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Official MBR Tier List

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Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
I know it's more balanced, but that tier list is something. Roy and (even more so) Yoshi are much higher, and the ICs and Falco also took a step up.


Loves Pink Poodles
Mar 3, 2006
DK deserves Go Tier seriously LOL.

man when DK combos you to Gaint punch that how you know you should quit life.

its ridicolous LOL. it just looks soooo dirty.oh amn hhaa


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
The only reason people didn't know how good jiggs was until now is because no one played her, also a lot of other characters use to survive to some decent percents vs the rest of the cast, now that we are so practiced at gimping her weight isn't as big a factor, hell she commonly lives longer than most characters with the way the game is played now.

King, Mango and Hbox really repped her big time, and she is so easy to play that all you have to do is think and practice a little and you can get pretty decent with her.

If she wasn't so boring to play against she would be more popular.


Hostile Takeover
Jul 7, 2008
Newburgh, NY
Jiggs is not top tier now, hasn't this been discussed like 5 times in this thread already?

And yeah DK combos in general can give you suicidal feelings. lmao. That headbutt, he won't stop! >_<;

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
Jiggs either belongs at the top of high tier or bottom of top tier.

she is better than peach and falcon.

she isn't better than falco though, but she could be considered a top.

i concur with scars commentary in m2k vs mango match 4 wf lol.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Lol Jiggs suddenly has the matchups to make Top Tier?

Just because the best Fox, Sheik, and Marth player has some sort of mental block against the best Jiggs player?
Yeah, it must be their mental blocks... cause I see mango's puff losing to all kinds of scrubs.

But to actually answer the question: Yes Puff has the match ups, and if it is "suddenly" its because the better part of the smash community ignores that character more than we should. Just cause you don't notice somethings potential does not mean it isn't there. Back in the day Marth couldn't kill any character in the game off one grab, the potential was there but it took M2K to show us it. Now that top tiers kill eachother in one hit, it made jiggs better because you can't kill her in one hit.

She can still rest you and still has a chance to outplay you, her survivability make up for her slight lacking in priority vs other top tiers, and she flat out has the advantage vs almost every character that isn't Fox Falcon and Marth (need citation from a good jiggs please)

I would have a tough time suggesting that she belongs above Falco but it's easy to see she is better than Peach/Falcon


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Jiggs actually has quite a bit of random character trouble from what I understand *shrugs* Also, lol @ not putting Sheik on that list, Sheik is generally considered the 2nd best vs. Puff after Fox.

I've been under the impression that Ganon, Doc, Pika, Y. Link, Luigi and Zelda give puff problems if they play the matchup correctly.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Jiggs actually has quite a bit of random character trouble from what I understand *shrugs* Also, lol @ not putting Sheik on that list, Sheik is generally considered the 2nd best vs. Puff after Fox.

I've been under the impression that Ganon, Doc, Pika, Y. Link, Luigi and Zelda give puff problems if they play the matchup correctly.
Oh good to know, I don't play jiggs much and the only match I ever see them complain about is Marth and Fox when I visit the boards, although I guess they aren't super active so... yeah, I'll admit I'm not super knowledgeable on jiggs. I dunno, I'd have to really watch good players in those matches, I can't see luigi giving puff problems, maybe Zelda but I don't see how she would be any harder than Marth, Ganon I could see being really **** hard his hits are huge. I dunno bout Doc or Y-Link neither of them seem to have the range, although maybe Y-Links projectile game is better vs jiggs than I think it would be.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
I've been under the impression that Ganon, Doc, Pika, Y. Link, Luigi and Zelda give puff problems if they play the matchup correctly.
Umm...no. Every one of those characters has some kind of major issue against Jiggs.

Ganon gets rest combo'd and Wop'd so easily. On average, he'll be dying even faster than Jiggs
Doc gets camped by bairs
Pika gets camped by bairs
Y.Link lacks kill power (and can't combo Jiggs into his kill moves, which are all rest bait)
Zelda is outsped by Jiggs

If by "giving her trouble" you mean "even matchup at best" then you'd be correct
I know Ganon and Pika do, I can't say for the rest.
Ganon may be even (I think it's Jiggs advantage), but Pika is most certainly in Jiggs favor. Low percent upsmashes is not enough to make up for having no approach options and a lack luster defense. And Pika also has no reliable up-smash setups at kill percentages either, and most of Jiggs aerials not only outrange that upsmash, but they also don't have enough lag to punish after landing.

