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MD/VA Summer Circuit Finals Results


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Alright, this. This post. I'm getting ****ing tired of this, and I'm going to tell you this man to man as somebody I've played this game with for a long ****ing time.

Since melee, your meal ticket has been 0-death chain grabbing, allowing you to best players you were very well aware of being better than you like M2K and Azen.

Meep destroys you for a couple of months and Atomsk comes down to a c3 and who are you cheering for? Atomsk, while he planks Meep like a homo (gayest tactic possible and should be banned) just because, at the time, YOU are unable to beat Meep. Where was your regional pride then you fuhcking hypocritcal f4ggot piece of ****?

I don't know what has happened to you in Brawl, Daniel. But somewhere along the line you have become the most hypocritical, disrespectful, money-grubbing ******* I've ever had the displeasure of seeing contradict himself in his posts. You aren't even working hard in this game, and it's evident because you're not fuhcking winning. A smart player if I do say so myself, you outplay me everytime we play. Better than me though now? Naw, not player vs. player, so get that thought out of your head because it's obvious you're still convinced of it. Don't be mad that, besides me, people are able to stop back airing, shield grabbing, and rolling.

But I really must say you seem to have become a piece of **** as a person, and half the time you feel disrespected by me it's because I'm calling you out on your sugarcoated bull****.

If anyone needs to get the **** out of our region, it's you. Because you don't represent anything that hard-working players like me, June, Hat, Meep, Candy, Hova, Sanoscy, and others stand for.

Edit: forgot to add PS, you impress me more every tourney even if I don't tell you lol good **** man
I do not exaggerate when I say Neo is the greatest poster on SWF. Doesn't matter if he's right or wrong, his posts are always a great read.

lmfao, i'm pretty sure i was still at the tourney for another... oh i don't know; 5 hours or so after i said that

why don't you man the *** up and say the **** in person next time and stop being a little *****

i'm more md/va than you'll ever be. i'll gladly leave it up to a vote to see who leaves the island you little prick

i can't wait to see you at the next tourney

f@g? i'm not the one bonin little asian dudes in my daddy's basement


im moving to cali.
I'll beat you to it :p

I'm a shooting star leaping through the skies~
like a tiger, defying the laws of gravity!

O...M...F...G....I found this ****ing hilarious!
You find everything hilarious.

jk <3

What a sad region this has become. Just play whichever game you like and don't complain. And don't start useless **** on the boards that you can't back up in person. So stupid. How the hell are we supposed to take on the world at Pound 4 when we can't even get along with one another. ****ing drama everywhere, no point in even looking at these threads anymore cause the same dumb arguments happen in all of em.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Whoa! I didn't realize I missed so much drama. Thanks for the recap, Thumbs.

I have my own opinions but I'm keeping them to myself. :smash:


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
By the way, I didn't come because Azen wanted to team with Chu. I didn't mind at all.

However, I do get really nostalgic seeing the results thread and watching you guys bicker and fight. I just really dislike having to travel to someone's place via metro Friday night and returning home via metro Sunday evening just to attend a tournament on Saturday.

Now that I know Lobos and Sassy live right around the corner I think I can start to attend more stuff. Coming home late Saturday night is where it's at.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
Yeah regional pride is stupid. This past weekend at Tourneyplay 3 I had people cheering loudly saying like "HAHA" every time I messed up a tech chase with Sheik (which was a lot more than not) causing matches to be a lot closer than it would have if I wasn't making simple mistakes, but I still win in the end anyway but it's still gay to deal with all the time and there's nothing you can do with it. If I can deal with that **** every weekend the rest of you should have no problem with what you're dealing with now (mostly directed at Meep, just letting you know I have it a lot worse than you overall so don't feel bad cuz at least it's not this gay). I don't wanna hear this **** about not rooting for your friends and **** GUESS WHAT GUYS I travel the U.S. and no one roots for me like EVER cuz I'm always going in other people's territory. 2 years ago I even had New Jersey root against me when Forward came over to fight me.

btw just so you know, ADHD is the best on the east coast period I thought this was obvoius by now. I think he is 3rd best in the world overall if he's playing well, although I think me and Ally have a big edge over him because of our tourney record and consistency. idc what the rest of you say. To be quite frank and honest, no region is really that good. It's just random players from each region that I consider to be "good". Most of the characters in this game aren't nearly as developed as they could be IMO. This game is still too young. Also, stop caring about if your region is "good". Why does it matter how good your REGION is. Just get better YOURSELVES and go to tourneys to have fun and support more tourneys happening in the future. I mean maybe I'm weird, but I never really cared if like, my sports team won the playoffs or anything like that. I just hope me and/or my friends are doing well lol

btw the way adhd/neo got really good is just by playing wifi and just mastering their character completely (or a lot at least). Not saying this is for everyone but that is what they did. I personally don't wifi cuz it's laggy and sucks *** and I think it's horrible and 1000000 X less fun than in person.

