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MD/VA Summer Circuit Finals Results


Smash Champion
Jul 5, 2005
Hiatus, MD
Yo, I'm at UMD College Park. You're less than 20 min away from me.

Hit me up, you sucker.
tight, we can definitely play wheneva. especially after wing nights at buffalo wild wings

Pikesville, and I'll probably be busing ova der'
i'm not sure you'd wanna catch a bus down here. it's about an hour drive. i could hit u and Pink Fresh up in the same day one weekend

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Yo, I'm at UMD College Park. You're less than 20 min away from me.

Hit me up, you sucker.
Noid next tourney teamsies again. Of all the people I have teamed with ever. You've been my favorite and possibly the one I have worked best with. Your Samus still amazes me.:)

Md/Va needs static teams. For realz >_>.


Smash Champion
Feb 10, 2009
MD/VA is hilarious after reading some of these threads I laugh my *** off every week... I have not looked this thread up since saturday & its already like 30 pages of trash talk


Sometimes when i look at the smash community I think of it as so fake towards each other.. I mean im one of the quite guys in the community but everytime I go to a tourney I never hear trash talking.. But when people go online people start pulling the JOKER out... Thats one thing I can respect about the madden community, WHEN PEOPLE TALK **** ONLINE THEY BACKED THAT **** UP IN TOURNEY.. Madden players let that **** be known face to face & it made everything more intense... But the smash community are all online gangsters & when they play tourney they play to win but they dont let that **** be known...
I dont mind chu saying he is better than neo but what I do mind is when they see each other in tourney they laugh like its fun & games.. WTF Chu next time you play neo talk trash while playing him man to man.. "NEO YOU NEVER WILL BEAT ME IN TOURNEY ******"... &
Neo now that chu brought up the argument, you should blast chu.. " CHU YOU PLAY THE SCRUBIEST PEOPLE & THINK YOU ARE THE BEST".. LMAO I dont know wtf to say

But I highly see that happening since the madden community is a whole different ballgame.. But if people are going to talk **** online BACK THAT **** UP FACE TO FACE...

But great tourney I really did not do good but Oh well....

June you are too pro I loved our matches you are really a great player.. But dont worry I think I havent even reached close to my potential.. Just watch Im going to be on some other **** soon.. teamz next time???

& Candy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PmYbqUXEng... lol our matches were close but your wolf intimidated me so much I lost to your snake.. good **** you know the match-up well

good **** to my crew for doing well sassy you are getting way better soon you are going to place very well.. My boy 23% good **** in teams you were wrecking making up for some of my mistakes W/ GANON... & Coney good **** adjusting to the nado vs. cheese that match was too epic...

Pink Fresh you are too goodz

Everybody else good **** know I gotta get ready for work tomorrow.. DANG


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
tight, we can definitely play wheneva. especially after wing nights at buffalo wild wings

i'm not sure you'd wanna catch a bus down here. it's about an hour drive. i could hit u and Pink Fresh up in the same day one weekend
Sounds good to me. Orjust lemme know if you're ever around HATs place
I'll see if he could lemme chill for a bit whenever he's up for peeps to brawl with him.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2009
Baltimore, MD
tight, we can definitely play wheneva. especially after wing nights at buffalo wild wings
**** straight.

Noid next tourney teamsies again. Of all the people I have teamed with ever. You've been my favorite and possibly the one I have worked best with. Your Samus still amazes me.:)

Md/Va needs static teams. For realz >_>.

I need to decide between Samus or Sheik in doubles... or I could just go MK. xD


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
I dont mind chu saying he is better than neo but what I do mind is when they see each other in tourney they laugh like its fun & games.. WTF Chu next time you play neo talk trash while playing him man to man.. "NEO YOU NEVER WILL BEAT ME IN TOURNEY ******"... &
Neo now that chu brought up the argument, you should blast chu.. " CHU YOU PLAY THE SCRUBIEST PEOPLE & THINK YOU ARE THE BEST".. LMAO I dont know wtf to say
I would, but every time I beat Neo he always looks mad pissed. I feel sorry for him.

I love you neo, don't beat me up LOLZ


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
u guys dont have magic powers like me. there are many victims in md/va that suffer from the omni curse.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
I'll do my shout outs later pplz.. All i want to say right now is Md/Va is the best Reality show ive ever seen by far hands down!!! lmao... I mean seriously no one can ever predict whats going to happen ever...

