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Official Sheik Power Rankings

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Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
lol the Sheik boards suffer from 'Post count + SWF Activity = Brawl Tournament Skill w/ Sheik' syndrome xP

The smarter you post, the l33ter your Sheik lol
Nah bro if you look closely at that list it's pretty dam accurate for me making it off the top of my head lmao. Also most of the people in the top 5 don't even post on this forum very often<_<

Edit: Tony Guacamole is a cali Sheik player who does some neat spacing things I hadn't seen before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHjqsc9Qrzk


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I still think

1. Mars

2. Everyone else

3. People that think they are better than Mars
Watch out Mars. This guy thinks he can troll better than you.

Nah bro if you look closely at that list it's pretty dam accurate for me making it off the top of my head lmao. Also most of the people in the top 5 don't even post on this forum very often<_<

Edit: Tony Guacamole is a cali Sheik player who does some neat spacing things I hadn't seen before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHjqsc9Qrzk
lol well the top is accurate for obvious reasons (I mean I think all of us agree on the top names so far) but as soon as Light, Armada, Neo are accounted for, then comes forum activity and research knowledge as a main criteria :p


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
O and I got 2nd at another rather small tournament. Lost first to my doubles partner who i got 1st in dubs with. Didn't wanna bother mentioning it since there was what...12 entrants? o.0 not any known names either as far as I'm concerned... lol king of the nubs for a day @_@

hey I got $50 out of it and struck fear into the hearts of any who oppose Sheik lol

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
lol the Sheik boards suffer from 'Post count + SWF Activity = Brawl Tournament Skill w/ Sheik' syndrome xP

The smarter you post, the l33ter your Sheik lol
I don't think the list was that serious. >.>

Good job dmt.

And yeah. Mars's list just can't be accurate... there's so VERY little proof.

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGN3ZAgJ2LE Proof I shouldn't be on that list. XD Roll->fsmash is too good.


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Watch out Mars. This guy thinks he can troll better than you.

lol well the top is accurate for obvious reasons (I mean I think all of us agree on the top names so far) but as soon as Light, Armada, Neo are accounted for, then comes forum activity and research knowledge as a main criteria :p
*Looks at sig* NOBODy trolls better than me bwahahaha.

I 100% guarantee you that <3, Scary, Chok, Champ, and Tristan are deserving of the spots I put them at.

O and I got 2nd at another rather small tournament. Lost first to my doubles partner who i got 1st in dubs with. Didn't wanna bother mentioning it since there was what...12 entrants? o.0 not any known names either as far as I'm concerned... lol king of the nubs for a day @_@

hey I got $50 out of it and struck fear into the hearts of any who oppose Sheik lol
Good job man:)

I don't think the list was that serious. >.>

Good job dmt.

And yeah. Mars's list just can't be accurate... there's so VERY little proof.

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGN3ZAgJ2LE Proof I shouldn't be on that list. XD Roll->fsmash is too good.
oh **** vintage Rathy!!!!


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Where has Tristan gone to? He hasn't posted here in a while. :(
He told me about a moth ago he was leaving and that he wanted to just slowly slip out.....
However, he didn't slowly slip out. I was in the process of talking to him about hot boxes and a few other things. It went from talking every night to... nothing.
He hasn't logged on for a long time now, on both SWF and AiB.
He also hasn't gotten on AIM for a long time, same with Skype.
He was also in the process of uploading vids of himself. He hasn't signed on for almost 3 weeks.
On top of that his phone has been disconnected.
I have asked his other friends and they have talked to him for a while either....

It's unlike him to completely disappear. When he has he at least still keeps in contact with me.
I hope he hasn't like... died. :(


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Eh. So I just got home from Bum's tournament.

Doubles was meh. Not gonna get into it lol

Singles I started with a bye, then I had to play PatG, who I believe got 4th or 5th out of 76 people at PolyBrawl 2 weeks ago. He also had a MM vs Wes today before the tournament began, which he won. So I lost 2-1. First close match vs his Lucario. Then I 2 stocked said Lucario. He then went ZSS, one of those characters I have next to no experience versus. I believe that ended close as well, last stock on Poke Stadium.

Then in Loser's I had to play Izumi..which was about an hour later. Sheik vs MK I lost barely. Then he went TL when I chose Battlefield and I won. He said Delfino so I picked MK knowing thats what he would do. The ditto was close both last stock 100+ >_>

In other news I won a MM vs Hippiedude's Luigi, and lost a MM vs Bum 3-1. Wish Those were saved. All so close, except the last one >_>

I hate how I get props for my Sheik, all while losing all day >_> I like the props but, I wanna win :/

EDIT: Idk what I got I'll post the results thread when its up I guess. I just left early cuz I felt really tired for some reason.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
how'd u 2 stock patg's lucario? o.o did u do well, did he **** up, or is the matchup not as bad as we think?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I play LucarioOwl's Lucario on a constant basis, who I believe has a better Lucario. I know Sheik vs Lucario very well. In fact PatG told me himself after the game after how I dominated the 2nd game, he knew he had to change to his ZSS.

