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Official BBR Tier List v7

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Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
yall wouldn't even make r2 pools. save ur money for something like food gas bills. if ur parents pay that stuff, save it for when they don't. simple as that
Stop that plz. :/

Btw, is the new tier list coming out first or a new match-up chart? I'm curious, I seem to recall someone saying one or the other would be worked out before the remaining one.

Grim Tuesday

Smash Legend
Nov 4, 2007
Adelaide, South Australia, AUS
yall wouldn't even make r2 pools. save ur money for something like food gas bills. if ur parents pay that stuff, save it for when they don't. simple as that
If only I had a few more useless Pit techniques and a defeatist attitude under my belt

but alas

I will be forever cursed to not make r2 pools, which would make the entire trip pointless because I travel to a different country for the first time purely to win a video game tourney


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
If only I had a few more useless Pit techniques and a defeatist attitude under my belt

but alas

I will be forever cursed to not make r2 pools, which would make the entire trip pointless because I travel to a different country for the first time purely to win a video game tourney
You haven't been to America before? I've only been there once, actually. Went to california way back. San Francisco is a really nice place. :)

Maharba the Mystic

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2009
Houston, Texas
plz don't make a video game tourney a motivation to visit america. if you are going to come out to america new jersey may have awesome smashers but it's a dangerous and honestly bleak city. go to new york located conviently above or ANYWHERE ELSE NOT NAMED WYOMING OR MINNESOTA.... OR DETROIT. also avoid arkansas and the carolina's. pretty much if you want country: norcal, oregon, washington. if you want city: socal, new york, houston. if you want site seeing, arizona, california, new york, DC. that's it. idk what else you would want that these places don't have

edit: forgot, for literally all of those, the Hawaiian islands are swag.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Pittsburgh is pretty awesome, too. I mean, our Smash scene is kinda average, but in general we're good. One of the best orchestras in the world if that's your deal (and if it's not your deal, it will be). Pretty good American football and hockey teams depending on when you come (baseball hasn't had a winning season in longer than some of us have been alive tho). Tons of random little things.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Tell? I thought we all did the old "Blindfolded Dart Toss on a Map of the World"


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I don't care about that frame data.
then dont talk

I just know that/how it works, because that is what I learned from playing the game. You can tell me 100000 times Wario can't get through or get's walled and how fast it is, but it won't change anything, because from my experience you can easily get through in some way or another.
You experience is weak come compared to me and any high level wario. Let me play a weak meta knight ans kept him off the stage each time I got him off and 2 stock him. Then come back here and say Peach crushes meta off stage. Let me play a bad olimar with ganon and say ganon can easily get in on olimar and **** him. You know how stupid that sounds?

Unlike you I don't base what I say here based on weak experience. I base this on high level play and people that actually know what they are doing, win or lose. You don't base things of weak experience. Come on dude, lets be real

I also use sense so I'm not just going from my expierence. Telling me something like that Peach can uair after a bair won't change anything for me. Then Wario moves back between the bair and uair and punishes her. You're telling me she's a complete invincable wall where nobody could get through (Wario is probably better at getting through than other characters).
Now you lost, cause if you pay close attention from what you been saying and what it is relating too, its your weak experience! Also, why would peach uair after a bair. Thats just stupid. this whole line that follows is even more ********.

Okay, then Wario comes down with a dair. Also there's 11 frames where Wario can do something inbetween? If that's the case how can you even say Wario can't get in...
No one ever said Wario could not get it. I said peach makes it hard for wario to get in, Since you brought up this logic from weak experience, that Wario can get in EASILY on Peach. Which is a lie. Wario has a hard time getting in. Like do you pay attention to anything or look things up before you speak?

I can also tell you have no clue what it really means to wall/zone out someone. it's cool though. Cause you gonna learn today.


Zoning is a tactic in 2D fighters usually used at mid-range or far mid-range, the purpose of which is to out-prioritize your enemy's moves. The idea is to space yourself so that you are in a position to respond to or punish any entry angle or attack of your opponent's. Ideally, you can use certain pokes and attacks to beat your opponent's attacks, punish his advances or jumps, and hopefully shut down his offensive options, while landing hits. In attempting to zone, it is important to know the properties of your own attacks as well as the attacks of your opponent, in order to find the best move to use in countering your opponent's move. The ability to predict your opponent's next move, and having good reflexes to react to that move, are also important.

