This thread is just so weird. The response from the majority of people makes no logical sense relative to this community's traditions/reality or how this tournament was run at all. Of course a lot of this situation was lame but with VERY few exceptions all the posts in this thread are dumb.
You can't force someone to try. I wanted to yell at KK during his set with Eggm to stop ****ing blatantly sandbagging games 2-5 (as evidenced by the charging of many f-smashes, walking around slowly into x20 f-tilts, u-smash tech chases at 5%, not going for any grabs at all, etc. I'm sorry if this offends you Eggm cause I heard you thought you "figured him out" but life sucks sometimes). Ultimately, if he's bored and doesn't care then there's nothing that can be done. Lots of things can lead to this scenario including but not limited to things as simple as the matches just not being interesting to a player because of skill gap or IRL distractions. There's no way of making rules to enforce someone to try or prevent pot splitting (they can just exchange money later at IHOP or whatever...). How do you think you would ever be able to determine if someone "wasn't trying"?
There's some useful stuff in here about how 6 minute button checks are ****ing ********, especially after the person conducting them just spent 2+ hours in a corner forcing everyone who wants to play him to use Fox or he won't play so he can be warmed up. We could even look at DSR vs. DSMR, etc. Even the BF only idea (which I hate) is better discussion then like 29/30 pages worth of posts in this thread.
Something new to address for this community?
The whole deal with streaming/backseat driving smahers and how it affects tournaments is nothing short of idiotic. Players aren't ****ing circus clowns there to dance for a stream that contributes nothing to the tournament whatsoever. In fact, it takes away from the tournament because it slows down how it's run since basically the last 10 sets or whatever always *have* to be streamed or everyone will *****. This extends the length of the tournament by literal hours. Unless the stream contributes some kind of money to the pot or whatever directly through add revenue then no one who wasn't there has any right to complain about how anything at this tournament was done.
I mean, arguably without the stream this M2K vs. Unknown drama could have all been avoided as we could have waited for a ruling instead of M2K using the stream as leverage + the stream crew pressuring Ryan to get the **** going asap. Peope who don't attend/contribute to the tournament in a real way (hype is not a real contribution, despite how much you might want it to be) aren't entitled to anything at all. Furthermore, they have no right to be upset about whether something happens or not - including a stream or even recorded videos regardless of how much you want/appreciate those things.
You are of course allowed to post your opinions in a public forum but I urge a lot of you (Bob Money, Kage) who are notable players to consider what you're actually saying and re-evaluate your stance (that this was some huge scandal, that they don't love the game, etc.) based on the history of this community with sandbagging, splitting and even more so based on what all 3 people (really just 2 involved in the split cause KK only took 3rd place money) have contributed to the community - this includes M2K. Despite a tendency to cry until he gets his way and ****ing make a lot of our lives miserable he has brought a lot to the community.
Alukard, I appreciate you trying to make amends with me. It means I'd consider going to another RoM, because at this 1 I just wanted to stop playing matches altogether after that **** happened and had no desire to come back. Please make an effort in the future (I'm sure you will) to seed better. Even if you just ask people at the door what region they're from, do soft registration online so you can show up with some kind of pools already made and then you can re-organize, etc. It would all help to starting on time and even make running the last half of 2 whole brackets on 1 set up a more viable option. I'd enjoy leaving tournaments at a time when things other then McDonalds are open and hanging out with people. I'm sure we all do.