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PolyBrawl 11.28 RESULTS


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Planking the ledge 185 times over.
Full shoutouts:


1: Anti & Ally (Anti, Ally) - Wanted to get a chance to play you guys in dubs, it would have been fun.

2: Atomsk & Inui (Atomsk, Inui) - Come on guys, I believe in you. You are still the best team all around statistically, now to take down your only remaining opposition =)
(2nd place is still amazing btw)

3: NinjaLink & Malcolm (NinjaLink, Malcolm) - Sorry for not giving you guys a very good set =/ Amazing team work as always!

4: ADHD & Rookie (ADHD, Rookie) - I always laugh when I think of this Diddy/Fox team but you guys really make it work. Good ****.

5: Wes & Bum (Wes, Bum) - You guys beasted on us round 2. Haha your teamwork is wayyyy too good. Get at DA for their amazing team strategies.

5: Jash & Dire (Jash, Dire) - I was there for the reasons you guys decided to leave (in addition to thinking singles would run late- it actually ended by like 11:00ish) It really sucked that your Wii turned off like that last match, last stock for everyone =/ Hopefully you guys can stick around for singles next time bc you are both way too beast to not enter and place in the top.

7: DK Arcane (Will, KirinBlaze) - LMFAO DK Arcane! The guy that signed us up must have misheard me, as most know our team name is usually DK Arcade xD Either way, we keep doing better and better Kirin, we will place in the money soon I just know it. We got this.

7: Zucco & Blackanese (Zucco, Blackanese) - You guys were beasting in teams at this, if not for Jash and Dire being amazing you def would have placed higher. You should team more =)

9: dTails (dMT, JTails) - Haha clever team name, I have to play both of you guys sometime soon. Looking forward to those friendlies.

9: RJBS chung (RJ, BS chung) - Good games guys, we had some really close matches. Kirin and I were pretty on during our entire 6-0 run in loser's bracket until we hit NL and Malcolm. ;p

9: Placenta (Leo, PGN) - lmfao wtf at your team name xD Also, you guys could have done a lot better, hopefully that one friendly against DK+Pikachu didn't set you back in confidence- bc that was **** hahaha.

9: Dark & Dazwa (MintyFlesh, Doom) - You guys usually do a lot better than this also, idk maybe its just a fluke that me and Kirin placed so well @_@.

13: Munoz & Sage (Munoz, Sage) - Didn't get the chance to meet you guys, but good stuff.

13: The Original 151 Pokemon (Deven3000, Dil) - Fun teams matches, some of the most fun of the day when Kirin jab canceled both of you into my fully charged F smash =)

17: =3 (Izumi, Cheese) - lololol you didn't leave by 12:30, but close enough. xD j/k


1: Ally ($380.00) - How consistent is this guy really? Always nabbing that first place, I have to play you while we both still play this game @_@

2: ADHD ($190.00) - Anxiously awaiting our next bout in brackets. Parent johns suck, but good job on 2nd place either way.

3: Anti ($114.00) - Still makin' that money like M2K I see. Lmfao. I'll prob hit you up to train at Bum's sometime soon.

4: Atomsk ($38.00) - Such a cool guy, always supporting me. I promise you Atomsk, I will be up there in top 5 with you soon enough =)

5: Malcolm ($19.00) - Too good bro, your Wario is way too beast!! Didn't get to hang with you as much as I would have liked, but for the few moments I did I was laughing hysterically ^_^

5: PatG ($19.00) - Good **** bro, and a better thing for you we didn't meet in brackets ;p Nah, but for real we have to finish that $5 MM next time I see you. I believe I banned FD and you banned Delfino lol.

7: Nairo - This kid really is a legend, I think you need a nickname as such as the "Legendary stage spiker" or something to that effect. I'll be more careful next time I play you, good games though.

7: PGN - Let me just say that your set vs Orion was the MOST..... EPIC.... **** I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A BRAWL TOURNAMENT. To outcamp someone who by and far is considered the disciple of the great teh_spamerer, TWICE IN A ROW MIGHT I ADD, was completely amazing. I <3 PGN =) Well deserved 7th place for putting Orion in his place.
(no hate Orion, just happy that he avenged me lol)

9: MintyFlesh - Good **** beating Zucco, I walked away thinking it was over and then I heard that you won. This kid's got them epic comebacks. Also, as always I <3 you Minty ^_^

9: Will - Not bad, but if you want to really make a name for yourself, make top 5 dude.

