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Melbourne Brawl | STIGMA-B for 2010 yes or no?

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Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
I'll also do shout-outs when I get home today.

Brackets were pretty gay for all of us and I think the results were skewed (except for tibz and attila, kudos for being prooo)


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Lack of game johns
You came third. You should infract yourself for nonsensical talk <3
So impressed by your Peach of late btw. Good to see a non S/A tier character ****** it up.
I demand you change your custome title to "THE CHOSEN PEACH" Stitchfaces and bo-bombs for all!

Will do shout outs when i'm not tired with a belly full of cheezburger.
Some people did earn an early mention.

<3 Luke. Srsly. Highlight of my day.
<3 Ugly. His Wario is a serial rapist.
<3 X. He gave me chawklet.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2009
Bendigo, Australia
'I suck' Johns. Lol, last. Man, why didn't someone stop me from not playing Sonic for two months? From now on, remind me top play nothing but Sonic til he works again.

No shoutouts, can't remember/wasn't in brackets long enough for them, lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2009
Cupboard under the stairs
'I suck' Johns. Lol, last. Man, why didn't someone stop me from not playing Sonic for two months? From now on, remind me top play nothing but Sonic til he works again.

No shoutouts, can't remember/wasn't in brackets long enough for them, lol.


Haha, I've been trying to take up sonic so I don't fail horribly against Diddy. Or I'll just start learning Diddy so I know the matchup better or whatever ;-;

EDIT: HAH! i didn't know dam with an n on the end was a swear word. I also didn't know we had a censor, i thought it was DIY. ahahah
My piano teacher still tells me off for saying "Oh My God" or, "Hell" as well as "Dam-n"

Abhishekh - for some reason you are already really good at this game. Keep playing and learn things from Smashboards, and we will surely see good things from you.
QQ For some reason?

But yeah, next time I'll just try using Lucas against your G&W, bucket still scares the sheet out of me ;-;

Idk really, Lucas boards are discussing G&W, Diddy and Wario matchups. That works great for me, since I lost to a Diddy and G&W, and a lot of people played Wario.


Meh maybe next time.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2009
Victoria, Australia
I'll do shoutouts now, sorry if I forgot anyone:
Ocean: Insane matches man, definately my most intense matches all day.
Johno: Your Falco has got most of the basics down, you just need to learn some Falco stuff (like shdl) and get a bit more experience and you'll be owning in no time.
IceK: Holy F*** I got *****. I really need some Falco experience, on the bright side though, I may have discovered a Wario AT that could be pretty useful in that match (for anyone interested, I posted in the Wario Q&A thread to see if it has been discovered yet).
Condog: Thanks for the pics, Leisha seems to be in about every 5th one.
Haydino: I need to get better at doubles, I feel I let the team down, especially in the match with Metanova.
T-rex: Thanks for the friendlies, they were pretty awesome, the Marth v Bowser match up seems kinda fun for some reason.
Cao: You did well. I saw you match against Haydino, some much BS, first stock, after only hitting him with one turnip, you get the stitch face, second stock, beamsword, last stock, bom-omb or whatever they're called, for the ~40% kill on him. Vermy's right, you're the chosen peach.
Jei: Happy Birthday, awesome tournament as always.
X: Awesome tournament again, not as much yelling from you this time though.
Ledge: Saw the match against Luke's Weegee in friendlies, your Olimar is insane. Happy Birthday too (again).
Splice: You did well, as always, the top 10 placing wasn't a suprise.

For some reason my nose looks really pointy here, is it really that pointy? I need better posture too.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
Okay Time For teh Shoutouts =D

CornDawg: sorry i failed in doubles dude, D; should of practised our teams more (when you were nagging to do it) XD naw well next tourney we’ll do better. Also your kirby is uber now =) LEARN TO DRIVE >=O ;3

Nova: Was good to meet you =P was happy you could finally make it a tournament xD Didnt actually play you that much. D= oh well theres always rocky =)

Scoot: **** you for spiking me in the end ***** face >=O. Haha nah I was proud of myself enough when i 0% deathed you with robs wall of death x3. Thanks for the mother also =) and I’ll see you next weekend =D GGs

Earl: Happy birthday from yesterday ^_^. Hope you had a fun day, and dammit getting you in brackets. Rob Huggles cannot win against the meta **** D; GGs

