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Panhandle Smashfest: DBS lost to a LV9 CPU Samus (Tallahassee, FL) (Feb 07th)


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2005
Homestead, Florida
Zone- I was watching your Marth play and I really liked the way you edgeguared. Your crew was pretty funny too.

Rock- It was awesome teaming with you in those friendly doubles. We had some good combos. And yes, I know I fail when you grabbed them and I dash attacked twice. Beast Ganon as always and im pretty sure that DK is a fairly new weapon.

AWAL- You need to get a bigger house, lol. But good stuff running the tournament, was impressed with how many tvs there were there and the tournament ran pretty quickly. Low-tier Sonic FTW!

Somacruz- Also good stuf running the tourney. I was watching you tear it up in Brawl low tiers. Also, thanks for organizing the practice Smashfests on Smith Halls. Much appreciated!

Ballistics- Good job repping Tally with that 3rd place. Fun friendly doubles and friendly singles as always.

HarrietTheGuy- ****, well I don't feel that bad getting matched up first round with the dude the won the tournament, lol. Your Falcon was mean, it was sick. I would have love to seen a matchup of you vs Green Mario. You seemed like a pretty chill guy too.

Moses- Youre like a much better clone of me. IC's/Marth in singles, and Marth in doubles.

JSSN- Thanks for teaming up with me. The across-the-stage-flying-Falcon Punch edgeguard was definitely worth it and definitely the craziest thing i've seen in a doubles match!

HiH(Link player)- I have never played against such a good Link player! I was surprised at how proficient you used your Link and you dodged most of my attacks. Our first match was down to the wire and those are always the best ones.

Sorry I didn't give shoutouts to Brawl players since I can't enjoy the game, but good turnout guys.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 11, 2008
Tallahassee, home of the CHAMPS
Ahmigod. That tourney was too close for me.

Both of my losses were game three 1 stock high%, so I didn't get wrecked :D.

However, I still fail at locking up matches.

G$: Next time I kill you with a foot stool at the beginning of a match, it WILL cost you the match :D

KBM: I'll stop gliding into you. From now on.

Chess (if you even have a SB account): You're going down next time.

Galuda: You're a jerk with a good heart.

Masky: You're Pikachu is getting really good, keep up the practice.

Wario Stocked!


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Dude... that Dr. Climbers stuff was too funny on the way back. Along with that phone call

Masky: I wish i Could have played you more besides once in the crew battle, you pikachu seems really good and i would really like to play you in a set sometime, its been a really long time since i actually played a pika
Sounds fun, can't wait!


Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2008
Tally FL
Ugh Masky didnt play me w/ his pika chu >__>
And thats what i wanted to play the most >____>
Who won crew battles?


Smash Master
Dec 16, 2007
Only two crews entered and G$ville (aka "Gville and the Gs (it's a band)") won. It was (in this order): Masky, Lio, Galuda, and Gmoney vs MrFTW, Somacruz, AWAL, and DBS. Came down to the last stock of the last two players so it was mad close!

Ugh Masky didnt play me w/ his pika chu >__>
And thats what i wanted to play the most >____>
Who won crew battles?
I was trying to get some practice with my baby Wario so sorry... next time for sure!

Masky: You're Pikachu is getting really good, keep up the practice.

Wario Stocked!
thanks, good match in crews. and lol, I didn't think anyone was actually paying attention to me and Gmoney's "Wario Stocked" antics


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
SHout outs

@Taco: Makes me wonder if we coulda took teams if we teamed LOL. Anyways it was fun to mix up. And I wanted to try and get my friend more into SSBM. But he doesn't want to go to another one cuz someone was making fun of his Dr.Mario After our match. Which wasn't cool (Not saying names).

@Moses: It was good to see you again man. My Fox... god... I wish my fox is as technical at tournaments as it is when I play friendlies. But I was too afraid to use my fox if my fox's tech skill wasn't consistent, thus why I picked Zelda. She's pretty good at splitting up ice climbers, and you can't do TOO much to her when you grab. Hope me picking zelda didn't discourage you lol. It was a win pick.