9: Orion - I feel like you didn't really camp me that much, I just made stupid mistakes and you were able to read my approaches. Good matches, though I really think I should have been able to take that first game.

9: Bum - There we go, now we got Bum stepping it up. Pretty soon DK's are going to take over the top 10 permanently. Cable where you at?! We need to get the 3 best EC DK's at the same tourney more often =)

13: Rookie - Dude, 13th place isn't that bad. Next time search me out and get that MM asap though. We keep missing out on that stuff and I cannot wait to play the best Fox =)

13: Man from California - Haha man, you were an absolute beast and I really didn't see that coming at all. Sorry for camping that platform the last match so much, but honestly it felt like the only I way I could win. Amazing set, I'd love to play you again sometime!

13: BSChung - Good stuff, we also have to play sometime. You keep placing well consistently and D3 is the new character that I love to fight just to prove its possible to win with DK. =)

13: NinjaLink - Hmm, I don't want to tell you what to do in singles like everybody else, bc I already know of your talents in having a vast array of tournament viable characters. But I am sitting here thinking you sandbagged pretty hard to place here though. I know you'll be ranked a lot higher next time though, no sweat.
(Btw I am terrified of your Lucas xD )

17: KirinBlaze - Argh 17th place again huh? Find a way to break that plateau man, bust out that MK here and there lmfao.

17: Projo - Nice Toon Link, very fun MM with you (sorry if I was being a douche, I had just lost to Nairo and was uncharacteristically cocky when I played you to make myself feel better =/ )

17: Izumi - Haha epic last match with you- last hit, last stock --> EPIC SA punch through tornado ^_^ And yes, my johns were pretty valid, I have no idea how to play with tap jump on and it was definitely the reason I was at a severe disadvantage the first round, but its ok bc I knew I was going to bring it back once I fixed it xD

17: John12346 - ****, not bad for a Lucario who spams F-air instead of D-air. Shows how much better of a move that is. Lmfao.

17: VivaSaturn - Good **** Viva, keep stepping it up. Best placing yet I heard? =)

17: Zucco - You definitely got bracket ***** after losing to Minty, since you had to play NL. =/ Its ok, we all know you are much better than a lot of the people that placed higher than you lol.

17: JTails - Nice seeing you at this, friendlies sometime real soon! At Bum's maybe??

25: JG - Man, that SD sucked for you that first round, sorry about that bro. I was actually... happy that you took me to Brinstar, I know I have a rep for doing poorly there but I was feeling good about it also. I felt like I had a little less trouble with you this time around, still sore about those nado's though lol.

25: Doom - Another victim of the bracket ****? Its ok, this guy's a DK slayer ^_^ Had way too much fun in our livestream MM on the projector screen, so much hype that second round even if it did result in you getting *****. "3 STOCK 3 STOCK!!! That ain't Cable!!!" I love hype like that, we should find situations like that more often and play our epic sets =)

33: MBlaze - It's ok bro, you have to always go in confident like that though. Trust me, it will work out for you better next time. Btw Kirin is amazing at the Diddy Kong matchup so don't sweat it. He's come close to taking a match off of ADHD in brackets. Definitely see you at the next tourney in our region, maybe we can some more of those momentum swaying friendlies? xD

33: ChaosMarth - ****, seems that being out of the loop for a while has affected you for the worse. Get back into it bro, you're good.

33: HelpR - Your Lucas totally caught me off guard, I was not ready to play someone as aggro as that. Good stuff, sorry for abusing cargo grab release d smash, but its my safest way of killing you. Play to win you know?

33: Deven3000 - Haha you and your bro tied? Had fun playing you guys in teams!

33: Dil - It was you that I played in brackets right? I have had a lot of practice in the R.O.B. matchup lately, don't sweat it man. Still, good games.

33: dMT - Awesome tourney man, you can bet on seeing me back here for the next one without a doubt. And yeah we definitely have to play sometime I like DK vs Sheik.

33: GunBlade - Gotta get that $1 MM in soon! Next time I see then, you better be at Bum's!

49: Hippiedude - You were ****** in doubles I heard, gimping Adhd like a beast was it? Your capes are so....random somehow. lol

49: rathy aro - It was a nice surprise seeing you there, now you got the evidence that this DK ***** in real tournies aside from SBU. xD I'll see you back at school man.