Vermy: haha you’re good luck when it comes to getting my pizza to finally be given to me after a loooong 50 minute wait >_>. Also lmao at the car faces on the way home, soo much lols <3 make my hoddie sometime soon =D

Jei X: Thanks for bringing all the food and running another awesome tourney. =) You guys are the bestzors ^^

Viva: haha you got to watch me go insane at the ****ing long wait for my pizza x_x.
Stupid counters xD “oh We’ll grab you a drink, it will only take us a century.” Rofl good times =) Also i didn’t know you picked up diddy, wasn’t expecting it in doubles and it ended up costing me D;. GGs Also thanks for the pokemon battles XD lol 3 stocked =P

Tibs: Grats for winning singles xD, and i had fun with our friendlies, although some of my wins were just luck with you suiciding or something =P lol the rob dittos were hilarious XD anyways GGs ^^

Attila: Sorry we couldn’t come out for dinners, had to go home with conor to drop my stuff off and you know how far we live out from the city xD (country fails) Didn’t play
you this tourney, and hope you have fun in japan =D Hope your leg is okay too.

Cao: Nice placing in the tourney ;3 your peach just dominated everyone today, I even saw you nearly take Attila out. Great work, teach me some of that epic peach ;3 lol

ExZen+Paint: Was nice to meet you both, =) you got to meet all the creepy brawl people =P I probably proved that with how psycho i am XD, hope you had fun and
come to other possible stigmas =D

Cake: Its good to see more girls get into the scene =D yaaaay (doesn’t have to be alone now xD lol ) It was nice having the chats with you yesterday, but we’ve never played each other properly yet O_O. We should at some point =P.

Splice/billy: Lol this time i got the huggle spikes xD and nawwww you looked soo cute with the Pokemon Trainer hat XD. Play my rob sometime, haven’t played a 1v1 with you for ages...

Edge: Sorry about beating you dude, xD you were beating me in the second set and i actually though i was loose it, but i got lucky you stuffed up and SD’d. Your snake is good also. Keep up at it =D

DS: didn’t play you at the tourney I don’t think D; and i hope your okay from the car crash. Me and corndawg will rock up at Bendigo at somepoint to play all of you Bendigo players >=3

Luke: was nice to meet you, =) didn’t get to play you 1v1 but i played team matches with you insted XD sorry i didn’t bring disidia, i forgot all about it D; anyways was nice chatting and will see you next weekend probably =P

Teddy: was nice to see you again also ^_^ i loved the wario hat you wore XD soo awesome, didn’t play you this time, hopefully when we play again i won’t be getting 3 stocked like last time haha. See you next week xD

Tanman: CRAP i forgot about battle revolution D= dammit, next time i'll remember, and get a team ready so we can battle properly XD lol at the rob huggles =P

Khoa: It was good see you again too, always feel happy to chat to ya and play friendlies =D hurry up and get a smashboards account already XD GGs with the team matches =3

Jack: Good team matches, we were unlucky to grab you two in the second round D; Although i did love my rob wall of death **** XD mowhahahahaa cyaz when you come around to mine to see my brother haha

gonna add more to make sure i havent missed anyone D;


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
All in all, I did the best with Zelda/Sheik and Ganondorf. My Olimar failed atrociously.

I'll do my shoutouts now! Sorry if I get anyones name wrong.

Jei: Happy birthday for you! Thanks for running the whole thing, you're a fantastic host. I watched you use Pit against Attlia, scary stuff. :O

X: Also thanks for running the event. You're definitely the perfect host with your loudness and stuff. :p

Chu: You're just as hyper as I thought you'd be. At one point you were literally rofling. ^_^ I didn't play you in any tourney matches at all! You raging at the TV was funny as well.

Tom: Although we didn't get many 1 v 1's, the matches we did have were fun. I got destroyed on our first Ganon V Falcon match, then made some strange comeback on the 2nd one.

Scott: Played you in the doubles with Bryan. Fun matches. Didn't get many 1 v 1's with you either, but you were good. Falco V Zelda is the only match I can remember.

Bryan: Bwhaha. We did pretty well in teams given we'd never teamed before and had no practice.

