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Sheik Video & Video Critique Thread


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
That seems like an admittedly risky way of metagaming for future tournaments, and ultimately futile if they learn to adjust to it between tournaments.

As for the rolling thing, the most extreme solution would be to play some friendlies without ever using the shield, which will teach you a lot about your non-dodge/shield defensive options but will also tend to get you murdered because the shield is so **** good in Brawl. Other than that, all you can really do is consciously remind yourself not to roll too much and work at it gradually.
Amen brotha

I had a rolling problem (and still do at times). That is exactly how I (am) fixing it.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
why did you put "am" in parens?

sheik's sheild is horrible. I try to avoid sheilding at all costs now-a-days.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
why did you put "am" in parens?

sheik's sheild is horrible. I try to avoid sheilding at all costs now-a-days.

Sheik shield isn't that horrible and please don't advertise such negativity. I would hate for a newer members of the community to start complaining about her feet are shield poke.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
why did you put "am" in parens?
Cuz it is still a working progress. I can not do it over half of the time, but sometimes I fall into that old habbit. So it is half way being worked on.

As for the shield.....
Her shield isn't all that bad. As long as you don't shield camp you will be fine.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
If you have to shield; shield but the smaller your shield gets the easier it is to be poke-a-fied


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
Great Sheik player(Bjay) vs G&W-I'm not sure where he's from, & came to this vid by accident

I like this sheik, very creative in some of his responses

at 0:17 he was able to avoid a dsmash by jumping which he punished with a bair then a dash attack(ninja head butt) which he then threw a needle thus forcing game and watch into his shield. Upon being power shielded he did one full dash length retreated backward and then short hop into charging up needles. Game and watch did a OoS fair and missed. He then cancel needle charge and grab him, punch him twice which at that % would be safe and then dthrow him which he then followed up with a uair.

at 0.28 he is shielding since game and watch is on top of the platform in front of him and his dair landing lag will be ending shortly then he see game and watch jump, pull backwards and then di toward him. Guessing he would do a fair he jump backwards OoS into fair and since fair hits above sheik at first he was able to hit game and watch hand under his fair.

He killed with a fresh dsmash, which is unheard of. 0:49

0:57 ftilt at 0% into jabs which is a good frame trap against someone like game and watch. Does two jabs, cancels it into grab, down throw. 16%

1:15 Di out of turtle and punishes with a strong nair, which judging from how easily followed it up with a ftilt means it was a another frame trap, or more ****ty play from the game and watch.... Yes the game and watch made a lot of mistakes in this video.

2:16 a little swan action going on there, which he followed up with a jab, into grab

2:39 fulling charge up needles and then threw them at the exact frame game and watch landed, I do this all the time but I don't understand why I never seen anyone else do this.

Those are all points of interested I saw in the video, usually there isn't that many when I watch a sheik video.

Some other things I notice is true ftilt into "X" combos, good cross ups on shield, and one player clearly much better then another completely beating the **** out of the other. I mean seriously how many times did the game and watch use the nair...NONE. That's how many, that game and watch clearly wasn't that good.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I like this guy. He does some really interesting stuff with the platforms and out of shield. I'm also impressed with his clean execution. Looks Japanese quality, even.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Their either French players or someone else from a different country who were playing with French players, based on the language they were speaking.

There is an air of confidence in his attacks, I like that. I think maybe I'd attribute that to his "clean execution". It makes him seem very knowledgeable about not only his own character but also the capabilities of his opponent.

I didn't like the beginning of the match [straight to forward tilts] kinda dangerous. He also get's a little antsy when trying to kill. Around the 2:00 and 2:30 mark I noticed he was throwing out smashes to kill, to little avail. He is also predictable when coming back from the ledge [he jumps almost, if not every time.]

The retreating fair in the beginning and the cross-up fair were sexy.

