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Ike : A Detailed Matchup Guide; #33 - Ness


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Except Norfair is worse. I've had it so the lava rose, so there was only the two platforms remaining, and then they both got sprayed on by fire. O_o The lava was starting to drop by the time the second platform got hit, but still, sheesh.
Yeah, in my opinion Norfair is much more random than Pirate Ship; I've had random stuff like that happen too. If it weren't for the lava that sprays from the background, I would like the stage more.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
But Colaya, Pictochat may have many hazards, but none of them is as deadly as the bombs or as exploitable as the water.
The hazards still really tack on the damage. Let's see... That flower thing... The missiles... The spikes....The rolling cart.... The fire....

Water is exploitable? Maybe by some characters. You know what else is exploitable? Walls. There's like 50 of them in Pictochat. And almost every ****ing character has an infinite against a wall.

Plus, the hazards appearance time in Pictochat >>>>>>>>>>> Pirate Ship

In a typical match, you're MUCH more likely to have deal with hazards longer on Pictochat than Pirate Ship....


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Anyways, just as a general endnote, the Bowser v Ike match is a rather large amount in Ike's favor, would you guys not say so?

60% combo is half of Bowser's stock versus Ike gone.

In any case Sheik is now up, discuss :p!


Smash Rookie
Nov 23, 2008
Mmmm, what I like about facing Shiek is the fact that a lot of her moves seem VERY unsafe for her. I tend to keep in the air more and try to Fair and Nair the hell out of Shiek. Seems to have decent priority against her, and besides, if all else fails... well Shield Grab is amazing too.

IMO Shiek is a pretty simple match to go about, you just have to space and play smart, otherwise you are going to be punished for being an idiot (but then again, since when was this NOT the case with Ike :chuckle: )

But yeah I tend to grab Shiek a lot if I can't hit her in the air because all her attacks have... idk this certain lag time after an attack and in between hits of it. Oh and I love Fsmash when Shiek uses her Up-B to recover, sometimes they overshoot it and BAM!

That's all I have to contribute for now... but just for the hell of it 60/40 Ike AT LEAST :p


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
...... sigh

Sheik, Because Ike owns Zelda that badly that switching to her to kill is worse than staying all Sheik, 95% of the time we will not see Zelda and only Sheik.

The ftilt lock can't start until Ike is at 30% otherwise Ike will fall onto the ground and shield before the 2nd ftilt.

For now, its just cause Sheik can combo Ike till 130% ish (not in one string, but around 4-6 strings) and then just ftilt > fair to kill Ike by sending him to his dead zone. Shiek's Fair is the killing move in this match up. 45-55:\


Smash Lord
Oct 12, 2008
San Diego, CA
While I don't agree about Ike ****** Zelda (it's about even, IMO), I will agree that he'd much rather be facing Zelda than Sheik.

The only thing that Shiek players have to annoy Ike into approaching is her needles, which isn't really that threatening, seeing as how they can be easily jumped, shielded, and spotdodged. Other than that, the only threatening thing Shiek has is her ftilt lock to gimping. Now, if Ike can avoid the ftilt lock, he basically owns Shiek. And guess what Ike's favorite playstyle is? That's right, outranging.

Honestly, I'd say that this is about even. If Ike can consistently outspace Shiek, he should be able to win, but should he mess up, he'll get locked and gimped.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
Anaheim, California
I'm sorry Ike's but this match up is entirely not in your favor, it is a clear a decisive 40-60 Sheik's advantage. Maybe even more. You have to put your fan boyism aside to properly debate matchups.

None of our moves have this "magic lag time" because we all properly auto lag cancel our Aerials unlike Ike who has very punishable lag from when your attacks miss, ground wise, not sure aerial.
Ftilt spacing and Bair spacing are two VERY safe moves because neither are punishable by many, if any of the characters in the game. Especially Ftilt space. You can't sheild/grab punish it, simply Ftilt, if we miss, oh well walk back and continue.

