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Something bothering you?

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Mar 10, 2006
Ha haaaaa. What an idiot. It never ceases to amaze me how many people allow their significant other to control them.

I agree with Masamune. Maybe just talking to the guy will help, that way he can see you and know you're not trying to pull anything.
She doesn't believe it either lol. Plus we're like oil and water, hell, I barely talk to this friend of mine nowadays, we just happen to study in the same Uni, and I don't even know the guy.

Another lulzy thing about him...she even told me he asks her what will she be wearing when they go out, LOL! Geez...

Anyways, I just hope more people can join to the carpool so that this person doesn't feel so jealous or whatever. sigh. It costs me more money to go alone >_>


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
Guess I should fix this into something someone could possibly help me with.

For the last few weeks, projects have been ending and starting all over in all my class rooms. My school is project based so there is always a project in all my classes all year round. ALot of stress has been building up as I have been losing less and less free time as I give up time for these projects. I usually stay and hour or two after school two work on this stuff. My school is also technology based so all our projects go around computers, Hardly any papers but lots of programs like power point and excel. Messing up on one project gets you usually down to a c and it stays that way for most of the year. (I should know) So basically I cant make to may mistakes. Its spring break yet I cant get rid of all this stress. This has been bothering me for awhile.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

I thought about that phrase today while I was in class, so I started listing the stuff I was good at.

Not only was the list short, but I wasn't too confident about putting down what I did.

So... what on EARTH do you do when life doesn't give you ANYTHING in the first place?!? How do you make SOMETHING out of NOTHING?


I'm really just beginning to think that I'm obsolete and deserve to rot in a corner...


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

I thought about that phrase today while I was in class, so I started listing the stuff I was good at.

Not only was the list short, but I wasn't too confident about putting down what I did.

So... what on EARTH do you do when life doesn't give you ANYTHING in the first place?!? How do you make SOMETHING out of NOTHING?


I'm really just beginning to think that I'm obsolete and deserve to rot in a corner...
Hahaha that goes against my beleifs :)
not that it's organized religion and isn't actually a religion, I just believe that everyone was born with something they are good at. Maybe yours haven't flourished yet. I think you'll realize what it is sooner or later.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Most cliches suck when you apply even a semblance of logic to them.

I'd disguise the lemons as something valuable, find a nice person who's life gave him videogames, offer to pool your resources, and hope he's too shy to cut the deal off when your lack of worth is exposed.

This is coming from experience. I can't believe that guy is still friends with me.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Do you have Tylenol (sp?)?

If you don't I suggest either riding it out, or sleeping.

If you do, why haven't you taken care of it yet?!



Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I usually get lots of ice or something to numb the forehead, then I'm comfortable long enough to take a nap. When I wake up, the headache is gone.

For a quick fix, I suggest vomiting once or twice.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
My ex-girlfriend keeps buggin the hell out of me, I broke up with her for a reason, but I don't want to be a douche about telling her off.

Any Ideas?


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
This is not the OTL social thread >C

I miss my dog, and there's nothing I can do about it besides grieve.

Cody wants me to get another puppy but I'm not sure I want to.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Oh, your dog died? I'm really sorry...I know how upsetting that is; I remember the last time I lost a dog. I think whether you get another dog is really up to how you feel, but I think getting another dog helps. Obviously no dog will ever replace your old one (not to be cliched), but I found getting another dog to be comforting.

I mean, then again, it's been a long time since I've had a dog die; I don't know what I'd do if one of my dogs were to die now.

Again, it's ultimately up to you. My condolences to you.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
This is not the OTL social thread >C

I miss my dog, and there's nothing I can do about it besides grieve.

Cody wants me to get another puppy but I'm not sure I want to.
I'm very sorry to hear that, Azua. I know exactly what you feel, it's almost like a family member just died. You just have to stay strong and remember that the dog is in a better place now and is very grateful for the great life that you gave it. :)

If you want another puppy, you should consider adopting one from the pound. In that way, you are actually saving another dog from a life without love. If you don't decide to get a puppy, I'd consider a betta fish (mine is dying right now, though ='/)


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm sorry about your dog, Azua. I couldn't imagine losing mine even though I'm living at college at the moment ><;; It must be hard.

Almost a week ago I found out that the girl I've been pursuing romantically for the past few months and have been considering romantically for the past year or so doesn't share the same feelings I have. When I talked to her about it, I told her I wasn't sure. And I wasn't, at the time. Things were confusing and so I just wanted to level with her. A lot of people were telling her I liked her. She told me she didn't like anyone right now, and that she wasn't looking for a relationship--I always hate that phrase. Who the heck goes out looking for relationships? I never do. I look for a person...and I thought I found the right one.

Anyway, her and I are good friends, too--or were becoming good friends. We have this amazing connection. She even remarked that we had great chemistry, but that she didn't feel anything. At first I was a little hurt, and then was like "Well, I'm all right with this--she's a great friend of mine and I just love being with her--it doesn't need to be romantic. And who knows? A year down the line a lot can change." The next time I saw her I just told her that I didn't want a crazy awkward period where we both are wondering "Should I talk to him/her or not?" and said I'd love to move on from all of this as I cherish (that's the word she used) our friendship as well. She agreed and didn't want that either.