[2:15-2:20] Takes G&W from 15-64%
[2:21] Guy in background "Aaaah..., Magnifique Comboooo..." lol.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
marsulas, I've been waiting for you to contact me about that for like a week. >_>


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Oh alrite I just figured that you didn't remember and I didn't want to seem to persistent about it or anything. I have work until around 9 EST so if you don't mind i'll contact you later tonight.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
More Bjay matches: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY-Ql0Ghe7A
This is from the low tier LFs vs an Ike.
*more Needle's
*more f-tilt
*more Bair (kinda hard to do against Ike)
*I was depressed when you knocked him off of the platform and didn't SH Bair> whatever
*you need to read what they are going to do as a ledge guard better (look at their placement)
*at 2:29 you could have Dair> Vanish to grab the ledge quickly and safely
*I applaud you for throwing Needle's at him while in the air to keep him from getting you. I am however depressed that is missed. :(
*you remembered that you can tipper someone on a platform (kudos)
*3:50 you used Nair to weak hit someone so you can continue comboing
That is a good idea but don't do it often. Most of the time people are trying to DI out and that don't don't remember that you have a sex kick waiting for them when they put the shield down. If you do it to much they will catch on and you will be grabbed without a doubt.

I was just playing a good Ike yesterday. So I still have the strategy in me head.

Ike is heavy and thus can be combo'd. u-tilt> grab is very useful in this match up. You can also f-tilt lock. Ike is easy to Ledge Hog with Sheik. Here is what ya do:

Ike is recovering. Jump and go behind him, chain and warp in with invincible frames. If you have to you can chain stall behind him by chaining> ledge dropping> chain.

Luckily your Ike didn't jab cancel, spike, set you on platforms and Bair you to death, pivot grab, abuse USmash and throw follow up. So all you needed to do is get in close and don't let him out of your gauntlet.

GG though.. good Sheik!


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Ok I finally got some vids up, big thanks to Ankoku for uploading these. There not really great or anything but it's all I have at the moment. These are friendlies vs. my friend, he's a decent player......nothing too special though.

I don't claim to be good with Sheik and criticism is appreciated.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebbSnSuhPYE&feature=channel_page (Marth)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N8-Me-Vesg&feature=channel_page (Marth)


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLQrzj4lAYs&feature=channel_page (Lucas)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4JAwtqywAE&feature=channel_page (Toon Link)


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I already gave you my thoughts over AIM, if you'd like further advice etc. feel free to ask me.

Anyway, I have a small bunch of new vids.

Ankoku (Sheik) + Mikey Lenetia (Peach) vs JCav (Wolf) + Dogma (Marth) 1 2
Ankoku (Sheik) + Mikey Lenetia (Peach) vs JKBuK (G&W) + Vayseth (DDD) 1 2 3

vs Mikey Lenetia (Peach) 1 2 3 4
vs Mikey Lenetia (Zelda) 1 2
vs Vayseth (King Dedede) 1 2


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
@ Mars:

Based on the first video:

You seem to have a certain pattern that is easily punished. You like to run somewhere near marth, stop, and try to attack. This gets you punished pretty much always. You're ALWAYS on the ground unless you jump to edge-guard Marth while he's trying to recover.

You got him to about 186 by pretty much only using b-air and f-tilt and extremely decayed D-smash. iirc Marth dies around 110% or so with a good Usmash, so that's about 80% that you could have spent on his second stock.

Video 2:

Your zoning is quite good indeed. Marth hardly even made a substantial hit in his first stock.

You tend to kind of waft a lot. For a while you were just kinda hanging on the ledge. Marth can deal with that, and had you been just 5% higher, he would have gimped you and possibly won. Stay on the stage. Sheik can't play off stage like Samus can. She can handle herself just fine, but it's not where she wants to be.

Good needles.

Video 3:

More awkward edge play that could have gotten you seriously hurt. Oh, wait, it did.

This match especially could have done with some surprise DACUS. Marth chose to space himself far away from you, which DACUS can punish (but not as a guaranteed 100% consistent method. Ergo, surprise).

Vid 4:

This Lucas aggravates me. He's quite slow and has no real idea about Lucas' spacing and range. I don't really want to comment on it since it won't be useful.

Vid 5:

Hm. Colus seems to play everyone like his marth. Toon link never ever used an aerial.