Which leads into, Ike can be Ftilt Locked very easily, and trying to counter out of it won't work, only DI'ing in but even then we'll control that and go for the tipper KO. What a misconception of thinking purely 30%, 17 to even 22 can start it up with an Ftilt, to Dtilt, to Ftilt Lock, tipper for KO or Nair to gimp.

Chain Locking works, except Disjointed sword from fsmash or Dair but those are slow and easy to foresee so a simply retract to powershield, and Chain guarding will destroy Ike's Side B recover. Up-B'ing to recovery can get you quickly tether hogged, it's pretty easy to time against that slow Up B.

Needle camping, obvious. Ike has no answer or projectiles of his own to needles. Shielding is your BEST bet, who ever said spot dodging is wrong because the ending needles will hit you. Jumping sure, but how long can you keep that game up.

All in all Ike is slow and you have to accept that compared to Sheik who's attacks are quick, sharp and precise. Spot dodging Marth's sword attacks are easy for me personally let alone Ike's.

Not sure how strong Ike's spike is but I find meteor canceling in general to be extremely easy in Brawl, maybe at 60%+ though with Ike's considered strength, even if I did cancel I don't think Vanish would get me recover or probably get edge hogged.

Zelda, Only going interject that some Sheiks will use Zelda for the KO. D-tilt lock to Fsmash, Usmash. Even at like 110-130, Ftilt and Dash attack from Zelda = death.

Ike's slow...to slow to keep up with Sheik. Countering is predictable. Example; we get the grab and Fthrow, we dash to chase > Jump, you start counter expecting Nair, we don't Nair, wait, Fair > proper tether gimp.

I think matchup discussion is a lot of theory BS but hopefully this will help you try to get the edge over a good Sheik player, but the match up is honestly a solid 40-60 Sheik's favor if not 65-35 considering Zelda switch ups for easy KO's

counter pick : takes us to battlefield, or Delfino seems like a pretty safe place for Ike. Platforms will help aid your dodging of Needles and attempts to Side-B to get in our space. Platforms are a pain in the *** to get off some times and Ike's UpSmash and Utilt punish me for it if I fail to spot dodge and get off.

I'd CP NorFair or Frigate Orpheon for obvious reasons


Oct 25, 2001
Philadelphia, USA
Bad match up for Ike. Not really much else to say about it other than Sheik being a good time to break out a secondary unless you're one of those weird, stringent "must stick with one" character mains.

Ike though is scary as Zelda and I wouldn't want to tempt fate with her.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I'm sorry Ike's but this match up is entirely not in your favor, it is a clear a decisive 40-60 Sheik's advantage. Maybe even more. You have to put your fan boyism aside to properly debate matchups.
Only one person said it was in Ike's favor. He has no idea what he is talking about.

Ftilt spacing and Bair spacing are two VERY safe moves because neither are punishable by many, if any of the characters in the game. Especially Ftilt space. You can't sheild/grab punish it, simply Ftilt, if we miss, oh well walk back and continue.
Thats why Ike also spaces with his fair.

Which leads into, Ike can be Ftilt Locked very easily, and trying to counter out of it won't work, only DI'ing in but even then we'll control that and go for the tipper KO. What a misconception of thinking purely 30%, 17 to even 22 can start it up with an Ftilt, to Dtilt, to Ftilt Lock, tipper for KO or Nair to gimp.
If I remember correctly, Ike doesn't stay in that long though.

Chain Locking works, except Disjointed sword from fsmash or Dair but those are slow and easy to foresee so a simply retract to powershield, and Chain guarding will destroy Ike's Side B recover. Up-B'ing to recovery can get you quickly tether hogged, it's pretty easy to time against that slow Up B.
Ike has a sword though, and his dash attack has a very long reach.

