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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
@DruggedFox: O_______O I guess I should be glad that there aren't any Falcos that I play who are that good. And yeah, I saw PP laser in place a few times, and that isn't like him at all (being such a big advocate of laser DD), so....

Also, how easy is it for Falco to combo Sheik and Peach? I've been getting varying answers on it, and am curious. I know that Falco's combos on Peach are almost entirely dependent on platforms after a point (maybe 20 or so?), and I don't really know how he combos Sheik, but I would figure that it'd be the same for her?


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
When it comes to Sheik and Peach, I've found utilt to be much more effective for comboing than shining again. Not only will it reach higher off the ground, but it doesn't send them as far up, making your follow up with another dair pillar or a bair to send them off stage much more reliable. I still need to do a lot of work in incorporating utilt into my game though, so I can't say much on how specifically to use it.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Anyone see that first hit U Air stuff Zhu was doing vs DSW? So sexy. Probably some actual utility to it, stabilising a FFers position mid combo and all that.

Also, Kou can do shine grabs OOS on demand. Do want.
Zhu was talkin about this a couple months ago when he started doing it, and I really like it. I'm pretty sure it can be avoided but it's so surprising and unused atm that it's sorta guaranteed. XD

I need to up my shine OOS game =(

YOU SHUT UP, you dummy.

@DruggedFox: O_______O I guess I should be glad that there aren't any Falcos that I play who are that good. And yeah, I saw PP laser in place a few times, and that isn't like him at all (being such a big advocate of laser DD), so....

Also, how easy is it for Falco to combo Sheik and Peach? I've been getting varying answers on it, and am curious. I know that Falco's combos on Peach are almost entirely dependent on platforms after a point (maybe 20 or so?), and I don't really know how he combos Sheik, but I would figure that it'd be the same for her?
I really wish I got to try my little combo trick I made up for Peach on Armada, but I think that Falco has the capability to combo Peach very well. I know I haven't mastered it yet due to lack of experience/thought, but I'd say he probably combos Peach less hard than he does to Sheik because Peach is simply floatier. I suppose he still combos her fairly hard though. Not sure if I should bs a scale really quickly to answer this, but it's whatever because I'd be wrong to some extent due to lack of experience anyway. XD

Sheik, because she has less options to protect herself from below, is easier to uptilt/uair/bair to continue less legitimate combo strings. In terms of actual hitstun combos or mostly hitstun combos, I'd still say Falco combos Sheik pretty well. Training with Twitch, I've 0-deathed his solid DI somewhat often when I'm on and he knows pretty much what I want to do in each hit of my combo.

@AA: I suppose I could critique one of them if you want. Pick a particular match of theirs and I'll get on it. =)

@Bones0 on uptilt: shine is better at lower percents for me, and uptilt is better at higher percents. situation changes things though, because low percent uptilts when sheik/peach are off the ground can be AMAZINGGGG


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
i have way more trouble comboing sheik. you cant get 'true combos' that arent basically dair strings or dair utilt dair on platform kinda stuff on either after a little while and i find it much harder to catch sheik's tech options after I dair her back down. maybe im just bad though?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
i have way more trouble comboing sheik. you cant get 'true combos' that arent basically dair strings or dair utilt dair on platform kinda stuff on either after a little while and i find it much harder to catch sheik's tech options after I dair her back down. maybe im just bad though?
Yeah most of my stuff is lame dair shine/uptilt repetitions or quick surprise Bairs to things on Sheik but I still feel that's better than what we have on Peach, which is Dair to Dair stuff or Dair'ing her onto a platform and tech chasing....which is what we can already do to everyone lol.

Again, depends on how "true" of a combo you're looking for here lol. Extremely disadvantageous situations where the opponent is just out of hitstun(can't float here unless you're Peach though that can be baited obviously) and will likely not have momentum as a result of being hit seem much better vs Sheik than Peach. Peach can trade out of hitstun too easily and float out of things like uptilts and she's too floaty so she's harder to control than Sheik imo.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2010
LDHL: I find Falco's tend to use it too much, even if it may not seem like they use it too much.