I honestly don't think the Lucario MU is as bad as 60-40. In fact I'd argue 50-50, sicne he can be gimped fairly well and manipulated for lots of damage once off the stage. Sheik's jabs also stop his close range game almost completely.

Also no, he did not screw up in the sense of a huge mistake or an SD or something. Eh, if only I didn't take so long to adjust to his style in the first game. Also I desperately need ZSS practice... PatG's ZSS is much more of a threat than his Lucario to be honest. His ZSS is very good. I honestly think I could've won if I wasn't busy learning the MU during the actual tournament round


I'm gonna be reading stuffs and probably not be on the boards for a bit. If anyone wants to talk about anything or w/e just hit me up on AIM: dmtmanga


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2009
Wherever sarcasm can be made
dmt host another PolyBrawl so i can come there and smack you for losing to PatG's Zss :p
But srsly make another PolyBrawl mad i couldn't go to the last one.
But PatG's Lucario is better than his Zss. The only thing that makes the ZSS matchup hard is that she is as fast or faster than us, and that **** stun gun. If you stay close to her she can't use her stun gun if you pressure her.

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Hi im lessthanthree . I got fourth at this tourney today. Lost to seibrick 2-1 and radix 2-0 beAt gdx And a slew of other folks. Skip a Dee doo! No recording but Well see about friendlies.

Ed is my hero btw.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
dmt host another PolyBrawl so i can come there and smack you for losing to PatG's Zss :p
But srsly make another PolyBrawl mad i couldn't go to the last one.
But PatG's Lucario is better than his Zss. The only thing that makes the ZSS matchup hard is that she is as fast or faster than us, and that **** stun gun. If you stay close to her she can't use her stun gun if you pressure her.
His Lucario was no problem at all really. He was smart to notice it. Had he gone Lucario again it would've been my win. He uses ZSS a lot more in tournaments now. More so than his Lucario. In fact I believe his best of 7 MM vs Wes he went all ZSS.


At least 2 more PolyBrawl's planned for the Spring. Keep your eyes out. Repping Sheik alone in NYC here man. Join me!


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Good job <3 and Scary on the placings. I saw 3 on the livestream playing Ramen or something I think but it was really choppy.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
yeah prince ramen was tearing it up; honestly I'm happy I didn't have to fight him in tourney since I don't do that well against Metas. And he was really good. he gave me some good experince before I played Seibrick though.

SO~ Now that i have a keyboard instead of a phone......

No byes.

won round 1 versus a meta. Don't think he mained meta, but we played friendlies before hand (I won em : )) and he prob overheard me looking for meta experince/ complaining how thats the only place I'm uncomfortable atm. 2-0ed him

next game was against hiroi, a peach main. I played some friendlies with him before hand and did decent, think I won one lost one with sheik. during the actual tourney I just forced myself to play really safe and I think I two stocked or low percent 1 stocked him. pretty sound win on Battlefield. He CPed Halbred I went bowser for that and took that game as well, up B is too good. so 2-0ed that set as well.

next set played Fearless; an Olimar main. (A **** good one) 2-0ed him. game one on BF I got an early percent advantage through a fake combo and then a gimp later. Beat him pretty soundly. he CPed lylat and start off the round like I started the first crazy sudo combo up to 100+ taking very little damage. but I gimped him at like 20% and took back control of the match.

next set was against seibrick (currently rank 1 in FL) in winners semis. Lost 1-2 he went MK/snake. round one I got beat pretty soundly by his MK. lost most of my stock to an inability to kill. missed a few dacus ops and took too much damage for small mistakes. I took him to halbred and he went snake instead of MK to avoid low percent deaths. I took that round although not by much. Game three he took me to frigate. stage flipped be for my damage go too too high so I was able to avoid any lame gimps through that. I was able to bait and punish quite a bit and ended up doing pretty well. both high percent.

Next set played GDX (ranked 6th) won that 2-1 he went diddy and GaW. first game was FD I won but barely tried to not ever let him have nanner control. second game he went back to FD and I just barely lost that. third I CPed Battlefield and he switched to GaW. I comboed him pretty well early game for a lead and just kept it forcing him to approach me and won that pretty soundly.

Next game played radix another MK/Snake, I guess and honorable mention atm. I got 0-2ed. first game he went snake I got very literally a 200% lead on him and let it slip when i didn't kill him. got 1 stocked. next game he went meta and he beat me pretty soundly. I gave him too many gimps.


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2009
Wherever sarcasm can be made
His Lucario was no problem at all really. He was smart to notice it. Had he gone Lucario again it would've been my win. He uses ZSS a lot more in tournaments now. More so than his Lucario. In fact I believe his best of 7 MM vs Wes he went all ZSS.


