Argument #1: Metaknight is not broken.
Functional definition for "broken": Character somehow ignores game mechanics, cannot be beaten, or has some random uncontrollable effect. Metaknight does not bend the rules of smash to bypass hit stun, DI, KOs, free movement, or other concepts familiar to smash game play. Tournament results have disproved Metaknight's invincibility, and he can be beaten in the realm of human ability. Every input in Metaknight's control is known to have a predictable outcome, and every attack is known to have a set of unchanging properties. Metaknight does not have the inherently random nature that items do, and he cannot mimic the random nature of some stages, such as Delfino Plaza.
Not only does D3 and the Ice Climbers bypass hitstun, free movement, and DI in their infinite chaingrabs make this entire thing invalid, but Metaknight DOES ignore game mechanics. He can go invisible and be untouchable for however long he wants; we have to ban it. If the argument is "after banning the things that were ban worthy, MK is no longer banworthy", you could apply that to anything at any point in competitive gameplay... making this argument pointless.
In addition to this, MK being "broken" is not a criteria set by anyone... especially the smash community. If "broken" was what was necessary to ban things, we wouldn't have banned multiple stages, food on low, or dozens of other things. Being broken isn't necessary in the slightest; we've already set this precedent in the past.
Argument #2: Metaknight does not dominate the metagame.
EDIT: See below for results, as the original post was in the SBR.
If you take the time to look at all of these results anyone with good judgment can see that the word “dominant” may need to be reexamined. Mew2King, one of the best Melee players and arguably the best Brawl player easily pours countless hours until the point of obsession attempting to make this “broken” character invincible, and yet Ally has a winning record of 2-1 in regards to out-placing (obtaining 1st place) over Mew2King in this season.
Looks like Omni focusing on isolated incidences isn't new!
MK doesn't just dominate the metagame... he's doing better than he was before by a significant margin.
flayl's data said:
Research by Flayl:
Top MKs: M2K, Tyrant, Dojo, Shadow, Ksizzle, Anti, DSF, Judge, Seibrik
From October 1st to January 31st:
- 3rd out of 39 at Gauntlet 10-03-09, lost to Ally (Snake) and ADHD (Diddy)
- 3rd out of 53 at DAPHNE I, lost to Ally (Snake) and ADHD (Diddy)
- 4th out of 100 at Viridian City 6, lost to Mew2King (MK) and Meep (IC)
- 1st out of 34 at Bum Presents: The Gamers, 0 sets lost
- 3rd out of 74 at PolyBrawl 11.28, can't find any brackets - outplaced by Ally (Snake) and ADHD (Diddy)
- 1st out of 71 at HOBO 19, can't find any brackets
- 1st out of 71 at Phase 2, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 39 at Phase 3, can't find any brackets
- 4th out of 50 at HOBO 21, lost to Hylian (IC/G&W) and Razer (Snake)
- 2nd out of 46 at Final Smash 8, lost to Razer (Snake) twice
- 1st out of 48 at Phase 5, no brackets yet
- 1st out of 43 at CGC XII, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 49 at CGC @ SFSU 13, 0 sets lost
- 3rd out of 120 at R3, lost to DEHF (Falco) and Tyrant (MK)
- 1st out of 109 (split with Tyrant) at UCSD Winter Game Fest V, can't find any brackets
- 3rd out of 70 at SCSA West Coast Circuit #5, lost to DEHF (Falco) and Tyrant (MK)
- 2nd out of 61 at Brawl Bootcamp Lvl. 2, lost to Mew2King (MK) twice
- 2nd out of 31 at LoLiS 4, lost to Mew2King (MK) twice
- 2nd out of 30 at Kuntasm, lost to Mew2King (MK) twice
- 1st out of 42 at LoLiS 5, lost to Anther (Pikachu) once
- 5th out of 190 at Pound 4, lost to Shadow (MK) and Ksizzle (Lucario)
- 3rd out 27 at Michigan Ball Z, forfeit (don't know when or why)
- 7th out of 100 at Viridian City 6, lost to Ally (Snake) and Atomsk (???)
- 2nd out of 60 at Crank That Kosha Boy!, lost to Ally (Snake) twice
- 2nd out of 24 at Daisho's Tournament 11/21/09, can't find any brackets - lost to Cable (DK)
- 4th out of 190 at Pound 4, lost to ADHD (Diddy) and Ally (Snake)
- 1st out of 36 at LoLiS 2, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 61 at Brawl Bootcamp Lvl2, 0 sets lost
- 2nd out of 100 at Viridian City 6, lost to Ally (Snake) twice
- 1st out of 39 at lain's Lollapalooza, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 31 at LoLiS 4, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 30 at Kuntasm, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 89 at Winterfest, 0 sets lost
- 2nd out of 45 at Wiegraf Too Good, lost to ADHD (Diddy) twice
- 1st out of 29 at Wait, AGAIN?!, 0 sets lost
- 2nd out of 190 at Pound 4, lost to ADHD (Diddy) twice
- 1st out of 30 at Delta Upsilon II, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 53 at OC #2: M2k's Monthly Donation Fund, 0 sets lost
- 2nd out of 41 at Gigabits - A Fall Brawl, can't find any brackets - lost to RedHalberd (MK)
- 2nd out of 24 at WATO 8.5, can't find any brackets - lost to RedHalberd (MK/Snake)
- 2nd out of 89 at Winterfest 2009, can't find any brackets - lost to Mew2King (MK)
- 1st out of 28 (split with CO18) at WATO 9, can't find any brackets
- 2nd out of 39 at FIU Brawl Tourney 1/23, lost to Nick Riddle (ZSS) twice
- 4th out of 60 at Crank That Kosha Boy!, lost to Meep (IC) and ADHD (Diddy)
- 2nd out of 45 at KTAR, lost 2x to Ally (Snake)
- 2nd out of 25 at Powerplay Gaming Tournament, lost to Atomsk (???) and Ally (Snake)
- 3rd out of 45 at Wiegraf Too Good, lost to ADHD (Diddy) and Mew2King (MK)
- 3rd out of 29 at Paradigm Presents: WAIT, AGAIN?!, can't find any brackets - outplaced by ADHD (Diddy) and Mew2King (MK)
- 5th out of 190 at Pound 4, lost to Mew2King (MK) and Ally (Snake)
- 1st out of 33 (split with DM Brandon) at DNA Gaming USA #2, lost to DM Brandon (MK)?
- 1st out of 34 at Syracuse Smash 2, 0 sets lost
- 3rd out of 43 at CGC XII, lost to DSF (MK) and michealHAZE (Marth)
- 5th out of 100 at Viridian City 6, lost to Ally (Snake) and Meep (IC)
- 2nd out of 120 at R3, lost 2x to DEHF (Falco)
- 1st out of 18 at The BR Act: Program 1, 0 sets lost
- 1st out of 109 (split with DSF) at UCSD Winter Game Fest V, can't find any brackets
- 2nd out of 70 at SCSA West Coast Circuit #5, lost to DEHF (Falco) twice
Non-MK players that beat them in more than one instance:
ADHD (Diddy)
Ally (Snake)
Atomsk (???)
DEHF (Falco)
Meep (IC)
Razer (Snake)
Number of top MK players I listed - 9
Number of players that beat them on more than one instance - 6
There are a grand total of 6 unique individuals that have overcome the top level MK obstacle on more than one occasion. This means that except for the one-time shots, we have 6 horses you could bet on for the race. Two of them share the same character (Snake), and each other player plays a different character. This is strong evidence showing it is the player and
not the character itself is the deciding factor for them.... but can the same be said about the 9 Metaknights?
To make matters worse, not only are MKs losing primarily only to other MKs, the other characters
are still dropping sets to other characters. That's ridiculous.
Argument #3: The game is still growing and evolving.
This argument is infinite. A game is never "done". This isn't so much an argument as it is a stalling tactic.
Argument #4: Implying that Metaknight breaks the counterpick system also implies that Brawl is a game based on counterpicking.
The multiple top MKs are losing to the top players of various other characters, and no one is emulating them at all. That means no one else has the "I only lose in dittos and to super top players" badge for their character on AiB.
The other character mains seem to be dropping sets to other characters on a more frequent basis if the data is indicative of a trend; we'd have to see more to be sure, but this is pretty convincing... Ankoku posted a list of some of the top regional players at Pound 4 that made it to bracket and who they beat / lost to.
However, all counter characters (to my current knowledge) highlighted in red. That means if the character is highlighted in red, that means a hard counter took place... a hard counter being a character that undeniably does well and requires the opponent to change their playstyle drastically to even compete. Ignoring soft counters and tier disparities.

