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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
That would be me.:chuckle:

Light type darkrai!

Any thoughts? Sorry, I kind of laid off posting it for a while....

Oh, and the religion debates.
The Debate Hall is littered with them now.... and it's one of the most active topics in there....
what a waste of time.
Not profesional qualaty, but since I know you scratched it that's amazing. Much better then my attempt:

And I figured out the problem with my PS; I needed to turn of anti-alis.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
And I figured out the problem with my PS; I needed to turn of anti-alis.
Oh yeah, I had the same time with my Photoshop for a while. Some of my sprites look a little funny outlined because I did the transparency and the background color was too similar to the sprite's outline color(s), so it went a little fuzzy. Then I finally figure out what Anti-Alias did and I turned it off.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Oh yeah, I had the same time with my Photoshop for a while. Some of my sprites look a little funny outlined because I did the transparency and the background color was too similar to the sprite's outline color(s), so it went a little fuzzy. Then I finally figure out what Anti-Alias did and I turned it off.
I now remember it. When I made that Lucaro + Gallade fusion a while back when I was trying to figure out how to select more then just the direct area. I turned off anti alis by mistake and never noticed it again.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
True true, Religion is so stupid, but before you bash me as to why I say so, I'll say my reasons

1. They fight each other, they can't agree on one thing. (Big thing, Christianity, separated into 3 branches due to a big war on what Original Sin is >.>)
i thought it was because it was corrupt for some time(indulgences) with Martin Luther wanting them to get back into shape, King Henry the VIII wanting to get a divorce but couldn't because the church wouldn't let him and stuff.

And Mewter whats this and scratched Sprites? They're awesome.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
That would be me.:chuckle:

Light type darkrai!

Any thoughts? Sorry, I kind of laid off posting it for a while....

Oh, and the religion debates.
The Debate Hall is littered with them now.... and it's one of the most active topics in there....
what a waste of time.
Lumakrai is ready to punch sombody with its mighty fist,:laugh:Good sprite and bright way to start off 2009.

We should get a whole bunch of people who hate the current debate board situation into one group and send a formal petion to to get better topics. just an idea.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Lumakrai is ready to punch sombody with its mighty fist,:laugh:Good sprite and bright way to start off 2009.

We should get a whole bunch of people who hate the current debate board situation into one group and send a formal petion to to get better topics. just an idea.
Yes. We should.
**** the purge. **** that so hard. UGH, pisses me off.

Maybe those who were in charge of purging members should start accepting people already. I've already applied, and I guess I'm gonna be in the "Proving Grounds". WTF is that ****? Nobody ****ing cares about a thousand bajillion million topics about CHRISTIANITY and SCREW RELIGION and JUDAISM and WAS JESUS REALLY JESUS and THE ETHICS OF CHRISTIANTY and HOW MANY BOOKS OF THE BIBLE HAVE YOU READ.

What. The. Fuck.



Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
i thought it was because it was corrupt for some time(indulgences) with Martin Luther wanting them to get back into shape, King Henry the VIII wanting to get a divorce but couldn't because the church wouldn't let him and stuff.
Maybe, but then I've thought of something, why fight over who or what caused Original Sin? because if Original Sin hadn't occurred, we wouldn't be here talking about it! If you wanna go live as an animal, go strip naked, go into the nearest forest, don't bring your phone, don't pass go and collect 200$. Seriously, they argue over the stupidest things...

Not to mention, maybe God and the Devil aren't what we believe? How are we to know? We haven't seen either, so how do we know ones the divine good and ones the true evil? For all we know it could be swapped! ( I just love saying that XD)

Ok, that aside...

Mewter, nice sprite. One problem I've seen with your sprites though is sometimes there aren't very defined lines, which gives them a sense of realism, sorta. Reminds me of Samurai Jack actually....

And I agree MK, either that, or well.... Eh, nah, thats too extreme of a solution at this time.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I agree. Discussing religion is the farthest thing I want to debate over. Especially seeing how it's something that many people hold a lot of faith in. Why debate over something that has nothing to do with you? Yes there are some unrelated things you can discuss but something like religion is definitely not one of them...

-:bowser:Bowser King


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
We should get a whole bunch of people who hate the current debate board situation into one group and send a formal petion to to get better topics. just an idea.
Theoretically, all we have to do to fix that is create new topics...I would, but I can't think of any good debating topics myself.

Yes. We should.
**** the purge. **** that so hard. UGH, pisses me off.