Needle camping, obvious. Ike has no answer or projectiles of his own to needles. Shielding is your BEST bet, who ever said spot dodging is wrong because the ending needles will hit you. Jumping sure, but how long can you keep that game up.
Sigh, projectiles do not mean you have an advantage on Ike. They serve about two purposes, quick damage and forcing an approach.

All in all Ike is slow and you have to accept that compared to Sheik who's attacks are quick, sharp and precise. Spot dodging Marth's sword attacks are easy for me personally let alone Ike's.
Ike's is too slow to AD. He will hit you once you come out of AD via nair or uair.

Not sure how strong Ike's spike is but I find meteor canceling in general to be extremely easy in Brawl, maybe at 60%+ though with Ike's considered strength, even if I did cancel I don't think Vanish would get me recover or probably get edge hogged.
Ike has dtilt (4th strongest OVERALL spike) and dair (4th strongest aerial spike 6th overall) But they have huge growth rates making them near impossible to meteor cancel before dying by 60%ish. Course spiking is still not easy to do without proper mind games.
Zelda > Ike as well, but I'm not going to discuss that. Only interject that some Sheiks will use Zelda for the KO. D-tilt lock to Fsmash, Usmash. Even at like 110-130, Ftilt and Dash attack from Zelda = death.
You do not know Zelda vs Ike then when they claim 55-45 Ike's favor.

Ike's slow...to slow to keep up with Sheik. Countering is predictable. Example; we get the grab and Fthrow, we dash to chase > Jump, you start counter expecting Nair, we don't Nair, wait, Fair > proper tether gimp.
Sigh, mindgames are not part of match up discussions. That comes down to players themselves. Heck, we could expect you to wait for counter and FF AD to the ground and jab.

I think matchup discussion is a lot of theory BS but hopefully this will help you try to get the edge over a good Sheik player, but the match up is honestly a solid 40-60 Sheik's favor if not 65-35 considering Zelda switch ups for easy KO's
Have you not read your own match up guide? When it clearly states to go all Sheik saying that is the best way to battle Ike.
counter pick : takes us to battlefield, or Delfino seems like a pretty safe place for Ike. Platforms will help aid your dodging of Needles and attempts to Side-B to get in our space. Platforms are a pain in the *** to get off some times and Ike's UpSmash and Utilt punish me for it if I fail to spot dodge and get off.

I'd CP NorFair or Frigate Orpheon for obvious reasons
BF is Ike's best nuetral, so that makes sense. Frigate is the obvious choice to go, but do be careful about norfair. Ike doesn't do terrible there since it is platforms only. Although, the thought of needles since they go diagonal sounds annoying -_-;;


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Pick Sheik, be awesome.

Use natural speed to play spacing disruption games, use aerials to edgeguard, use chain to edgehog, use Zelda to make Ike think he has a chance at winning.

Also Sheik should avoid trying to run in against Ike nair, because that is clearly a bad idea.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
*reads above post*

You DO realize the Zelda boards put down the Ike VS Zelda match as 55-45 our Advantage correct?

And well done: randomly coming into a topic and start flaming. You joined last month, please learn how the boards work before randomly spewing meaningless flames.

I played around with the idea of using Sheik as a secondary for a while. Longest lasting secondary character I've had so far. It's 45 -55 (as in, Sheik has the 55).

First point: Lag. Lets start by comparing air to air, not air to ground, because in both cases whoever is in the air has less lag. Yes, for the most part, Shiek has minimal lag on her aerial moves that aren't Dair. News flash for ya: Ike has minimal lag on his aerials as well. Nair and Bair both auto-cancel, as in zero lag when using them. Fair, Uair, and Dair all have a crap load of IASA frames on them. Sheik is one of the few characters that can punish a perfectly spaced Fair from Ike without a projectile, but thats only through a DACUS. Anything other move besides Needles will be blocked before they connect.

