Grim: Im glad i could spend a bit more time with you at this tourney than Robocop. Our brawl friendlies were heaps fun and so was melee but we shouldve played more Melee. Congratulations making out of pools in both games (or totally deserving to in Brawl, Tournament **** was gay). Hope you enjoyed getting housed by Tim also.
Nova: Good seeing you again Shaun, you are a funny guy! I can't say I enjoyed our friendlies at all, I am hating Snake at the moment

But good to talk to you all the same and watch you have a good time playing Attila haha
Apollo: You champ! Good job on 9th in Brawl Singles, that is not bad at all! Thankyou very much for supplying the recording equipment, it is very much appreciated and some of those sets were just amazingly good stuff which I cant wait to watch again (tibs games were so pro) . I very much enjoyed seeing you again, and our few friendlies were very enjoyable. I <3 ZSS
W150: Nice to meet you! played you in a few friendlies, and then you asked me for some more but I didnt get the chance to get around to it, I'm very sorry >< Your Olimar is pretty good at dealing with overly aggressive playstyles
I'm very interested in coming down to SA to see you all again sometime but idk, not likely in all honesty xP
Ted: Your games with Attila and Tibs were all very amazing and despite having played in like 1 or 2 tournies this whole year and being out of practice, you still held up very well!
Congratulations on 3rd, good to see you again, my biggest regret of the tourney was I didnt end up getting to singles MM you, or just friendlies. I'm really keen to try out the Wario MU it seems kinda easy now haha
ZXV: Woah! Second in Melee! You sure have worked your way up the ranks hella fast! Good stuff with 7th in Brawl too, you did the best out of everyone over both games singles events, thats some good game-to-game adjustment right there! I enjoyed our doubles friendlies this morning too

You are a cool dude Bryte!
Meteor: No Shuma wtf ~ Im glad we got to have our rivalry moment in the bracket as well as pools. That was very enjoyable

Always a pleausure hanging out and conversing with you <3 You and Conor actually made quite a great team, it was impressive! I dont think Shaya would have done better tbh
Queensland (a.k.a Dean):
Dean: Late night conversation at Nicks house was enjoyable, hope you enjoyed my guitar playing haha.
Congratulations on 2nd in MvC3, amazing job! Nice meeting you, hope to see you again sometime
Dean: Most clutch set I had in singles. Marth is very very hard, and very very fun

Glad you didnt use the D3 and gave yourself a fighting chance by using Marth

I was very scared to be honest. You are improving at a great rate at the moment and it's very impressive! You are actually better than me in many aspects of this game, its simply some small mindgames and the ability to create openings and juggle that i have on my side. Your spacing and defensive game is far better than mine. Good Game Dean!
Tibs: Your Diddy Kong was on fire!!! Yours losers finals set vs Ted was the best thing I saw the whole tournament, some of the stuff you do is crazy! Our doubles sets were pretty intense, you need to keep a lid on that rage though looool - that wall got owned~
So proud of my win in Melee pools :D that was the best I played, very happy with that. Probs the worst you played I'm guessing haha~ I'm sick of Diddy in bracket. I had the MU down and there was a time where I could beat you confidently (in my head at least

) but now it's just not worth it to go expert mode on that MU. I'll just have some fun and try and get you to stuff up and give me some free KO's and maybe I'll win a set sometime
Congrats on 2nd in Brawl and your Doubles win! Good Games Tibsbro
Attila: Congratulations for placing first in everything Brawl! You champ! You've been doing very well recently, and I also have the suspicion that in the most subconcious of ways you've learnt the GaW MU and it's just bull**** for me now =___= grr! GG's against Ted, nice effort. Pity the grand finals of the tournament were something you get to do whenever you want in the comfort of your own home

but it was a pretty entertaining set anyway (although I only watched game one eheh) - I very much enjoyed commentating with you, was a fun time, and maccas run and talking was also gewwwd. Good Games Uptilla!
Conor: Good to see you again, its been a while! Pity I was half dead this morning