I love how there's so much beef.. in our region only because it makes us get better. for one I know for a fact Hova will start playing just so he cant wait for his chance to knock Chu out of tournament.. or he could just pound his face in next time he says him and looks at camera and say "Did I Win?" Lol good **** Hova.

Neo on the other hand the beef between you and Chu is the best so far.. so many different storys going on at once... your beef with chu hova and chu and md/va vs EE. Md/Va and NJ.. haha i mean come on now this is the ****!!! LOL hahaha... and I totally respect Neo and Chu as top players.. they both had there strong points in there flaming tehehe. I really thought when Chu got burned by Neo a million times.. I thought Chillin and Azen and maybe even Chinesah woulda came out of nowhere and backed him up but no help was needed as Chu came back like a ninja out of nowhere. hahaha:laugh:

Now to move on to PS and June having these close azz sets this is so sick lmao... its like everyone has there little rivalry. PS and June both have grown to become great players and i also have respect for both of them now.. I used to think June was a one time hitter..but hes consistently showing improvement in beating top players.. Such as Meep,P~S,Chu,Boss,NinjaLink and many more... so much respect to the two of you guys.:chuckle:

Also much respect to NinjaLink coming to our region again for the 450th time and actually doing well this time with no johns @ all. nicely done sir nicely done...

That being said... Neo speeches are like Obamas when he talks and **** and for that I will not be quitting brawl for the moment im taking a break and will return when i think ive improve my skills. so you can all thank Neo for me not quitting meaning you guys have another BYE in your brackets XD... I'm Outz PEACE!!!
oh yeah and one more thing H2YL WHERE YOU AT?!!!!


Smash Ace
Jun 10, 2008
Man, **** all this. As long as you all know im the best in the regio..... (remembers he lost to cheese and goes to pull a poyo (hangs himself)....)



Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
So SonicMaster5 keeps texting me about how much he thinks he sucks and doesn't want to pick the game up and thinks he's not gonna do so well at Pound. (Getting tired of the texts, Speed <_<?) I'm thinking everyone here thinks otherwise.

So my question to MD/VA is this, does SonicMaster5 suck, or no, and why?
my bad about the texts. D: but you have to realize that i just have a pattern that for some reason people keep falling into. eh, dont worry about me :ohwell:

why the hell people get emo over Brawl ? lol

speed is better than that -.-
Korn...all i can say is let my plush live! Please dont cut it! D: but eh, i dont know man.

He doesn't suck. He's beaten ranked players. AND THEY WEREN'T FLUKES/HE DIDN'T GET LUCKY! he's good.

Speed you're good. Hush.
D: come on JJ. the only reason i won those matches is because you SD'd. -.- when you didnt you gave the duck. Hard and fast. But it definitely is luck. People just dont see the pattern, but at this tourney, i guess they did :ohwell:

I don't even need to be MD/VA to know that Speed doesn't suck. Cmon bro
psh, you do better than i do. Do i have to get your vids?

i think that you're only as good as you truly believe yourself to be

so i vote that SonicMaster does indeed suck

you obviously need some Hova training
those first two lines are true. It all depends on your mindset. And i guess having an inferority complex makes it worse. But Hova, shouldnt you be training so you can **** more rather than worrying about a Sonic main?

Speed is an idiot. He does suck.

Tell him to step his game up and stop being emo. That he's good but still has stuff to improve on. That he needs to learn more from Shado's gradual improvement the past couple months. That if he actually tries, he can be better than Shado (least IMO. I believe he was in fact better than Shado for a short period of time.)

Get his emo *** out of the gutter. His matches with me were insulting and that he owes me another set.

Tough love. Get better soon.

EDIT 2: Yo, I just remembered. BionicSonic, you need to step your game up too. WTF was that excuse of a GW you played during our match? Cry less, play more. Your Sonic is definitely good at least.
Noid, its not me thats not trying. I always play to the best of my ability. What you saw was me playing to my best. :ohwell: You just improved so much that, well, it seems to you that im not playing at my best. What do you mean i wasnt trying? I was trying...i was playing to my best, but obviously it wasnt enough. And if i play you again, i think it will be worse because you figured out exactly how i play. No amount of spincancels or DDP was gonna mess you up.