I'll keep on the subject of aerials: Ike harshly beats out Sheik in range and lingering hitboxes, as well as KOing power. You can't AD through Ike's uair. AD doesn't last long enough, same idea with Nair. Dair is the 4th strongest Sheik has her Bair for spacing, Ike's Fair beats it out easily. There are only 4 non projectile moves in the game that can outrange Fair in the air. Sheik doesn't have any of them. If you try spacing with Bair, you WILL get hit by Fair. Want speed in the air? Ike's Bair comes out frame 7, and outranges most, if not all of Sheik's aerial moves. Add on top of that it's disjointed, while Sheik's hurtbox extends out with her leg, Ike wins in the air above the stage. Off stage yes Sheik can do some damage. Problem is you actually have to get us there in the first place.

Now lets talk about ground moves shall we? Sheik does have lag on her moves on the ground. Her Fsmash? Punishable lag. Dsmash? Punishable. Usmash? punishable. Utilt? Ftilt? Punishable. Know why? Ike's jab comes out frame 3. All of those moves leave enough time for Ike to jab if they are blocked or whiff. And it's not like you can shrug off getting hit by the best jab in the game. Just how exactly is Sheik going to avoid taking a fair amount of damage? She doesn't have invincibility frames on some of her moves like Marth does. She'll be taking at least 20% damage every single time she gets jabbed due to jab canceling.

Yes, Ike has some lag on his ground moves. However, he also has IASA frames on them, as well as more range then Sheik has. Did you know Ike has 20 IASA frames on his Usmash? I doubt you did. And you act as if we're going to be randomly throwing out Counter all of the time. What type of noob were you playing? Ikes don't use Counter unless it's against a move that has so much start up time they know they can use it. We don't use Counter like Marths do, get that out of your head.

Yes, Ftilt locking is annoying. Thats the main reason I say Sheik has the slight edge. It helps a fair bit to tack on the damage. Too bad Ike's jab is faster. Sheik is going to have to work to get in that Ftilt lock in the first place. And it doesn't lead into a tipper KO. Ike is NOT the spacies. We don't stay in as long, we survive vertical KOs better, and we don't fall as fast. And why the flip did you think that a smart Ike would even ATTEMPT to counter out of it? Again, we aren't Marth.

Chainlocking wouldn't work. Know why? Too much flipping lag pulling the chain out and more importantly pulling the chain back. Ike's Ftilt has just as much range as his Fsmash. Sheik pulling out the chain = her getting Ftilted to oblivion if it misses, assuming we weren't in her face jabbing before it came out. And even if it hits, this isn't Melee, nor are we Ganondorf. We can get out of it. Frankly, you can't afford to risk it. Ike's Ftilt has around as much kick as Snake's ftilt.

Projectiles are nothing new. Powershielding FTW, since you decided to pull out the powershielding card for protecting yourself during the chain, I'm going to pull it out for protecting myself against the needles. And Ikes approach through the air, so we can keep up the jumping "game" for quite a while.

For gimping Ike: Thats nothing new either, and other characters do it better. The easiest way around it would be to go to Battlefield or Smashville, use Aether to slide up the slope, and land on the stage while you're dangling there like an idiot. QD gimping, who on earth uses QD to recovery besides noobs, or when it's 100% safe to do so? Thats like claiming you can gimp Marth easily due to the fact he can attempt to use his Neutral B to recover. Or gimp Fox easily because he can use his Firefox to recovery horizontally. Only and idiot would do such a thing.

Speaking of gimping, what about the other way around? Vanish is dtilt, walk-off aether, or Eruption bait. The chain is nice sure, but again you can't stay there forever. You eventually are forced back up, particularly if we use a walk-off dair down the chainline.

And then you go on again about Ike using counter randomly. That would be like me going on over and over about Sheik spamming the chain.