Now I am gonna break this down to you in levels of smash for you to get a better understanding

"Spacing is easily one of the most important aspects of Smash and fighting games in general. Everyone incorporates spacing into their game, whether it be intentional or instinctual. The difference between a great player and a good player is that a great player is constantly conscious of it. A good player may play safe to an extent, but when they end up being out-played by a superior opponent and every move they throw out gets punished, they may not be sure why it's happening or what to do about it. The solution is to space more effectively. The reason you're being out-played is because your opponent is reading your every move and taking advantage of it. Back off, be more defensive, and disallow your opponent from reading you. You need to observe your opponent, pick up on patterns, and take advantage of all of their flaws.

To put it simply, depending on where you and your opponent are positioned on the screen, one of the players has the advantage. For an example, if Fox is on the opposite side of Final Destination, and you're playing a character that can't attack from that distance, then Fox has the advantage. He can laser you safely, because there is nothing you can do to retaliate. This forces you to approach, which instantly puts you at a disadvantage. The key to turning this specific situation around is to get close enough to Fox that he is unable to safely continue shooting lasers. And when I say close enough, I don't mean to run in and throw out an aimless aerial in frustration, because this is what Fox wants you to do. What you want to do is get close enough that you are still safe, but you impede Fox from continuing his onslaught of lasers. Once you get into this position, you can then look for openings or try to bait Fox into making a mistake that allows you to punish him.

Ideally, the only time you want to close the gap that you have created between yourself and your opponent, is when your opponent is in a vulnerable state; such as performing a laggy move, lying on the ground after a missed tech, or any other action that you can take advantage of. After your opponent has been punished and has escaped the pressure, go back to spacing properly until you can take advantage of the next one or force your opponent into an unfavorable position. Isai wasn't kidding when he said "Don't get hit." If you space effectively, learn your character's best positions on-screen, and quickly catch on to your opponent's habits, you will greatly reduce the amount of punishment/damage you receive and greatly increase the amount of punishment/damage that you can give.

For every matchup, the spacing game can differ due to varying ranges and speed that characters possess. Once you begin incorporating a good spacing game, your overall game is sure to improve."

Wario has a hard time against this vs me cause I out range you. And this method of zoning can also be done with projectile. There for, wario can not EASLILY as you said, get in on Peach.

And I'm talking about top level play.
No you are not. Top level play is 2 players that actually know what they are doing and how to handle the situation/match up at hand. You play no noteable Peach players. Top level play would be you playing me, or any other Peach players that have done damage in tournies. You vs your grandma's Peach does not make you an expert in the match up and think you know what you are talking about. You have made countless flaws in what you know and out your own self on blast cause.

Oh well, I don't wanna discuss this anymore, since everyone is stuck in their opinion anyway and the only thing you are able to do here is show frame data that supports something even though it doesn't even have to mean that much.

I just wish I could show you by playing you, but Apex won't be long enough for everyone to please...
Me only show frame data? I hit you with

- Frames
- My years of experience (4 years, 6 years total as a smash competitor.)
- Break down of my character
- High level play with warios such as malcom and NinajLink when he use to play.
- Break down on my air moves and how it is use to space and make it hard for one to hit/ get in on me
- The meanings of zoning/walling.

What do you have?

- Weak experience with Peach
- Never played a noteable Peach.
-..................................thats it?

On top of that you even had wario main, who been through this and had better experience then you let you know. So don't try to play this so called "opinion" game.

Also frames matter and are important factor in your game. It lets you know your options. What you can and can't do. The reason I know so much about my character is not only through my years of experience with her, but also I study frames on her and the other cast members.

example: I use to dair to nair on shield and people would grab me alot. My jab would not come out. I always thought it was cause I misspaced. But it kept happening alot. So I decided to do some homework on my nair to figure out what I was doing wrong. I come to find out that Nair is NOT save on block. It is -7. Which means if I nair a shield. My opponent can move 7 frames before me. A typical grab is 6 frames. So you do the match, Its a free grab. Now that I know this, when I dair a shield, I am not just gonna drop to dair unless I feel they will drop their shield in between. Its best I fall with the dair and auto cancel and start pressure/mix ups from there. A dair on shield has to be spaced to avoid grabs, which then I can jab you out of cause your grab won't reach my hurt box. But my jab or even ftilt would reach yours in the process. Hell, its a free dtilt as well.