chu - I'm not taking sides, but I don't think you should randomly post things unprovoked like "Neo had an easy bracket" and all this other stuff. Like I can Sorta understand posting it with hova since you and him are on bad terms but... not reallly.... and idk it just seems pointless to start for no reason. Just play lol. Try to make sure you're having fun. Also, I think you should master squirtle. Your squirtle was mad good last time I played it, I highly suggest you pick up and master pokemon trainer as a 2ndary. If anything, ast least most people don't know anything about the character, and I consider squirtle a top tier.

hova - that logic is dumb why would he say that in person you're physically a lot bigger and stronger than him. Online he can say his true feelings a LOT of people do this I hate responses like why don't you say that in person that's so dumb like all that comes down to is physical girth. Are you trying to settle who is right and wrong by physical strength? You say say anything you want online and express your true feelings so if you think what he says is inappropriate or wrong say something about it, don't be like why don't you say that in person that's just dumb

neo - really glad you won. I've always thought you were really good/smart but you could rarely prove it cuz you'd always lose to meep/chu in tourney (is main reason).

ninjalink - yay you're back

atomsk - master ICs.

inui - who cares about stupid stuff!!!!! (unless you're trying to get money matches or something)

other people - wanna MM me 5 bux?

md/va - stop fighting with each other you dummies. Have ****ing fun with the ****in game. Why don't you just go over each other's houses and play. If I lived that close to people and/or could drive I would be doing that **** daily cuz this game is mad fun to play with people ESPECAILLY ON STUPID STAGES!!!!!!!!!! AND WITH ITEMS!!!!!! (not joking)

So after reading 10 pages of stupid drama all I have left to say is

that thing sexy puma posted is ****ing hilarious LOL

edit - does anyone know how I can get free plane ticket or really cheap ones? I ask this because I travel about twice a month by plane (roundtrips) to tourneys and I wanna save the most money possible. Does anyone have friends that could hook me up with a buddy pass or deal of some sort so I could get cheap airfare????? Anyone???


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
yeah sorry I'm late......
I work til 3am last night lol

I think Brawl is fun only when you play with the right people..
especially when Azen came to my place and play Brawl for like 9-10 ****ing hours LOL

why get so worked up??? its brawl....and im about to trip into an argument...........

How many Korns would it take to hold down a Hova?

500 ? yea right..

i loved how everyone was screaming korn lmao and totally disregarded me. Is korn even chinese?
i'm thai D:
they should've shouting your name instead >.< LOL

okay my next question is wushu thai or chinese lol?
i search that in google lol... definitely chinese

i thought if they had the same eyes they where all asian...

you know the movie theater wide screen eyes??


that's Travis...



Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Neo ($300) (Marth)- Nice job winning the tourney!
Ninjalink ($300) (R.O.B./IC's)-Even though I lost, im glad I got to play you again. Diddy practice was good and thanks for the tip against adhd lol.
P~S ($75) (Olimar)-good ****. nice seeing you again.
Junebug ($37.50) (Lucario)- finally met you! good **** at the tourney. If we ever team again, we are going double Lucario. None of this Lucario/MK garbage.
Boss ($18.50) (Luigi)-I wanted to play you in tourney, maybe next time.
Chu ($18.50) (Kirby/MK)-Friendlies at your place were too fun.
Azen Zagenite (Lucario/Marth/MK)-sooooooooooooooo close! :(
HAT (Dedede/Kirby/Snake/MK)-fhew, didnt have to play you this time:laugh:
Candy (Snake)- Glad I got to play you. You're really good and im glad I managed to make the set go down to the wire.
Zucco (Lucario)-Stop choking scrub.
Inui (Metaknight/Snake/Ike)-I really did want to play you since you were hyping up how easy it would be to beat me with snake or D3. glad NJ won teams though.
Meep! (Ice Climbers)Learn to chaingrab Lucario!
Takeover (Snake)-didnt get to play again. boooo.
Deez (Diddy)-Lucario is broken. that set was too close.
BMX (Wario)-good stuff in teams.
Atomsk (various)-awesome weekend, car ride was fun, and good games in tourney.
Coney (Dedede)-Funny guy, fun matches. I dunno if you bragged to Inui about going to last game but I should let you know that my Falco is only a few weeks old :)
Shadofiend (Sonic)-Everytime I come we have to play! On top of that the matches are always so long! dont give up on this matchup, you beat Azen and go close with me so its definitely doable.
SonicMaster (Sonic)-Shado really wanted me to play you, but at least I got to see your stuff in doubles.
Cheese-you talk alot, I never noticed that until I spent the weekend with you lol.
Sassy-Fun friendlies.
ESOJ-Good diddy I must say.
NKB-nice seeing you but like alot of people here, I never talk to you.
TKO-I think I just said goodbye to you and thats it, ill try and be more talkative next time.
EEvisu-Nice seeing you again. Meta vs Falco is hard for me.
Tantalus-You play the matchup against me very well.....I hate that:laugh:
Izumi-Hentai! thanks for bringing me.
NOID-very impressive samus, even if it was just friendlies.
BetaZealot-Ack no SF4 matches, Im not a jew btw T_T
Bionic-didnt even know you were here O_O


