Ideally, this would be the data that we would gain from six month Meta Knight Hiatus.
1) The Match up dynamics of a tournament without Mk.
2) Much akin to one, the population shift of characters and the changes of their Metagame.
3) Will Counter Picking become more significant without the catch all character MK?
4) Will we no longer need to make rules to govern a single character?
5) Will stage counter picks be more necessary, trending away from picking neutrals?
6) Do more people attend?
7) Who steps up? [since certain 'pros' would be quitting.]
I feel that the third is the most important question really. Something that almost everyone has voiced about Smash is that it is a game of counter picking your opponent. Many have claimed that MK breaks this system since he has no matches that fall outside of his favor. You can learn MK, and use him against every character in the game without really having an issue. Now, if MK is removed from the equation, what happens? Does Counter Picking suddenly reclaim its throne as the governing force of Smash?
I dare say, that if the third question is answered as a yes, then we almost would have no choice but to keep Meta Knight Banned. Diversity is GOOD for a game, especially when it is one of the main features of its competitive scene.