65: CloudFox- Dayum...what happened CloudFox? @_@_@

Had an awesome time at this tournament and I wish I had more reasons to come down to the city to smash other than Poly tournaments, so you can bet on me being back there to **** some more and hopefully do better next time =)


Banned via Warnings
May 23, 2008
The Game, NJ
Haven't placed outside of 4th since March 7th 09.

Let's see how will this streak end.
GL @ *Pound* 4. :bee:

2: Atomsk & Inui (Atomsk, Inui) - Come on guys, I believe in you. You are still the best team all around statistically, now to take down your only remaining opposition =)
(2nd place is still amazing btw)
Yeah, sorry. Ally is just plain better than us by a noticable amount and Anti is now on our level as doubles players. We keep doing slightly better every time, so we just need to keep doing better and better until we can start breaking even and then eventually consistently winning.

lol @ your shoutout to pgn

it's indeed pretty legit to outcamp the disciple of teh_spamerer


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
Mitsurugi76 said:
7: PGN - Let me just say that your set vs Orion was the MOST..... EPIC.... **** I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A BRAWL TOURNAMENT. To outcamp someone who by and far is considered the disciple of the great teh_spamerer, TWICE IN A ROW MIGHT I ADD, was completely amazing. I <3 PGN =) Well deserved 7th place for putting Orion in his place.
...technically I did it 3 times in a row XD. (1 stock 2 mins)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Imagine how tournaments will be if spamerers camping/planking azz came back. Basically the reason why i use MK. I couldn't beat Bum with Fox/Wolf then seen a vid of him beating Bum so i picked him up lol.


Banned via Warnings
May 23, 2008
The Game, NJ
Imagine how tournaments will be if spamerers camping/planking azz came back. Basically the reason why i use MK. I couldn't beat Bum with Fox/Wolf then seen a vid of him beating Bum so i picked him up lol.
I really wish he'd come back. It would take very little effort for him to clean off the rust and get back into the game. He'd just need to learn whatever new tactics and techniques that got discovered and started being used since last year, which really isn't much. His style of play and his mindset prevent him from truly being rusty.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
theres a difference between out camping me and out playing me

edit: mitsurugi76
im assuming your will?

i tried to camp for about 60 seconds, i found i was doing better just grab spamming you. and then tornadoing whenever you where trying to land so i just did that. yay for style change :D


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
Thankfully I did find my phone.

Shoutouts to everyone I played. Everyone is getting so much better @.@

Big shoutout to Lady Gaga as well...her soothing sounds helped me camp so well in doubles. <3

and just so u guys know...

I made it to lvl 17 in farmville =)


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2008
shout outs...

skip: sorry. I'll make sure next time I poke you in the other eye to even it out. I poked you in the right eye right? (your right)

D1 and alex strife: thanks for the awesome job commentating. I was initially regretting the idea of buying the mic until you two came along, totally made it worth it on the 20 bucks I blew. hopefully next time i'll have it figured out in advance. I'll also bring lots of lan cables.

will: I'll beat your DK next time. It was close this time but I know next time is the time I take you out. good stuff with the DK man. Dont sweat the cargo to downsmash, almost everyone in the game has really gay stuff out of grab release on lucas, it just so happens that DK has a really good one.

bum: good stuff as always, what I said about will goes for you too. I'd like to go to the next tourney you hold man, it's really been a while.

atomsk: first truly pro D3 i've fought in ages. I'll be more prepared next time, this really brought to light how little experience I have with the matchup

anti: Jeez man, you've really grown as a player since I first met you back at CoT4. keep it up.

blackanese: Know you didnt enter, but always great to see you around.

wes: Thanks for coming by, we didnt talk much, but i hope you still had fun

shippo: Thanks for commentating man, making things more lively on he livestream.

To J.G: Thanks for providing the wii for the streaming station

To everyone in the poly crew: We pulled it off guys, just hope next time we wont cut it so close with the ending time. let's try and make sure things run smoother.

To everyone who attended: Thanks for coming, it was you guys who made this event possible, and hopefully, your future support will make the next few polybrawl tournaments possible.

to everyone on the livestream: Thanks for watching. I've figured alot of things out, and next time i'll make sure things run smoothly.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
This was my first tourney and it was pretty ill. Thanks to all the ppl that hosted it.