Thankyou for driving us to the train station that was very nice of you <3 <3 <3 Great to see you havent lost your touch at Brawl despite the uni work you are caught up in. You and Ricky made a great team! Hope to be graced by your presence again if uni work ever dies down
Joey: You didnt come on the second day what is this :C I enjoyed the "formal" into "completely casual" costume change technique, i thought it was pretty cool. We didnt get to commentate on ****, lol

hope you attend something for reals soon though
Toshiba: Congrats on first seed, nice work beating Apollo! He got vengence in the bracket though

You and Dean make a pretty legit doubles team, those were clutch games against Ricky and Conor, and even moreso against TedXV, crazy stuff! Hope you approve of my drawing ability.
Dekar: Congrats on first in Melee! Surprised at 5th in doubles though, wow. Your Brawl GaW is also getting pretty legit too, I was impressed

Good to see you as always
Sasse: Blah can't believe I lost that much, my tech skill is so... lacking of any skill whatsoever =___= good job pillaring me, I really need to learn the ditto I've been getting my *** handed to me by Falcos heaps recently >__<
Nicks: Thankyou for housing like a champ! Great hospitality just like last time. Your dog is absolutely amazing, and so cute ^____^ bad luck with brawl pools ^^; Should really have beaten SD imo though but ah well. I think you and Earl played real fine in doubles too, no shame losing to Tibs and Attila haha

You really get into it though dont ya? That standing up DI is pretty legit! Enjoy your 4 packets of Mi Goreng that we didnt end up eating lol.
Earl: Came so close to beating you I dont believe! Aled and I both did haha. I was happy to see that I'd made you get the blood flowing as you were very pumped when you won the set haha

very clutch games and very enjoyable, you
definitely deserved 4th, well played. Nice job in doubles also, and
gratz on 7th in Melee! You beast! Good to hang out with you for a bit this tourney too

Really enjoyed our set, GG!
Leisha: Good job on the tournament, you ran it quite well

Seemed a little stressed at some points but you didn't have to worry at all ^^ . Thankyou very much for running Brawl

Your hacks are hilarious btw, but I swear your wii is gonna brick hardcore someday lol.
Viva: I'm glad you found my tips from last week paid off somewhat! A very nice effort beating Nova in pools! Don't be dissapointed with 9th; it's quite a legit placing for a major, so i hope you are happy with it

I know your set with Ricky ended in a rather unsatisfying way... but that's what happens sometimes. Stay motivated Jesse!
Jei: Sorry for meeting you in bracket, I know you don't have a lot of fun playing me. Your fault for not beating Tibor haha! Nice work beating Tak in Melee btw, I didn't see the games but that's pretty good

GG's, see you next tourney~ in bracket again probably
Timic: Randomly ditch the 2nd day with no warning, had to take rather long route home :C Would've been hell without Conor. Thanks for getting us to the venue on saturday anyway lol. I hope you made it out of pools in Melee, i dont know if you did :s
Xile: Hope you learnt something useful from out games in Brawl haha. Falcos CG is amazingly useful

I'll have to play you in Melee, your main game, sometime. Nice meeting you
Afropony: Equal 5th, and both losing a clutch set to Earl. I told you we were pretty much tied! Fun times with Nicks lol. I hate your commentating

Sorry for underperforming against Tibs and A'. I mean I was actually playing fine but I was simply not prepared to focus on all the items at once and I really could not play consistantly under those conditions (especially as tired as I was, but no johns, I'm just bad) and that was why we lost. They live forever though, we need to find some team kill set ups that can be executed easily. We take too much damage before they die otherwise. Dinner and practice on Friday was an enjoyable evening and train ride home was... boring as hell. lol. Good Times.
REDACT: Great tournament bro. Lots of setups (or "enough" setups at least) was awesome and everything ran pretty smoothly and on time, was very good, great effort. I dont know if you had the best time of Melee, lost to Teds puff (it was pretty good though) and 5th in doubles, eep! Ah well. Again, thankyou very much for organising the events I had a great time!
I'm happy with 5th in Brawl I feel that's where I am as a player atm so that was my deserved placing I guess. Could have snagged a 4th off Earl though

Melee was also great fun and I think I'm ready to focus on that more now. :D
Good Games to all I played, I had a great time.