Jigg's bad matchups are basically...the top tiers. And even then they're not that bad.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I honestly don't think Marth beats Puff any more. Not by a significant amount at any rate.

I'm starting to strongly feel Falco > Marth honestly.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^Yeah, I'd say it's even, or maybe a slight advantage to Marth (at best). Jigg's aerial mobility just makes spacing against her so difficult, so the range advantage hardly even makes a difference.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Umm...no. Every one of those characters has some kind of major issue against Jiggs.

Ganon gets rest combo'd and Wop'd so easily. On average, he'll be dying even faster than Jiggs
Doc gets camped by bairs
Pika gets camped by bairs
Y.Link lacks kill power (and can't combo Jiggs into his kill moves, which are all rest bait)
Zelda is outsped by Jiggs

If by "giving her trouble" you mean "even matchup at best" then you'd be correct

Ganon may be even (I think it's Jiggs advantage), but Pika is most certainly in Jiggs favor. Low percent upsmashes is not enough to make up for having no approach options and a lack luster defense. And Pika also has no reliable up-smash setups at kill percentages either, and most of Jiggs aerials not only outrange that upsmash, but they also don't have enough lag to punish after landing.

Jigg's bad matchups are basically...the top tiers. And even then they're not that bad.
oversimplification ftw.

I mean, I dunno, I used to think the same thing about Doc at least, and then Velocity packed my Jiggs' fudge in like she was Willy Wonka and the warehouse was full (inet cookie to whoever can tell me where I stole this from). I think the thing about Jiggs is that not enough people actually know how to play against her or they do theoretically but don't execute properly.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
kirbykaze are you talking about falco vs marth? or falco > marth period on tier list.

i would concur with you if you were talking about the matchup, falco simply can camp/space lasers so well that marth can't do jack **** on platform stages other than get one grab/hit then juggle with uair/utilt under platforms.

all marth can do is get a grab and take a stock, or he can just camp ledge and hope falco players are stupid enough to approach him.

i'd say its still close but i think the matchup goes to falco's favor (technical 48-52 falco).


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Ganon gets rest combo'd and Wop'd so easily. On average, he'll be dying even faster than Jiggs.
Are you kidding me? With proper DI, you cannot get rest comboed as Ganon. I know it's hard to expect certain moves, but if you have the proper reaction time then this won't happen.

But Jiggs definitely has the edgeguard vs Ganon. But on stage Ganon clearly has the advantage because of the range. Vs jiggs, you kinda have to do downthrow combos and space Fairs. It's actually quite hard.

For this matchup if both players play equally then it's even for sure.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Sheik vs Ganon is horrible **** lolololol.

Sheik vs Falcon is horrible **** lolololol.

I meant I think Falco > Marth in terms of being a better overall character. Marth isn't as good as I thought methinks. Pistols, free damage, super broken pressure, unconditional combos, and edgeguard setups on Fox (and everyone, really) are too good. He also, as an added plus, doesn't get ***** by Sheik.


Falco struggles with random characters. But oh wait he doesn't because Falco players aren't mindlessly attacking into Samus Up+bs any longer. Or the miss an L-cancel --> Peach D-smash combo. As Falco becomes more technical and smarter, his matchups become better. I don't think he's even even with Peach anymore if he plays right, I think he wins.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Sheik vs Ganon is horrible **** lolololol.

Sheik vs Falcon is horrible **** lolololol.

I meant I think Falco > Marth in terms of being a better overall character. Marth isn't as good as I thought methinks. Pistols, free damage, super broken pressure, unconditional combos, and edgeguard setups on Fox (and everyone, really) are too good. He also, as an added plus, doesn't get ***** by Sheik.


Falco struggles with random characters. But oh wait he doesn't because Falco players aren't mindlessly attacking into Samus Up+bs any longer. Or the miss an L-cancel --> Peach D-smash combo. As Falco becomes more technical and smarter, his matchups become better. I don't think he's even even with Peach anymore if he plays right, I think he wins.
i honestly think that Falco has no matchups that are worse than even if he's played correctly. I also think that he beats both Peach and Jiggs after your tech is down enough and you know how to play vs them (lol, platform camp).


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Basically, I think Marth is worse because Sheik exists.

Any questions, comments, complaints, etc?

I mean, it's not like Marth is devoid of strange matchups with worse characters where he loses or struggles (like Falco). The only one that I can think of is like Falcon, but I hear some weird people think Ganon goes even with Marth so that might warrant some thought too.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
just bc ganon rivals marths silly range with a couple moves doesnt make em even but kage thinks so

and falcon marth is DEF even
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