Same thing as before, not really worth critiquing.

P.s. I know I'm mainly pointing out the bad stuff. There's no point in me just talking about the good stuff since that won't really help you improve.

If possibly, could you show us some videos of you losing? That would be better to critique. It's in the times when we're nervous that mistakes really come through, and if you're winning, you're not nervous.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I agree Sinking, i'm far too predictable and that's one of the things I will be working on. I don't generally play so much on the ledge......but Marth makes me uncomfortable. I find it hard to get safely back on stage a lot of the time.

Oh and I realize my opponent is not all that great. I should have some vids against good players(and more than likely me losing) sometime in July.


Not dead.
Aug 7, 2006
Currently Japan
This is for the first video.

0:06 I can see why you wanted to jump out of that into maybe a bair but marth frame adv is just too great for that to happen I think. It might of been wiser to just take it while you watch out for canceling into neutral B. You could of also rolled once marth was above you like that fairly safely.

0:09 good attempt to use the needles upon landing, sucks he jumped again. You did however hit him with needles like this later on in the match.

0:13 the single jab isn't guaranteed into ftilt nor is the ftilt fitlt combo at that percentage. Later down the road marths will be up Bing spamming whenever you hit them with a ftilt just because they can up B out of it.

0:24 you shouldn't of ftilt him but instead of dash grab, marth had already used his jumps and since his feet wouldn't be hanging off the ledge he would of been force to do a air release which you can easily edgehog

1:35 I'm just nip picking now but I think a usmash would of hit then and would be better to use then a ftilt since at that % the ftilt will no longer combo even at full decay. Which means any attack that does more damage then ftilt would most likely be better. Good work follow it up with a walk though, to bad you didn't get anything from it =(

1:43 I think getting up from ledge is slower then roll from ledge over 100%... I think I haven't check the frame data

2:10 fantastic use of throw and platforms, good **** dude.

video 2

0:09 dash attack isn't safe to use in the low percents

0:11 more ftilt in % that can't combo yet...Which you continue to use, although the jab mix up is good for throwing off his timing as you demonstrated in your play it is still moderate risk.

0:23 great set up for the chain with baiting, sadly you landed and then input the chain command so you only got the normal chain. I'm surprised it killed though he must of been fast falling.

0:35 more ftilts at % that don't combo...

0:44 because of all the decaying you doing on the ftilt you were hit when normally it could combo into it's self.

0:57 this is just me but when a marth lands on stage after using his up B and I'm hanging on the ledge I always do a bair since if it hits him off stage and it will sometimes allow you to punish him more then said a fair. Although the fair force a tech so maybe if you tech chase correctly it could lead to more damage.

1:04 good control in not using the umash in non killing %,

1:35 I guess you tried to side step...By the way good time to use zelda. You just died so your decay is all ****ed up, marth isn't in a percentage that a ftilt into usmash is really possible anymore without extend abuse and better yet you were in the lead so marth would be force to approach.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
Well i watched some of the first video, and i couldn't really stand watching it.
You need to do more grabs and stop relying on your ftilt to save you. And it seems you use the usmash as a probability attack. like maybe it'd maybe it wont. and once it doesnt you get severely punished. so try to do a ftilt to usmash at 35% if you want some easy damage. if you do it early you could get punished. so try to do it at that percentage dont worry if they shield it it just pushes you two back and you have a lil space between you . idk if he can perfect shield it or not. i just want someone verify .you have a very aggressive sheik but it lacks some spacing. lacks dtilts and mixups and crossovers. so maybe its just your style. which is plain and simple which i like too. and dont use needles up close you get punished very easily. ill watch the next vid and tell you what i think. i like your rob matchup very much, nice use of the utilt and ftilt. ftilt to nair is very useful which you used very well. All i can say is too implement needle cancels or air dodge fast falls in your game for fakes. when they expect to grab you. like for example you do a fair where it doesnt hit them. and you short hop again and they expect a fair. then you go for needle cancel to a fair. or needle cancel to ftilt or w/e. or you can have well spaced pressured fairs which work well. and you could use more uairs in your game.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Hey, Cross is discerning skill in vids. Good **** Cross.
I agree with his critique.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Not a critique.....just some random stuff I was thinking while watching the vids.