Bionic is very, very good lol. Thats all i can say about him.

But dont worry about me. You should be focusing on being the best yourself. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Jul 31, 2003
MD/VA is hilarious after reading some of these threads I laugh my *** off every week... I have not looked this thread up since saturday & its already like 30 pages of trash talk


Sometimes when i look at the smash community I think of it as so fake towards each other.. I mean im one of the quite guys in the community but everytime I go to a tourney I never hear trash talking.. But when people go online people start pulling the JOKER out... Thats one thing I can respect about the madden community, WHEN PEOPLE TALK **** ONLINE THEY BACKED THAT **** UP IN TOURNEY.. Madden players let that **** be known face to face & it made everything more intense... But the smash community are all online gangsters & when they play tourney they play to win but they dont let that **** be known...
I dont mind chu saying he is better than neo but what I do mind is when they see each other in tourney they laugh like its fun & games.. WTF Chu next time you play neo talk trash while playing him man to man.. "NEO YOU NEVER WILL BEAT ME IN TOURNEY ******"... &
Neo now that chu brought up the argument, you should blast chu.. " CHU YOU PLAY THE SCRUBIEST PEOPLE & THINK YOU ARE THE BEST".. LMAO I dont know wtf to say

But I highly see that happening since the madden community is a whole different ballgame.. But if people are going to talk **** online BACK THAT **** UP FACE TO FACE...

But great tourney I really did not do good but Oh well....

June you are too pro I loved our matches you are really a great player.. But dont worry I think I havent even reached close to my potential.. Just watch Im going to be on some other **** soon.. teamz next time???

& Candy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PmYbqUXEng... lol our matches were close but your wolf intimidated me so much I lost to your snake.. good **** you know the match-up well

good **** to my crew for doing well sassy you are getting way better soon you are going to place very well.. My boy 23% good **** in teams you were wrecking making up for some of my mistakes W/ GANON... & Coney good **** adjusting to the nado vs. cheese that match was too epic...

Pink Fresh you are too goodz

Everybody else good **** know I gotta get ready for work tomorrow.. DANG
lol @ not the same in person, apparently you haven't seen me talk to chu when he talks about splitting with meep, trust me, everything is the same

it's just that i don't go spouting **** off unprovoked, anything i say to chu that may seem like im talking ****, is in response to his conceitedness


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
Speed won't pick up a secondary and I hardly use mine. I can only use Falco vs Wario right now. When my Falco gets good I'll probably make Scourge a secondary lol

And Speed i warned you that these Gimmicks werent going to last. I told you that before this tourney even began. I told you like the same day chu's biweekly started. This just calls for more new things not seen before. Sonic has many possibilities to his moves. Instead of counting yourself out because people are reading you just make new moves. Or just do me and play random and hope everything hits. That seems to be working lolll. If i can improve in such a short period of time i think you can aswell. But with that mindset. I honestly dont see you going anywhere anytime soon...

We all know Bionic will believe in your Sonic till death since he hates my Scourge. You don't want to crush his admiration do you?


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2006
Catonsville, MD
i am so tired\

who wants to practice today

i will **** you up

--anyone who has tried to contact me the past two days-- my phone's been off and i've been hibernating


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
i am so tired\

who wants to practice today

i will **** you up

--anyone who has tried to contact me the past two days-- my phone's been off and i've been hibernating
What time? I'm outta school at like...2:05


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
lol @ not the same in person, apparently you haven't seen me talk to chu when he talks about splitting with meep, trust me, everything is the same

it's just that i don't go spouting **** off unprovoked, anything i say to chu that may seem like im talking ****, is in response to his conceitedness
Just use MK or Snake to beat those two, broski.

lmao @ your sig


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2009
Baltimore, MD
Way to practice without me, HAT and Combo.


