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HOBO 22: World Hobo practice session #1(FULL RESULTS ARE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Smash Cadet
Oct 10, 2008
LMAO i forgot that when katie beat p4 it was a money match. so many hard reads. what a good girlfriend:)



Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
man Houston is ****ing legit! I will definitely love to actually play more next time! i only played like 2 people because the TVs were always "tornament or MM needed" lol

here are my sexy shout outs
@kate - man thx for the ride and everything! what an experience! lol. lets do that again sometime!
@razer - I'll definitely be at phase this next time! and instead of that MM of prolimar vs snake we can change that to loser must make sweet sweet man love to inui xD
@Cross - it was great man! i am holding a tab on you to make me ramen soup like you said! because every since you said that i can't get delish ramen outa my head!
@Ozz- thx for the MM, next time though if we MM ima hafta ask you to go falco... i know that MU more and i dont wana be handing out free moneyz XD GGs
@player 4- man you wack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: where is my MM?!?!&T#OI
@Jerm - lol when you drove the jeep, you turnin all kinds of nobs flipping buttons and **** that don't needs to be flipped XD made me laf. i need to match you sometime dawg! btw kate stole your TL plushy but shhh i dint tell you

Hobo is boss, next time i hope to find housing XD driving until 7 AM is not the funnest thing to do :psycho:

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
This was mad fun, who cares about the turnout. Should've played some TvC, my bro said those guys were bad. Top 8 OoS!


Gnes: Your snake legit. Goes to show you're just a great player. Me, Diddy killer? Nah.

Lee: Great job. I'm better than you.

Ozz: Defintely not used to your Falco. You were just so efficient, good stuff. Also, I saw you play Inui in low tiers, OMG. That Falcon too good.

Hyro: Get wrecked in low tiers.

Inui: Good stuff in dubs.

JNig: The only Wario... :(

FlipHop: GG's man, it was so hard to try and keep up with you. Your ability to adapt is just too good!

Esca: Thanks for the housing. Same as Inui.

Rh(D): Two diddys in a row? Not easy, espcially when they're both in the Diddy BR. GG's, come to more HOBO's! And bring more people with you!

Roni: We did good, man. Given the circumstances, you did just fine. Permanent teammates!

Arcadia: Now we know your greatest flaw: Your ab...Teen Wolf.

Blaine: Thanks for the ride. A true man, driving for hours on end. I don't know how you did it. Keep playing Pika, you'll get used to it eventually.

ISBS: Ken! Good to see you and Laffy show up! Saw you playin Lee before playing Arcadia. It's good to see you learning and progressing in Brawl.

Curlz: Get better so you don't need a coach. Though it's good to want to seek out others for help, you still need to learn on your own sometimes. I hope you use this OoS experience to get better.

Katie, Cross, and Denti: Good to see you guys show up! Hope yall had fun.

Furbs: You're crazy.

For any of you who brought a Wii: Could you send me the replays of me? I was the only Wario there, so pretty much if you have a replay of with Wario (doubles and singles), could you PM them to me? Please and thank you!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2008
Austin, TX
I'm bringing a setup next time for sure. Even though there was a low turnout there was not enough for friendlies/warmups. Btw, I was Stork and used G&W/Marth for singles and doubles and Low tier singles Zelda/Yoshi and Zelda/Yoshi/Captain Falcon for low tier teams. Question mark was Pikachu/Pit for singles and Pikachu for Doubles. He went Zelda for low tier singles and doubles. Tourney experience +3

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
>1: Dont lecture me on the ethical ramifications of putting a shock collar on my child
>Guitar is good at fingering but Bass goes deep



Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2007
Route 23
denti you look like roxas from kh2

just saying
Duuuude, I was thinking that. But I didnt know if he played KH so I didnt want to say anything and sound ********.

Anypoo, quick shoutouts.

Gnes- get ***** by my neighborhood. Good shiz winning. Teach me how to play plz

Cross- Dude your one bad *** guy. We gotta do a serious set next time =]

Hyro -Alwayyss fun hanging with you. Your TL is still second rate though. Lol, good **** getting top 5. I need to step it up

ShadowPJ - Always random aim messages n crap lol. Lol, you did good. Next time top 10?

