Screw it, I'm gonna have to do it. After this, you can drop it and go back to your silly lil meta topic that never seems to die.
M@v, you wanna be for real, we gonna do it right now. Time to man up and get off bias crap.
Reason for Top Peach players not playing high enough as YOU want them too? It's not the character(s) fault. It's the players fault. You and alot of people always wanna put the blame on characters. But never on yourselfs. M2K loses to diddy, and tends to blame it on "Diddy is the best in the game and beats meta" No, it's M2K's darn fault he loses. He can't fight or stand diddy. Yet wont admit that to save Meta from being banned. Seems to me he will pull any weak excuse like I have been seeing from him lately to say Meta is not broken and needs to stay. I don't think he needs to be banned but come on dude, lets be for real here and not give me this crap. Reasons he says meta should say is straight stupid.
All Peach mains, (YES, ALL) Have not played Peach up to her full Power, screw being defensive, aggressive, fancy with all these techs to show off, impress people and feel like you are hawt **** at the end of the day. **** like that is not gonna help you win tournies with this character.
Kos-Mos Only knows one match up. And that is diddy. And he went and beat every diddy he touched. Including NL and ADHD. So this Bias crap about Peach not beating diddy or diddy having the advantage is done with. Next.
Dark.Pch- SNES I lost to M2K. Big whoop, its freaking M2k and a darn meta knight. Not impressed or anything to be ticked about. In losers I lost to reflex, a match up I never played before. Despite that I nearly beat him both games. MY FAULT STILL FOR LOSING THAT. If I had known that match up, i'm pretty sure I would have beaten him. I got that close not knowing what the hell to do in it. And ended up getting 13th. Lets go., My last tourny before a temp retirement I got 7th, gaullet, losing to a Marth and a player who is better than me (NinjaLink). This was in october. No job after that so could not go to tournies. Came back to play and was a rust bucket, and did horrible all the way till Pound 4. All the time I was there I got my hasshandled to me by nearly everyone. Tourny and friendles.No way in hell I was making it out in my condition and placing well.
Summer of 09 I nearly beat atomsk DDD (Vanz as well and dude does not even use Peach like that) and Inui's Meta knight. And took out one of our better falcos here (Bleachigo) Me losing to Inui and atomsk is MY FAULT I COULD HAVE BEATEN BUT DID NOT. The blame for losing is not my character. I never blame crap on my character. maybe if I was gannon or some ****, But for Peach, I have nothing to blame but my darn self.
Mikey Lenetia- Could have taken that one game off of DEHF. **** happens. He did have a good shot of winning that set. Also when he played Ally in pools at SNES, he nearly beat him a game. Character is not his fault for losing to ally and Falco. **** happens and Mikey (as well as every other peach alive) needs to step their **** up. Cause if we don't we here crap that people such as you and Omni spit out.
Excel is another peach who I think IMO, plays Peach nearly to the top of her game. Dude just needs to learn match ups and step his game out. But he is indeed a freaking beast.
So If you wanna play the reason Peach has not hitting the money in tournies, Blame the players for that. Don't blame the character. Same goes for every other character. People tend to but the blame on thier character to make themselves feel good. But never wanna admit they are the darn problem. thats being a straight coward. Man the hell up. Yes, even you high tier playes as well. Man the hell up.
Also one more thing I think Peach is not up there as she should be up until now. Peach players don't know how this game works. Peach is technical as hell. To ME, I say she is the next melee fox tech wise. It's important to know about frames. How all that **** works. with your attacks and the enemies attacks. That way you can know what you can do and not do. Know your options with your character. But also know it with the match up you are in.
Thats what I been doing since pound 4 after being so embarrassed for how I did. I decided to learn how this game works. And after doing my homework, I been doing **** with Peach that I have not been abusing for about 2 years now. And when I asked, Most Peach players reaction times are not that good or know about frames. I'm abusing this **** right now. Learning about other characters frames, hit stuns and hit boxes. I am just about finished with the high tiers. The next thing is to learn my match ups again. And I got NL for that. I learned alot of match ups again thanks to him. And when I have been playing with all the **** I studyed, I feel so much better as a Player. And I am not even at my summer groove yet. One more training session I am gonna do to learn match ups and then used what I studied in battle. Then I have a tournament this saturday. I play my cards right, I should place 5+. I am abuseing frame knowledge an all the stuff my character can do. I finally know how this game works.
tl;dr- Don't blame things on characters when it is the players fault. And don't speak of stuff you know nothing about. When ever I lose, it is my damm fault. I failed to step it up and be emo so I did not deserve to win. Done.
Now back to meta being bann worrthy or not. I'm gonna go study some more and learn how to beat the hell out of everyone on the A tier list.