Supporting rammus is viable (sit in brush and taunt *****es and shizzle).
as is jungle rammus.
He can't handle solos though.
for proper 'tank rammus' he generally needs the jungle (with successful ganks!) or a lane he can farm in. 1v2 rammus is impossible
I must have sounded very angry yesterday, and sorry If I did, I wasn't upset or anything about the loss. If its 'funsies' any comp can do and it doesn't really matter (well, I was going AP/Hybrid Ez, it isn't really super viable in itself either, so you can blame me for that); I just assume there's an interest in improvement, so it's worthwhile to point things out >.>
Blind pick is a curse though and I prefer draft 99.9999% of the time.
In blind pick, any comp can work assuming the enemy team doesn't have something that destroys it. SOLO TOP RAMMUS could have worked, assuming the enemy team was also a solo (and those solos at top are typically melee, which he does okay against some of them), but the moment we saw that it was going to be 1v2 at top I was like 'well, ****'.