I'm glad to see the MK debate is being re-opened, especially after the Pound 4 placings, but I have very much restrained opptimisn. Every vote, the public has favored him gone. Last time, so did the SBR...not the majority required to pass the act, byt a majority none the less. The pro-ban's writen argument was near flawless, citing how overcentralization is ruining the game and has completely evaporated the scene in entire areas/states, the list of MK's OP frame data, how he breaks the game's counter system, both stage and character wise (is broken) and how he's surpressing the desire to explore the rest of the cast's potential, and is almost a requiremnt if one wishes to do well at a major tournament. Oh, and MK takes a huge % of all tournament winnings totalled and averaged thus far.
The anti-ban's side argument could be be summed up as "nuh-uh", and provided virtually no evidence. I questioned many people who voted anti-ban on how they could do so when the pro-ban's written arguement was clearly better-surprisenly, many agreed, but said they voted against it anyways for X reason, and 100% of the time the reason was unrelated to the current debate, or completely stupid.
It takes a lot to ban a character, but what else is needed? The proof and arguemnts have been provided countless times. Another Pound where 8 of the top 10 has Mk at their disposal? More matches won due to time-outs/airstalling, not actual skill? I mean, I was flabbergasted at how easily players were DQ'D for being tardy, yet airstalling, something almostly completely unique to MK, went unpunished. Why hasn't this been enforced better, like planking? Why has 1 character caused 2 major rule changes not simply been banned, instead of just making up new rules to govern his alien nature?
As it stands, MK, the SBR, and the referee system is broken. There's hope though-these are (or rather, SHOULD be) easy fixes. The community simply needs to use logic to see past this injustice. Something radical has to be done at some form. AT LEAST, a "trial period" ban should be put on him, perhaps 6 months? If areas who have been ravaged by Mk overuse rebuild, and we start seeing more diverse tourney outcomes, I think that should be evidence enough that life would be beter without him. A test period is the least we owe this high strung debate.