Maybe those who were in charge of purging members should start accepting people already. I've already applied, and I guess I'm gonna be in the "Proving Grounds". WTF is that ****? Nobody ****ing cares about a thousand bajillion million topics about CHRISTIANITY and SCREW RELIGION and JUDAISM and WAS JESUS REALLY JESUS and THE ETHICS OF CHRISTIANTY and HOW MANY BOOKS OF THE BIBLE HAVE YOU READ.

What. The. Fuck.

Well, the only person who was purging was CK, I believe. The other people just handed him a list of everyone who hadn't posted in the past three weeks. CK didn't approve us to recognize good debaters, so we can't really do anything with admissions.

I agree that the religion topics are stupid. They are NEVER going to be able to end. EVER. And after the reception I got last time coming into "How Can People Believe in God?" (I simply answered the question; people have hope that there is goodness and kindness and all that crap, regardless of if it exists), I'm not inclined to go back in. Not to mention I've got nothing to say on the topic as it is. I have my opinion. I can state WHY I have that opinion in a few sentences. Then what's the point of debating. "GOD EXISTS BECAUSE OF THE BIBLE!" "THE BIBLE CAN BE LYING! PROVE THAT HE'S REAL!" "BUT IT'S NOT! PROVE THAT HE'S NOT REAL!" Yadda yadda yadda...I mean, the mods infract for Melee vs. Brawl, but religious debates are just as pointful (yes, pointful) as them. And they get even more violent because people get personally attacked by someone saying God/Jesus/Mohammed/Buddha/Whoever the hell doesn't exist. Plus a lot of the atheists are rather elitist and call people morons if they have religion. If there are no facts to present, it's just mindless rabble that's disguised as a debate.

On the bright side, at least the Proving Grounds will stop people from joining for a pink name. *Shrug* What can I say; it sucks that you got kicked out, MK, but the purge in general was necessary in my opinion.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
On the bright side, at least the Proving Grounds will stop people from joining for a pink name. *Shrug* What can I say; it sucks that you got kicked out, MK, but the purge in general was necessary in my opinion.
I guess so. Do you know when they are going to start the "Proving Grounds"? I already sent in my application again, so I'm just waiting for some type of notification on the matter.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Hmm topics of debateable things.
Books? Historicale events(comparison on where things went wrong/what ould have changed this/ect)

But this would require brainpower...........:urg:

Yes, i would like to go to proving gorunds, so when should I send in another aplication?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I really don't get why people argue religion. People want to have something to explain what science can't and that leads to the supernatural to have an explanation; real or not. There is no way to be 100% sure whether it is true or lies until we die. I, personally, believe there is a god out there. Several people that I've known have had experiences where they have experienced the presence of god in several means (when someone was put in a coma, he went down a stream twards a man glowing with yellow saying it wasn't his time to go home, when my dad asked wheather god was real or not a spectacular ray of light hit him directly in the faace, etc.) that would be hard to occur any other way.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
Well, I'll say this, Gods DO exist, but they aren't as powerful as your lead to believe, they are as powerful as the people who worship them, Drop a nuke on God, hes dead, as 6 billion people would die in one nuke explosion, if they were clustered together and all... I never understood where people got that gods were so powerful that they were immortal, they can still be killed, but as long as people worship them they don't die from age. Of course killing a god is no easy task, but its possible if you have the power.

Really, I could care less of who worships who, my big beef with religion is that people CAN'T agree to disagree at least, they always fight! They can't settle it over a game of chess? Thats my beef with religion. Ya know, someday I think I'll summon a demon from hell, and show people Hell is not what people believe it is. (The demon I have in mind will actually solve global warming, or slow it down, demons are people too, some good, some bad, but people always see them as bad.)

Do you guys want me to stop? I will if you want.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I guess so. Do you know when they are going to start the "Proving Grounds"? I already sent in my application again, so I'm just waiting for some type of notification on the matter.
No clue when they're starting it -- I actually didn't entirely remember if it was leftover from a past Debate Hall admission process (there have been so many of them) or not until you brought it up. I would assume it'll start up relatively soon.

Hmm topics of debateable things.
Books? Historicale events(comparison on where things went wrong/what ould have changed this/ect)

But this would require brainpower...........:urg:

Yes, i would like to go to proving gorunds, so when should I send in another aplication?
I don't know, there are some interesting topics out there. Like the one about uploading minds. Debating whether that's moral, whether that would be ethical, whether you think it's a good idea or not. There could be better topics than that one, but it's not limited to just religion and politics for sure.

