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Official MBR Tier List

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St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
can we get marth's f-air, jab, and f-tilt w/ those hitboxes (I don't have the seanson's hitbox thing anymore)


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I thought the term "Disjointed Hitbox" only applied to hitbox's that weren't part of a characters hurtbox (Ie: swords, most of gnw's moves, ness's bat etc). If anything Jiggs hitbox for bair is just gigantic and extends further then you would expect it to.

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
Seriously this is all i've been trying to say since forever but everyone is just jumping on the M2K wagon saying that jiggs is too broken
The trouble then arises in that jiggs is far more maneuverable, making her control really large areas because of how quickly she can move in and out of attacks and punish them. And as people have said, jiggs gets far more out of a hit at mid and high percentages than Marth.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Puff's bair vs marth's fair.

did you know puff's bair doesn't come out til frame 9, and the good hitboxes (ei the ones you see in all the pics) doesnt come out to frame 11 or 12? This picture was very hard to sync up because with marth i would delay 5 or 6 frames after starting puffs jump and bair before i jumped with marth and faired, and i was still too early. For this screenshot i believe i didn't start moving with marth til the 9th frame, and i jump->baired frame perfectly on puff and not perfectly on marth

edit- frame 9 is puff's worst bair hitbox, 10 and 11 have the same exact range, though the inner hitboxes change around a little, frame 12 is the famous hitbox (which actually has a little less range, but looks more impressive) and frame 13 there are no hitboxes.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The trouble then arises in that jiggs is far more maneuverable, making her control really large areas because of how quickly she can move in and out of attacks and punish them. And as people have said, jiggs gets far more out of a hit at mid and high percentages than Marth.
Until i see evidence on the contrary i refuse to beleive ANY jiggs can actually even semi-consistently space so perfectly that they can move out of range of a jab/f-tilt then be able to move back into range to B-air...

and btw if they do 'cling' (and i'm not sure if they do) marth jab out in 4 frames or f-tilt in 7 another back-air for jiggs would be 9 frames so to beat a jab would take a 6 frame better reaction time..


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2009
Maryville, MO
and btw if they do 'cling' (and i'm not sure if they do) marth jab out in 4 frames or f-tilt in 7 another back-air for jiggs would be 9 frames so to beat a jab would take a 6 frame better reaction time..
They don't clank.

edit: Puff's bair vs. Marth's fair

It appears that Puff's bair when perfectly spaced will actually go inside Marth's hurtbox, causing them to trade.

Dai Tian

Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2008
Phendrana Drifts, SoCal
Many moves on many characters have disjointed hitboxes.

The idea of a disjointed hitbox as something unique to Marth and other characters with weapons is completely outdated based off modern smash knowledge and what we now know (God bless AR) but since the bulk of the community is completely aware of how this game functions mechanically, the term was never updated or really given any serious revision.

Mass opinion go go go.
I'm aware of that, it's just I wasn't expecting Jiggs to have one on bair of all things. I mean, no wonder bair is such a **** move.

If we're on the subject, does Marth have anything useful that completely outspaces Jiggs' bair?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
This isn't really disjointed though is it? IT extends beyond the hurtbox but its still connected to it
Most disjointed moves (Link moves, Ice Climber moves, Marth moves, etc) are also attached to those characters' hands (or other body parts, depending on the move). The sword move goes as far back as their arm in a lot of cases. The majority of them, actually.

So there's still a hitbox around the hurtbox. The move has just extended beyond the hurtbox, exactly like Jigglypuff's Bair. The only difference between those moves and, say, a Jigglypuff Bair is that whereas the extended hitbox on Link is explained via the Master Sword, Puff's just got an invisible hitbox.

I thought the term "Disjointed Hitbox" only applied to hitbox's that weren't part of a characters hurtbox (Ie: swords, most of gnw's moves, ness's bat etc). If anything Jiggs hitbox for bair is just gigantic and extends further then you would expect it to.
If you observe Sveet's image, you will note that Marth's Fair hitbox still stretches all the way back to his arm and most of his body. So his move, technically, is still connected to his hurtbox.

If we're on the subject, does Marth have anything useful that completely outspaces Jiggs' bair?
His Fair, Nair, and Jab...

