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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2011
What up melee scrubs

I'm finally getting into this game on a competitive level, so i'm still conditioning myself and developing muscle memory but I have a couple questions

First thing i'd like to ask though, is how should I be playing the ditto? I feel like I need to approach & just end up getting combo'd all day lmao. It almost feels like I have an easier time playing Fox because I don't have to deal with his lasers so much. I really like Yoshi's, and maybe Dreamland for the extra space I have, is there anything I should be trying to pick?

Any tips for Falco in general would be appreciated too, thanks guys :embarrass:


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley

You're my faorite falco by far and I find your style to be the most smexy and entertaining.
Good luck in whatever is going on in your life and I'm looking forward to whenever you decide to play again :)



Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
As a Falco player, I'm recently beginning to find I have trouble with controlling space and getting stage control on Final Destination, which is infuriating because that's Falco's strong suit but on that stage I find it easier with Fox. I remember when I really sucked it was my favorite stage, and now that I'm better I really hate it. I feel so limited without platforms, like its one of the biggest stages but I feel really cramped on it. I also shoot a lot less lasers than most Falco players which I believe is part of my problem. Does anyone have any advice to help me improve on this other than shooting more lasers? I also don't like how it seems that a lot of times on FD when I do get control I get hit once that leads to one or two more hits and usually kills me. I can pinpoint a few things I think I should do but I wanna hear some advice from others what they think.

Also, Zhu better never quit, I'm a huge fan as well.


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
sometimes when i dair lvl one fox he hits the ground and is able to jump instantly out of it. how does this happen?
Well if they're at a high enough percent when they hit the ground and they don't tech, their momentum causes them to bounce off of the ground, and if he hits near an edge of like a platform or the stage it can bounce him off and back into the air and then he'll be able to jump out of it. I don't know if that's for sure what you are describing though.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
you can buffer the roll, as well as a get up attack. You can also ASDI the jab up and instantly retaliate with a nair, or a shine.

if you dair an airborn character they have zero stun upon landing.

if you dair an airborn character, and they hit a ledge of a platform, or the stage, they slide off and have zero stun.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
Ruby, I've watched only your Falco dittos with Forward and here's what I could notice in those matches:

- Try to get better at edge guarding. That's an important aspect of the game in general, but I think it could be even more important in the Falco vs. fastfallers MUs. Falco gets comboed and edge guarded very well, so if you can't combo and edge guard your opponent as well as he does, you're going to have a hard time. I feel like that's one of the main reasons why I still have a hard time in Falco dittos: I usually die around 100% and my opponent sometimes gets over 170% damage lol :x
You should just try to keep it simple and REACT to your opponent recovery, no need to guess. Try to cover as many options as possible (e.g. don't charge Fsmashes randomly) and when he uB's into the stage try to hit him with other moves than Nair, like Bair/Dair/Fsmash all have a better reward

- Again, try to keep it simple and react more. You dropped a lot of combo opportunities because you were trying to be flashy, overcomplicating things or because you were trying to read your opponent when there was no need to do it. You did a lot of random Fsmashes when there was absolutely no need for it, leaving yourself open for a hard punishment.

- I think I saw a few missed Shine OOS opportunities, and that's always bad because it can totally reverse the momentum and let you take your opponent's stock with ease. So I guess try to be as consistent as possible with those (I know it's not easy but heh xP)

- IIRC (I might be wrong tho) you didn't use many grabs. Grabbing another FFer is nice because you can start combos off a grab and it's psychologically frustrating for your opponents. They'll try to shield less or buffer stupid OOS reactions like rolls or spot dodges, and you'll get to punish those hard when they'll start doing them

- Try not to stay so close to the edge lol. That's not a good place for Falco and you often got punished for your attempted uB stalls or for your ledge recoveries. Stay in the middle, control the stage as much as possible and mix your recoveries better

And I think there's nothing more to say lol. Nice videos tho, Forward is still very good. I wish he travelled OOS more D:

tl;dr: don't overcomplicate things, keep it simple, be more reactive, work on your punishments and your edge game


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2010
Uppsala, Sweden
You mean continuously nair-shining a shield?

Lots of things can punish that. Shield grab, shine OOS, Up-B OOS (by some characters), nair OOS (by some characters), etc.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I meant continuous. I figured it wasn't perfect shield pressure, but it's not as good as I thought it was now.
Another important factor is staleness. It's important to account for staleness of moves during shield pressure if you can, for both the defender and the attacker.