Conor (spelt it right this time): **** that Kirby and his Paddle Pop Foot! The friendlies were very fun. Sorry I kept confusing you for Tom, I'm gonna blame the Bee that stung me yesterday for that. >_<

Tedeth & Luke: Only played you both in one tourney match, which I found very fun. **** Wario Clap of Destruction. :(

Caotic: Your Peach is a demon. I really liked the Sheik/Zelda V Peach match. I dunno why I picked Wolf in the 2nd match, I got destroyed for it. You're the best Peach I've seen (goes without saying though). :p

Attila: Ugh. I was thinking "Ok, I'm safe from Attila now I've lost once" then I check and find "Attila" as my next match. :( I honestly couldn't think of who to pick against you, so yeah, Ganon came out. I'm sorry for that horrible IC match, I don't use them, I just figured it'd throw you off a little if you couldn't chain with them. But you isolated the female IC and destroyed me anyway.

Tibs: I think I spoke to you the most outside the venue. >_> Never played you, but congratulations on winning!

ExZen/Death: I didn't get to play you much (thankfully, I hate Lucario). :p Nice meeting you after all the Wifi matches though.

Cake: Spoke to you only once, but it was very nice meeting you. Side B ftw! ^_^

Splice: Bleuegh @ your G&W. I knew I'd have trouble with it, but sheesh that was something else. I've never played a good one, so I was pretty much screwed for the first few matches until I figured out how you played a bit. I think I should have used Ganon the entire tourney, I did quite well with him in almost all my matches.

Ledge (could have this name wrong): The Olimar ditto was horrible! :( I hate them! Wah! Nice meeting you and I honestly think yours is much better as you actually think and space rather than scream through throwing grabs and smash attacks everywhere like mine does. I abandon Olimar!

Khoa: Our matches were fun. I honestly have never used Falco in a tourney match before, I only did because someone told me he was good against Diddy. Seems they were right. Nice meeting you.

I know I've forgotten people, so my apologies. Looking forward to Rocky! ^__^

Edit: None of those ****'s are the f word, btw. It's dam n without the space. Silly censor.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2009
Cupboard under the stairs
I should probably do some as well, lmao.

Splice: You held my MK down and sexually violated him. Might have been kinky if MK was human.

Cake: Nice match, your Pit ***** my Lucas ;-;

Khoa: QQ Diddy Kong.

Lee: Nice match, that counterpick on Rainbow Ride was horribly annoying ;-;

People I played friendlies with at the start (who were also new): Thanks for being so much fun.

Guy who used to go to MHS: You never told me your name, I think you're Toshi's brother. Anyway, nice snake o.O

Timic: XD, we had fun in doubles at least. Especially when I went all ******** and counterpicked Norfair, and we both went lucas.

Had heaps of fun everyone, thanks.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
i was so exhausted last night, ill do em now!

a': team 7's last stigma together and we won =) i dont think we have lost once when using both our mains 2g brah. its ok though i have CAOS who is a beast.

jei: sick tourny and happy birfday, i wanted a muffin though......leisha like bit the one i had =(.......aw well brackets were messed up dude ted and luke will most likely post on this later lol. all in all a madt day =) and omg you beat attila finally good shiz son

pony: mk wth, i think your pit is harder tbh but yeah gimping me on bf was totally mean =( you did well though taking out jei

splicey boy: yeah you're a madt dog, did real well against me i thought i would lose on norfair i had to turn up the camping.....gg's all round ill have to teach you stuff so you can **** in crews ;)

leish bro: yeah man rob dittos and lol, it was weird you're like "rob huggles, rob huggles" and im like wtfreak are rob huggles haha, yeah you did well im proud.

condog: you love dair -> fsmash to much lol. yeah at the start you were going even with me, if you continued to just float and bair it wouldve been close. you did well

tom/ted (whatever your real name is): pikajew as you guys say, yeah its true he is pretty jewish. not really our best games though. you sd'ed first match and then i sd'ed 2nd match.....aw well rocky is soon so bring it there! and yeah thanks for coming down was a pleasure having you here come down whenever you feel like it. my house is your house =) marinated **** on special no way hahaha

luke/red: lol omg a guy that wins ACT tourny's comes to melb and gets last LOL.....nah unlucky ofcourse with the stuffed up bracket, it was like potential top 5 in the first few rounds against one another too bad son. and yeah as i wrote to ted thanks for coming down your both great guys, funny as bagging out the guy thats like "WOAH DID YOU SEE THAT TECH" hahaha was gold. come down whenever you feel like it, ill see what i can do for rocky and yeah also my house is your house.