Defeated Hunger
Lost to Seibrik 
Lost to Infern
Lost to ChuDat 
Defeated Mikey Lenetia

Defeated Ling Ling

Defeated Fatal
Lost to lain
Lost to NEO

Defeated Boss

Lost to Logic

Defeated dmbrandon

Defeated CO18
Lost to Havok 
Defeated Hunger

Defeated DEHF
Lost to Judge
It seems to me that having a hard counter is a pretty big deal at the highest level of play.
Except for MK.
In other words, MK breaks the counterpick system based on all evidence we currently have. These are all good players losing to good players so the "player skill" argument might not hold water if other tournaments are researched for players that are non-MK, but Flayl did the research for MK mains and found the exact opposite of what we found looking at non-MK mains.
MK breaks the counterpicking system, and we have data to prove it.
Did I mention that he also doesn't have any bad stages because we banned them all, and the other characters at the top of the tier list have a greater advantage on the starters than MK does? Diddy gets
two counterpicks in every set vs. MK and we still are only getting one Diddy that's really wowing anyone.
Argument #5: Metaknight’s extraneous circumstances are already resolved.
Metaknight has been explored to the point where stalling has been a major issue with the character. However, the two primary methods of stalling already have solutions, and are no longer evidence for a ban. The IDC has already been formally banned and is no longer an issue. Planking is banned in some areas, but this problem is not specific to Metaknight. Even more specifically, the Dojo vs DEHF ruling from Genesis was not a situation with Metaknight, rather just a poor judgment call. Any basis that would further extend past the basic definition of a ban for a more specific criterion has no application to this debate.
The IDC has been banned, yes. Planking is banned in some areas, yes, but not by the SBR. However, when it was banned, MK invented scrooging and now we have another hot topic.
Did you know on the smashville platform that MK can jump upwards 4 times and glide farther than Diddy can attack him? All Diddy can do is throw a banana and hope to do 4% if the MK just lets it hit him.
Metaknight has also been the most common "stalling" character in the game... and the only one to show any issues with planking in the tournament scene to date.
So what is anti-ban standing on now?