire life. It basically was 3.5 years (eight grade wasn't that bad, I guess) of my self-esteem, support system and mindset being perpetually **** on, which I'm still recovering from. In that span, I lost my birth mother (I'm adopted) to a violent crime (consequentially, I met my birth father for the first time at her wake--- and he didn't know how to say my last name when he got up to speak), both of my grandfathers (who I loved very much) and more or less isolated myself from anyone and everyone short of close members of my family. Any general love of the educational system (which I had pre-middle school) was basically thrown completely out of the window. It wouldn't be farfetched to say that I lost my faith in people, though I think saying that might be too dramatic for me than it actually was.

Still, as bad as I think I am in social situations (which I constantly overthink, think back on in retrospect) I've got a realistically optimistic view of the world and of people as a whole. Fortunately, I have a very good family and friend support system, though something I'm working on right now is learning to use/rely on them. I'm a social, personable person for the most part if not socially as dynamic as I used to be.


Lol, TKO.

I dunno, you just have to kind of say it or even though it might be more awkward, talk about it ahead of time. Generally, if you've got a good partner they'll be receptive to what you do and don't like. If you think about it, girls already naturally do it. Especially when they do their best Lickitung impression.

For some reason, my last partner wanted to like shove her tongue in my mouth when we made out during sex. I'm not really for that, but let her know afterwards. It was less awkward then.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Nigg@ this is a simple answer sir!

move her body how you want it and make it happen. If she got a problem she'll say something. If not then it's all good. Women are more freaks than Guys, they just be trying to seem all innocent....


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
We're all living, we have water, we have light, and we have homes.
That's something to keep in mind everyday!
There are so many people who eat dirt, have no clothes/homes, etc.
Haiti suffered a lot with the Earthquake and now the disease going http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/10/22/1885299/cholera-in-haiti-blamed-in-deaths.html

Err, what I'm saying is we could have it so much worse. We are extremely lucky to be where we are. It's a positive thing to look at because so many of us forget what we have or don't stop and think how lucky we are. We really should.


Smash Cadet
Apr 7, 2010
Kenmore WA

Be like, "Lemme show ya something. ;D" or something along those lines.

Look over a list of positions with her for the fun of it. Laugh at some, and agree on some. Having a laugh would make it more comfortable. Try to keep it a casual and fun time.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
uhh....I don't have a girlfriend so I don't see us looking over a list of anything...my last few sexual encouters have been with like random friend chicks

not saying it was like 40 chicks...my number is 11 for the amount of Different girls I've had sex with but I started when I was 17 and I'm now 21...thats not too bad imo.

but the last 3 times i had sex where like in the heat of the moment type situations...lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2009
Dayton, OH
Lol at this giant love topic

I've learn to be completely heartless and not care about anything that isn't me. I've been doing this for years now.
People sometimes see me as a caring person, but I only do for them so they'll leave me alone/shut up about what is bothering them. Like I care.
I can see myself killing someone and sleep soundly that same day.
I know that because I came very close to doing so.
Once I get to the point where I'm angry, I will fight you and you will lose.
And there's nothing anyone, doctor or family, can do to change that part of me.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I've only messed with 5 chicks.... *The crowd goes Wild in disbelief* and the 5th one forced me! so I don't really count that one...


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Now I am Everywhere
4 here

1st in a relationship at 18
2nd a friend with benefits things for a few months
3rd i dunno know how to explain this one
4th in a relationship currently

If it was my choice I would only have one but life happens and you gotta learn

With positions, you never know what you will like til you try it
I'm hoping to pick up a few tips from this

Something ppl dont know about me - I like to study things. Random things. Psychology of video games, sex, theorys, religions, music. Any general thing that I have interest in I will look up and find out as much as I can about said subject


Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
All right since everyone else is opening up, I might as well too.

I haven't had a great family life either, I don't like talking much about it, but its made me a stronger person. I've had to beat down a few *****es in my day, and I regret some of it, but that's all in the past.

I have anger problems and problems with myself too. I think there are many girls who have self confidence issues, because we aren't that skinny hoe on that cosmo mag. I'm not as skinny as I want to be but I don't care.
Most girls who play video games have known to have issues, because we aren't like most girls. :/

Also about sex, I believe it is very important and it says a lot about a person. Its very important to make a girl happy rather than put her to sleep with your performance. LOL

You have to make her happy. (I love you kel!)

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Daycia, I hear ya :(
My school works with Sister Judy Dohner, a nun working in Haiti, to collect funds and support the hospital/etc that she works with.
It's really sad to hear about all the problems they're having...especially since the cholera outbreak hit the city that we've been helping out.
Keep 'em in your prayers, everyone!


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
When it comes to sex... you gotta PUT IT DOWN!!! give her a feeling she never felt before... Give her that work! Who's with me?