Dr. PP when you can hit me up on aim. I have several concepts I'd like you to check out/see if you have already considered doing.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
You don't do well in tournaments. People won't notice what you do or don't implement if nobody ever watches you.

I randomly clocked in a 16 length multishine today mid-match. That's a record, I demand kudos.
I have consistently placed 4th and 5th within my region over the past year, 7th the year before that, and made it to bracket at my first major.tournament.

How is that "not doing well?"



Smash Journeyman
Nov 20, 2010
Cambridge, MA
I have consistently placed 4th and 5th within my region over the past year, 7th the year before that, and made it to bracket at my first major.tournament.

How is that "not doing well?"
It's doing well, but not to the point that you are super famous and people seek out your videos to watch, the way people watch late bracket matches of internationals (which is what's relevant here; for example, I've heard of you, but I'm not as familiar with your gameplay as, say, Zhu's or PP's). I assume this is what Blistering Speed meant, but he phrased it pretty harshly because that's the popular thing to do, apparently.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Look out for wesballz guys. He 2-0ed and 3-1ed me at wgf. I wasn't playing my best, but I think that was due to the intimidation of a great player.
he is a great player and seems to know his stuff, but from what i've seen/know is one of those players that do great against the heavies, but not so hot against floaties. maybe it's just me, but i always seem him do well against heavies and the ones that compliment him main either fox/falco or falcon lol. he recently lost to a shiek & marth probably considered a tier lower than him.

i have that same curse :/ i absolutely love the heavy matchups, and blow ****s against peach/shiek/marth/doc @___________@

ruby , you are not going to get any respect by having to EXPLAIN why you deserve the respect. what actual respectable player has ever had to do that? and im sure you already know this, but posting your videos here weekly doesn't give you any spotlight mang :/ people don't just click your vids while browsing here. i don't imply people do that for mine. you clearly haven't hit the 'spotlight' yet, so just work at it.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
When speed says you suck, he means that you're not good enough that people will want to watch your videos when they could be watching better people play.

He says you suck because he's being a bad person.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
...lol why do you falcos hate on rubyiris so much?

i think he's better than the steep majority of you that post here lmao. he at least actually places well in his region.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
It's doing well, but not to the point that you are super famous and people seek out your videos to watch, the way people watch late bracket matches of internationals (which is what's relevant here; for example, I've heard of you, but I'm not as familiar with your gameplay as, say, Zhu's or PP's). I assume this is what Blistering Speed meant, but he phrased it pretty harshly because that's the popular thing to do, apparently.
He straight up said I was bad, then backed it up with an asspull. You're giving the Guy too much credit.

@trahh: people are so hung up over my past that I have to basically fight for ANY sort of recognition, even within my own region.

Also, I'm backwards for falco. I do better vs marth, peach, shiek, puff, etc.



Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Ruby, I've watched only your Falco dittos with Forward and here's what I could notice in those matches:

- Try to get better at edge guarding. That's an important aspect of the game in general, but I think it could be even more important in the Falco vs. fastfallers MUs. Falco gets comboed and edge guarded very well, so if you can't combo and edge guard your opponent as well as he does, you're going to have a hard time. I feel like that's one of the main reasons why I still have a hard time in Falco dittos: I usually die around 100% and my opponent sometimes gets over 170% damage lol :x
You should just try to keep it simple and REACT to your opponent recovery, no need to guess. Try to cover as many options as possible (e.g. don't charge Fsmashes randomly) and when he uB's into the stage try to hit him with other moves than Nair, like Bair/Dair/Fsmash all have a better reward

- Again, try to keep it simple and react more. You dropped a lot of combo opportunities because you were trying to be flashy, overcomplicating things or because you were trying to read your opponent when there was no need to do it. You did a lot of random Fsmashes when there was absolutely no need for it, leaving yourself open for a hard punishment.

- I think I saw a few missed Shine OOS opportunities, and that's always bad because it can totally reverse the momentum and let you take your opponent's stock with ease. So I guess try to be as consistent as possible with those (I know it's not easy but heh xP)

- IIRC (I might be wrong tho) you didn't use many grabs. Grabbing another FFer is nice because you can start combos off a grab and it's psychologically frustrating for your opponents. They'll try to shield less or buffer stupid OOS reactions like rolls or spot dodges, and you'll get to punish those hard when they'll start doing them

- Try not to stay so close to the edge lol. That's not a good place for Falco and you often got punished for your attempted uB stalls or for your ledge recoveries. Stay in the middle, control the stage as much as possible and mix your recoveries better

