Yeah cause everyone autocombos sheik once she gets onstage
I explained how the edgeguard loops work vs her with most characters. It's not theory, it's stuff that happens regularly.
I accounted for the characters (good ones, at any rate) that have issues edgeguarding her. Marth (if the Marth can't hit the waveland tipper) and Peach (because Peach Nair can be ground teched, D-smash has the down-up trick, and that leaves her with D-tilt).
Most other good characters have a counter that can't be DIed effectively to prevent it from working.
I have. Sadly it won't save you vs a lot of characters if they get a free "any move they want".
Which, for a lot of them, they do.
And sheik doesn't have to poof onto the stage
she can go above it, slap the ledge to clear, etc. yur dumb and are playing one-track-mind theorybros.
This can all be systematically covered. I say this from my experience in real matches, not theory bros. Slapping the edge will get you ledgehop Baired (or worse) vs a lot of people.
The only character I'm "theorybroing" for edgeguarding vs Sheik is the ICs because I've never played one in tournament except Trail and he mostly killed me with throw combos or smashes onstage... I attribute this largely to the fact that it was Yoshi's Story. I sort of just assumed they could CG Sheik from 0-60 vs her recovery at low percent if she's hit off early (since SoPo
can CG her from 0-60) and eventually switch to D-smashes (or U-smash in KO percent).
Lol, I totally agree though that pichu at high level seems to get hit less than sheik at high level.
Ive actually rarely seen a high level pichu get hit out of their recovery lololol
I was comparing Samus to Pichu.
I don't think hugs really needs to explain his argument cause everyone in this thread knows how samus recovers at a high level (if you watch vids at least). But the actual player who does the recovering and has been for like 4 years at a high level will probably know more than you. I'm not sealing an argument, I'm putting weight behind the guy who knows what he's talking about. Over you.
Videos are a crappy argument IMO but if we're going to go down that route can I refer to M2K vs HugS in Marth Samus on FD?
So the odds of you being right over him are about 1 in 1.72E 68 or something. I'll need to get a better calculator to better judge the real odds; this is just a rough guess
I'm interested in how you came up with that statistic.
At any rate, if you're appealing to HugS on this I'll just appeal to M2K on it? Since M2K is the better player he must be right? He's been edgeguarding for years at high level so he must be right.
edit: Continuing on this line of thinking, Mew2King openly states he feels Sheik's recovery is garbage. Your rebuttal?