Sheik generally speaking has the speed advantage, but Ike's jab beats out her good moves. Ike has more priority, better range, and a lot more KOing power. Both characters are going to have fun coming back on stage if they are knocked off. It's the combination of Needles and the fact that if Ftilt lock lands at a low enough % it can do some damage that leads me to say Sheik has the 55-45 advantage. Possibly a 6-4 advantage for Sheik if there are enough stages that work to her advantage, but no way is it 65-35 sheik's advantage.

Please learn how the character is used before claiming random things again.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I'll say this, I've played Ryoko once in tourney (like... in spring/summer, my 2nd tourney >_>)

And I never felt so powerless before lol. I only managed to take stocks cause he kept switching to Zelda to kill me with her lol.

But besides that I've never really got to play a component sheik again. (Any Sheik I went against pretty much failed to have good mind games)

So I may be off with my judgement, but meh, I just end up going Pikachu either way to make them switch to Zelda lol.

Course I will never forget the day I did a dair thru platform to usmash and killed Sheik at 50% with the entire combo lol.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
Anaheim, California
It's a bad match up mate no matter what way you want to look at it, it's 60-40.
Even Ryoko came to tell you that much, better off with your 2ndary.

30%-70% is the common lock damage btw.

But yeah, that's about it. 60-40, Sheik.

Speed (Running and attack) : ****
Power (Killing moves and damage racking): **
Range (Priority and hitbox) : ***
Recovery : ****

like I said, all theory BS. I'll accept a loss when Sheik has the disadvantage but, Ike should honestly never be getting in hits for punishment. It's hard to talk about Sheik when very VERY few people use her, let alone are disgustingly pro. But Ryoko and Ankoku both just laid it down for you very simply and they are literally like the tops. Even yesterday Champ gave me the advice on Ftilt S P A C I N G
literally saying how it's one of the most unpunishable moves in the game...so there you have it.

peace and GL


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
I faced eazy's sheik like 2 weeks ago and managed to edge out a win barely in the first match, second one I only won due to the fact that ryoko and tw had beaten the living crap out of me for months so I knew the matchup moreso than eazy did. This is one of those situations where a character can just outrightly screw with ike just to do it, which is annoying.

Depending on how well versed the ike is in the zelda matchup you MAY be better off not switching to her at all, i've had situations where a sheik has pretty much had her way with me only for her to switch to zelda for the KO and pretty much give me the lead.

A single needle stops ike's aerial approach if done correctly, and she covers enough ground to punish ike for a most missed moves. You wanna stick to nair and bair in this matchup for aerials and take advantage of vanish's longer startup time to ledge trap her properly (if anyone tethers now on any character except power suit and zero suit I just dair them so that's not as much of a concern). We get tilt locked (smash DI it down/away and attempt to perfect shield it since our fast falling makes us unable to escape it from above) extremely easily so sheik just straight walking at us is sort of a ****ty situation to be in (so many options out of a walk, the most annoying one is when they know you're gonna spot dodge and approach with dsmash), get away from her if this happens.

It's like a 65-35, dependant on matchup knowledge, but there isn't very much to teach on the sheik's end.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
It's a bad match up mate no matter what way you want to look at it, it's 60-40.
Even Ryoko came to tell you that much, better off with your 2ndary.

30%-70% is the common lock damage btw.

But yeah, that's about it. 60-40, Sheik.

Speed (Running and attack) : ****
Power (Killing moves and damage racking): **
Range (Priority and hitbox) : ***
Recovery : ****

like I said, all theory BS. I'll accept a loss when Sheik has the disadvantage but, Ike should honestly never be getting in hits for punishment. It's hard to talk about Sheik when very VERY few people use her, let alone are disgustingly pro. But Ryoko and Ankoku both just laid it down for you very simply and they are literally like the tops. Even yesterday Champ gave me the advice on Ftilt S P A C I N G
literally saying how it's one of the most unpunishable moves in the game...so there you have it.

peace and GL
Your an idiot yes the match up is in shieks favor but you have no idea what to expect, honestly if you go fight a good Ike your going to get your *** handed to you expecting side b approaches and waiting for counters.