And now I get grabbed less when going in, and I have people wiffing grabs and getting punish cause they don't do they homework and think just like YOU do. And me playing you at apex is pointless. I already took care of this. The damage is already done and I just made the repairs. I have no need to play you. Cause with what you been dishing out, it's a waste of my time.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
Dark Pch, I've been trying to get you into the matchup discussion for the BBR because I think you'll help more than like 3 people combined, no joke. Good stuff, just slack a bit on the insults.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
After all, if you can't be respectful, the above-average person cannot take you seriously.


Smash Hero
Nov 14, 2010
In the rain.
No you are not. Top level play is 2 players that actually know what they are doing and how to handle the situation/match up at hand. You play no noteable Peach players. Top level play would be you playing me, or any other Peach players that have done damage in tournies. You vs your grandma's Peach does not make you an expert in the match up and think you know what you are talking about. You have made countless flaws in what you know and out your own self on blast cause.
I think it's fair to say he has experience against Leon's Peach?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I don't recall me insulting anyone. Maybe the way I speak sounds like I do. but I said before, I would expect people to assume such a thing. Though I aint perfect. So if insults were thrown I apologize and not what I was going for.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2009
London, UK
Its kinda laughable that Dark Pch is typing basic definitions of Zoning and Spacing to luigi player, considering Luigi Player is a top European player on MR.R/Gluto/Quik's level and Dark Pch is ... Dark Pch


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I think it's fair to say he has experience against Leon's Peach?
He has said he has not played any noteable peach players. So going by this, the has not played leon.

Its kinda laughable that Dark Pch is typing basic definitions of Zoning and Spacing to luigi player, considering Luigi Player is a top European player on MR.R/Gluto/Quik's level and Dark Pch is ... Dark Pch
Ain't that something huh? You would think a top player would understand something like this. He thinks Peach can't give him a hard time to get in. This is telling me he has no clue about how spacing/zoning works.

being a top player does not mean you are absolute with info. M2k did not know that you could Z-grab bananas around the time he was having a diddy problem. Overswarn had to each them that stuff. People let this "top player definition" get to their head hard like they know it all. I could have someone ten times better then me in a game, yet I know more about this game then they do.

I don't care what your so called status and fame is compared to mines in the gaming community. That does not make you perfect and means nothing to me. If you wrong, I will correct you despite who you are


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2009
London, UK
I was referring specifically to the way you tried to baby him with definitions of zoning and spacing, not anything to do with your peach vs wario argument. You think someone with his results has "no clue how spacing/zoning works".

When trying to have an argument, it's ok to make your point and let the merit of what you say shine through rather than belittle the other person.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I was referring specifically to the way you tried to baby him with definitions of zoning and spacing, not anything to do with your peach vs wario argument. You think someone with his results has "no clue how spacing/zoning works".

When trying to have an argument, it's ok to make your point and let the merit of what you say shine through rather than belittle the other person.
I would think so. And that's from the stuff he has been saying the whole time.

"When I play Wario vs Peach it also seems more like Warios favor"

"I didn't play notable Peaches with Wario, but I know how to play the MU and saw it numerous times. And I know how Peach works and that she kinda sucks."

" Okay, then Wario comes down with a dair. Also there's 11 frames where Wario can do something inbetween? If that's the case how can you even say Wario can't get in..."

"You can tell me 100000 times Wario can't get through or get's walled and how fast it is, but it won't change anything, because from my experience you can easily get through in some way or another."

"How should a laggy aerial like Peaches bair wall such a mobile character like Wario?
I mean, I'm not saying it isn't able to "block" a few of his "approaches", but Wario should easily be able to work around that (move away/airdodge then fair/bair or whatever)."