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
haha, but naw good **** to neo for getting 1st. Neo deserved his win because atomsk and me were not playing as good as we should have and beat people we lost to.
no, neo deserved his win because he works his *** off and is mad good. not because of you or atomsk. no johns. stop discrediting people


Smash Ace
Oct 2, 2008

come on m2k... dont preach the word of jebus here. we need more entertainment. yesterday was only pools. today neo hova and chu take their fighting to brackets since it looks like plank didnt make it out.

@shado: paranormal activity and dennys sounds nice

@pink: i feel ur pain. i got parent johns too. we need more PG county tournies ppl. deez? ch 5.5?

*stares at the screen and holds f5*


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2005
teaching the babies....
no, neo deserved his win because he works his *** off and is mad good. not because of you or atomsk. no johns. stop discrediting people
how the hell was this discrediting him? I just stated me and atomsk lost and he beat people who beat us (for instance junebug was a better player than me this given day). I swear people cause drama because they take what people say the WRONG way. I even gave props to junebug for beating me. No where did i say i was playing bad and lost. He just beat me.

so *** off plank and leave ur drama **** outta our brawl threads.

you wouldnt get what im saying because its harder to be consistent in brawl whereas melee u can go on autopilot and always win >__>.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Centreville, VA
dennys was too fun. i feel sorry for everyone who missed out.


1/2: Neo ($300) (Marth)-dude, fun stuff this tourney. playing you is really really fun. close games (well at least the 2nd one, nair SDin too gud xD). also thanks for all the support; i've never really gotten respect from a top player like you. NEO really deserves this win. good stuff.

1/2: Ninjalink ($300) (R.O.B./IC's)-same to you; you deserve this. you stepped it up this tourney. everyone know you still got it in ya now. good sh*t. fun talking to you about colleges too. xD hope to see you in MD/VA some more.

3: P~S ($75) (Olimar)-lolmetaknight. my MK was slightly off in those matches (lolupbspam), but no johns. you outplayed me, and redeemed yourself for those C3 losses. all of our sets are too good. pluck-cancel is too pro! also, thanks for letting me use your bathroom haha.

4: Junebug ($37.50) (Lucario)-top 4 with lucario in a regional aint bad son.

5: Boss ($18.50) (Luigi)-fun fun fun matches as usual. i was counting myself out after that beating you gave me at C3, but i managed to win somehow. i always think you're sandbagging when i managed to win for some reason. epic car ride back.

5: Chu ($18.50) (Kirby/MK)-looks like i havent earned your respect quite yet. ;_; oh well, fun matches in teams dude. you shoulda went lucario haha.

7: Azen Zagenite (Lucario/Marth/MK)-YOU'RE A METAKNIGHT MAIN (lolirony). use more lucario and less MK (lolevenmoreirony). nah, good **** showing up azen. i wish we coulda got some friendlies in. also, nice clutch comeback against zucco. you read lucarios too well. D:

7: HAT (Dedede/Kirby/Snake/MK)-didn't get to talk to you much. still, good stuff beating new jersey in singles. you deserve more respect than they give you (inui D: ).

9: Candy (Snake)-step up that singles camping game. you ***** mein dubz as usual. xD good stuff beating us in teams. fun ride back and good chatting with you. thanks for letting me use your sweatshirt.

9: Zucco (Lucario)-GOOD **** IN TEAMS. we got 5th at our first time teaming, beating onoe of the best teams in the nation. thats legit dawg (even tho they still won ;_;). we needa work on communication and not chokin. other than that, we legit. YOU HAD AZEN AND CANDY IN SINGLES. everyone knows you're legit, just finish that sh*t off when it counts. fun hanging+eating+chatting. I wanna come to kosha boy!

9: Inui (Metaknight/Snake/Ike)-; _ ; as i said, nice job in teams. no need to rub it in. xD i kid, i kid, it was all fun and games anyway. come to MD/VA more, and bring zucco lolz.

9: Meep! (Ice Climbers)-very good set meep. thats all i can say. from the gimps, to the SDs, back-to-back two stocks, and an epic last match, that was one of the greatest sets i've ever played. oh the controversy over this set. if you were sandbagging, then: D:. if you weren't, then good good ****. fun fun stuff, you'll probably redeem yourself next tourney. don't worry; you're meep.