also for ted and luke sorry i wasnt a very entertaining host...ughhh next time i hopefully will have levelled up to be good =)

nova: yeah little chat outside was longest time i spoke to you. you have a **** zelda/shiek and you beat a dedede on fd with ganon LOL thats pretty epic. like i said will see you @ rocky and chat a bit more inside the venue there =)

scooter: yeah you arent as bad as i thought you would be haha. good falco , drop mk mannn not as good as falco well maybe its just diddy.....im not sure, but was gg's thanks for comin down and will see you for rocky

t-rex: sucha gangster madt dog. i played like one match against you =( i know you wanna play me more which will hopefully happen soonish =) i wanted to see grab release to knee on ted's wario though haha. good shiz and yeah your a madt dog.

x: you looked gangster yesterday with that sick black eye bro haha. so loud and cant wait to hear that commentary haha best so good. thanks for running these tournies to. nice ;)

DS and Edge(*** ga)G: only versed you guys in teams and yeah you guys did well specially 2nd round =) keep it up bendigo! also @DS i heard you were like one move away from taking a round off attila's snake that a dam n good effort =)

tanman: did you say you came last? wth mannnn you were like dominating a while back, step up your game boy! needa rep melb at rocky as well as we can =) its ok sonic johns ftw right! ;)

tosh and JJJJ: omg good matches guys, toshi has seriously stepped up his game, you never ever die and space that shiz so well. good stuff boys

caotic: i honestly thought you had that match against attila in the bag. thats what he gets for being arrogant and using IC's first game =) nice. and against me i was argghhh omg this guys to pro. you will **** in both games at rocky and we will win dubs for sure,like serioulsy if we dont win something was wrong =) congrats on 3rd well deserved i thought. even though my bracket was like:
luke->ted->condog->splice->pony-> then you. hardest bracket ever!

sorry if i forgot anyone and sorry for this long post of shoutouts. GG's to everyone i played and to everyone i ddint play make sure we play a game or 2 next time =)

see you all @ rocky


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Shout outssssss!

Attila: Sad to see you go, good to see you up and active after your hospitalisation. Enjoy the shirt. =)

Luke: <3 just <3. Epic friendlies, we **** so hard in teams. Your Ganondorf laugh is good, mine is better ;) can't wait to play you again at Rocky. Way to get a bum bracket. =(

Jei: Delicious snacks <3 this tourney has got to be the best one I've been to all year, brackets aside.

Ocean: We'll train some more. ={D (that's a smiley of you with your epic mo)

Rexy, Tan, Nix, ViVa:
Bad luck is bad luck. Step back from it and fear no one. Got Tibs/Attila first round? Awesome. You're bound to find your biggest flaws going against the best. Only then can you improve.

Tedeth: Nice meeting you, wish I'd had a couple friendlies. Epic Wario hat brah.

Khoa: As frustrated as I am about our match on Pirate Ship, from our matches I know how much better I've gotten.

Lee: Don't quit! Pleeeeeease! </3 :'(

Gary: I'm catchin' up to that Oli of yours. =) please don't play MK, its not a true estimate of your skill. =3

Edge: Good snake, I suck at diddo Johns. Imma still **** you.

DS: no friendlies with you wtf. D=

Cdawg: lol car faces. WHY DID YOU LET LEISHA GET MOTHER.

Leish: No balloons for you. Expect that smexy hoodie of yours in the next couple weeks. =)

Mezerian: good stuff man. Your ness has improved dramaticallty from last time. =)

Scoot: Wtf. No friendlies. D=

Welcome to Hell, enjoy your stay. Main MK and prepare to be ASSAULT'd. Jks. Good to see new faces, welcome to Hell Stigma-B. Kudos to those who acknowledge their inexperience, you gain instant respect from me.

GGs to all. <3


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
great tourney guys (actually it was ****, the top 5 facing each other all at the start? L2Seed jei!)

nah its alright, these things happen, and jei is pretty dam awesome, if you have a problem with jei, then the world has a problem with you.

I'll throw in some shoutouts later but I really liked melbournes scene, it was fun.

big thanks to tibs and attila for housing and looking after us, you guys rock, tibs you are a awesome host, I had lols fun.

also cao for being cao <3


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
@ViVa: its not just my decision.
Need approval from the other soldiers:

I'd also like to bring Joey Joey Joe Joe to review for ASSAULT. You two consistently show commitment to your low tier characters, and as such you have gained my attention.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Scoot said it.
Beat us in a match with your Mario vs each one of us.
Each of us will give whether we approve or not. If its ok by the rest of the crew, T-rex and I can run the challenge at N2C and return with the verdict.