@FAG: Close set man. Your falco is pretty good. I need to learn to wavedash out of shield. For falco's like yours. That don't approach me enough and stay distant with lazers. Why did you ban yoshi's story anyways? Figured F-D was the way to go. I also think when you took me to poke'mon stadium I shoulda went fox. Anyways ASIAN POWAH

@ROCKCROCK: You sir, are a quiet individual, and you're DK scares me. I wasn't quite sure wth I should pick since you were magical and could grab my fox so easily. Did it have something to do with how you were aiming ur shield up alot?

@JX31: NP man, if I died as a result of some guy walking infront of me. I woulda been upset myself. Good to see you again. I remember meeting you at my very first tourney a long long time ago. and you were but a newb marth. Keep on improving :D

@IH: Long time no see man. I think you shoulda went falco against me, I seemed to have a problem with falco's randomly right after I got done withf riendlies. Perhaps it's pressure. Dunno. I need to deal with it. More tourneys = learn to deal with it. ^^d Your link is getting alot better. No 4 stock this time :p

@Parker: You weren't there, you suck! <3

@Green Mario: So late...! next time man :p

@HarrietTheGuy: wtf we didn't play any 1v1 friendlies or nothin. We need to get on that >.>;

@Soma: Sorry to dissappoint you, but I wanted my friend to not feel bad at his first tourney. But he didn't have a good time cuz pple were apparently making fun of him I hear.

@Gmoney: You suck man lol. Always holding up tournaments. :p

@Ballistics: Glad we got some friendlies in. Hope our friendlies helped you against any marths that may have gotten in your way. Taco ***** me man. Dunno what happened. He plays me too much. He knows my mind. Which is bad for him, cuz he seems to play against everyone like he's playing against me.

@HolyChef: You won't pick poke'floats! Haha. that match between you and my friends were hilarious. Sorry for going jiggs on Mute City on ya lol.. You gave me no choice though >.> I'm not picking a character that get's owned by pple who don't need ledges. PEACH+SAMUS >.>

@Mankosuki: After playing your samus again, I realized that I played friendlies with YOU before. If those were your rusty skills, I wish I played you in ur prime.

@Shoshone: lol fun team friendlies. Glad you had fun and laughed at my crews jokes.

Hopefully next venue is bigger, and more stations. The time it took to do the tourney was a bit ridiculous


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
yeah masky, i dont see how anyone could've overheard the wario-stock antics

it's not like you were yelling it and wario-*insert entire dictionary* every 10 seconds during grand finals

oh wait


Aug 13, 2008
Pensacola, FL
PCola would have stayed for crews, but no longer have our fourth member ):.

We also wanted to get home before butt f*** AM.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
Gmoney: Holding teams down, tru?
"I need some help here" and you kill the guy.
"Woooo...low tiers brawl tourny. watch me use my ****ty move over and over again."

chess: creative snake I like it

Awal: Couldn't find a way to punish sonic! Really stumped me. great job on pushing the tourny

Slit: thnx for the date

Taco Zone: find me 4 friendlies

jssn: close matches. sorry for the SD's

shoshone: hope to see you at my next tourny!

F@g: we shoulda gone to pokefloats

Ball-2-the-istics: you played really well against rock, wished we finished more friendlies i need falco experience

gville brawlers: it was bc you guys didn't bring the lube

Rockcrock: geeet foxed

Moses: keep fox off! good talk time.

everyone else: jyes!


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
god ****, CoT4 is the worst thing ever. People are gonna be talkin about this for a while

Atomsk is my IRLboyfriend so i'll ask him about it tomorrow


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for

@everyone: It was good seeing all you guys again (even if I forgot that I met Ruse before). The MELEE matches were too fun (even though Manko thought it was Brawl or something during our first game :()! Ruse has improved a lot in Brawl.

Panama City:

@everyone: Was I the one who made fun of your friend, Zone? I'm sorry if I did, but everyone makes fun of everyone in competition... Good matches in doubles, Taco (but I wish we could've played out our singles match)!