As for sending in an application, do it whenever you want to. The Proving Grounds haven't started up yet, but you can apply whenever you want.

Really, I could care less of who worships who, my big beef with religion is that people CAN'T agree to disagree at least, they always fight! They can't settle it over a game of chess? Thats my beef with religion. Ya know, someday I think I'll summon a demon from hell, and show people Hell is not what people believe it is. (The demon I have in mind will actually solve global warming, or slow it down, demons are people too, some good, some bad, but people always see them as bad.)

Do you guys want me to stop? I will if you want.
I agree on that matter, I hate the incessant bickering. Especially amongst people who believe in religions which are supposed to be kind, loving and understanding. Yet they find the need to indoctrinate those who do not agree, and condemn them to hell for not being of the same belief as them. Total hypocritical bull***.

But yeah, we should probably end the religious discussion before this turns into the Debate Hall.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Really, I could care less of who worships who, my big beef with religion is that people CAN'T agree to disagree at least, they always fight! They can't settle it over a game of chess? Thats my beef with religion. Ya know, someday I think I'll summon a demon from hell, and show people Hell is not what people believe it is. (The demon I have in mind will actually solve global warming, or slow it down, demons are people too, some good, some bad, but people always see them as bad.)

Do you guys want me to stop? I will if you want.
I think you aren't the only one who should stop arguing. I hate when religion becomes an excuse to fight. Just look what's happening in the middle east; people are wanting territory and power and saying it's for religious purpouses. Sure some of it is religious but, in my opinion, when religion becomes an excuse religion is no longer good IMO.

Let's all focus on the shop for a change.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'm talking about like 2 or 3 months ago. You were angry whenever we weren't on-topic and told us to go in the group. Now some people use the group and this thread is always off-topic.
I know, but that isn't the problem this time.
LOL it's a spoiler tag.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008



Introducing: Hauntclops.

I think it's "meh". I had a vision that I didn't/couldn't fulfill :(
did you read the part in my section that happens to say don't insult haunter?
jk, it is VERY hard to work with dusclops, so for that it's good:)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2008
Here is a sprite MK wanted me to make. I honestly didn't want to post it at all because I think I did a horrible job with it but he insisted...

Introducing Sloviper!



Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Here is a sprite MK wanted me to make. I honestly didn't want to post it at all because I think I did a horrible job with it but he insisted...

Introducing Sloviper!

That looks just hideous terrific!
No, seriously. Good job. It looks like a wad of stretched out gum, to me.:laugh:
Awesome. You did well, adding the slowpoke head as the head.
Also, good job, Meta-Kirby. The Duskull/haunter looks awesome.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY

Nicley done, looks like a ghost you find in some antient Egyptian ruins

Preety good, overall nice, but two things, The neck of seviper and head of slowbro seems alittle odd near the right side, bit zig-zag pixles
And the upward curve is in the shell, i dont know if the shell is supposed to have the openning come halfway up the shell

Overall good, just a few touch ups will make it masterfull.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Well, I'll say this, Gods DO exist, but they aren't as powerful as your lead to believe, they are as powerful as the people who worship them, Drop a nuke on God, hes dead, as 6 billion people would die in one nuke explosion, if they were clustered together and all... I never understood where people got that gods were so powerful that they were immortal, they can still be killed, but as long as people worship them they don't die from age. Of course killing a god is no easy task, but its possible if you have the power.

Really, I could care less of who worships who, my big beef with religion is that people CAN'T agree to disagree at least, they always fight! They can't settle it over a game of chess? Thats my beef with religion. Ya know, someday I think I'll summon a demon from hell, and show people Hell is not what people believe it is. (The demon I have in mind will actually solve global warming, or slow it down, demons are people too, some good, some bad, but people always see them as bad.)

Do you guys want me to stop? I will if you want.
I can't tell if you're being serious here or not. If I'm interperiting this right, you're saying that as long as people worship a god, said god will exist, if only in the minds of those who worship it. Right?

Otherwise you're speaking complete rubbish.

/my contribution to the religion debate

I love talking about this stuff, feel free to PM me if anyone wants to continue.

Slowviper is great, btw.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I can't tell if you're being serious here or not. If I'm interperiting this right, you're saying that as long as people worship a god, said god will exist, if only in the minds of those who worship it. Right?

Otherwise you're speaking complete rubbish.

/my contribution to the religion debate

Slowviper is great, btw.
Please don't continue this any longer.
Let it die, this only pulls people apart.
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