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Something Most People Don't Know About You...(Read the OP before posting, please)


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
A few things... a little nervous, but maybe it'll help me. x__xv
-I feel like an outcast, and that everyone absolutely hates me. Even in the smash community. I always try and satisfy everyone, but I'm learning that I don't need to make everyone happy.
-But because of that I feel like an absolute monster.
-I feel extremely ugly both on the inside and out.
-I'm extremely secretive, and hide behind a smile to please others so they don't have to worry.
-Being black and a female makes me feel like the worst person ever to be on Earth. No one likes you. No one is attracted to you. And it's worse when you have a petite body instead of a "sexy" body yet you're black. Black guys are worse and I hear more dislike about black women from black guys, just makes me feel absolutely ashamed of myself.
-I was always last... but didn't mind because I tried to think that as long as other people feel happy and first my feelings shouldn't matter.
-I have barely any friends. I've been betrayed, ignored, stabbed multiple times. And in my mind I don't trust anyone or see anyone as my friends, but in my heart I feel like everyone is my friend and I should care for them.
-Sometimes I just want to run away.
-I love smash the game, but the people makes me feel extremely insignificant.
-I'm super messy, clumsy, and nothing goes my way although the only thing I want is for everyone to be happy.
-The only person that cheers me up is myself. And even then I always get struck down by people.
-I've been hurt so much I don't know if I want to help people anymore or as much. I feel guilty because there are people in need...
-Sometimes when walking I hide my face because I feel so dark and ugly.
-I feel like being a black female it's an absolute curse. It's worse when not even black people talk to you because "you talk different," or don't have similar interests like the majority of blacks. So I stand no where with anyone and I've always been alone since I was a child.
-I was abused when I was a kid by my mother and my three sisters who all at one point burned each of my fingers with a lighter and locked me outside if I did something unpleasing.
-Despite all of that I try and keep a smile and to help people, but when something hits me it hits me extremely hard and I get really sad.
-All I want is love, whether from a family or friend or whatever.
-However, my heart is absolutely cold towards my own family members. I feel bad about it but after being tortured for about 16-17 years and being taken in by my dad who could care less and puts on a show when people are around it's kind of tough.
-I never actually had family before. Only person I know is my dad (which has only been a couple of years.)
-There are hundreds of things I could say that had happened to me that shouldn't have happened and should be reported to the police but I'm too secretive to do so.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
A few things... a little nervous, but maybe it'll help me. x__xv
-I feel like an outcast, and that everyone absolutely hates me. Even in the smash community. I always try and satisfy everyone, but I'm learning that I don't need to make everyone happy.
-But because of that I feel like an absolute monster.
-I feel extremely ugly both on the inside and out.
-I'm extremely secretive, and hide behind a smile to please others so they don't have to worry.
-Being black and a female makes me feel like the worst person ever to be on Earth. No one likes you. No one is attracted to you. And it's worse when you have a petite body instead of a "sexy" body yet you're black. Black guys are worse and I hear more dislike about black women from black guys, just makes me feel absolutely ashamed of myself.
-I was always last... but didn't mind because I tried to think that as long as other people feel happy and first my feelings shouldn't matter.
-I have barely any friends. I've been betrayed, ignored, stabbed multiple times. And in my mind I don't trust anyone or see anyone as my friends, but in my heart I feel like everyone is my friend and I should care for them.
-Sometimes I just want to run away.
-I love smash the game, but the people makes me feel extremely insignificant.
-I'm super messy, clumsy, and nothing goes my way although the only thing I want is for everyone to be happy.
-The only person that cheers me up is myself. And even then I always get struck down by people.
-I've been hurt so much I don't know if I want to help people anymore or as much. I feel guilty because there are people in need...
-Sometimes when walking I hide my face because I feel so dark and ugly.
-I feel like being a black female it's an absolute curse. It's worse when not even black people talk to you because "you talk different," or don't have similar interests like the majority of blacks. So I stand no where with anyone and I've always been alone since I was a child.
-I was abused when I was a kid by my mother and my three sisters who all at one point burned each of my fingers with a lighter and locked me outside if I did something unpleasing.
-Despite all of that I try and keep a smile and to help people, but when something hits me it hits me extremely hard and I get really sad.
-All I want is love, whether from a family or friend or whatever.
-However, my heart is absolutely cold towards my own family members. I feel bad about it but after being tortured for about 16-17 years and being taken in by my dad who could care less and puts on a show when people are around it's kind of tough.
-I never actually had family before. Only person I know is my dad (which has only been a couple of years.)
-There are hundreds of things I could say that had happened to me that shouldn't have happened and should be reported to the police but I'm too secretive to do so.
I don't see how you can see yourself as ugly on the inside if you want to help people and hope people are happy. Caring about someone else other than yourself makes you beautiful inside! Also, you are beautiful on the outside as well! Maybe it was part of your past that keeps you from seeing your true self but you are a gorgeous girl. I didn't have self confidence because of things in the past but I am getting over that. I accept people's compliments now because I can understand what they are seeing. Hopefully you will too and see that you are pretty.