Most of the time when I LHDL I try to do it when my opponent is on the other side of the stage, or else I tend to get ***** because somehow (and most of the time) they were in range or some dumb **** like that.

I've noticed this for a while, and after watching Mango vs Armada at APEX 2012 Crews...I definitely think people tend to go auto Falco and do it alot.

Mango got tapped on both his 3rd and 4th stock because he used LHDL's. Both kills pretty much started due to turnip sending Mango offstage...I know Peach is the only one with turnips, but my point stands...And Mango's shield pressure was amazing that game, he was in and out, using perfect doubleshine- I don't think his pressure got him punished at all. He actually used a fair amount of lasers as well, which you odn't usually see Mango do. But even with those tools he still lost.

Or maybe I just suck and notice when people die from it?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
LDHL: I find Falco's tend to use it too much, even if it may not seem like they use it too much.

I've noticed this for a while, and after watching Mango vs Armada at APEX 2012 Crews...I definitely think people tend to go auto Falco and do it alot.

Mango got tapped on both his 3rd and 4th stock because he used LHDL's. Both kills pretty much started due to turnip sending Mango offstage...I know Peach is the only one with turnips, but my point stands.

Most of the time when I LHDL I try to do it when my opponent is on the other side of the stage, or else I tend to get ***** because somehow (and most of the time) they were in range or some dumb **** like that.

Or maybe I just suck and notice when people die from it.
It still seems to be a little overused by some Falcos, but Mango seems to be the best one that overuses it(or uses it when the opponent could likely kill him) these days.

I partially blame myself for him still doing that since I'm a noob about punishing his LHDLs consistently. XD


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2008
The 216
Lahti, I already knew how to moonwalk. i was just trying unsuccessfully to do a moonwalk as falco.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2010
Just call him a chode for overusing it :awesome:

Another thing I tend to notice is Falco's lasering when Peach is just floating, waiting to land with a fair, and the Falco just continues to shoot SHL's, 90% of the time the lasers don't connect, and the Falco ends up getting punished for it...would it not be safer to just wait, stand still and see when their going to land, instead of doing SHL's or something?

Maybe just wait-> wavedash back -> fsmash or something?

I know it sounds like something myself (a scrub would say), it's just I always see Falco's getting punished for that as well.

I suck, but that's just my input :urg:

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Just call him a chode for overusing it :awesome:

Another thing I tend to notice is Falco's lasering when Peach is just floating, waiting to land with a fair, and the Falco just continues to shoot SHL's, 90% of the time the lasers don't connect, and the Falco ends up getting punished for it...would it not be safer to just wait, stand still and see when their going to land, instead of doing SHL's or something?

Maybe just wait-> wavedash back -> fsmash or something?

I know it sounds like something myself (a scrub would say), it's just I always see Falco's getting punished for that as well.

I suck, but that's just my input :urg:
It's more to catch her if she tries to float down tbh. Falco can't react with a laser if Peach tries to end her float early instead of approaching, and lasering her upon her descent would be a phenomenal way to lock her down. Now, I went into that Apex set with Armada knowing not to do that(overspam lasers when she's floating), but sometimes I do dumb things anyway I suppose lol.

WD back to Fsmash would probably get shielded or trade with Fair at best tbh unless Peach wanted to jab after FC aerial'ing(unlike when she sees an Fsmash....though I guess the jab may stuff the Fsmash anyway given appropriate spacing/timing....).


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2010
It's more to catch her if she tries to float down tbh. Falco can't react with a laser if Peach tries to end her float early instead of approaching, and lasering her upon her descent would be a phenomenal way to lock her down. Now, I went into that Apex set with Armada knowing not to do that(overspam lasers when she's floating), but sometimes I do dumb things anyway I suppose lol.