Kates- Dannnng scavenger pro took my TL. Still much love

Lee - I want your shirt haha. Your as awesome as always. ***** me and almost everyone in singles. Cant wait to go down to LA to chill with you guys

Roni - Ahh, you are TOO funny. Try and force rickyB to come down for whobo or something. I wanna chill with you all. Great seeing you again. Good stuff ****** me in doubles

Esca - Why are you so **** cool lol. Crazy *** set. Gotta love dash attack though. Hopefully I dont meet you in bracket again o_o

Asain Beaumont guy in blue shirt (I think .. ) - sorry we didnt get to play again. Next time though just force me =]

Royalninja - Your one chill guy. Always a pleasure seeing you. Get me free airplane tickets or something

Denti - barely met you, but your cool as hell. And I wont judge for liking inui. its all good ; ]

Razer - Ihop is never the same without you sitting at the table. Congrats on ****** singles as usual

P4- Shiiiiiiiit ... ok that was my last time

RT - Dont ever say I didnt give you food! lol

Inui - Ahh, I couldnt win. Fun seeing you. I want another MM next time plz

Xyro - Fun tournament. Again. Glad you entered, and you did well. Good stuff

Zori - sorry I was bummed when one wanted to have the KH talk. I had just lost lol. Your too cool. Now even cooler with your axel theme song haha

Furbs - : )

Hopefully I didnt forget anyone. Im gonna step it up for texas. Gotta rep hard for you guys.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
1: Gnes==diddy/snake - I've never played you. I need to sometime.
4: Ozz==falco - I did so bad in those matches against you >.< I shoulda just stuck with my D3 against your Falco. I do better with D3 against your Falco anyways. Your Falco is better offline.
9: Smoom==IC - You choked my wolf plushie to death :( But it's ok xD. I still need some IC practice! You left right when I started getting the hang of fighting them.
9: FlipHop==diddy - Needs more of that sexy wolf.
13: Rh(D)==diddy - I don't really know who you are, but you had a really good Diddy. Nice job in those matches you had against RoyR
17: Kirby==gw - I don't know how I lived to 249% against your G&W, I guess it's all the G&W practice I have with my D3.
17: Gy!be==???? - I couldn't do much to your Peach >.< Your Peach was really good though, that's a matchup I need to learn. I was afraid to go Wolf against your Peach after losing that one match to Mr. T's Peach, which is why I went D3.
17: JS==dk - I got more wins than you but you placed above me xD. Nice job in that set against Smoom, it was really close.
17: Yosh==yoshi - You had a really good Yoshi. I didn't get to fight it 1 vs. 1, but I could tell by those doubles matches, and the set I saw with you against Jerm in low tier.
25: KRD==Wolf/DDD - You lost to a Falco and a Peach. TRASH!
25: RT==lucario - You were fun to fight in friendlies, a lot better than playing against people who just sit there and don't say anything in their matches.
33: Mr.T==???? - Who do you even main? You used a different character in every match against me lol. Falco I did good against because I have tons of practice in that matchup from Ozz, your Peach caught me off guard. Sorry about going D3 against your DK in that last match though, but it was either that or my Wolf which I'm better at the matchup with.

4: Lesbian Pikmin (Zori + Xyro)==Olimar+Rob - You two were good in teams. I couldn't get past Zori to get to Xyro ever though >.< Also, Spot Dodge x5 into Dsmash that killed both me and P4 at the same time was SICK. Looks like the Lesbot is growing.
9: Where is Arkansas? (YOSH + KIRBY)==Yoshi+???? - I really don't play Falco, I just figured he's good on Jungle Japes, and my other characters are bad there so it was my best option. Looks like it won the match for us. At the end I didn't know how to kill with Falco so I just took P4's advice with the Fsmash.

... whoops, accidentally deleted the part with Hyro's team mentioned and I'm too lazy to copy and paste it again, so I'll just lazily type that you two were too good (you really were though).


Esca Jr.

Smash Rookie
Feb 6, 2010
LA people that esca housed, it was good meeting all of you and hope to see you next hobo.

Ozz- friendlies with you was 2 good

Jerm- yea no prob dude next time for sure we can play

Xyro- thanks for the event, its my 3rd tourney and getting better every time

Esca -thanks for all the training it help

Flip-was good meeting you and had fun with our friendlies

Gnes- you inspire me to play diddy and it was nice meeting you for the first time

Trela- 2 good for me.

Sorry for all the people i missed and didn't get to meet. Next time i hope to meet more people.:chuckle:


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Yup I got 3rd in regular singles. Gnes lies about not going Diddy till he plays me :).

Then I got tornadoed. Eh didn't care about regular singles as much anymore this tourney. Cared about low tier and got to GF's in both events :D. Next one I'll pick it up.

Also, just got home. Maybe going to IHOP at 12:30 is a bad idea lol.
UltimateJohns back at it again.

C.S. Dinah

Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
Away from you.
lol last place x.x

Yosh- playing against you I really didnt know what to expect even though I seen you play earlier before our match, awesome yoshi

Flip- I think I may pick up diddy because of how you play. Your items game was amazing and youre a really cool guy. I hope to play you again soon ggs

ggs to all the guys I played, the games were fun!