At least 2 more PolyBrawl's planned for the Spring. Keep your eyes out. Repping Sheik alone in NYC here man. Join me!
Haha, i'll be there to help you out. And w00t 2 more PolyBrawls, we'll see who outplaces who ;D. Lol can't wait till those. Maybe we can see before that who knows lol. Gotta show em the best of Hyrule :p

#HBC | Scary

Hype Incarnate
Mar 12, 2008
Assassin on the Great Fox
Good job light!

What were the set counts for those losses?

As far as myself, in the same tourney as <3 I got 13th. I know I had one bye.

1st set I loss was to Razek (pikachu) 2-0. I did everything gright in this set and had a perfect balance with Zelda and Sheik but I blew the lead. When I CPed Brnstar, he went MK. Bad stuff happened.

The other set I lost was to Chaz (#7 on PR W/ Marth). Epic set was epic 2-1. Last match he caught me with an upB. Again, I had a huge lead in the last match and choked it away.

Doubles I didn't do since Polmex had last second stuff to take care of. So I dunno my doubles status for winterfest. I will step it up there though.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 18, 2009
Good job light!

What were the set counts for those losses?

As far as myself, in the same tourney as <3 I got 13th. I know I had one bye.

1st set I loss was to Razek (pikachu) 2-0. I did everything gright in this set and had a perfect balance with Zelda and Sheik but I blew the lead. When I CPed Brnstar, he went MK. Bad stuff happened.

The other set I lost was to Chaz (#7 on PR W/ Marth). Epic set was epic 2-1. Last match he caught me with an upB. Again, I had a huge lead in the last match and choked it away.

Doubles I didn't do since Polmex had last second stuff to take care of. So I dunno my doubles status for winterfest. I will step it up there though.
I must agree about your set with Chaz, it was epic. Just a little more and you could have beat one of, if not the best Marth in Florida. Keep it up


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2007
CS2G - Hyperbolic Time Chamber
In both sets I won game 1 then lost 2 straight

Against Lee martin I beat him in mk dittos first match(smashville), lost on BF/FD in mk dittos

Against Snakee beat his peach on smashville with sheik, got ***** by his ZSS on rainbow cruise with mk(i got nervous, should have played sheik), then lost to his zss on BF with sheik because he banned FD =/

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
I forgot my camera at razek's appartment, LOL no recording till I get that back.

sheik versus ZSS shouldn't be too bad on BF mars.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Some things I posted in Social Thread:

You know how I know these Power Rankings are gonna be inaccurate. Different regions among themselves have different levels of skill overall. Basically being ranked #1 in one state/region could very well be worse than simply being an Honorary Member in another. Now, taking that into account would be necessary for any form of accuracy, but it's also incredibly difficult to do so if even possible.

That's why a PR for a character would be... meaningless in detail, unless the panel were to chose a top 5, all of which are in NO particular order. So, being #1 is an ideal that can never truly be obtained, but only be achieved through recognition, fame, and well..popularity lol

It's not bias sir. It's accepted widely by people of many regions, and not only NY/NJ. NY/NJ has the most representation in high placement in national tournaments. On top of this the Eastern states dominate the Western states in said tournaments. Name all the national best players you know, and put down the state they live in and have lived in in the last 3 years or so, and put them all on a map if you wish.

Disregarding this difference, and saying that region has no effect would be ignorant.

My point simply is, a character themed PR would be superfluous and inaccurate in detail, but can be displayed as tiers, in which players of the same tier would not be placed in any particular order.

This is my opinion and I would only like for the Panel to consider my words; nothing more, nothing less.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
I got 13th out of 42 at a local tournament.
Got ***** by Judge, beat Rhino (Lucas), Kappy (Kirby), lost to Blue Rogue (Wario), Suyon (Pit)

Basically's I didn't beat anyone important lol
Brawl tournaments are pretty fun. I wish I could enter them more often.

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Just took a few games off ally in friendlies heavy sand bagging was occuring though. He saved the matches I won on Ed's(Scary's) Wii. He looks like a fun dude to just chill and play with cuz he does crazy off the wall stuff in friendlies.

played Esam, a power ranked pika main. got throughly wrecked by him his pika has a really agressive style. I did get him to say "I'd be worried about this match up without the chain grab"I was holding my own at 152 for a while on my last stock.

Got to sit down a play with red Hal. I learned so much about the Meta match up from him now I'm doing it pretty well.

Played kismit? Am I saying that right? he was beating me pretty consistently with falco but I was locking, so I could learn to play without it if need be.

what else...
Billy (stealth) is a beast! he was taking games off seibrick for a while. I'm genuinly impressed by his sheik.

Didn't get to see too many of ED's matches.

Tourney is today I'm looking for my camera now.
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