Otherwise y'all will be waiting till Rocky/Next Stigma.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 29, 2009
Bendigo, Australia
My LowTier main got buffed to C-Tier. I picked up Zelda for a day, and went Captain Falcon for the manliness -The fact I got two falcon punches and a shieldbreak makes me laugh swordsaint =P


Smash Cadet
Dec 21, 2008
Melbourne, Balwyn
Im gonna do my Shoutouts now

@Ugly: Should probably have striked BF against GaW in the first match. I was surprised by your Jiggly i was expecting to get owned by the Dorf, Gannon is so scary for GaW

@Earl: Man i dunno how i managed to win that. I thought that i fluked the first round its still such a blur cant remember anything about it. Also play some friendlies with me sometime.

@Cao: In the first match did you pluck anything that wasnt a bom-om, beam sword or
stichface? Killed me on 20% with a bomb. crazy.

@Tedeth: Enjoyed this match alot i was lucky to win the first game i could tell you had to learn the MU or something

@Alfa: We need to actually practice doubles or something we fail so bad as a team

@Abhishekh and Timic: Lol at takeing GaW and Wario to Norfair when your both useing Lucas

@Vermy: Thanks for watching my match against Cao and telling Alfa how baddly i was gonna get owned by all the bom oms and beam swords and stuff it really encouraged me ; )

@Splice: Thanks for all the Friendlies and Matchup Advice lucky for both of us there werent any GaW dittos this time

@Jei, Ledge, Earl: Happy Birthdays for whenever they are/were

Sorry to anyone i missed

See you all at Rocky


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2008

Ledge: ugh i choke
Splice: 9
:) thanks for the matches
Afro: ugh
Guy who goes to MHS still: you never told me your name, but i think youre friends with Afro. nice lucas and friends :laugh::laugh:
Iownu: you certainly did
Atlas: punch me in the
balls :(
EdgeG: lol melee>watching finals
Tibs+Attila: brinstar was murder...glad you enjoyed our melee matches tibs.

and everyone else

@assault: review huh? *hides snake*


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
High tier secondaries are not looked down upon. Just take a look at our roster:

Vermy: Pokemon Trainer, Snake, and TBA. (Working on a 3rd atm)
Ugly: Ganondorf, Jigglypuff and Wario
Tanman: Sonic, DK, GaW, and whoever the hell else he feels like.
DS: Peach, Pikachu, Fox, Samus
Edge: Sheik, Snake, Ike
Alfa: Bowser, Lucario, Wario
T-Rex: Captain Falcom, Marth

We all have bad matchups, and lets face it, none of us are Reflex, we can't **** a matchup that ***** us quite yet. Except for me. Falco and Wario aren't a big issue for my PT anymore. =)
Snake, Marth and GaW on the other hand, well...that's where Snake comes in.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2008
Snake has been my #1 lately though. Anyways, next tourney will be PT exclusive. Just cos, except for doubles, and marths and agaisnt toshi and gnws and...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2008
Victoria - aka. DrixonSypher
High tier secondaries are not looked down upon. Just take a look at our roster:

Vermy: Pokemon Trainer, Snake, and TBA. (Working on a 3rd atm)
Ugly: Ganondorf, Jigglypuff and Wario
Tanman: Sonic, DK, GaW, and whoever the hell else he feels like.
DS: Peach, Pikachu, Fox, Samus
Edge: Sheik, Snake, Ike
Alfa: Bowser, Lucario, Wario
T-Rex: Captain Falcom, Marth

We all have bad matchups, and lets face it, none of us are Reflex, we can't **** a matchup that ***** us quite yet. Except for me. Falco and Wario aren't a big issue for my PT anymore. =)
Snake, Marth and GaW on the other hand, well...that's where Snake comes in.
Vermy! Vermy, I have something of extreme importance.

You forgot I also play Marth, Falco and Link. haha

Snake has been my #1 lately though. Anyways, next tourney will be PT exclusive. Just cos, except for doubles, and marths and agaisnt toshi and gnws and...
Don't worry about it... As you may have worked out I have been using My Falco and Marth More then My Fox lately.
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