Getting hurt is a part of life and I know I can't understand what you went through but everyone has their own troubles and the stronger ones are those that learn and gain strength from them. Even if the moment is bad, remember it's just a moment, it will pass and there is a better future ahead especially if you work hard for it. I would always see you put a status saying you will work harder. That is a good perspective. I'm sorry if this sounds all trite but those sayings have truth in them.

It is very tough to understand how family members can act malicious towards their own. The people who are supposed to take care of you are the ones that stab you in the back. I know how that feels and it hurts, A LOT. It took me a few years to get over; I would still remember it and feel sad about it but I overcame it and that is what you need to remember to keep doing.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
Getting hurt is a part of life and I know I can't understand what you went through but everyone has their own troubles and the stronger ones are those that learn and gain strength from them. Even if the moment is bad, remember it's just a moment, it will pass and there is a better future ahead especially if you work hard for it. I would always see you put a status saying you will work harder. That is a good perspective. I'm sorry if this sounds all trite but those sayings have truth in them.
Very inspiring, Rauleen. May I quote part of this to people?
It's the "trite" things people forget easily and take for granted, even if it's extremely necessary.

He was tonight ;)
Also very inspiring, lolz.

More stuff I guess....
"Keister" is my last name and is how I introduce myself to everyone but family. (Even people at my career job call me Keister... since there is another Kyle.)
"TheKiest" is spelled differently because when I was 10 and had to make a screen name in class, they told us not to use our actual name. So I thought... I'll switch E and the I! (and remove the "er").
TheKiest first appeared online in Starcraft 1.
I try to make my tag resemble TheKiest as best as possible. Melee was TheK (which people would read as "Thek") and Brawl is Kiest (which I'll switch around because I think "Keist" looks better than "Kiest".... but "TheKiest" looks better than "TheKeist")
I plan on passing my handle down to my son when he is also 10 (if he is a gamer). Or daughter, heh.
My "other tag" LeeR is actually the last 2 letters from my first and last name.
I did not get my driver's license until I was 20.
I could not ride a bike until I was 8 years old, training wheels didn't come off until I was 10.
I didn't start drinking until I was 21. (not on my 21st either)

I was emotional broken in elementary school to the point where I still have low to none self esteem even today. I literally gave up on people and started to study them; as oppose to interact with them. People would continue to tease me, but I would ignore it. I would also ignore the good things too, not believing them because they were just being "nice". Since I was acting as I wanted too, I slowly found out that people liked/respected me for what I was doing anyways. Sadly I didn't care what anyone thought, not even my closest friends and family.
It wasn't until College that I finally forgave humanity, but because I was a shadow in High School I am still very shy deep down. OUGA helped break most of that shell (though I am still paying for it, not as bad as it sounds) to become the person I am today. I am just now learning what people think of me... but I'm still having a hard time believing them.

While I still like doing things because I like doing them, I sometimes feel I get left behind. For example: OUGA is now a great group at Ohio University (has become beyond a Smash club, since only about half the members play smash every time). When I started to lead it, there was about a handful of guys. (most are still there: POPS, T-800, KBRO, Framerate, McFly, VirtV9) We would only have a smash setup. I threw one tournament (Rise of the Champion) before I left OU (something I wish I did more of....). Since then, there have been almost 3 times the members with a third of them being girls as well. Each Friday, people bring in TVs so other games can be played. Also the back of the room is filled with laptops with people playing WoW, LoL, or TF2. Plus they now started having parties and events outside of gaming (similar to what NEOH has been doing lately). I am very proud of them. Sadly, they are doing everything I wanted out of OUGA.... and much more just when I can no longer be there all the time. (except they aren't official yet... lolz)
This kind of thing happens with my friends and family too, where I'll leave them alone for a month or two... then all of a sudden they have a career job or a serious relationship they enjoy. When I'm with them, I get sense of holding them back and thus eject myself from situations. As far as I know, they couldn't do those things unless I was a friend during the time with them. Or I really do hold people back. I honestly don't know. I don't ask because I'm not even sure if I would believe them. Or maybe I don't want to know the truth. Who knows.


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2009
Canton, Ohio
This thread for the most part anymore..... :facepalm:

Keist: You overthink too much... but if what you say is true; I think it's a good thing. You might not be able to always reap the full benefit of your works but you make things better even after you have left.