"wario can get in easily"

You expect me to believe he knows about spacing and zoning well? Really? I don't care about his results or how good he is. What you tell me lets me know what you know.

What you took as babying him and showing off is really me making my points in explaining things stronger and more clear.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Guys guys guys

Every character beats Wario. Wario only approaches with dair and pivot grab beats dair.

PLUS THEN HE'S GRABBED! So like, free grab release.

This has gotten silly.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Falco can be argued +1 Wario with the CG if you can do it consistently (I.e. 80% success rate and above)IMO.
Curious if this is a popular thought because I think you're smoking something nice.

I've played JNIG, Croi, Krystadez, a **** ton of Reflex, and a lot more whose names you may or may not recognize. God opened the floodgates in my life and said let there be Wario. I've seen Kismet vs. Reflex on a near weekly basis, watched Reflex play Shugo and Ally among other Falcos.

Even from my viewpoint of not high level against top level players, that grab isn't hard to avoid. He can only start it on a small percent gap and it means he actually grabbed you. It starts at 52%, so his combos and low percent strings that lead to grabs aren't going to give it to him and I believe I'm safe at 80% (someone inform me of the actual percent, but that's the benchmark I use and I see success in not getting caught). You can play the platform game if he gets close and you're uncomfortable (even though your kit should be enough to not allow the grab). Normally he can't wait and fish because you're Falco and you can force an approach and cut off lanes even when you're behind. If you're far enough behind that you need to rush at him, you're already near hopeless.

The MU could be argued to even with that CG if it's not -1 (I personally think it's -1).

Falco's kit is still really, REALLY good. His neutral properties in conjunction with his jab, grab, and chain grab are kind of what makes him such an amazing character in general. Wario, like the rest of the cast, doesn't appreciate your spot dodge and rolls. Wario, even more than most characters, despises your jump height as it allows Falco to get to places that would normally allow Wario to safely get back to more neutral ground (especially on stages like BF where Falco is so good at getting to every height whenever he needs to). Lasers are good, like they always are, but it's not unreasonable to expect Wario to literally dodge them forever if he's ahead or until he charges a waft if he's behind and wants it. Jab, Grab, and Bair are your money makers. Kill him with USmash, a good FSmash read, or UTilt/Bair if an opportunity for those doesn't show up. Phantasm allows you to recover well. I mean, everyone talks about Falco being gimpable, which is true as he is, but it requires a hard read to do it. It also gives you a reset option if you run out of space or even a great tool in trapping landings (which is nice because Wario is rarely landing next to you without you being turned around and likely either at a practical frame disadvantage or in his mouth). Also, if the Wario is afraid to use his bike, your taunts are better.

Standard stuff.

I really think the MU is found in Wario's answers to Falco's tools. Falco's neutral properties are really ****ing good. Wario's air mobility means his neutral properties are also really ****ing good. It makes his air dodge and weight so much more valuable that it's borderline ridiculous. With SDI, he can make you hurt for trying some of your jab shenanigans (getting clapped in the ear leads to a really bad position), and god forbid you finish the jab combo. He's hard to kill early unless he decides he wants to get spiked (and honestly, he has to decide he wants to get spiked) or air dodge into an FSmash. Neither of these are something you can bank on. He's slippery enough that he's fairly difficult to kill late as throwing out an USmash is a frightening endeavor unless you have a grab release. It's not uncommon to see Wario live to 180%+. In fact, Wario at 180% and Falco at 130% is not a significant deficit because you both only need the right tap to push the other one past the blast zone. However, while Wario may live longer, Falco should get the lead and be able to hold it. Your rolls, spot dodge, shield grab, and phantasm help you reset instead of getting continually pressured. Lasers, CG, jab, and Bair should net you the first significant exchange lead and if you don't get it, Wario can be rather hellish to pin down into your damage racking set-ups. That's where the slight advantage comes from, imo.

Wario should be behind and give you the opportunity to kill him first. If you don't get it or take it when an opportunity presents itself, a Waft or a stray shoulder cannon can end your stock and make you have to reset it with a fresh Bair and try to do it again. Assuming you didn't die at 70% when Wario was at 90% or something similar, Wario's stock should not be long for this world if you're moves are refreshed. HOWEVER, it is far from unreasonable to say that Wario is very capable to take the first or even second or third stock early and put Falco behind. From behind, the MU gets much harder because Wario can play much more reactionary. Both characters have the tools to make up a deficit, but it's hard.