And I think there's nothing more to say lol. Nice videos tho, Forward is still very good. I wish he travelled OOS more D:

tl;dr: don't overcomplicate things, keep it simple, be more reactive, work on your punishments and your edge game
Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it, even though it's all stuff I've observed on my own, or other people covered in the past. I was hoping someone would find other things to poke at, though. :v

If you could watch other videos, but keep in mind that my edgeguarding sucks ****, and I like to be flashy, that would be super awesome! :)



Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
I'll try to watch the Puff videos later today or tomorrow, that's probably my best MU and the one I know better xP


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
sung is the same way, he feels since the matchups are slower, he gets to make more educated choices throughout the match. i dunno, the slow pace screws with me or something. it's mostly just doc/peach that i hate.

also chris, i don't hate ruby whatsoever. i have no problem criticizing him on something i disagree with though, i'm sure he's the same.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Xander start winning **** in AZ then you can talk ;)

Being "pretty good" nowadays doesn't cut it, you have to really accomplish something that'll make people's eyes open.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
What up melee scrubs

I'm finally getting into this game on a competitive level, so i'm still conditioning myself and developing muscle memory but I have a couple questions

First thing i'd like to ask though, is how should I be playing the ditto? I feel like I need to approach & just end up getting combo'd all day lmao. It almost feels like I have an easier time playing Fox because I don't have to deal with his lasers so much. I really like Yoshi's, and maybe Dreamland for the extra space I have, is there anything I should be trying to pick?

Any tips for Falco in general would be appreciated too, thanks guys :embarrass:
Well each character has the same options in the ditto, so this comes down to your strategy and adaptation since you'll be beating out the same options.

Rushing down can work provided you Nair close enough so the other Falco can't Dair and beat it. You also have to make sure your aerials are low on shield so you don't get shield grabbed/shined OOS and death comboed like what may have happened to you. You'll get comboed regardless if someone is better at getting that first hit than you, so focus on how to hit the other guy than worry about what happens when you get hit a lot for right now.

If you're still talking about stages in the ditto, then you can go wherever you want lol it's all preference.

As a Falco player, I'm recently beginning to find I have trouble with controlling space and getting stage control on Final Destination, which is infuriating because that's Falco's strong suit but on that stage I find it easier with Fox. I remember when I really sucked it was my favorite stage, and now that I'm better I really hate it. I feel so limited without platforms, like its one of the biggest stages but I feel really cramped on it. I also shoot a lot less lasers than most Falco players which I believe is part of my problem. Does anyone have any advice to help me improve on this other than shooting more lasers? I also don't like how it seems that a lot of times on FD when I do get control I get hit once that leads to one or two more hits and usually kills me. I can pinpoint a few things I think I should do but I wanna hear some advice from others what they think.

Also, Zhu better never quit, I'm a huge fan as well.
WHEN you shoot lasers or HOW you shoot them is more important than the NUMBER of lasers you shoot. If you want to DJ double laser to catch DJs but also to mix up your timing, you have to know when it will work based on the rest of your lasers(because people will be more likely to jump away based on how you've been shooting and how close you are).

Shooting at people when they're already airborne can be kinda pointless if you miss, but it can be great for offsetting someone's momentum if you hit. Be sure to connect with all of your lasers and move as much as you can while shooting so you are accomplishing additional goals such as spacing or conditioning while playing.

On FD, I like to shoot people from mainly SHLs unless it's against spacies(mostly Falco though) because people don't have platform retreats and they will get caught up on their landing by well-timed/spaced SHLs. It's hard to explain for me beyond that but just try some of this and see how it goes.

sometimes when i dair lvl one fox he hits the ground and is able to jump instantly out of it. how does this happen?
He probably jumped before you hit him or you hit him too late out of shine stun so he was kinda out and it counted him as freefalling before he hit the ground thereby allowing him to exit stun as if he had jumped into the Dair.

Another important factor is staleness. It's important to account for staleness of moves during shield pressure if you can, for both the defender and the attacker.

Dr. PP when you can hit me up on aim. I have several concepts I'd like you to check out/see if you have already considered doing.

and aight I'll be checking for you =)

Some critique would be really awesome.
looking over your matches with forward, I feel like you have a few too many knee-jerk reactions to specific situations without thinking them through

like 1:22 where you Bair on reaction to him dash attacking your shield....that's a free grab if not Dair to kill combo.

I'd suggest having more of a plan when playing your matches. I'm aware these are friendlies but I figured decent scrutiny would still be helpful.

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