No one here has said the match up was in Ike's favor except that guy with 4 posts but your just as dumb as him.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
Anaheim, California
why so serious? I've stated twice now I think match up discussion are theory bull ****.

If you like Ike, use Ike. Even in the stance of competitive game play I see the object as just that, a game, and I'm going to have fun with it whether I win or loose. I main Sheik, purely, no 2ndary personally.

So calm down, kek.
everything, almost everyone says, is so vague and broad when it comes to this. If I get *****, so be it :]

btw sweet nothings will get you every where in life, what an adorable kid you must be <3

good luck with your guys future match ups, and peace =D

Deleted member

I've beaten all the sheiks I've played save ryoko and we only played against each other in teams where it went back and forth. IMO this match is pretty even since I play both, but I'd rather be ike between the two.

both chars have lots of good stuff on each other. Smash DI behind sheik on the ftilt, but DI just enough to be on her body box so it's hard for her to react.

IMO this match is probably as close to a perfectly even match as Ike gets, and it's a lot of fun for both sides.

<3 ike vs sheik <3


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
i think Ike is one of the easiest chars for Sheik to gimp personally
as long as the Sheik plays it smart ur in trouble


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
I think this is a 60:40 for Sheik and I actually happen to think Ike is a decent character.

Fair is not safe against Sheik, even retreating fairs are punishable by her dash attack.....whoever mentioned DACUS amused me since it's far more practical to punish with dash attack. Sheik can punish Marth's retreating fairs with dash attack.

Her jab comes out on frame 2 and it has decent range. I'm pretty sure Ike outranges her jab by a bit but your going to have to have monster spacing.

If you get hit with ftilt above 25-30% your going to be in for a ride. You can't really expect DI'ing behind Sheik to really do anything because I can just turn around and resume ftilting.

Ftilt does lead into a tipper on Ike.....it leads into one on every character for whoever said that.

Dsmash comes out on frame 4 and sends Ike off at the perfect trajectory for an edgeguard and yes Sheik ***** him offstage.

I don't see why people keep bringing up Ike's aerial range, I have no reason whatsoever to ever challenge Ike through the air.

Ike's jab keeps this from being a counter type matchup, lol I guess you could say that about a lot of his matchups. But honestly his jab is really good against Sheik, if you get the lead and Sheik is forced to approach....this matchup becomes a whole different story.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
This happened to Ryoko:

He dash attacked a level 9 Ike and Ike PS and fsmashed him before he could do anything.



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Her jab comes out on frame 2 and it has decent range.

Dsmash comes out on frame 4 and sends Ike off at the perfect trajectory for an edgeguard and yes Sheik ***** him offstage.
Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your frame data? I took a quick browse around the Sheik forums and looked at the stickies, but I couldn't find a thread that contained a list for frame data.

I haven't fought any Sheiks offline before, so I'm not going to say anything about the matchup except that from ONLINE experience I'd say it's Sheik's advantage if you needle camp properly.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your frame data? I took a quick browse around the Sheik forums and looked at the stickies, but I couldn't find a thread that contained a list for frame data.

I haven't fought any Sheiks offline before, so I'm not going to say anything about the matchup except that from ONLINE experience I'd say it's Sheik's advantage if you needle camp properly.
needle camping does not work offline.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
So wait wait. Having that certain things happen on wifi and can't happen offline...would this mean opinions from online play against shieks will most likely be unuseful and be ignored?
same story with wifi Ikes.

On wifi, Ike's fsmash is unpunishable. I will never allow wifi to be aloud for discussion.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I see..:x Well then I guess I'll have to look up videos of people playing shiek offline and contribute
I don't look down on wifi players. I look down on wifi itself. I used to be a wifi player and when i tasted the world of offline.. it was a whole new world. (Then i tasted melee ;o)


Smash Hero
Jul 26, 2007
Just out of curiosity, where are you getting your frame data? I took a quick browse around the Sheik forums and looked at the stickies, but I couldn't find a thread that contained a list for frame data.