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
I always wonder how life would be like if we all lived in the same city. **** be crazy every day and night!( in a good way of course)

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
All the same to me... I got that magic stick. And if that bad boy sink, she better get it back up! That's her job! And if it won't get back up, well that's when you summon, LICKITUNG!!!

...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................what happened in here.....?..

I dunno. Something about Y.b.M's sex life. He forgot to clean up the mess...

Yep, that he knows how to work it and he's juuuuuussst right.

But in all seriousness, I have HAD (past tense here people) past experiences and size really isn't a "huge" factor.

Now back to juggling!

I can totally juggle! I taught myself how to juggle. I first learned using one hand with two balls (:3 lololol.....I didn't know how else to word that.....) but seriously then I learned how to juggle with 3 balls. I can switch from 2 balls to 3 balls in one motion.
Rauleen, did it occur to you just how many sexual deprived individuals are in this thread?

I should've never read the last few pages.
I feel the same way. lol

So yeah, I feel like I'm a pretty big disappointment towards my family. Not that I care that much. They had REALLY high expectations of me. I didn't meet a single one of them.

-They wanted me to play sports (Football/Basketball) because I'm a fairly big guy and I hate sports.
-I didn't graduate from high school(I did get my GED though. ***** that test sideways.:awesome:).
-I'm homosexual, which they are probably STILL in denial about after like 5 years.
-They ridicule the way I dress because I'm not decked out in Jordans and Enyce and pretty much any other name brand clothing that's popular in black urban culture. I'd rather wear Levi's Slim Straights and Skinnys, flannel button-ups, gamer tees and skateboard shoes.
-My family definitely hates the music I listen to. Granted, they haven't heard half the music I listen to. They just know that the stuff I've played in the house, isn't made by black people.
-They also dislike the large amount of white friends I have.

So, whenever I go to a family get-together, it's basically a roasting of me; a very slow roasting. I get compared to my younger cousin Josh, who has managed to achieve everything that I failed at. He's played football for almost a decade and got a scholarship for it. He graduated high school with a B average, I think. He's got a ton of chicks that he talks to on the regular. He dressed in the above mentioned attire. He has a pretty even-ish mix of friends.

I pretty much feel like the black sheep in the family...wait, I am the black sheep. I separate myself from the rest of my family at get-togethers. Like last Thanksgiving, I brought my Wii and locked myself in a room and just practiced my spacing. I can't connect with any of them past a superficial level, so I just don't interact with them. I feel they'd be better off without me; they barely notice when I'm not in the room. /emo

Yeah, I totally have a healthy relationship with my family. /sarcasm

I'm actually much closer to my friends than my family. My friend Jamere, knows more about me than my mom does. My mom doesn't even know something as trivial as my favorite color.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
- tk referred me to this thread and it's fascinating

- i absolutely love animation from the 20's and 30's--silly symphonies, buena vista shorts, stuff like that. i don't know why. it's so corny and irrelevant but i can't help myself. i guess it's part of that whole postmodern notion of being nostalgic for a time period you weren't really a part of, but it's just really neat to me, these products of the old culture. i've done at least four papers on war propaganda cartoons

- my favorite woman lady-parts are hips

- "coney" the smasher and "zak" the person are fairly different people, but i use my real name often in an attempt to blur the line

- i literally would not play brawl competitively if my main wasn't in it; he's the only one that's fun and actually almost viable


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
-^I'm Roomates with this guy (or more so housemates..CUZ WE BE BALLIN!)

-I'm never late on rent...lmao

-I Watch Glee and after watching glee I realized I woulda loved to be in Glee club..because I like singing and dancing and performing

-I also watch secret life of american teenager, degrassi, Greek and, for a little while, I watched huge

-I Like teen drama shows...lol

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
The secret revealed.

When I was 10 or something equally young, I got Starcraft and needed to make a Battle.net account. I spent a good bit of time at the username creation screen because I wanted something good and original, without using Xs or numbers. Everything I could think of was taken, so I eventually thought "What's the point of trying to make up an original name, they are all taken." I typed the beginning of that sentence into the username box and thus my name.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
i actually had this specific one on VCR as a kid, no joke. obviously didn't strike me as propaganda at the time though

it's also the only cartoon i can think of where bugs bunny gets ****ed the **** up

if i ever have to another paper on media i think i might find a way to incorporate bizarre and unusual stimuli in cartoons

this one as a kid was horrifying

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
i actually had this specific one on VCR as a kid, no joke. obviously didn't strike me as propaganda at the time though

it's also the only cartoon i can think of where bugs bunny gets ****ed the **** up

if i ever have to another paper on media i think i might find a way to incorporate bizarre and unusual stimuli in cartoons

this one as a kid was horrifying
OMG. I loved this episode.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
-only because Hylians avatar has been link forever

I thought he was going to look atleast the slightest bit like link irl

-I was dissappointed when I found out he looked nothing like link...lololol


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
-only because Hylians avatar has been link forever

I thought he was going to look atleast the slightest bit like link irl

-I was dissappointed when I found out he looked nothing like link...lololol
I get this from practically everyone who meets me for the first time lol.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Hey, we're all grown here... and/ or fairly cool with one another. So, I keep it real regardless of what's going on! But i think sex is a fun topic, it's something good to discuss hahaha

We should ask one another questions, along with things that something most people don't know. Maybe the questions will trigger a memory that you don't usually think of off the top of your head. Sorta like the facebook Fad that's going around but not inboxing it. Just keep it straight one hundred...