WD back to Fsmash would probably get shielded or trade with Fair at best tbh unless Peach wanted to jab after FC aerial'ing(unlike when she sees an Fsmash....though I guess the jab may stuff the Fsmash anyway given appropriate spacing/timing....).
Your lasers did hit a lot though when Armada was looking for that FC fair on your last stock 3rd match in WSF.

I guess part of my problem is I just play a really bad Peach :troll: /I hate the matchup when the Peach is playing good.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
What happens if you roll (or even more interesting, Phantasm) behind Peach as she floats towards you? I'm guessing if you roll into a shield she will just react with a FC bair onto your shield and then dsmash/shield herself. Is there a way to reliably punish FC bair on your shield that would give you a consistent out any time you get behind her during float? The reason side-B came to mind was because it seems like it would get you far enough that she wouldn't usually be able to catch you with a bair, or maybe even you could just utilt on reaction as she comes at you. That's probably way too risky though, especially if you need to use your airborne side-B to gain the appropriate distance.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2011
PP: What is the hardest thing when fighting against armada's peach with falco? Do you think you can beat him next time if you're on top of your game? And what about your marth, do you think you have chances against armada with it?

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
PP...I used to main Falco over a year ago...I feel as good as I was when I left him. But I hit a crazzzzzzzy plateau and haven't gotten better with him since. I just have no idea what to work on.....I just can't get creative with him as hard as I try. Sorry this is vague lol. Any help/ideas?


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2007
Vegas, NV
I would think you would just do a falling bair in between pills if he's recovering mid-high or, if he's more above you, jump once in front of him and time a dj bair into him right as he shoots pill

should go straight through pill if timed right.

and after you hit him once with it, he might start capping, so then you just wait a split second longer before bairing


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
@AA: I suppose I could critique one of them if you want. Pick a particular match of theirs and I'll get on it. =)

@Bones0 on uptilt: shine is better at lower percents for me, and uptilt is better at higher percents. situation changes things though, because low percent uptilts when sheik/peach are off the ground can be AMAZINGGGG
Uhm I dunno x) I think I saw more bad decisions in the first match, so maybe having a critique of the second one would be more useful

Also Falco's Utilt is BROKEN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFIijECv0Mo#t=3m20s xd


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
PP, I was watching your Apex set versus Armada again, and I noticed that you often caught bad trades with him when you would uthrow him, and then go for an immediate aerial. I know that at high percents it can sometimes lead into a kill, and at mid percents, it can combo into something cute (like dair), but wouldn't it be safer and more beneficial to just uthrow Peach, and then put pressure on her landing with utilts/bairs (maybe even wait a moment before uairing)? I don't think I saw you do this much, if at all.

And why weren't you mashing out of CGs? For shame, Peepee, for shame. =\


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
Houston, Texas
Edgeguarding doc:

If he's gonna sweetspot, edgehog. Double jump or fire stall for invincibility if he pills or down bs really close

If he's not sweetspotting, charge downsmash and let falco's invincible *** legs do WORK


Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
What happens if you roll (or even more interesting, Phantasm) behind Peach as she floats towards you? I'm guessing if you roll into a shield she will just react with a FC bair onto your shield and then dsmash/shield herself. Is there a way to reliably punish FC bair on your shield that would give you a consistent out any time you get behind her during float? The reason side-B came to mind was because it seems like it would get you far enough that she wouldn't usually be able to catch you with a bair, or maybe even you could just utilt on reaction as she comes at you. That's probably way too risky though, especially if you need to use your airborne side-B to gain the appropriate distance.
You CAN roll behind Peach, but if you do it while she's still airborne, then all you'll have time to do out of the roll is shield to avoid getting Fair'd. Not worth it.

Side B is a cool idea, but I think the landing lag would get you ***** anyway. Besides, most of the time Armada was floating against me I had the middle iirc(could be totally wrong though only watched the set once and it was with a snarky expression the whole time so LOL). I'd rather focus on making him uncomfortable with getting out of his float in general than trying to get him to FC Bair me once or twice(he may just start taking the middle then ****** me if I could somehow punish that FC Bair from a Side B during his float).

