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Sheik Video & Video Critique Thread


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
champ ur pretty good but honestly, u can do a lot better, i think u just need to use more final smash

perhaps ftilt to final smash or grab release to final smash like we talked about


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
i love your sheik actually it reminds me alot about my sheik. you use alot of nairs i like that. but i had back and forth foxtrots just to throw my opponent off or true pivots with a short dash dance. thats just me. i love how you use dsmash so little. seriously. if i would say anything. your getting back on the stage game is a little vanilla. i use needle cancels, chain cancels. and vanishes for a mixups. but vanishes could be very punishable if your opponent predicts your attack. but most of the time they will stay at the edge and get hit by it. . your sheik is pretty solid, add some short dash dances back and forth foxtrots and more needles cancels, also true pivots, and also . some ftilt to fairs and ftilt to aaa combos, or just aaa combos. and your golden.. and add a fast fall aerial dodge if you want. those are always fun too do.

AAA combos basically resets the decay of your last true attack. so you can use alot of dsmashes without worrying about decay. also i noticed you use fsmash so little. i know its very punishable. if you can. you can space well enough to use it without getting punished.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Thanks, I'm done johning. I just got my new camera hopefully that means more vids and often.

one thing I noticed about myself (and this is something HRnut pointed out) is that I'm shielding way too much being in sheild lowers your options. I'm in a phase where I'm trying to stop rolling out of fear of position, I need to stop sheilding as well, sheik has a lot of strong answers to people in her zone so I should have been using those.

as far as my recovery game... I'll agree. Playing an MK a few tourneys ago I realized how easy tethers were to take advantage of and exploit. if the opponent anticipate a whip correctly (or even on reaction in a lot of cases) then your options are limited even further if you can even make it back at all. I try to hold out, sheik has amazing vertical recovery and combined with the invincibility of upB you have a solid chance at getting back on stage low. if they follow you out for gimps you can use your tether without worry of getting gimped at least thats how I see it...
out of vanish the worst that can happen is a upB or Dsmash that sends you across stage and sets up up for an easy time getting on stage. and weakens one the meta's major kills.

fsmash! I hate that move! but I'm warming up to it since today. spaced well it isn't horrible. It is a surprisingly decent shield breaker, but relatively safe irregardless against a lot of the cast especially from behind.

I'm not a huge fan of fox trotswith sheik. hers are long in duration. and make me feel very vulnerable. you can shield during a fox trot amd that scares me a lot. I do like to dash dance a lot it is scary and is a good way to get close to your opponent and imediately throw out a bair. But obviously you aren't just limited to that option. you can grab, dash dance->pivoit, full hop needle, or just leave and charge if you feel that is the better option. Dash dance is good because even on reaction there is rarely a strong option for your opponent. I also like it because you can condition certian approaches and then swap them out for a better punisher or something... dash dance fsmash :)


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
i usually just dash dance . then walk away then . do pivot grab or a short dash dance to a grab. it really gets ya..
oh ya do more jab to grab combos. and fthrow to a fair if you can read there di.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm not one to complain about the dacus difficult but the grab release on meta knight into tipper dacus isn't exactly easy since you have to wait for Sheik cool down upon the grab before you can enter the command, do it too soon and you wont have enough time input the command again to hit meta knight, do it too late and you will hit meta knight with the side hit usmash which is worst then missing completely since you have to wait another 15%+ before you can attempt to kill with the usmash again.
That's understandable. Then again, it is Metaknight. If I used Sheik, I'd put a lot of time aside to practice this just because of how helpfull it would be in the killing department against Metaknight. I would think that scratching off 50% a stock would be well worth it. What do I know anyways, though? I don't use Sheik. xD


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
50%? Double hit is 30% undecayed, and Sheik's pummel isn't exactly good. Grab release to boost usmash is nice, but fishing for a grab on Meta Knight just so you can flip a coin on your consistency is risky. Of course, if you've got the timing down, go for it.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Vids galore.... more to come.
With commentary!

Don't get grabbed.

Seriously, what i got from these matches is that you need to play more safe. Dash attack is good move, but in a match where if it is shielded you instantly loose a stock I'd say not so much. Stick to your really safe moves and maintain really good spacing with bair and ftilt(they can't shield grab that right?). ICs vs Sheik isn't that bad I guess.

And that's not when you DACUS. =P DACUS like everyone one of sheik's moves is to punish mistakes/lag. Use it as long range punishment (sorta like needles).

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Don't get grabbed.

Seriously, what i got from these matches is that you need to play more safe. Dash attack is good move, but in a match where if it is shielded you instantly loose a stock I'd say not so much. Stick to your really safe moves and maintain really good spacing with bair and ftilt(they can't shield grab that right?). ICs vs Sheik isn't that bad I guess.

And that's not when you DACUS. =P DACUS like everyone one of sheik's moves is to punish mistakes/lag. Use it as long range punishment (sorta like needles).
Yeah It certainly isn't as bad as 80:20 sheik is too beast for that...