Lol at you dying to ROBs dsmash in that first vid at under 100%:). Haha then you racked up like 34% just from needles at the beginning of his second stock.......it's like you were thinking"K I know these are friendlies but maybe i'm playing a little too aggressive!". *shrugs* I still like approaching with spaced bairs over a fair.....it seemed like you got sheildgrabbed or punished a lot of the time with fair. At the end of the vid if you would have used Zelda's dtilt instead of her dsmash OoS....it would have comboe'd into usmash and ended the match. Good stuff, ROB matches are boring as hell though imma watch the DDD ones.

Holy s*** you have a ton of knowledge in the DDD matchup. One question though.......isn't a dashing shield grab always a better option than just a straight dash grab? I think the former has less lag iirc. Your pressure game against Vayseth was insane....he barely had room to breathe. Don't know why you keep trying fthrow to an aerial....good s*** hitting him with a lighning kick in between his bairs. Liked the ftilt lock to fair to techchase grab at the end of the video.....really nice.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Yay, you got better ankoku! Overall though you don't need to force things so much, grab and ftilt I see a lot of when you have safer or guaranteed options. Dash attack OOS works every time against rombs Dsmash and D3's anything forexample regardless of spacing. It gets them in the air where you have the advantage.

Also, versus D3 and rob and most characters in the game. you can just get behind them and spam ftilt against their sheild. if they dodge you can grab if the try something OOS they'll get hit. this works on most characters not all. marth gdub bowser etc. etc.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Thanks for the comments.

I'm not a fan of dash attack out of shield, because it's just got way too much cooldown for me to appreciate. Typically if I shield a ROB dsmash I'm in range for ftilt, though. I'll try dash attack against Dedede.

Yes, dashing shieldgrab has less cooldown. The running grab is overall faster though (taking into account that you have to pause for a few frames before actually getting a standing grab from shield), and I'm really annoyed by Dedede dodging stuff I do just a split second too late.

Oh, and I go for fthrow to aerial a lot if I don't get punished with an aerial because if they airdodge my fair I can usually trap into a nair on the way down... unfortunately, Dedede falls too fast for me to capitalize. : (


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2007
Dallas, TX
I agree with marsulas. shield dashing is the way to go. and pivot grabs cant be too bad. I don't know if you were nervous or not. because your fairs kind of lacked space, but we all get grabbed by a fair we execute once in a while. i know, you know that you can execute a fair and successfully hitting the opponents shield for shield pressure without getting grabbed. I love your roll game, no joke. you roll from your opponents very well. I noticed your not a really flashy sheik too more of defensive sheik. because you stand still instead of short dash dances. which is has the same effect too. I love your Sheik Ankoku, you have good needle cancels. and good reads from the player you play alot. and you always mixup your game so you don't become to readable. Your D3 matchup experience is excellent but your ROB needs some work. What i learned from playing ROB mains is that they hate AAA jabs and they hate OOT nairs. So all you have to do is more OOT shield options. instead of trying to grab OOT. which i know your a defensive sheik and your taking the safest route. but nairs do a lil bit more damage. I remember watching past vids of you where you did a lot of vanishes... where they go??? I practically based my style on vanish mentality you just have to vanish to a place where they at least expect it if they shield but its a great pressure and does a decent amt of knock back...

Marsulas always fthrow , . fthrows can lead to do very good tech chases. i always get a fair or 2 after fthrow even against some pros, you just have to figure out if they are going di away so you can throw in a nair or just stand there and delay your aerial so you can punish air dodge. or delay aerial in the air then punish air dodge with your choice of aerial.

so long story short Shield Dashing(for spacing / not so much for grabs) , Pivot Grabs, and More OOT options.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Or you could just dthrow them and utilt as they come down or read them.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
if you miss a dash grab or a standing grab you'll probablly get puished all the same. dash grab us faster and has more range that a dash canceled standing grab for reasons ankoku mentioned. it is well worth the risk IMO.
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