I'll be going on to Whobo2 when it comes



Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the vortex
1: Gnes==diddy/snake flakenes

3: Razer=snake mad shady the second game wtf, jk i love you razer


5: Hyro==toon link i dont like mm :(

9: Jerm==toon link :(

9: FlipHop==diddy flip 2 legit

13: Xyro==samus/rob dude i loved teaming with you we ***** hard, the lesbot...... is the future

13: PJ==toon link thanks for teaching me olimar

13: Rh(D)==diddy too sexy.

17: CxC==falco/marth good *** falco

25: P4==metaknight/lucario upload matches

33: Riot==peach/marth well actually in 1945 kingkong invented olimar....... LOL i love riot

sloppy shoutouts, i had fun a guess brawl is nerve racking and gay what a terrible game yet i keep playing :confused:


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
1: Gnes==diddy/snake flakenes

3: Razer=snake mad shady the second game wtf, jk i love you razer


5: Hyro==toon link i dont like mm :(

9: Jerm==toon link :(

9: FlipHop==diddy flip 2 legit

13: Xyro==samus/rob dude i loved teaming with you we ***** hard, the lesbot...... is the future

13: PJ==toon link thanks for teaching me olimar

13: Rh(D)==diddy too sexy.

17: CxC==falco/marth good *** falco

25: P4==metaknight/lucario upload matches

33: Riot==peach/marth well actually in 1945 kingkong invented olimar....... LOL i love riot

sloppy shoutouts, i had fun a guess brawl is nerve racking and gay what a terrible game yet i keep playing :confused:
Dang i see zori no love


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
the vortex
**** esca you know i love you, thanks for teaching me how to fight g&w

he was air camping me for 3 mins but i was patient like gnes says and i waited for him to come on down like bob barker

and let me tell you the....

the price was oh so right.... oh.so.right


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2009
FM, Texas
Yea your from dallas but aint you also from the swamp lands too? lee's domain?
lol i suppose so green lesbian

LMAO i forgot that when katie beat p4 it was a money match. so many hard reads. what a good girlfriend:)

LMAO. im an awesome gf. i had so much fun in that mm:) sorry p4 but i rafed you hard

jerm i have your tl i'll give him back to next time i see you:) come to phase! and you can harass more waiters at ihop haha


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
1: Gnes==diddy/snake -- Finally on top baby. I like it. Keep it up and thanks for the Diddy help I will be on top of it.
2: Lee==metaknight -- I enjoyed havin yall over Friday night! Good **** in teams.
3: Razer=snake -- Ping pong.
4: Ozz==falco -- Fun friendlies. i <3 your falco.
5: Hyro==toon link -- my mk 2-0d you friday
5: Inui==metaknight/snake -- <3333 Lucas
7: Trela==lucario -- growin up
7: Jnig==wario -- beatin flip omg too scary
9: Zori==olimar -- I had so much fun in our low tier matches. ill be workin on that grab release
9: Smoom==IC -- good matches man. mk next time ;)
9: Jerm==toon link -- Probably the gayest fun tourney match ive ever had man. I love you come to beaumont again
9: FlipHop==diddy -- i miss you
13: Xyro==samus/rob -- nice matches. not
13: Esca==pit/diddy/falco -- you couldn't win with mk? omg trash
13: PJ==toon link -- is this shadow
13: Rh(D)==diddy -- DANG royal ninha
17: Kirby==gw -- arkansas? nice teams matches bro
17: Roni==falco -- i miss you already =[
17: Gy!be==???? -- scared my marth man =[
17: JS==dk -- OMG your dk is so good dude
17: Arcadia==falco -- teen wolf
17: Yosh==yoshi -- nice teams matches
17: CxC==falco/marth -- dang beaumont steppin it up
25: Esca Jr==MK/Snake/Wario -- dang beaumont steppin it up
25: KRD==Wolf/DDD -- we didnt get to play buddy
25: Blaine==Samus -- blaine teach me moar samass
25: Isbs==???? -- I hope you get further into brawl. You did **** good for your first week
25: P4==metaknight/lucario -- noob


See you in 25 years
May 16, 2009
Campgrounds, TX
1: Gnes==diddy/snake - best snake in texas? daaaaaaaaaang!!!!
3: Razer=snake - what happened my little nutria?
5: Hyro==toon link - hyro is too chill
9: Zori==olimar - thnx 4 teh 2 dollars *******!!!!!
9: Jerm==toon link - shiiiiiiiiiiiit i want whatever you were on
9: FlipHop==diddy - backing out of our mm? i see how it is.
13: Xyro==samus/rob - thank you for the best hobo yet!
13: Esca==pit/diddy/falco - you a hater
13: PJ==toon link - cheeeeeeeeeelllll i'll upload the matches
25: KRD==Wolf/DDD - no shout out for your teammate? i see how it is :(
25: RT==lucario - main trollimar
25: P4==metaknight/lucario - best toon link of all time
33: Riot==peach/marth - fun mm :)

Special shout outs:

Kates 893 - Shiiiiiiiiiiit I let you win :)

Tallman - Get better *******

Gea - You should have been here, I am disappoint.