Um... I guess why I'm not playing more safe is because i don't like camping in friendlies unless I'm trying to prove a point. Shiek can just run out time on climbers relatively easily if there is a plat or two involved. but thats not a very fun match.

They can't sheild grab ftilt, they can grab your foot if they grab mid attack..

I was trying to focus on being aggressive while staying out of grab range. I only use dash attack when I was sure it would connect, like out of fair or bair. Or to close distance after a whiffed attack. dash attack's speed makes it an amazing punisher. Espeacially since it splits them up when you focus damage.

Thanks for the adivce sir.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 28, 2008
<3 you should of just switch to zelda and spam smash in there faces there nothing ice claimers can really do vs it and <3 i love your name hehe.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
lol, no~
That used to work... but ICs can just run in sheild the smash and grab. their tilts are faster than zeldas which makes standing near them, even when out of grab range not fun... Once in the air zelda loses to climbers hard uair and utilt **** even more than sheik because of zelda's slower fall speed.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
I'm trying to pick up sheik as a secondary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I only have one video right now.


Thanks in advance!
Well the largest problem I can see is that you are trying to use the fsmash, don't. Although the fsmash isn't necessarily useless you really should almost never use it because of it's poor priority, start up, can be shield grabbed on the first and 2nd kick and the 2nd hit can be avoided with di of or can even fail without di if you hit with the wrong part of the first kick. The move is unnecessary too complex for how poor it really is and frankly sheik has a better option in every respect over it. You could literately take one step forward and ftilt twice faster and finish then you could do with the fsmash and the range of the first kick would be identical.

ftilt use is basically very linear not too many strings at all. A very simple out line for most of the cast would most likely follow
30+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt,
50+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, fair, uair
70+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, fair, uair, usmash

Needles are also very important to sheik game although on bf against diddy I can't blame you for not abusing them... other then that what you REALLY need is more polish with sheik. You need to get more use to how to moves and fights which no advise I can really give help with that, that only comes with time.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I'm trying to pick up sheik as a secondary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I only have one video right now.


Thanks in advance!
NEVER roll dodge on a platform. They can punish you for it with minimal effort.
Try not to roll dodge that much in a match.
to much Uair
NOT enough Bair or Fair (space with these)
you chain to early in recovery
*morns the non used needles* use needles a LOT more
you don't need to Nair all of the time
more grabs
k... never ever use U-Throw. It is her worst throw. It does 5% and it sends them to far for any hopes of following up.
lol... nice use of Dair (when he was charging a Smash) lol.. nice use of the Dair (suicide) That happens to me when I get nervous. Just use her more to learn her moveset and such.

Well that's all that I can see. Just keep at her and take our (Tristan and me) advice and you'll be fine.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2008
Auburn, AL
Well, thank you both very much. I'll take all of what you said into consideration, although it's going to be hard to keep myself from using fsmash. As far as grabs go, I thought I grabbed too much, but I can try using more. I agree definitely that I don't use enough fair/bair. I've also been trying to use needles more (I actually got to play since I read these).

I just fell in love with sheik because of her quick aerials and easily strung together tilts. I hope I can apply all of this advice correctly, although I think what tristan win said is true: I just need time to polish my Sheik and get used to using her.



Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
don't listen to savior. nairs. are one of sheiks more important moves. if they are behind me i just nair and di backwards. and have the disjointed hitbox hit them with the backside of my nair. i use nair all the time. use more fairs... idk what kind of sheik your going for . but if your going for a aggressive one . use more fairs, nairs. and bairs. constantly attack your opponent dont let your opponent breath. but keep enough space so the opponent doesn't grab you. and you can mix it up with a ftilt, or jab to any move once in a while.. and you can really get them by short hop fast fall or short hop to no attack. so you can punish why they are going to attack.
lol and i'm like the only one who uses fsmash... i use it at appropriate distance though...
what i do is very useful . is i fair alot. and once i know they've caught on i jump at them at certain spacing and needle cancel. then punish they're grab. works most of the time. i dont see sheiks needle cancelling. enough. i use needles when i can, when they are about to land the jump and then run at them with a dacus or w/e. dash dancing is another thing you need to keep in mind. no its not when you move left and right about 6 times on your analog stick fast. that has no effect or little effect itd be the same as walking. its as effective as a foxtrot but it wont bring you so far. its just (left right really fast) depending on the direction you want to go . you just dash the other direction and then the desired direction really fast. and don't get me started on true pivots or true pivots with dashes. those take alot of time to learn. if you want to learn more and train with me just pm me.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
i'm just saying nairs.. are important to the game...
Of course they are. However I believe they are best for over the pit KO's. Since it is smarter to Fair or Bair decay I find that more logical to use. I say keep em fresh and if a sex kick is needed use the Bair.
You also have the option of Needle follow ups when Bair/Fair is used.