I mean, his moves still come out faster, he still has more overall speed (even if it's ground speed), and he still has more range overall. The only point I was trying to make with Puff's Bair hitbox is that, while it's true Marth's spacing strategies work against Puff, it's not like he outranges her by leaps and bounds, which seems to be the impression many are operating under.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2009
Maryville, MO
If you observe Sveet's image, you will note that Marth's Fair hitbox still stretches all the way back to his arm and most of his body. So his move, technically, is still connected to his hurtbox.
Also if you look at Marth's FAir hitbox, one of the hitboxes it not in anyway connected to his hurtbox at all. Jigglypuff's hitboxes all touch her hurtbox. Given that there is space beyond her hurtbox that has a hitbox, Marth has an entire hitbox that doesn't touch him at all.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Fair enough. Though given how monstrously overextended some moves' hitboxes are, and how far they extend from a character's hurtbox, I feel they might as well be disjointed from the character.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I always thought it it isn't on top of the hurtbox like pichu's fair is disjointed and can beat the knee. It doesn't matter on the range as long as it comes off of the hurtbox


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Fair enough. Though given how monstrously overextended some moves' hitboxes are, and how far they extend from a character's hurtbox, I feel they might as well be disjointed from the character.
You're absolutely right. In terms of actual gameplay, it's an arbitrary distinction (that is, a "disjointed hitbox" vs "one that just extends out really long").

The "marth can keep jigglypuff out forever" argument also seems very shortsighted. Why can't Marth just keep Falcon out forever, for example? Falcon's hitboxes aren't nearly as good as Jiggs'. Obviously Falcon runs around and baits marth until there's an opening, but Jigglypuff does the same with her aerial mobility.

Ftilt is a really laggy move that is easily punished. Jab is a fairly safe move, but it does what, 4%? If Jigglypuff can get 1 hit in for every 5 times Marth hits her with jab she's still up on that exchange. It's possible that Jiggs gets the better end of 1 hit for 10 jabs, since Jiggs can actually combo and edgeguard marth.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2009
Maryville, MO
Yup. Technically one isn't necessarily better than the other. Disjointed hitboxes tend to have more range though since they aren't touching the character at all. Meaning if you have two hitboxes of equal size, one disjointed and one not, then the one that's disjointed has more range since there is no overlap with the character's hurtbox.

With a disjointed hitbox you can make full use of every part of the hitbox without trading or fear of damage.

But yes, the difference is fairly arbitrary since a disjointed hitbox could be completely outranged by a jointed one.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
Because falcon is faster on ground than jiggz is in air, and can punish baits better because of this, as well as DDIng being a better bait/punish tool than jiggz aerial mobility. Also, his speed being primarily landbased means he can punish with grabs, which are faster than anything jiggz can try in the air...also, can DD-> crouchcancel the move used to push him out-> start combo, which jiggz can't really do in air.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Yup. Technically one isn't necessarily better than the other. Disjointed hitboxes tend to have more range though since they aren't touching the character at all. Meaning if you have two hitboxes of equal size, one disjointed and one not, then the one that's disjointed has more range since there is no overlap with the character's hurtbox.
I largely agree, but I feel this is very character specific.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
I thought the term "Disjointed Hitbox" only applied to hitbox's that weren't part of a characters hurtbox (Ie: swords, most of gnw's moves, ness's bat etc). If anything Jiggs hitbox for bair is just gigantic and extends further then you would expect it to.
Sure, part of Doc's f-smash's hitbox isn't a part of his hurtbox.

I know technically that's what it should be and I'm just being an *** now, but I just want to make it clear that even if a hitbox doesn't overlap a hurtbox, it should not necessarily cue the term "disjointed."

But whatever, it's moot point; Jigg's is still broken and we're all going to die.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2009
IMO a subtle but important issue is that Marth has to land after doing one or two fairs, and Puff knows this. That extra landing lag, even when l-canceled, can make all the difference at the highest levels. And if Marth advances or retreats with his fair, he is committed to doing so, and Puff knows this. Puff can advance and retreat within a single bair, and can choose to do quite a number of bairs before landing. So in a sense, one rhythm of aerials is more predictable than the other (balanced out, though, by the range of the former). Not saying this proves anything, but it's something to keep in mind when thinking about control on each side.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Marth's sword is more disjointed than puff's bair.