I don't think Falco can consistently punish Peach's FC Bair on his shield unless she does it close enough for him to shine OOS. Dsmashhhhhh

how the hell do you ledgeguard doc

hi jpeg
I like Bair'ing through pills(AC or FH mixups and stuff) to hit Doc, and sometimes I shield pills to SH Dair/Bair OOS if I have time(and think Doc won't try to hit me....if he does then I just WD OOS).

If he goes low then I either Dair at odd timings or charge Dsmash to throw off his tech. Edgehogging to ledgehop Dair/Bair is obviously still really good, in addition to Dtilting him in his lag if his percent is high enough.

PP: What is the hardest thing when fighting against armada's peach with falco? Do you think you can beat him next time if you're on top of your game? And what about your marth, do you think you have chances against armada with it?
As Falco, it probably sucks the most getting death comboed lol. Very hard morally speaking to come back from that.


watch the friendlies when they go up and decide based on that imo.

PP...I used to main Falco over a year ago...I feel as good as I was when I left him. But I hit a crazzzzzzzy plateau and haven't gotten better with him since. I just have no idea what to work on.....I just can't get creative with him as hard as I try. Sorry this is vague lol. Any help/ideas?
Pick a move you never use and spam it.
^ this is actually really good advice, but it is kinda vague because of the word "spam." at any rate, you should use any tactic or move that you aren't accustomed to using in order to stimulate new ideas.

think about your objectives as falco. how exactly do you want to lock someone down? how could you do that better? this is an example of the questions you could ask yourself.

watch videos of yourself. what things do you do over and over again(whether they work or not)? try masking that or changing it and seeing how it feels.

Uhm I dunno x) I think I saw more bad decisions in the first match, so maybe having a critique of the second one would be more useful

Also Falco's Utilt is BROKEN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFIijECv0Mo#t=3m20s xd
2nd match of which set?

and LOL faab da troll

PP, I was watching your Apex set versus Armada again, and I noticed that you often caught bad trades with him when you would uthrow him, and then go for an immediate aerial. I know that at high percents it can sometimes lead into a kill, and at mid percents, it can combo into something cute (like dair), but wouldn't it be safer and more beneficial to just uthrow Peach, and then put pressure on her landing with utilts/bairs (maybe even wait a moment before uairing)? I don't think I saw you do this much, if at all.

And why weren't you mashing out of CGs? For shame, Peepee, for shame. =\
yeah you're right

Edgeguarding doc:

If he's gonna sweetspot, edgehog. Double jump or fire stall for invincibility if he pills or down bs really close

If he's not sweetspotting, charge downsmash and let falco's invincible *** legs do WORK

lmao I have yet to invici-legs dsmash someone

I ****ing hate peaches CG. there's nothing you can do Q_Q
that feel =(

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I thought they played only one set lol
This is the one I was talking about, anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUEvtR_RTrs
Sorry....I got sicker somehow so I'm not thinking that clearly XD

I'll critique it today hopefully.

Also if anyone cares, Eclipsing Binary uploaded my friendlies vs Armada(featuring my sick marth rofl) but the matches are still really interesting imo. Watch and if you see anything I could be improving on lemme know! <3


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
When it comes to Sheik and Peach, I've found utilt to be much more effective for comboing than shining again. Not only will it reach higher off the ground, but it doesn't send them as far up, making your follow up with another dair pillar or a bair to send them off stage much more reliable. I still need to do a lot of work in incorporating utilt into my game though, so I can't say much on how specifically to use it.
finally, someone else who does this.

It took some years, but we've got another one


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I only get a "you're right"? Well, ok. :)

Also, what do you think of Armada's Falco, now that you were able to play it in some friendlies? Is it as janky and odd as it looked when we saw it first?
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