Wario's CG is very good at creating or overcoming such a deficit and that's why it is important in the MU, but it's kind of like saying Captain Falcon's infinite on ROB puts it in his favor to say that it causes Falco to lose (I am aware that is a much more extreme example, but such is the point of hyperbole).

Excuse me while I continue to have nothing to do but wait for the phone to ring at work.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Guys guys guys

Every character beats Wario. Wario only approaches with dair and pivot grab beats dair.

PLUS THEN HE'S GRABBED! So like, free grab release.

This has gotten silly.
How the BBR makes the match up chart and tier list in a nutshell?

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Cj was being stupid on purpose inorder to illustrate how asinine the conversation is getting.

not sure if you knew that already or not


Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
I did play "noteable" Peaches, just not with Wario.

Also if that wall is as great as some people say Peach should probably 100:0 Wario since he can't get through.

And just want to say that I do see Peach as an average character that can be powerful sometimes. Playing/seeing Leon and seeing other Peaches play showed that to me.
But in the end she's still left with no KO power (except usmash) and a really bad airdodge, so she will probably be stuck in the border between high/mid tier (imo).


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
This game would be so much better if landing with an airdodge had the same effect as landing from SpecialFall.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I did play "noteable" Peaches, just not with Wario.
And thats what I ment. You playing noteable Peach players with WARIO. Not talking about playing then in general.

Also if that wall is as great as some people say Peach should probably 100:0 Wario since he can't get through.
No it does not. Im not sure what part of "wario can not get in easily" don't you under stand. Anyone can get in on anyone. How easy/hard it is to get in IS THE POINT.

Can wario get in on Peach? Yes

Does he have an easy time getting in? No.

Can Peach get in on Marth? Yes

Does she have an easy time? No.

Get it now?

And just want to say that I do see Peach as an average character that can be powerful sometimes. Playing/seeing Leon and seeing other Peaches play showed that to me.
But in the end she's still left with no KO power (except usmash) and a really bad airdodge, so she will probably be stuck in the border between high/mid tier (imo).
if I had a PENNY for everytime I heard people go on about peach kill power........

Go by your logic, diddy and falco suck. They should not be high tier characters. Cause they lack power. That one flaw of falco and diddy does not hold them back, because as a whole, these characters have ways to dish damage to get that high % on an enemy and finish the job. Stop letting this so call power issue mean everything. Peach has many ways to save kill moves and get people to that death %. You and the rest of the community for years just ignore these tools like they are not there and just go on and on about this power issue.

Ganon and Bowser hit hard and. Yet they are bad characters cause as a whole they do not have many tools and strengths to just knock people out like nothing. Falco and diddy lack power but as a whole they make up for it and they get the job done. yet I never EVER hear people go on about how they cant kill well. Might be because people look past that and see what they can do about it.

Yet when it comes to Peach, people don't wanna do that. They sick with the 08 mindset that she cant kill, sucks, blah blah blah. Give it up already. Same way you treat these over used high tiers, treat the rest of the roster the same way. Stop always looking at the negative. And stop always looking at the positive. Look at BOTH. hings like this is why I dont go on alot of things on the match up chart, tier list and even tournament results. You can't just do things like that cause so called character does not matter to you or you get let an image from years ago go.

Reasons like this is why meta games for characters are crap. They don't go anywhere. People are lazy and wanna go with the crowd.

"Link has a crap recovery, so he is garbage cant do nothing and nothing good about him"

"But A solid link is hard to get off the stage he has a good ground game and he is good at zoning. Link can make it a problem to get in on him and knock him out easy. He has those tools"

"Lololol, that does not matter, get him off the stage and he is dead easy, thats all that matters, lololol."

^ Freaking ********.

You don't say stuff like this to characters that matter to you, like high tiers right? Why don't I ever hear stuff like this about olimars recovery? because he matters? He is high tier? ZSS sucks at approaching, yet she is high tier, hmm.....