Pinnacle of Projectile Placement.
May 17, 2009
Intergalactic camping with mjg.
1: Gnes==diddy/snake -- Finally on top baby. I like it. Keep it up and thanks for the Diddy help I will be on top of it.
2: Lee==metaknight -- I enjoyed havin yall over Friday night! Good **** in teams.
3: Razer=snake -- Ping pong.
4: Ozz==falco -- Fun friendlies. i <3 your falco.
5: Hyro==toon link -- my mk 2-0d you friday
5: Inui==metaknight/snake -- <3333 Lucas
7: Trela==lucario -- growin up
7: Jnig==wario -- beatin flip omg too scary
9: Zori==olimar -- I had so much fun in our low tier matches. ill be workin on that grab release
9: Smoom==IC -- good matches man. mk next time ;)
9: Jerm==toon link -- Probably the gayest fun tourney match ive ever had man. I love you come to beaumont again
9: FlipHop==diddy -- i miss you
13: Xyro==samus/rob -- nice matches. not
13: Esca==pit/diddy/falco -- you couldn't win with mk? omg trash
13: PJ==toon link -- is this shadow
13: Rh(D)==diddy -- DANG royal ninha
17: Kirby==gw -- arkansas? nice teams matches bro
17: Roni==falco -- i miss you already =[
17: Gy!be==???? -- scared my marth man =[
17: JS==dk -- OMG your dk is so good dude
17: Arcadia==falco -- teen wolf
17: Yosh==yoshi -- nice teams matches
17: CxC==falco/marth -- dang beaumont steppin it up
25: Esca Jr==MK/Snake/Wario -- dang beaumont steppin it up
25: KRD==Wolf/DDD -- we didnt get to play buddy
25: Blaine==Samus -- blaine teach me moar samass
25: Isbs==???? -- I hope you get further into brawl. You did **** good for your first week
25: P4==metaknight/lucario -- noob

quoting this long post yes it is shadow lol


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
1: Jgarm==diddy/snake - i laughed when u uptilted a nado

2: Lee==metaknight - most ****in legit MK i've ever played and ever will. no Nado Spam or excessive camping. just constant ****, i love u

3: grim turtle=snake - 10 days, thats 240 hours

5: Hyro==toon link - i'll get ya next time, that dair combo was sexy and annoying

5: Inui==metaknight/snake - So funny and awesome whenever your not talking about brawl :) <3

7: Trela==lucario - consistent as hell, good stuff bringing home cash

7: Jnig==wario - super overlooked, keep ******

9: Zori==olimar - ill host

9: Smoom==IC - Sorry i was playing ****ty in friendlies. you got some random *** grabs in haha. I always knew you had potential. keep it up

9: Jerm==toon link - Not mad just tired :p lol you gotta camp harder, like hyro :)

9: FlipHop==diddy - lol learn wario matchup

13: Xyro==samus/rob - I got so sad when you were telling us the stuff at ihop. i really hope things turn out better for you

13: Esca==pit/diddy/falco - I underestimated your pit. friggin light years ahead of kown lol but he quit anyways. Ill make sure to give you a good set if we ever play. and your pit would do better than your ICs.

13: Rh(D)==diddy - didn't get to play or talk, go to whobo 2

17: Roni==falco - We should've played more and i didnt get to see any matches of your sexy falco.

25: RT==lucario - Thanks for the last minute rides man. Start caring about brawl :)

I was glad to see new faces in the scene and hope they keep comin


Smash Rookie
May 17, 2008
Beaumont, Texas
xyro - thanks for the event. p.s., right when i quit ROB, you picked him up, haha. maybe you will change my mind when i start seeing you wreck with him

esca jr - getting better everytime

esca - my sensai, more training!

ozz - nice friendly, you wrecked me though. i would like to learn more about falco next time

zori - your olimar is too good, definitely have to learn that matchup.

P4 - nice set with you dude

jnig - nice wario, i realized i shouldve went marth against you, but eh, i didnt get enough practice with him before hand. good set

flip - like i said, you look like my cousin XD

im looking to go to the next hobo and whobo so im looking forward to getting to know everyone else


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
LMAO i forgot that when katie beat p4 it was a money match. so many hard reads. what a good girlfriend:)


haha jm

9: Jerm==toon link - Sorry i have a ****ty personality? lol you gotta camp harder, like hyro :)
hyro for best camper? where you at jerm!!

shoutouts lata


Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Hyro! :) Good stuff this weekend. We got the same placing, lmao.

Come to Apex so we can win teams! Get at us, we're undefeated.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
More impressive: Jash over ADHD and Ninjalink.
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