Marth's sword is faster than puff's bair in every way

Marth has much better ground speed and mobility

Puff has slightly better air movement.

If they just stand off with puff on one side of a line and marth on the other, puff has to play a LOT safer and smarter than marth. Marth can basically spam his sword around and puff has to work to get through. She can't simply bair at marth and get a hit from it. It doesn't work like that. Her moves are all slower and at best share the same range.

When you talk about overall stage mobility and ability to choose where the fights take place, marth has that won.

The only thing that i think goes in favor of puff is that marth can be edge guarded. In straight up KO potential, they are about even.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The only thing that i think goes in favor of puff is that marth can be edge guarded. In straight up KO potential, they are about even.
I think lots of Marth players, when they get jiggs to the edge think its worth risking an F-smash... ITS NOT, she will almost certainly punish you and you will get *****.

gm jack

Smash Lord
Mar 13, 2009
Reading/Cambridge, UK
Puff has slightly better air movement.
It not so much the air speed as the air acceleration. By being able to threaten without nearly the commitment, it makes it very hard for people to judge when the attack is actually happening. The jiggs player can start a Bair, and then approach to hit or retreat with it covering your movement depending on their option.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
Sveet, please remember that while Jigg's bair is indeed slower than Marth's aerials, it does not need to be started from within Marth's range. Jiggs has 9 frames to just play around outside Marth's range while waiting for her bair to come out.

What you should be covering is how much distance she can cover in 9 frames of air movement from completely stopped and from full speed. And also how many frames it takes to come to a complete stop from full speed.

Then compare these to Marth. I think you'll find that Jigg's aerial movement advantage is in no way slight.

Btw 9 Frames is how long it takes for Marth to jump+fair. Also keep in mind that fair has 23 frames of endlag when not shffl'd.


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Dark Sonic is awesome. *thumbs up*

I remember I went to florida one time and he was playing when I got there. He was legit! I'll be in Florida again soon actually... gotta contact Floridians see if there's something going on.

you!367 said:
roy should be higher

`Jammin' Jobus

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
why is the jigglypuff marth matchup still being thought of in such an outdated way. its like the way people just swear ICs are a hard couter to sheik but its definitely not true at all.

Jigglypuff's have gotten a lot better. matchup is definitely close. dunno which way i would call it. it's a close matchup.

x After Dawn x

Smash Master
May 6, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
why is the jigglypuff marth matchup still being thought of in such an outdated way. its like the way people just swear ICs are a hard couter to sheik but its definitely not true at all.

Jigglypuff's have gotten a lot better. matchup is definitely close. dunno which way i would call it. it's a close matchup.
this is an excellent post. anybody who still thinks it's a 70-30 matchup needs to get with the times.

another example btw is marth vs falco. even matchup in the current metagame, but ages ago, people thought marth ***** that matchup.

`Jammin' Jobus

Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2006
lol just like people who think YL counters peach. lololol or marth hard counters ganon.

where do people get these ridiculous ideas for matchups.

some people swear to me that peach counters falco. not true.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
What about kirby countering sheik hard LOL, maybe if the sheik had only one arm.

But that's more of a reason why this should be changed because marth's match-ups are getting worse. It won't be long and even roy will counter(down-B) him your welcome.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Sheik/Kirby came from Ken and Isai. Not the "One almost beat the other with Kirby" vid but actually FROM Ken and Isai. After that vid they decided it would be funny to spread a rumor that Kirby counters Sheik and because they are Ken and Isai everyone believed them.



the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Sheik would probably have to lose the arm she fairs with in order for kirby to win.

How is kirby with needs tho? do they **** like falco lasers?

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Kirby with needles is fun. They're not exactly Falco lasers(Kirby, using falco lasers better than Falco himself since 1883) but you can do some of the basic sheik tricks with it, Needle -> Grab/Tilt/Smash and it helps if you're playing a campy sheik. Kirby's third best power IMO
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