OverTriforce, Adam and Ice are probably all better than the the number 3-5 on your list.
I try to not speak about things I'm unfamiliar with. I admit I don't know nearly enough about European smash, though I know those are all top players in Europe. I haven't seen them over here, so judging them would be inaccurate of me. I wouldn't underestimate tope if I were you, but I would readily believe that they are potentially better than both vanz and lucien.
@Niko, I main fox falco marth and sheik. Random walls of theory text? Yeah that's how I got into the MBR... random walls of text. I went to watch your marth, out of curiosity, since you're so concerned that I "don't main marth". Honestly, I burst out laughing on the spot when I realized you consider yourself a marth main... I also laughed at how often the sheik got away with jabbing against you. I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about. And no, none of the top 10 marths are that high level. None of them stand more than a ghost of a chance at placing top 10 in an international tournament, to be honest. And yes, I'm aware vanz doesn't main sheik. That doesn't change the fact that he trashed IB. Also, M2k is the number #1 marth and he doesn't even main marth. He's also one of the best foxes, and doesn't main fox. Mango is probably the best falcon, and doesn't main falcon.
I'm familiar with every marth player you named, and I still think they're mediocre when considering high level play. I don't understand why you mentioned I can't name m2k or amsah. M2K mains sheik, not marth. Amsah mains sheik, not marth. The reason I included vanz is that he mains sheik no more or less than he mains any other character. And I like how KK immediately posted after you saying that he doesn't think needles are that useful... as if to show you the credibility of such a statement.
"By good I mean capable of beating you in tournament." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. For all you know I'm an entirely terrible player and beating me doesn't mean anything. Equally possible, I could be capable of beating the majority of the players on your list, and you wouldn't know it... I'm not sure how you could compare them to me at all.
Note: I DO think the matchup is in sheik's favor, I just don't think it's something stupid like 65:35.
And thanks overlord for recognizing that you don't have to main a character (although I do) to know something about them. I appreciate it =]
Edit: LOL @ nicaboy vs fullmetal... wow. Btw, if you're really counting such caliber of players (still can't believe people are when we're talking about TOP LEVEL play), then laijin beat fullmetal at CEO in tournament. Fullmetal only beat nicaboy in a MM. Just saying. Matchups are based on how they're played at the highest level. If you main a high tier character and can't get a high placing at a national you're not really worth considering as top level.