Smash Hero
Well the trick is being aggressive while being defensive and alert. Samus can't solidly beat Marth straight up so she has to scratch and claw her way into the fight. The more space and time samus has the worse the fight gets for you.I don't really know what to do against a samus except make them scared off stage, get them above you, and try not to get CC'd.
Does the trick for me?
For me the key is only doing what is necessary. You can fair away all of her missiles but don't stand there and double fair at the air because good samus players will off time there shots to hit you or force you to shield so they can apply pressure or grab you. Do not play the missile spam game no matter what. it's ALWAYS a trap. Even if it looks like mindless spam the idea is to get you distracted showing off how cool you can be by chopping at the missiles. Then you get cheap shotted for days and slowly damaged/killed. What you want to do is quickly shut down any defensive positioning immediately.
Once you get past the defensive barrier set up by projectiles you gotta deal with the obvious reactions. Don't look for a almost NEVER happens. Good Spamus players will instead do 1 of the the following. Dependent on the type:
1. Wavedash backwards and counter attack with a Fsmash, Ftilt, or Dsmash.
2. Spot dodge and then jab, dsmash or UpB(hugs'in it)
3. shield then grab, UpB, sometimes jump and bomb use downB setups or Wavedash OOS and tilt at you.
almost all samus players I've seen/played have a preferred option based on styles and what characters/players they are use to playing. If you can pick up on that during/prior to the match it makes it alot easier to know what to do.
Against type 1; you want to do range safe moves(Dtilts, Jabs & a grab even if timed right, Also if go for a dash attack under a missile if you are close enough to get them in the air then juggle with up airs..etc) or simply wait outside their range and wait to let them hit them counter attack the open air and then punish as you see fit.
Against type 2; IMO the easiest to deal with. Just wait for the dodge and then grab or go for a delayed fast fall fair/Uair. You could also go for a Nair-Fsmash depending on the percents. If somehow you get caught with the UpB you can SDI and you can tech in place and then punish samus for going for it. if you get Dsmashed save you jump and try to recover as best you can.(using your jump is what alot of samus players will be hoping for because then they can just go for a heat seek missile to set you up for an easy edgeguard or trade attacks with your UpB...etc...overall failure to save your jump can sometimes mean death on some bull**** me. If you get hit with a jab or 2 don't shield. IT'S A TRAP!!!! most of the time. Instead just jab the ***** back then grab her or try and perfect shield then arial oos or if you want to play the baiting game shield purposely to get Samus to go for a grab and leave themselves open.
Type 3; I hate the most because you can't be sure if they are gonna hugs it or if they are gonna go technical on you and stuff. It's kinda of like a mind game you do to yourself when you this person just a scrubby shielder or do they have a trick up their sleeve. The best choice is not to think about it and don't find out. JC grab or Dash behind them and grab usually works out fine if not better. Dashing behind a shielding Samus takes away several options for her options. She can still go for a few things so be swift and if you miss with a grab from behind it's actually very safe to shield seeing as how she would have to Wavedash oos in order to face you again for a grab.
The final part of fighting samus is excepting that you won't get cool Ken combo's off of her...they just won't work. Simple, non-fancy but effective edge guarding is key. If Samus uses UpB try to go for dtilts until u can set up a major killing blow or a chance to WD-grab ledge safely. Sometimes UpB randomly hits you when your going for the ledge so be careful. If the Samus players is good at using tether to recover then you'll have to try and time aerials using your invincible frames or you can edgeguard them from the stage with Fsmashes and such depending on the situation. If your fighting a good samus that is good at sweet spotting then your gonna have to take the risk of timing an invincible aerials to get the job done..
well this is all I got to offer on the MU.