But tonight when I saw her I noticed she's been putting distance between us. Not a ton or anything, we haven't really interacted. But I feel like she's been making sure of that. It hurts a ton. I care about her a lot--even as a friend. And I thought I wasn't sure about how I felt about her, but now that I'm starting to feel this pain I'm coming to the realization that I do like this girl...a lot. I've been pushing these emotions away all up until now and I'm finally seeing how much I like her.

She's the type of girl that takes a while to make up her mind. Apparently with the last guy she was involved with she was all over the place until she came to her decision...but I don't know. It's not even the possibility of romance that concerns me--I know there's a possibility...it just hurts that we're not even talking right now. Sure it's only been under a week, but I didn't propose to this girl or anything. I didn't even say I liked her. I just said I didn't know, but was open to whatever direction things went.

I don't know. I know she's just being careful, but it still hurts. The thing is, I love (and in this instance I don't mean romantic love) her and being with her. I love our relationship and being close to her, physically and emotionally. Even if it's not romantic, I just love being around her. That's why it was so easy for me to think that we'd just stay friends and see where things went. I wasn't concerned because I knew that we'd be close no matter what.

But all of a sudden there's distance between us. It's okay for now, but only if it doesn't persist. If in another week she's still acting like this, I might bring it up to her. Because I know we have a great friendship and interact amazingly--everyone takes note of it, and even she admits it. I'd just like to see our relationship grow--whatever it grows into. I'd be lying if I didn't say I liked her at this point. I've stayed in indecision for too long. It's just tough because I don't want to lose our relationship. :(

Worst of all I feel like I can never be real about this with my friends. I'm too busy being whatever they need me to be. It's tough, because I feel like I'm always the one giving in relationships. I don't mind it, really--I want to be the best I can be for people so that they can be the best they can be--a little wordy, but I think you get it. I love helping people and being there for them. It's just tough when I don't really have anyone who can do that for me...Well, anyone is an exaggeration (I'd hate for Elen to see this and think I don't think he's there for me XD), but few people really know who I am deep down. It's tough...

So I'm sort of unsure if I should just let the ball roll and see where it goes, suppress my feelings for this girl altogether and 'get over it', or if I should push forward despite all of this and show her how much I care in hopes of winning her over that way--of course I wouldn't profess my love for her over and over or anything like that. That'd just push her away, but I think you get what I mean. It's tough stuff...


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
While your topic isn't exactly appropriate, Skrah, I believe you have a right to vent.

So long as there aren't anymore "LOL SEX/DRUGS" comments.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!

I'm sorry Azua, I probably shouldn't have written that part, but it's just not normal here in Mexico at least, and he was so clean when he was here, so I believe that that study trip changed him.

And I'm sorry about your dog. My cat got run over by my mom last week.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Sounds like you're in the friend zone Proverbs. Probably best to move on.
I agree. there isn't much you can do and staying with her while she goes out and dates other guys ( believe me, she will) it hurts WAY more than what it will to move on. Just be distant friends. seriously.
Sorry about it though :(


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Er...No, she actually won't be dating other guys. You might not believe me, but she's serious when she says that she's not looking for a relationship. She wasn't just looking for a cop out. I've been talking to her friends when I was interested in her beforehand. At that time she was considering me romantically. But her friends were telling me that she wasn't at a point where she'd be ready for a relationship. I wasn't planning on starting one any time soon anyway so I was fine with that. So no, she won't be.

Oh, and I'm not just going to be distant friends with her. She's too good of a friend to lose.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Er...No, she actually won't be dating other guys. You might not believe me, but she's serious when she says that she's not looking for a relationship. She wasn't just looking for a cop out. I've been talking to her friends when I was interested in her beforehand. At that time she was considering me romantically. But her friends were telling me that she wasn't at a point where she'd be ready for a relationship. I wasn't planning on starting one any time soon anyway so I was fine with that. So no, she won't be.

Oh, and I'm not just going to be distant friends with her. She's too good of a friend to lose.
Well whatever works for you :) I hope it all works out.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
This is not the OTL social thread >C

I miss my dog, and there's nothing I can do about it besides grieve.

Cody wants me to get another puppy but I'm not sure I want to.
I know exactly what you're going through right now. Ever since my dog died, well, it really changed me. That's what started me on my path to nihilism. I also realized that the idea of having a pet is rather silly. They live for about a quarter of your life, or less, in good conditions? Oh gee. Then they die, and you become sad, and you non-literally have a hole in your heart.

I recommend, Azua, that you don't get another pet. You'll just go through the exact same thing, eventually.


Smash Hero
May 23, 2008
Discovered: Sending Napalm
But you'll also go through the joy of having one.

Azua, even though this says ESPN on it, it has nothing to do with sports. This sports writer is a very different sports writer because he's been so successful so he can write once in a while about whatever he wants. This time, he chose it about his dog, "The Dooze":

I think you'd enjoy it, because it shows it isn't easy (especially for this dog) but it is worth it.


Mar 10, 2006
I recommend, Azua, that you don't get another pet. You'll just go through the exact same thing, eventually.
That's really selfish. That way don't even bother building relationships with anyone 'cause they (and you) will eventually die.
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