The way I am starting to see Sheik you should keep f-tilt fresh below 50% and have Fair decayed. That way it makes it easier to do my 0 to death.
(Once I got the exact decay down I will post it.) (Oh... and I have performed it on someone that beats me half of the time so it's not BS.)
ps It doesn't need decay to work. It does need decay to be legit though (or at least I believe legit.)
*goes back to testing*


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I'm messing around with my playstyle and Mikey's a better player than me, so... don't expect much, but critique's appreciated.

vs Peach
lol looks like a tweaked me (except I look sloppy right now since I am trying to pull my Sheik together). Putting decay, footstool, good spacing and (dare I say it) mind games into ones game is tricky.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No offense Ankoku but every time someone uses U-Throw I'm always like: "Idiot, why did you do that?" Besides D-Throw has the option of uhhh.... nvr mind. I'll post when my data is.. semi complete (I have ACT here soon so I will try and get it out ASAP before the test cuz I gotta study).
Oi... I know it is hard to use Needles at Lylat so I assume you use them normally.

Pretty much anything anyone tells you you already know. Which is why I don't have people critique me. I have a picture of what Sheik needs to do in my head, and some say it's bull crap. I am getting to what I want though. (BTW.. FREAKING EXCITED OVER 0 - DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Ankoku's vid

Very Aggressive. It seemed like you were trying not to use needles very much because [guess here] you were trying to keep the pressure on?
1:04: He's off the level, throw out a wall of bairs. lol
The bait and punish at 3:12 was sexy. I'd like to have seen a lot more of this. [I'm trying to do this in my game too]

Mikey... that was my childhood nickame. That must be one cool guy.

Other than that, basic stuff:
Stay off of the platforms.
I saw a random dair. Be wise not to dair on Lylat at all.

Japanese vid

The best player in Nagoya is a Link Main?! That's too cool.

Something about that match felt right. Oh wait, I know. Watching punish, after punish, after punish. : )


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
ankoku one thing i want you to learn is dacus. its not that hard. just switch your trigger to attack. its fairly easy. you had perfect chances to use it. and use more needle cancels. one thing i've learned from playing and wtaching neo is that if you have a well spaced fair. and you pressure them. and then you needle cancel another instead of doing a fair. you can punish the grab or w/e attack they had coming. but thats just my opinion. he still wont learn dacus ...-.-;;

japanese guy reminds me alot of my sheik. but i do alot fair pressure and needle cancels. i love it though.

(savior) - i reset my decay for the last attack i did. not important attacks like fairs and ftilts. savior i know how to play this game. even though i never played melee but i'm a **** good sheik for brawl. go back to your innocent road combo.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
(savior) - i reset my decay for the last attack i did. not important attacks like fairs and ftilts. savior i know how to play this game. even though i never played melee but i'm a **** good sheik for brawl. go back to your innocent road combo.
Waist of time and opens you up for an attack. IMO, if you play correctly then having to reset decay is unneeded. I have been doing some pretty darn good decay combo's lately.
Sunday I was training on how to use decay u-tilt and Fair. It lead into a 0 to death on Ike. I recorded it and I plan on putting it up.

Never said you were not a good Sheik.

lol, I have advanced that combo a whole lot. Now it is more like.... 2 footstools and good timing= close to 50%, or you can ignore the 50% one and do 1 footstool and that is 0 to death.
Just personal preference I guess.

If you can follow up with an attack you can follow up with a footstool. It just takes some skill.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
ankoku one thing i want you to learn is dacus. its not that hard. just switch your trigger to attack. its fairly easy. you had perfect chances to use it. and use more needle cancels. one thing i've learned from playing and wtaching neo is that if you have a well spaced fair. and you pressure them. and then you needle cancel another instead of doing a fair. you can punish the grab or w/e attack they had coming. but thats just my opinion. he still wont learn dacus ...-.-;;

japanese guy reminds me alot of my sheik. but i do alot fair pressure and needle cancels. i love it though.

(savior) - i reset my decay for the last attack i did. not important attacks like fairs and ftilts. savior i know how to play this game. even though i never played melee but i'm a **** good sheik for brawl. go back to your innocent road combo.
I agree that Ankoku should learn DACUS, but its not easy and switching the trigger to attack doesn't change the timing (I'd argue it makes it a bit harder). Its just something you have to give a couple of hours of tedious practice to and for a sheik at that level it would pay off.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
kk guys... this is what I have been up to:

Oh.. and here is an example of my decay training on a lvl 9 Ike:

Well guys... I will be gone until June 13th. I will miss being here during that time.
Hopefully someone will have done something with my combo's by then. ;)


ps I will check this post for the rest of the night and part of tomorrow.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
smasher's sheik is solid :) ahhh i need to get better

i play link well also, but the little innovations he has just open a huge gap of difference between us

like gale boomerang -> 1 arrow lock -> throw bomb down -> footstill -> nair lock

the nair didn't connect... but man... that would've been sweet


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
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