3: Anti ($114.00) - This ***** was knocked out mid tourney. I tried to wake you up, but you were gone. I could stole your **** and you would have slept right through it. XD I like how "you're about to get DQed" woke you up. lol
4: Atomsk ($38.00) - I thought you were gonna get sheik some points. =P
9: Will - You don't know how happy it makes me to see DK beating MKs that spam tornado. Good **** man. Get in that MK practice and get money next time.
33: MBlaze - Your diddy ***** me. Too ****ing good. When I get better I'm gonna look for a money match from you.
33: dMT - Great tourney. Your sheik is mad sexy especially with vanish. Your mk... not so much. =P Next time we'll both try and have to sheiks in top 8.
33: Bee - Your diddy was too good for me. Good games. I'ma try to give you better competition next time.
49: rathy aro - You suck. No first-tourney johns.
Dude wearing the obama mask - lol

It was mad cool seeing a lot of the names I heard so much about irl. And if I actually get sleep next tourney I might consider not being antisocial (not a john, I would have placed the same regardless of sleep =(... ).


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
3: Anti ($114.00) - This ***** was knocked out mid tourney. I tried to wake you up, but you were gone. I could stole your **** and you would have slept right through it. XD I like how "you're about to get DQed" woke you up. lol
Yeah idk why that woke me up, i felt nothing else.

Who said "You're about to get DQed" anyway?


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
haha when I get interviewed, I kinda forgot my bracket, I was dead tired, it took me like 20 seconds to say who I played XD


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Thankfully I did find my phone.

Shoutouts to everyone I played. Everyone is getting so much better @.@

Big shoutout to Lady Gaga as well...her soothing sounds helped me camp so well in doubles. <3

and just so u guys know...

I made it to lvl 17 in farmville =)
Im better than you at a game :)

my name is dan morg on fb add me :)

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
I have one under the name of Ivo Robotnik, entirely dedicated to the pingas meme and catching Sonic the Hedgehog.

I never use it ever, and have never played Farmville or any of these other Facebook games.


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2008
PGN: There are actually 3 light controls in the room, and another in the room right next door. there were kids running around, dunno if they were turning on the lights or not, but i began to suspect them after a while, also, apparently a bag was missing and the lights were being turned on in an attempt to find it. next time we'll make sure that it does not happen.


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2008
we actually submitted the form with the school of our planned events for next term. I'll let you guys know, but I believe there are at least 2 polybrawls coming down the tube. i'll be more specific later.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Everyone, check your Wiis for a replay of three MKs and a Wario (two MKs on red team, MK/Wario on blue) on Lylat Cruise. The Wii it was saved on was in the back corner on the same side as the door to enter the room. It was pretty hacked, had BootMii (or whatever the app is that lets you start the Wii with a Cube controller) and some Kingdom Hearts/Duane and BrandO music on it.

The match is Doom/MintyFlesh (Wario/MK) vs. Izumi/Cheese (MK/MK) game 3, I'd really like it uploaded (or at least the replay, but preferably an upload because you have hacks that are unlikely the same as mine) if possible, that's the first time I've actually played like myself in a while.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Yeah idk why that woke me up, i felt nothing else.

Who said "You're about to get DQed" anyway?
No idea. It would've been mad gay if you got DQed like that, that's why I helped. Plus LI *****z gotta stick together. lol

You guys got it wrong. Facebook is gay, not the ppl that use it. They're just stupid. =P
*uses facebook =(*


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
I had a massive time management fail at this tourney.

5: PatG ($19.00)- I wanted to have another crack at ya in a MM, but I forgot to, and eventually ran out of time. I suck.
7: PGN- Oh noes, our MM was cut short. Now I'm all sad. T___T
9: Orion- Possibly the most hilarious set of Brawl I've ever participated in. Good times, even though I lost. I saw you playing later and you had a srs face on. What was up with that?
17: John12346- Time 2 get srs
17: Zucco- Wanted to play you in a MM too, but time flies...
25: CarioMoney- We scheduled a MM together, and forgot to go through with it. FFFFFFF
25: JG- Still gotta learn that MK matchup... <.<;
25: AceDude- Excellent mainer of manly characters.
25: SF93- Good matches. Sux we didn't get byes on the first round, though...
33: MBlaze- Argh, we finally met each other; we should've had a match together!
33: Shippo- GGs, but I'm still sad we had to vs. each other in the tourney.
49: Mini- Never showed up...

