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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2008
Paris, France
THank you very much PP :)

And yeah like Falcinho said it works till a bit over 100%. I play a lot of Sheiks and I've tested it a looot.

If you shine and they shield, use the hitstun to get away before she can upair, you should have time ! like shine -> jump immediatly

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
im paralyzed without c-stick i odnt know how you do it.
I was too stubborn to learn with the C stick. XD

You can shine out of Sheik's uthrow-utilt until something over 100% if you don't DI
Sheik can shield the shine though (and catch you with upair afterwards)

Therefore dthrow > uthrow until high %
Ahhh that's really interesting. Thanks man!

now that i think about it PP, the fact that you only use A, is that why u fair so much, accidently trying to do other moves?

or are you just a baller like that?
Nah all of my Fairs are on purpose except that SH one I did on....m2k or KK when I hit them on the ground lol. That was just funny though.

THank you very much PP :)

And yeah like Falcinho said it works till a bit over 100%. I play a lot of Sheiks and I've tested it a looot.

If you shine and they shield, use the hitstun to get away before she can upair, you should have time ! like shine -> jump immediatly
No problem man. =)

Ahhh good to know I have an out. Thanks!


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Edit: Unknown if you see this I'd love to hear about ways to DI Uthrow and **** lol.
if there's no plat above you

don't di


otherwise try to edgecancel

you go further if you di behind her so if there's a plat above and you can't edgecancel 'cuz it's big

di behind her and don't go on it

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
if there's no plat above you

don't di


otherwise try to edgecancel

you go further if you di behind her so if there's a plat above and you can't edgecancel 'cuz it's big

di behind her and don't go on it
I feel kind of embarrassed getting help from someone I'm 1-1 with....I don't even know if I can tell you anything helpful in return though. I really do appreciate the advice though. =)

And that last mixup works well then? I guess most Sheiks would expect me to DI onto the platform huh?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

I'll win without it next time.

What do you do against Docs? : ] I'm just thinking... like WTF am I sposed to do against a really good sheik... (lol like M2k he spaces my shield with dsmash and then everything else he does I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS LOL)


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
the worse the character/room they have to attack, the more ways you have to be VERY creative to get in on your opponent. you can't see it like trying to win a spacing battle, cause you'll basically lose no matter what in that matchup. find ways to be tricky :)

i can't provide anything more useful, just thought i'd throw that in


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
@ Ranmaru

I short hop back air and forward air a lot because if I space they go through his U-tilt and that's his only anti-air worth anything because his U-smash is too slow.

I also waveshield a lot because Doc has no range so if he comes into grab me, and I WD back, then I am in the clear and get a free combo. Doc's bad at overshooting effectively minus gimmicks like non-fast fall Nair so WDing back into DD grab and snatching him as he lands from whatever is also pretty good. WD back OOS F-tilt ruins a lot of his approaches too.

I camp platforms / needles sometimes if they're pill camping and I don't feel like approaching. I do big grab combos because they're fun and work on Doc for the most part until like 40 or so when the DI away regrab stops working (not sure about percents).

I'm not sure how Doc can beat any of that. Perhaps consult the Doc boards.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@ Ranmaru

I short hop back air and forward air a lot because if I space they go through his U-tilt and that's his only anti-air worth anything because his U-smash is too slow.

I also waveshield a lot because Doc has no range so if he comes into grab me, and I WD back, then I am in the clear and get a free combo. Doc's bad at overshooting effectively minus gimmicks like non-fast fall Nair so WDing back into DD grab and snatching him as he lands from whatever is also pretty good. WD back OOS F-tilt ruins a lot of his approaches too.

I camp platforms / needles sometimes if they're pill camping and I don't feel like approaching. I do big grab combos because they're fun and work on Doc for the most part until like 40 or so when the DI away regrab stops working (not sure about percents).

I'm not sure how Doc can beat any of that. Perhaps consult the Doc boards.
Thanks dude. I usually consult Dogy but he's always working loool.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I use AIm. Also, trillian, but I despise it for crashing on me sometimes, maybe I'll use it in the future again.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
Since there are both M2K and PP I think I should ask... how is Falco supposed to punish Marth's (retreating) Fair OOS? I think it's like one of the safest move in the game (even safer than Puff's Bair), because he can just throw another Fair out if the first one misses, WL away or just land without lag and shield/dash away o_o
Falco isn't as fast as Fox/Falcon, I don't think he can get at Marth in time x(

u dont punish it


unless u wanna randomly jump fair OOS lol

12:56- Always going in right after you hit his shield with a laser. Sometimes it's better to just chill after you do that and bait his Fair OOS and then punish.

WHAT :facepalm:

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I definitely meant the approaching Fair LOL my bad.

The retreating one used on some of Falco's approaches is too good and shouldn't be challenged really as far as I know.

I also have fought that tactic in a very long time though so maybe there are things you can do that I haven't realized haha.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Just keep lasering them.

They can't retreat fair forever.
Retreating Fair counters approaches, first of all. Gotta bait awful well to make Marth keep doing that without convincing him you won't attack and get him to sneak in on you in between your laser setups.

Also, SH retreating Fair OOS doesn't send you back much at all, since you don't actually need to DI away after the initial retreat for the Fair since that's the part that stuffs the approach. Marth can just fall back into pretty much the same place he was before that way. Plus, there's no landing lag since he only did 1 Fair, so he's safe to shield or go at Falco or do whatever again.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
-laser his shield, then empty sh into it and grab or shine or shine grab.

-laser into his sheild, CC, let him fair you oos, punish with dtilt, fsmash, grab etc depending on how far he retreats.

or, (this is strickly theory craft i've never done this)

space a laser such that your next SH would potentially put you on his shield, empty SH, the marth will try to retreating fair oos, wait for it, then fsmash.

when i picture the spacign in my head, seems viable. what do oyu guys think.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
laser his shield, then empty sh into it and grab or shine or shine grab.

or, (this is strickly theory craft i've never done this)

space a laser such that your next SH would potentially put you on his shield, empty SH, the marth will try to retreating fair oos, wait for it, then fsmash.

when i picture the spacign in my head, seems viable. what do oyu guys think.
First idea doesn't help with the retreating Fair OOS but it's good lol.

Hmmm, sometimes you just need to run forward some to get them to do it(like PC used to do! <3 that dude), but that's a good idea too. Wavelanding could come with that too, which would be interesting. Only real issue is if Marth catches on at all and just hits you/Fairs forward OOS, but it seems like a solid mixup.
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