See what i mean, this is stupid. Until this type of observation ends, tiers list will be crap, match up charts will be crap, and tourny resutls will be boring and crappy. Meta games will not advance and the work the BBR is flawed and things they are suppose to be fixing, improving, will not be improved at all.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Can wario get in on Peach? Yes

Does he have an easy time getting in? No.

Can Peach get in on Marth? Yes

Does she have an easy time? No.
But they're vastly different characters, and Wario getting walled by Peach is a very different experience from Peach (or Wario) getting walled by Marth. The toolset to fight against it is different, and the leniency in certain places is very different. Putting yourself in a position where you can get grabbed as Wario is potentially terrible, but being above the opponent is potentially terrible as Peach.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
But they're vastly different characters, and Wario getting walled by Peach is a very different experience from Peach (or Wario) getting walled by Marth. The toolset to fight against it is different, and the leniency in certain places is very different. Putting yourself in a position where you can get grabbed as Wario is potentially terrible, but being above the opponent is potentially terrible as Peach.
Know how I read this as?

" Marth can wall/zone out wario better then peach"

Marth does a better job at became hard to hit. Does not mean Peach is easy to hit. This is not some comparison on who can do the better job here. Peach still makes it hard for him to get in, reguardless if Marth does it better. This is about Peach vs Wario. if I wanted to counter to make it easier to shut wario down, then this post would have some reason as too who can shut him down harder then Peach. But thats not what this is about.

What you said here was pointless.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
ZSS can approach just fine.

ZSS has approaches that are unsafe but devastating when they work. I don't think that's what most people mean when they say fine. >_< The approach game is mostly bait and reads which she makes up for by doing tons of damage when she hits things.

Source: I play this game with other people sometimes, say once every few months.

Shiny Mewtwo aka Jigglysir

PhD; Smash Community Studies
Feb 1, 2012
Ontario, Canada
This discussion is boring. Let's talk about something fun, like what the tier list would look like if it based purely off one aspect of gameplay, like recovery.

Jigglypuff gets a huge boost

So does ROB

Falco, Olimar, Snake fall


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Wouldn't anyone? :D
Well, I guess, until I remembered that being the best for a non-existent char simply meant that I made it out of pools at some random regional. :p

I just wish I could show you by playing you, but Apex won't be long enough for everyone to please...
No johns! :embarrass:

At least you get to go to Apex... :p

Darn you Australia. :mad:
No johns. :smirk:

^This man speaks the truth.
I'm gonna have to work my *** off to get to America for Smash any time soon...
No johns... ;)


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Cripes, lots of discussion

Peach kills wario stupid early on several neutrals, and NOT 170% lol
If Wario is careful it's not unreasonable for Wario/a lot of other characters to survive 170%+, considering Peach's Fair/Bair will be stale

It has enough range to outrange all of Wario's moves and has enough speed that it can't be punished with a shield grab, oos options, or with weaving out of the range then trying to hit Peach with fair. It requires Peach to make a mistake or for Wario to make a read to get past Peach's wall.
This is the real crux of using Peach's Bair vs Wario. Mixing it up with Fair/Up Tilt (sometimes F Tilt) helps as well

Random thing before I forget - The range doesn't come from Bair's disjoint though (I don't think Bair actually has that much disjoint) - Peach noticeably shifts her body/booty when she uses Bair which gives it a sort of artificial disjoint. This doesn't happen when she's Floating though

Bite though.

Congrats you now have a mix up game.
It's worth noting that it is exceptionally difficult for Peach to "catch" Wario, so if Wario gets a lead, Peach really has her work cut out for her.
Yup. Using Turnips can help mix up/catch Wario but it's such a ***** trying to make up the damage, especially if Wario manages to take off a stock

The MU is all about who makes the first move - partly the reason why it's so boring lol since you have both sides throwing out aerials into thin air, hoping that you'll cause more damage or get successful with a mix up/shield grab so you can go into super duper camp mode for the remaining time.

Peach is much much worse at killing than Diddy and Falco.
This is very true

Source: I play this game with other people sometimes, say once every few months.
Rubbish. No one plays Brawl
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