Speed... the fact is that you haven't improved from the last time I saw you. Learn from Shado, but practice less with him and more with other people. Your tricks still work, you're just doing them at the wrong time since people are learning the Sonic MU. That's all there is to it.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2009
Badkid Land
1: Ninjalink(Good job here NL, keep it up!)
2: Zucco(I didn't get to talk to you, but double Lucario is r@pe)
3: Candy(O_o)
4: Inui(O_o)
5: Coney(CONEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job beating Cheese, that was a pretty cool match, especially the Gordo)
5: BMX(Nice Milf talk there)
7: Hova(:D)
7: Shadofiend(TeeHee, Green hair)
9: Pink Fresh(Lucas ***** ._.)
9: Cheese(UMAD!?,)
9: Smash GOD(Oshet)
9: JJVirus(I wish I asked you for help/dittos, or even talked to you period, good job)
13: Sassy(Pink ZSS is pretty hot, I can't lie there.)
13: ESOJ(Fun friendlies)
13: NKB( I got you! Your money will be back to you at the next tournument, I promise.Oh, thanks for not hating on my hairband. *grumbleTantgrumble*)
13: Seagull(We're twins!!!! :O)
17: TKO(Nice seeing you again, good job here, and fun friendlies, I'll be back to A2 soon.)
17: EEvisu(EE!!!!!!!!11eleven SOVA BABY!!!!)
17: Gonzo(Fun friendlies, thanks for the advice, you're too good at B+, scary even.)
17: Radori Nighthawk(Didn't see you, shame.)
17: Chinesahh(O.o)
17: Tantalus(You're a hater!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jerk!!!!!!!!!!!. Nah, thanks for running this, this was alot of fun.)
17: K9(I'm sorry it took so long for your DBC, but thanks for the money.)
17: Izumi(Good bracket match, to know that I almost beat someone from NJ, a very hard match-up for me even, shows that I really AM improving, good job.)
25: Combo Knight(O_O)
25: 23%(O_O)
25: White Peach(O_O)
25: NOID(Samus is scary........... D:)
25: Asaph(Fun friendlies, Wolf is too good)
25: Killing Wind(Good bracket match, thanks for the advice)
25: BetaZealot(Fun friendlies, thanks for the advice)
25: Snack Attack(I love this kid, he's pretty sexy, we all know it :p)
33: Bert(Your class ring is mad nice, I'm jealous.)
33: Bionic(Bionic!!!! I'll miss you)
33: Bloody nite(O_O)
33: BigWenz(O_O)
33: GIBS(O_O)
33: Blazah(Good bracket match)


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Way to practice without me, HAT and Combo.


Speed... the fact is that you haven't improved from the last time I saw you. Learn from Shado, but practice less with him and more with other people. Your tricks still work, you're just doing them at the wrong time since people are learning the Sonic MU. That's all there is to it.
You can make it right?


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
how the hell was this discrediting him? I just stated me and atomsk lost and he beat people who beat us (for instance junebug was a better player than me this given day). I swear people cause drama because they take what people say the WRONG way. I even gave props to junebug for beating me. No where did i say i was playing bad and lost. He just beat me.

so *** off plank and leave ur drama **** outta our brawl threads.

you wouldnt get what im saying because its harder to be consistent in brawl whereas melee u can go on autopilot and always win >__>.



yeah meep thats it. thats why its harder to be consistent in Brawl, cuz in MELEE you can go into autopilot and win, LMFAO

idiot, it's harder to be consistent in brawl because the cap of skill that seperates players from one another is so low. people are more consistent in melee simply because there is more room for difference in skill. i can play AWFUL and im still not going to lose to someone way worse than me.

try going to a melee tourney sleep deprived or hungover and see how you do, 10x harder than brawl because brawl is such an easier game. so although ive pretty much stopped flaming the game, be proud that you brought it out in me because you are just -that- much of an idiot.

im sorry meep but the fact that you support brawl now so profoundly since you're "good" (LMAO so horrible without infinites) is just hilarious to me. you cant even tell me i dont understand cuz i was a top player in brawl for a long time before i made my point and stopped caring about the game (hint: this was before u started even playing ice climbers). The game is fine, if people want to play it that's fine, but don't go saying it's easier to be consistent in a game that has 100x more variables and intricate details you have to tend to.

ROOOOOOFL... playing poorly in melee could mean so many things.

what does playing poorly in brawl entail for you? messing up your stupid broken infinite grab. that's all. that's the only variable. don't tell me that brawl is harder to be consistent cuz u can't perfect the -only- single tactic you rely on. that's ****ing pitiful
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