I'm trying to pick up sheik as a secondary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I only have one video right now.
Thanks in advance!
Well the largest problem I can see is that you are trying to use the fsmash, don't. Although the fsmash isn't necessarily useless you really should almost never use it because of it's poor priority, start up, can be shield grabbed on the first and 2nd kick and the 2nd hit can be avoided with di of or can even fail without di if you hit with the wrong part of the first kick. The move is unnecessary too complex for how poor it really is and frankly sheik has a better option in every respect over it. You could literately take one step forward and ftilt twice faster and finish then you could do with the fsmash and the range of the first kick would be identical.
ftilt use is basically very linear not too many strings at all. A very simple out line for most of the cast would most likely follow
30+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt,
50+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, fair, uair
70+ damage jab, dsmash, ftilt, dtilt, utilt, nair, fair, uair, usmash
Needles are also very important to sheik game although on bf against diddy I can't blame you for not abusing them... other then that what you REALLY need is more polish with sheik. You need to get more use to how to moves and fights which no advise I can really give help with that, that only comes with time.