13: Takeover (Snake)-you are so **** underrated dawg. our matches were close. either i needa get better at the snake matchup, or you're legit. fun friendlies after too. sorry i couldn't play friendlies near the close of the tourney. ill play next time theres a stream and the tourney is wrapping up, since i can always watch it later anyway.

13: Deez (Diddy)-zucco is legit!

13: SIN (Metaknight)-yo, lets do that 20 dollar MM whenever. also remind me to ask you for 5 bucks next time for that MM from C3.

13: G-reg (Snake)-dont smoke plzz :(. nah, idc lolz, but it'd be cool. didnt talk to you much; dang it.

17: BMX (Wario)-good stuff seeing you! fun teams games. nice job making it into pros dude. nice chatting while getting food as well. fun teams games.

17: Atomsk (various)atomsk after winning teams: '**** you!'
me: ;_;
lol, i aint just good on wifi i guess. didn't talk to you much besides the you trash talking me. :(
17: PinkFresh (Lucas)-lucas > ICs + MK

17: Coney (Dedede)-fun friendly and chatting with you dude. i needa go to more events you go to. you're mad fun to hang with. you vs cheese was the best set of the tourney, no lie.

17: Shadofiend (Sonic): Shadofiend has joined the Junebug Fanclub. 9:00 PM. dennys was legit lolz

17: JJVirus (R.O.B.): JJ stepping it up!

17: SonicMaster (Sonic)-dont be so emo. lolz your amazing

9: Cheese-dont get so angry haha. AiB son! thanks for the support.

9: Smash GOD-good stuff actually showing up! lol, so close to pros dawg. you'll get there next time.

13: Sassy-mad fun to chat with. we needa play, we havent played besides teams. also, sux what happened in you + coney vs NL and Sin. you'll get em next time.

13: ESOJ-step up your game man! you had a off day today, no worries. thanks for the ride back, fun stuff. although i heard from lil b that $20 is usually expensive for a ride. D: you think i could get a discount if i get permission/theres a spot left in the carpool for kosha boy?

13: NKB-'step it up june, step it up.' lulululululz, you too fun.

13: Seagull: fun friendlies.

17: TKO-dennys was amazin lolz. thanks for streamin 3 of my dubz/singles sets! i needa go to more tournies and hang with you, shado, speed; the bluesteak gang.

17: EEvisu-i wont be leaving ATHF lolz. fun hanging with you as always. "GET THAT *****, GET THAT *****, GET THAT *****!"

17: Gonzo-good stuff showing up!

17: Radori Nighthawk-step up that MK game. :(

17: Tantalus-thanks for the support man. i'll see you whenever.

17: K9-Keanu... lol, we had some fun teams games.

17: Izumi-pedo2gudd

25: 23%-BEST GANON?

25: NOID-asian pride son

25: BetaZealot-DEHF CANCEL TOO GUD. lolz @ speech about me getting good. get that wifi training, read the boards, play smart, and you'll be the best falco in MD/VA, hands down. you already got some interestin strategies.

25: Snack Attack-we needa wifi dawg. ive been so busy tho. ;_; we will eventually, dont worry.

33: Bionic-sorry for messing with the stream :(

33: Bloodynite-AiB son

33: BigWenz-good stuff seein ya.

korn: : fun chatting with you as always, and fun ride back. you counter me in teams. soooooo ignorant D:

jcaesar: PLUSSSS! brawl+ is really fun actually lolz. fun chatting.


BONK: that is BONK... lol

4th with pure lucario (technically) is aight in my book. now that i think of it, it sounds better than 3rd with lucario/MK haha. fun games all; cya in a month.


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
I beat ksizzle more often than he beats me. Anti can and does beat all of them. ADHD lost to Dabuz and Shadow recently. ADHD can lose to Atomsk and Atomsk loses to ADHD. I can definitely take Atomsk; our sets go down to last hit all the time.

Just wait until teh_spamerer starts playing again and Pierce gets more active, lol.
noticed how i wrote NJ not ny/nj....so most of what you wrote is meaningless

I beat trevor here, but that could have been just a one time occurrence.
thats true.....well good **** then haha


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
5: Chu ($18.50) (Kirby/MK)-looks like i havent earned your respect quite yet. ;_; oh well, fun matches in teams dude. you shoulda went lucario haha.
No no, it's not that Junebug. I know you are an amazing player. Tant tells be you have been placing very well for the past 3 months and I salute u for that. Great job getting 4th in singles and for beating Meep =).


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
You're all mislead.

I would have won this, only reason you guys have gotten that money was because I wasn't there. Stop being full of yourself everyone, my A game would have slain you all. Just because you have your little chaingrabbing ****** twins, green plumber, and blue-haired chick with an enormous sword doesn't mean I would not have conquered you guys.

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