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO

I have something to say to Day and Kiest but stupid mouse...stupid quick reply not saving what I said.

I read your comments and I have something to say about them......


D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
I use to have serious problems with anger, so someone suggested I take Tae Kwon Doe to channel my anger into something else.

It's hard for me to control myself when I get angry. When I get mad I care about absolute nothing. Anything of Value that is near becomes worthless to me. Although, I've learned to control it as I've gotten older. One time a Police told me I need to go to Anger Management, and I was Like "Nah, I got this". If I feel pain when I'm angry, it makes me happy. If it's an overwhelming pain...I get calm. So sometimes before I get angry I bite my hand so I can calm down. It's really hard to explain but it's like I completely lose memory when I'm mad. I realize I'm mad but i don't understand what I did...

V for victory.... Yo ladies and Gents, what yo favorite position? I like the "pile driver" "Ben Dover" and "Jack Hammer"...haha
Gonna post about this topic later.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
Daycia, I hear ya :(
My school works with Sister Judy Dohner, a nun working in Haiti, to collect funds and support the hospital/etc that she works with.
It's really sad to hear about all the problems they're having...especially since the cholera outbreak hit the city that we've been helping out.
Keep 'em in your prayers, everyone!
That's really kind of her! I hope all is well with her in Haiti! And yus, hip hip!

@Rauleen, It's okay! I know how that is sometimes. But thank you still!


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
All right since everyone else is opening up, I might as well too.

I haven't had a great family life either, I don't like talking much about it, but its made me a stronger person. I've had to beat down a few *****es in my day, and I regret some of it, but that's all in the past.

I have anger problems and problems with myself too. I think there are many girls who have self confidence issues, because we aren't that skinny hoe on that cosmo mag. I'm not as skinny as I want to be but I don't care.
Most girls who play video games have known to have issues, because we aren't like most girls. :/

Also about sex, I believe it is very important and it says a lot about a person. Its very important to make a girl happy rather than put her to sleep with your performance. LOL

You have to make her happy. (I love you kel!)
Kassandra, you're amazing! :D I can agree in the fact that I don't want to be one of those really hot guys with a different ***** for every day of the year. Lol you're just awesome :D!

A few things... a little nervous, but maybe it'll help me. x__xv
-I feel like an outcast, and that everyone absolutely hates me. Even in the smash community. I always try and satisfy everyone, but I'm learning that I don't need to make everyone happy.
-But because of that I feel like an absolute monster.
-I feel extremely ugly both on the inside and out.
-I'm extremely secretive, and hide behind a smile to please others so they don't have to worry.
-Being black and a female makes me feel like the worst person ever to be on Earth. No one likes you. No one is attracted to you. And it's worse when you have a petite body instead of a "sexy" body yet you're black. Black guys are worse and I hear more dislike about black women from black guys, just makes me feel absolutely ashamed of myself.
-I was always last... but didn't mind because I tried to think that as long as other people feel happy and first my feelings shouldn't matter.
-I have barely any friends. I've been betrayed, ignored, stabbed multiple times. And in my mind I don't trust anyone or see anyone as my friends, but in my heart I feel like everyone is my friend and I should care for them.
-Sometimes I just want to run away.
-I love smash the game, but the people makes me feel extremely insignificant.
-I'm super messy, clumsy, and nothing goes my way although the only thing I want is for everyone to be happy.
-The only person that cheers me up is myself. And even then I always get struck down by people.
-I've been hurt so much I don't know if I want to help people anymore or as much. I feel guilty because there are people in need...
-Sometimes when walking I hide my face because I feel so dark and ugly.
-I feel like being a black female it's an absolute curse. It's worse when not even black people talk to you because "you talk different," or don't have similar interests like the majority of blacks. So I stand no where with anyone and I've always been alone since I was a child.
-I was abused when I was a kid by my mother and my three sisters who all at one point burned each of my fingers with a lighter and locked me outside if I did something unpleasing.
-Despite all of that I try and keep a smile and to help people, but when something hits me it hits me extremely hard and I get really sad.
-All I want is love, whether from a family or friend or whatever.
-However, my heart is absolutely cold towards my own family members. I feel bad about it but after being tortured for about 16-17 years and being taken in by my dad who could care less and puts on a show when people are around it's kind of tough.
-I never actually had family before. Only person I know is my dad (which has only been a couple of years.)
-There are hundreds of things I could say that had happened to me that shouldn't have happened and should be reported to the police but I'm too secretive to do so.
Daycia, I love you soo much. I really do. You really are nice and amazing. You look beautiful. I really hope you can see that you look beautiful, because you do. Maybe where you are now, people may be racist, but that's them. That doesn't change how you are. That doesn't change the fact that you're beautiful. Those people aren't a reason to change anything. I know I've said this multiple times, but you really do matter to me, a lot. As much as any member of my family. You really do. You're really unique and you're really fun to be around. It's really sad to hear about the abusive family. The example you gave makes it so sad... just thinking about the things they've done that are worse... :'( We really need to talk more. If anything happens that are worth calling the police with... then call the police. They're there to help with those types of things... theres no reason not to call them. I really hope things get better for you :( :( :(



The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
Ah...well okay here are a couple that are kind of interesting:

- I'm a student in art school, working to be a digital designer. However...I'm actually colorblind to blue/green and red/pink, making it extremely hard. My professors have always been against me being an artist for that reason, but I love it so much and love doing it so I will continue.

