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Hitstun/shield stun Thread


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
What I saw in your vids was bad DI which makes Falcon's Dthrow look better than it is. I know its really good, but it gave the impression that you can CG and they stay close for anything.
We are both well aware that Falcon's dthrow is not I true chaingrab. I never said that it was. I also just recorded videos of Auri DI'ing the throw properly and teching it. The sad truth is, that lighter characters can't DI down and away and safely tech, if they DI like that I can always follow up with nairs.
Finally seeing something really lively and an overall good match for a change may have impaired my judgment for DI a little, so Ill look into them more closely later on today.
Their DI wasn't much better than Auri's. I guarantee you that they would get blasted just as hard by these Falcon combos. I wouldn't be surprised if Auri did well versus these guys, and I'm not saying that to diss on Sketch or his friend. Auri honestly isn't all that bad, he just has to learn how to not get gimped as much. He's way better than my videos make him out to be. I just punish everything, really. Falcon is so fast that he can O_o.
Oh great. Lets put just enough stun so that characters like ZSS and TL can be the only ones who can combo well and everyone else can't....
You quoted a passage that was saying that 11% stun wasn't enough because you said ZSS needed more stun cause 3 uairs weren't enough. Then you mock me by saying that I want so little stun that only ZSS and TL can combo. Contradiction much?

People have to learn how to combo. Ridiculous combos shouldn't just appear after a few days of playing. The only reason I'm pulling off crazy CF combos is cause I was a heavy CF player in melee.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
Oh great. Lets put just enough stun so that characters like ZSS and TL can be the only ones who can combo well and everyone else can't....
cmon now kupo.... a ton of characters can combo in brawl for 30-40%

So far I can see these characters doing plenty of combos based on what I have seen in some brawl+ vids. (most of these can combo fine in brawl and can only get better with hitstun)


look at that... 1/2 the cast.

also, characters like Snake, Ike, DDD, Bowser, and Link may not have obscene combos but when they are able to use their powerful laggy air attacks with less fear of punishment they don't need to have the obscene combos.

Who does that leave?

Falco and Wolf can probably combo, but I have no idea so I left them out. Same with the earthbounders.
GaW is already a pain in brawl
IC's have chain grabs
Jiggs still sucks, but I'm not sure anything can save her

I agree with Mookie that you guys shouldn't be going overboard. If every character could combo to their heart's content, 1/2 the cast would have 0-death combos.

Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
You didn't list Pikachu, Ike, or Marth, and they're all really good too.

At 11%, even characters like Zelda, who shouldn't be able to combo to save her life, have powerful hitstun-based options. I really think it's a good balance between too much and too little.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I know and you know this isn't true, and I just recorded videos of Auri DI'ing properly and teching. The sad truth is, that lighter characters can't DI down and away and safely tech, if they DI like that I can always follow up with nairs. Also, I never once said this is why Falcon is too good, I said it was his gimps and off the ledge game.
And where are these vids that show better DI? The last I see is the one against Auri getting CGed by falcon...
Auri honestly isn't all that bad, he just has to learn how to not get gimped as much, he's way better than my videos make him out to be. I just punish everything, really.
I never said he was a bad player. I liked his mini Ike combos and the aggressive play he put on. I just said his DI wasn't good from the matches you posted so far...

You quoted a passage that was saying that 11% stun was wasn't enough because you said she needed more stun cause 3 uairs weren't enough. Then you mock me by saying that I want so little stun that only ZSS and TL can combo.
No, I said that 11% wasn't enough to do anything more than stupid spamming of the same moves which, quite frankly, melee had also. To compare what Im seeing to melee, it would be as if Marth can only combo with his Utilts and not continue with his Fairs. There is only enough stun to allow the spamming of certain combo friendly moves that a select few characters have. We should have enough stun so that you can somewhat combo with the not so good ZSS Uair type moves.

Look, people have to learn how to combo, they shouldn't just appear after a few days of playing.
Yea, I understand comboing shouldnt be easy, but there is a line between making it hard, and making it impossible. Unless your CF or ZSS or TL etc, I see that its impossible to do
find the type of combos your looking for. If you can prove it too me, then Ill gladly admit Im wrong.
The only reason I'm pulling off crazy CF combos is cause I was a heavy CF player in melee.
So? This is exactly what Im talking about. You say that comboing shouldn't be easy. Then you say the only reason you can pull off ridiculous combos was because you were a heavy CF in melee. But you also say that comboing for other characters shouldn't be as easy as they are now even though those players know there characters really well. Is there really a difference if you knew how to play CF in melee resulting in combos and if you know how to play PT and can pull of good combos? You both know your character really well, thus, comboing should be easy or appear to be easy...