Also, it annoys me when people don't keep it real and be real to themselves regardless of there intentions.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I mean...everyone here hasn't had sex tho...**** the TC said it earlier he still a virgin

not tryna make anybody too uncomfortable but then again I was a tad bit uncomfortable when 30 nigahz came out the closet...LMAO

so yea its whatever...I'm Down...ask away

in fact ask me any question about anything and I'll answer it...YAYUHHZZ!!! (no chudats)

no chudats=no homo

D. Disciple

Smash Master
Aug 2, 2005
Cottage Grove, Minnesota
I have no problem about you guys talking about sex, I actually amazed and was like "Midwest is too good."

I just hated it, cause I couldn't contribute to ****. Since I still got my V card *shrugs*

****, ask me anything and I'll answer it truthfully.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
I don't see how you can see yourself as ugly on the inside if you want to help people and hope people are happy. Caring about someone else other than yourself makes you beautiful inside! Also, you are beautiful on the outside as well! Maybe it was part of your past that keeps you from seeing your true self but you are a gorgeous girl. I didn't have self confidence because of things in the past but I am getting over that. I accept people's compliments now because I can understand what they are seeing. Hopefully you will too and see that you are pretty.

Getting hurt is a part of life and I know I can't understand what you went through but everyone has their own troubles and the stronger ones are those that learn and gain strength from them. Even if the moment is bad, remember it's just a moment, it will pass and there is a better future ahead especially if you work hard for it. I would always see you put a status saying you will work harder. That is a good perspective. I'm sorry if this sounds all trite but those sayings have truth in them.

It is very tough to understand how family members can act malicious towards their own. The people who are supposed to take care of you are the ones that stab you in the back. I know how that feels and it hurts, A LOT. It took me a few years to get over; I would still remember it and feel sad about it but I overcame it and that is what you need to remember to keep doing.
Thank you muches! I think I just make so many mistakes that I just feel like this horrible person.

And doh! You had family issues, too? Glad you have gotten over it! I really don't think much of my family, but I think a lot about other people and "friends."
And from what I seen your sister seems close to you (?) correct me if I'm wrong, but even if it is just siblings I'm glad you still have someone blood related to be there despite your parents (if it was the parents issues?) Anyhow, I'm happy you can stay so positive despite everything!

@Keist, Bullies absolutely suck.

They just don't realize the things they are doing really effects and huts someone. A lot of times people just have such much negative energy they have no idea what to do with it (usually because of parents) and tend to take it out on others.
Anyhow, Keist a lot of us smashers find you amazing, and you have an amazing voice!


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Well, once ya'll lose it...ya'll can understand it a lil bit more... but it's always good to ask questions before you take that step so you can know what to expect. I didn't expect to get it in when I did....haha


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
LOL real talk..my first time was wack as ****...so was the second to an extent

but the third is when I learned the V for Victory


also I was pretty much abused up until i was 17 (starting from the age of 7)

by my stepdad

He hit my mom one day and I Punched him in the face...I broke his nose

the divorced a lil bit after that (like 6 months) but my mom let him comeback at first which totally destroyed all my trust for her and most of our relatioship...I mean we still talk but I still feel slight betrayal even to this day.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
my topic wasnt sad...that was victory for me...why you think im so happy/outgoing now

I overcame my struggle (Even if it was by brute force...lol)

I do wanna kill the rest of the sad vibe tho...lmao


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I use to have serious problems with anger, so someone suggested I take Tae Kwon Doe to channel my anger into something else.

It's hard for me to control myself when I get angry. When I get mad I care about absolute nothing. Anything of Value that is near becomes worthless to me. Although, I've learned to control it as I've gotten older. One time a Police told me I need to go to Anger Management, and I was Like "Nah, I got this". If I feel pain when I'm angry, it makes me happy. If it's an overwhelming pain...I get calm. So sometimes before I get angry I bite my hand so I can calm down. It's really hard to explain but it's like I completely lose memory when I'm mad. I realize I'm mad but i don't understand what I did...

V for victory.... Yo ladies and Gents, what yo favorite position? I like the "pile driver" "Ben Dover" and "Jack Hammer"...haha
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