I owed a crapload of other people MMs, but I couldn't remember who they were on this list. GGs, everyone.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
So lets get down to more pressing matters...

Anyone who has farmville needs to add me on facebook immediately. I need 10 more neighbors. So if you already have the app then please feel free to do the following:

1) Go to facebook.com and enter your email and password.

2) Find the search bar in the top right corner.

3) Type the name Malcolm McNulty into the searchbar and press the enter key on your keyboard.

4) Find the person from the Hofstra network and add him.

I will handle the rest.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 9, 2007
long island, NY
Everyone, check your Wiis for a replay of three MKs and a Wario (two MKs on red team, MK/Wario on blue) on Lylat Cruise. The Wii it was saved on was in the back corner on the same side as the door to enter the room. It was pretty hacked, had BootMii (or whatever the app is that lets you start the Wii with a Cube controller) and some Kingdom Hearts/Duane and BrandO music on it.

The match is Doom/MintyFlesh (Wario/MK) vs. Izumi/Cheese (MK/MK) game 3, I'd really like it uploaded (or at least the replay, but preferably an upload because you have hacks that are unlikely the same as mine) if possible, that's the first time I've actually played like myself in a while.
doom.. i believe that was my wii.. same side as the doors just on the opposite wall?.. ill check it and post.. i just got in today and haven't gotten to look at anything.. if so ill let you know and will tell ya


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2009
New York, NY
Me and Shippo found out one of the Wiis was running Balanced Brawl midway through the tournament when I did Yoshi's Side B in midair(to momentum cancel) and got my second jump back w/o going into freefall, lolz.


Smash Rookie
Nov 27, 2009
Sup pplz. thanks for having me at the tourney, we had a wiiiild night XD, for all of those i played againts"GGs"!!! :) For all those who i annoyed, im sorry, im just a bit hyper :bee: For those on the ledge, WE'VE GOT LEDGE!!!! XD. Hope to see all of yall again, ally we never got our match :( but hey, maybe next time :).

THIS BE MY EMAIL!!!!! hyper4LIFE_89@hotmail.com ADDz ME!!!


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Sup pplz. thanks for having me at the tourney, we had a wiiiild night XD, for all of those i played againts"GGs"!!! :) For all those who i annoyed, im sorry, im just a bit hyper :bee: For those on the ledge, WE'VE GOT LEDGE!!!! XD. Hope to see all of yall again, ally we never got our match :( but hey, maybe next time :).

THIS BE MY EMAIL!!!!! hyper4LIFE_89@hotmail.com ADDz ME!!!
This guy was off the walls haha.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2008
This event was great, haha. Hilarious stuff once the tourney was over and on the train ride from the venue.

Also yeah I don't really have a good answer for "what happened?". I know I've improved some, I could see and feel it in my playstyle, and I don't even have tired or sick johns as I managed to not let it slow me down. :/ I think maybe I just need to friendly or money match pros much more often at this point.

@D1: Wow. o_o It sounds like everything should be fine if nothing showed up in those tests though, yeah. I'm imagining you and Shippo in a PSA informing Smashers of the importance of getting tested early now, lol.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
Lincoln Park, New Jersey
@D1: Wow. o_o It sounds like everything should be fine if nothing showed up in those tests though, yeah. I'm imagining you and Shippo in a PSA informing Smashers of the importance of getting tested early now, lol.

well, I wasnt even supposed to be testing for it,I found mine on complete accident. I hurt my knee and It hurt for a while, so I decided to get an x-ray of my knee, turns out no damage, but a tumor o.o...that was a shocker, but tests took a long time to find out if it was benign or not.

Punishment Divine

Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Long Island, NY
I didn't enter so I won't do full shoutouts, but some brief ones

Good **** Long Island

good stuff everyone I mm'd, shoulda used Marth more XD

good stuff minty, i'll be entering stuff again soon enough to prove im better

hyper, mad fun doubles friendlies

anyone i played all day good stuff

oh and wyatt you're gay


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
I sense some saltiness in this post.
its rare that i'm salty over a loss. but i suppose as i make myself care more about the game, the more upset i am when i lose since i know i wasnt taking the set lightly. i specifically posted in a way that didnt take away from his win though, and i didnt john at all. so i think im already a step over a lot of smashers in that department :laugh:

either way it was a good set, sorry if i offended anyone with that last post
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