I haven't fought any Sheiks offline before, so I'm not going to say anything about the matchup except that from ONLINE experience I'd say it's Sheik's advantage if you needle camp properly.
Ankoku made a thread on frame data a while back....you can find it in the Sheik reference thread that is stickied.

Awesome signature by the way.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Ankoku made a thread on frame data a while back....you can find it in the Sheik reference thread that is stickied.

Awesome signature by the way.
Thanks for both the frame data reference (that was the one sticky I didn't check :() and the signature compliment; that was made by my sister.

(Holy crap, Sheik's NAir hits on frame 2?)

Ussi said:
This happened to Ryoko:

He dash attacked a level 9 Ike and Ike PS and fsmashed him before he could do anything.

I checked the numbers to see if it was possible (Sheik and Ike):

Shiek's dash attack hits on frame 5 at the earliest; CPU Ike powershields and now has 34 frames to punish (since on frame 40 Sheik can do something else).

Frames to unshield: 16
Frames for FSmash: 29-34

Total: 34-49 frames (15+29 since on frame 16 FSmash can start; same with 15+34)
+1 since he had to PS for at least one frame before letting go of his shield

Real total: 35-50 frames.

Sorry Ussi, I think Ryoko could've done something else, especially since 35 is the very first frame that the hitbox for FSmash will come out and he should've had at least 34 frames of lag.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Wtf!? The mods closed the other topic!!! ._. But they left it stickied. Are they ******** or something? >_>

Did they even look in the thread? I'm thinking they just saw the title and locked it, which is stupid when it could've been fixed with a simple "Change the thread title" post, or have just edited it themselves. -_-


Smash Champion
Feb 2, 2008
Wtf!? The mods closed the other topic!!! ._. But they left it stickied. Are they ******** or something? >_>

Did they even look in the thread? I'm thinking they just saw the title and locked it, which is stupid when it could've been fixed with a simple "Change the thread title" post, or have just edited it themselves. -_-
They probably didn't stop to realize that an advertising topic wouldn't have 1000+ posts. Really bizarre.

You guys can talk here if you want to. Not like we're ever really on topic here anyways.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I checked the numbers to see if it was possible (Sheik and Ike):

Shiek's dash attack hits on frame 5 at the earliest; CPU Ike powershields and now has 34 frames to punish (since on frame 40 Sheik can do something else).

Frames to unshield: 16 Its 8 with IASA
Frames for FSmash: 29-34

Total: 34-49 frames (15+29 since on frame 16 FSmash can start; same with 15+34)
+1 since he had to PS for at least one frame before letting go of his shield

Real total: 35-50 frames.

Sorry Ussi, I think Ryoko could've done something else, especially since 35 is the very first frame that the hitbox for FSmash will come out and he should've had at least 34 frames of lag.
So whats the story now?


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
I sent some visitor messages to some of the mods. I don't care if it takes me tons of infraction the stage must not be banned.

Don't worry I got the Ikes boards backs.

hope you had a fun presidents day everyone


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
They probably didn't stop to realize that an advertising topic wouldn't have 1000+ posts. Really bizarre.

You guys can talk here if you want to. Not like we're ever really on topic here anyways.
What's really stupid about it is that it is STILL ****ING STICKIED. >_>

Apparently mods don't read before they lock them.

If they did read it, they must've forgot to unsticky it (which is still stupid), and they could've just asked to change the thread title (which makes it even more stupid).


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Do not question the mods....

some make mistakes lol...

Now only if we knew who did it we could ask for it to be unlocked.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
Can't any Mod unlock it.

Me or AB could make another one. I know you would prefer AB to do it.

hows my sig?
http://norcalsmash.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=49&start=0&sid=1411c1c6239962 aec2778db61b5d8f36
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