- I've had a person I loved die in a car accident, and I actually saw it was their car on the road. It was awful...

- I draw with my left hand, but write with my right hand

- I own two copies of Earthbound


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I saw someone get shot...and they died... true story but sad... It was after a party...Cops pulled out shotguns and let rounds off in there. They showed the inside of the club on the news and you could see me in there as well. I went to work the next morning. My manager was like "I saw you on the news last night"...I was like word!

Y.b.M. Advise: if you partying with black friends make sure ya know where you going before you get there... not everyone will be comfortable...hehe


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I'm too afraid to share my story. It'd be chudat chronicles epic, but I know I'll be made fun of for it, forever. Haha! x_x
Just don't post a sex story and get perm-banned for pornography like chu did lmao.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2005
I once had a three way gay orgy with the above poster and rayzorium from houston texas..... x_x Vegetable oil was involved.



Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Anger issues?:

I've never known myself to get supremely angry at any one thing or person or group of people for a long time. If I get "mad" that's different, it's like, I don't know, yelling at the TV when the colts lose or for me, screaming OMFG when wifi hiccups in the middle of a playoff match for AiB, and then throwing out strings of curses because Diddy and Olimar are broken on wifi (trust me on this, my room mates saw me do this once)

But...the one or two times I have gotten angry to the point of bubbling over was one three separate occasions:

1.) Jumped:

2.) Family



Smash Master
May 24, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio
@kryz, I know what that's like. I get very afraid of myself and I used to black out when I would get really angry. I don't like hurting people. :(

I have a lot of pent up anger and hatred. @.@ drawing really helps.

I remeber this one time in school I got suspended, it was the only time I had gotten in trouble at school. Sigh.

So I was in the cafeteria eating lunch while reading my comic book minding my own buisiness full of angst. So at my school, there are some special kids, and they let them eat lunch at the same time as everyone else, and they tend to wander around off on their own.
One extremely crazy kid walked over to where I was sitting, and ****ing lost it. He was banging on the table and talking to himself and screaming at me, and spitting at me. ****ing spit all over my food, my book, and my clothes. So I got mad, annd stood up and said "I'm going to rip your ****ing head off you tard!!" There just so happened to be a teacher who came over to get me in trouble, and the special kid smiles and goes off with the teacher...

Ugh, so while I was in school suspension, I was around a tough crowd. Everyone was asking about how they had gotten in there. "Yeah I busted this kids face on his locker" said one. "Oh well I just got caught with weed" replied another. Then they look at me, and ask me what I was in there for. I sighed and replied "I cussed out a special kid".
"****! You cussed out a ******** kid? Wow. That's terrible" they went on to say. Yes I was being looked down by hoodlums and potheads lol. Well I do regret it, and I did apologize, the whole thing was pretty stupid.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
All I feel like sharing right now is that I got sucker punched from behind in 9th grade, the dude was pretty cocky so it was hard enough to make me temporarily black out, but instead of falling all the way down I managed to catch myself and land on one knee.

It happened on the way out of the cafeteria so there was a big crowd of people trying to get out of the door all at one time, and I was talking to some chick I was crushing on. Due to that I was kind of oblivious of my surroundings which rarely happens. Then...BAM! By the time I fully came to I asked where the dude went and everybody gave that clueless shrug that people always give...

I later found out that the reason he sucker punched me was because someone had randomly thrown an apple into the crowd and it hit him in the back of the head. Then he asked who did it and some stupid ghetto *****es randomly pointed at me for the hell of it and the rest explains itself. The guy didn't even have the balls to throw down face to face, he had to get me from behind.

My father and I were pissed, so much to the point that if we had found out where he transferred to (which is funny since he did right after punching me)...we'd get some people we know to **** his **** UP (my father didn't come from the best background, but he's an excellent person and very prideful when it comes to his family), and THEN I would show up, beat the living **** out of him until he was lying face first in his own blood and it was all over my fists, and ask him "how do you ****ing like getting blindsided, *****!?". I'm a very, VERY vengeful person when people do something like that to me, especially if I didn't start anything with them to deserve it.

To this day, I still get pissed when I think about it. It's just something I can't let go of easily. The guy better hope I don't find him...
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