@Groceries: We didn't chill enough, man!

@KBM: I'm sorry if I (and everyone cheering for me) tricked you up (but that's the way the game goes)... Your Olimar has improved so much, man! Don't get discouraged because you lost to me (I have mad Olimar practice from Fearless)... ;)
You ***** everyone else!

@DBS: Good **** housing us the night before (so appreciated)! Where's that Wario though? XD

@Ballistics: I can't believe I forgot to mention our crazy matches... Your Falco gave me a lot of challenge (thanks) and I'm already reworking how I deal with that matchup! ;)

@Chess: You have a good Snake and a lot of potential (but right now you're kinda gimmicky... no offense). I'm sorry if my antics got to you and I wish I could've played you in some more serious friendlies (but I was so tired)...

@Nick: Good stuff housing the tourney even though the door fee was kinda high (and gay)... :)

@Drew: You've improved a lot. I see that DBS has taught you a lot about the Wario matchup. I'm sorry that I went MK against you (but I wasn't about to get grab released)... :(

@MrFTW: Congrats on coming the closest out of everyone to beating my dumbazz! It was cool hanging out with you (and you should've won that first match in our MM)... ;)

@everyone else: Good ****!


@Josh: I had a lot of fun teaming with you again! You've helped me improve a lot in MELEE... Thanks!

@Lio: Who boomerangs only to have their partner get a free Fsmash? Who!? Too good... ;)

@Masky: You're like a brother to me... Let's cause more antics at Gigs! XD

@Galuda: I'm glad we're friends now (jammed). Let's play some matches at the next tourney!

@Moses: You're too funny, brahh! Hanging out outside waiting for Galuda's car was too good! Let's play more matches next time, tru?

@RockCrock: Too quiet? Too good!

@everyone in general: Come to Jax for my tourney and you guys host something on a free weekend so that we can return the favor!


@everyone: We're too good! Walmart adventures the night after... Wow!


I'm sorry if I forgot someone (but I just woke up)... Jammed! :)


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
yo dont even worry about that gmoney, it's awesome that you guys have so much fun, i'll just put on some music next time ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
that wasnt even camping. that was just stupidity.

either one of them could've approached the entire time...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
I enjoyed this tournament, even though the amount of people we had couldnt really fit inside, it was still fun, I played pretty poorly most of this tournament.

KBM: Sorry we had to face eachother once again in tournament, my main counters your main hard...its like a 70 30 matchup i think. About the grand finals: im sorry i think me and gmoney got carried away i didnt mean disrespect, your olimar is sick, it just so happens my main counters your main :[. Dont worry, metaknight counters me...so i think i have it a bit worse considering almost noone mains IC's haha, but good games nonetheless.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
I enjoyed this tournament, even though the amount of people we had couldnt really fit inside, it was still fun, I played pretty poorly most of this tournament.

KBM: Sorry we had to face eachother once again in tournament, my main counters your main hard...its like a 70 30 matchup i think. About the grand finals: im sorry i think me and gmoney got carried away i didnt mean disrespect, your olimar is sick, it just so happens my main counters your main :[. Dont worry, metaknight counters me...so i think i have it a bit worse considering almost noone mains IC's haha, but good games nonetheless.
it's straight man, you're a cool guy, im just a sore loser XD

oh and did you see me playin friendlies against FUCT's ice climbers after you beat me? lol, i was trying to effectively punish squalls cuz i kept dropping my shield too early against you


Smash Champion
Jan 3, 2006
Pensacola, FL
Panama City:

@everyone: Was I the one who made fun of your friend, Zone? I'm sorry if I did, but everyone makes fun of everyone in competition... Good matches in doubles, Taco (but I wish we could've played out our singles match)!
Don't worry about it too much. I'm not easily angered like at all. But my friend seemed kinda upset, and I had gotten done telling how nice of a community smash is. Smack talk is Smack talk, but it has that chance to lead to resentment. It's cool that you jumped up and admitted it, but you are not the only one. I'm trying to revive melee, and butt ****** newbs, then telling them they suck kinda turns them off.

Like at my first tourney, I played against GAwes, and he ***** me. Then proceeded to try and help me improve on a few things. I thought "What a cool guy." If he had instead said "haha that was the worst player I've ever played." Dunno, I may not have bothered with this game. Considering it was my first impression. It was the community that made this game worth playing. Not specifically the game itself. The people make this game fun for me, more so than the game.

btw I don't make fun of anyone in competition.

I don't want bad blood, so I'm gonna put the past behind me, and move forward.


Smash Champion
Sep 14, 2006
Tallahassee Florida State, what WHAT!
JSSN: Glad we finally chilled. Hit me up whenever.

DBS: My brother from another mother, you better win brawl next time.

Gmoney: We had such epic battles. I've never been challenged for a team spot before. It was really exciting. Next time I'll try not to look so stoned. Good job at this tournament, I think you won a couple things. Make that money!

HarrietTheGuy: Your fox is so smooth. It was really fun to watch. I look forward to getting to play you in a real match. Nice job taking first.

RockCrock: The loudest man in the room is the weakest man in the room. Your ganon is beastly, however next time we meet you're going down. I'm glad you refuse to play brawl, but you definitely gotta smoke.

Zone: Thanks for bringing that vcr. The first match recorded is me vs Jx i believe. We also recorded RockCrock vs HarrietTheGuy in winner's finals. No pressure to get anything up but I will be looking for them. From the friendlies we were playing your marth is deadly. I want more!

Taco: fox vs falco is my favorite matchup :D Hope to play yours alot more

Fat asian guy: I wish falco was the only character allowed. Falco dittos are so much fun, good playin ya.

HiH: sweeeet link. Better than Nick Riddle's from SFL for sure. Rep GA.

SlitThroat: Always a pleasure.

Bawal: Good tournament, thanks for lettin us grime up the bathroom. For real though, next time I say we do it at my clubhouse.

Somacruz: All your stress payed off. Good tournament. Thanks a bunch.

Holy Chef: The matches we played were really fun, next time it will definitely be there, right in front of ya.

I want to thank everyone for a good tourney. I want to especially thank everyone who drove from yonder and those people that brought setups. Hopefully putting brawl and melee together is getting more people into melee.

One of my improvement suggestions would be space management. Also, I think that the people that bring setups should get some kind of discount on the door fee. We need more recording equipment as well. The more vids we put up the more attention we'll receive.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
raccoon city
well hold the phone a minute ballistics, Lizrd claims to have struck venue-gold, so we'll wait to see what he's come up with


Aug 13, 2008
Pensacola, FL
Since results will never get posted, shout-outs:

@PCola: Get *****.

@Drew: Thanks for running things. I didn't get to play you, but I didn't really get to play anyone, so.

@Awal: Jiggs is too slow, and your house is too small. Play Singles next time!

@Deadweight: Why couldn't I have gotten your bracket :p. We did pretty decent in teams, but we got screwed, so. Hope we can do some more doubles in the future.

@8: Get a new main ):.

@MrFTW: Cheerleading me against MSAS was hot (no homo).

@Jssn: You don't main Marth.

@Groceries: Good job ****** me in teams.

@Lio: See Groceries.

@GMoney: Man, you suck, everyone else must have had a bad day. I mean, there's no way you could place 1st. That's unheard of. It was fun hanging out with you and PCola, you're funny as s***. Nobama.

@DBS: MK dittos suck. Suiciding with G&W for the win. Why do I always have to fight you in Losers'?

@Melee Kids: Why is your game so much better than Brawl?

@Galuda: Those games were so close! You and Holy both have pretty boss ICs. I wanna MM next time ):.

@That Guy Who Played Pikachu: Stop trying to be Anther.

@MSAS: You're so good. PCola's R.O.B.s (all R.O.B.s, really) are just spot dodge>dsmash.

@Chess: Solid a** Snake. Good job placing.

@Anyone I Forgot: **** **** piss **** ****ing ******* **** sucking fruit bags.

@Tally: Come to PCola 5, unless ur scurrrred.
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