I agree with Mookie that you guys shouldn't be going overboard. If every character could combo to their heart's content, 1/2 the cast would have 0-death combos.
Whats wrong with 0-death combos? If your good enough, why should that not happen or at least be close enough to happen?

And despite Sketch's matches being very lively, it wasn't that exciting since I never felt that the momentum was in one players favor for more than a second or two. I think brawl could use this 0-near death or nearly 20%-near death type combos more often to increase the intensity and excitement...

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
^^I think 0-death guranteed combos would be going a bit overboard, but if at any point in said combo the player could've escaped by DIing differently, then I think it's justified.

I don't really want to see any "up throw rest" or "space animal chaingrab" type of textbook BnB combos, but rather short 4-5 hit combos being interwoven with tech-chases and predicted DI (to link to other 4-5 hit combos which results in an 8-10 hit "combo")


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
And where are these vids that show better DI? The last I see is the one against Auri getting CGed by falcon...
They are on my camera. I'll have them posted soon. I'm even going to make a mini combo vid for ****s and giggles. I would get them off my camera right now, but I'm going to study for an exam I have at 3:00 and also proof read a paper.
I never said he was a bad player. I liked his mini Ike combos and the aggressive play he put on. I just said his DI wasn't good from the matches you posted so far...
Ah, well it's hard to discern that or not. I was just defending him cause I knew I made him look bad. If he really tried, he would probably end up being better than I am, although it would take a while cause the experience gap right now is quite large.
No, I said that 11% wasn't enough to do anything more than stupid spamming of the same moves which, quite frankly, melee had also.
The thing is those are just stupid combos. That's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the combo potential of 11%. I'm just saying that Sketch needs to spend some time rediscovering how well ZSS can chain moves together, because if he did he would be able to come up with much better combos than that.
There is only enough stun to allow the spamming of certain combo friendly moves that a select few characters have.
There are some moves that lend themselves to be combo moves, others that lend themselves to be swat moves, and then some are finishers. That's just how it is. The best players will find ways to sneak other moves in but keep the chain up. Such as how I use weak knees, reverse uairs, single hits of nairs, jabs once they hit the ground (THUNDERS COMBO!), and etc. They don't necessarily combo, but they place the opponent in a bad mixup situation. These are just as important, and a good portion of what I'm doing with Falcon is putting Auri into mixup situations where he is at a disadvantage. There is more to combos than consecutive hits. I don't believe that everyone has fully discovered this, as well as the subtleties of their character's movesets.
Yea, I understand comboing shouldnt be easy, but there is a line between making it hard, and making it impossible. Unless your CF or ZSS or TL etc, I see that its impossible to do.
I comboed fine with Charizard with less stun than you use. Also, you seem to forget that you mentioned liking Auri's combo chains with Ike! Come on now, combos exist for all characters. Some characters are obviously better at it than others, but perhaps they have something up their sleeve to make up for it? It's called developing a metagame. If you want to see ridiculous combos for every character in only a few days you will end up with a game that allows for some really crazy 0-deaths when people actually figure stuff out.
Is there really a difference if you knew how to play CF in melee resulting in combos and if you know how to play PT and can pull of good combos?
There is a distinguishing difference between my CF combos and my Charizard combos. CF really didn't change too much. A lot of the little tricks in melee still work. So I didn't have to discover any new ideas for comboing, I just got more familiar with the brawl version of his moveset. I then saw you pull off YES! combos, and figured I could do that in 10% as well, and yeah, you can. I'm working on low percent -> raptor boost combos off the ledge now, cause that would be more epic than a knee or a YES! combo. It's very possible to do, especially at low percents, and as long as my opponent is right in front of me and I'm not too far off the ledge then it's perfectly safe to perform as well.

Conversely I don't know that much about Charizard. I don't know what entirely he is capable of. Honestly, most of my combos revolve around taking advantage of missed techs and predicted techs with up smashes to uairs and possibly fairs. The rest is tech chasing and gimping. I'm constantly looking for new things, trying to notice subtleties. Sometimes his dtilt combos into itself. I need to pursue that. There are intricate details to his move set that would allow for much more than what I'm currently pulling off with him, I just have to discover them and learn to apply them to a real match. Hell, Charizards metagame wasn't even that developed in normal brawl, and Brawl+ forces you to re-evaluate movesets to figure out what can combo and how.
I think brawl could use this 0-near death or nearly 20%-near death type combos more often to increase the intensity and excitement...
I already do 0-death combos and near 0-death combos :-P.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
lmfaowtf? Jiggz ***** in Brawl+. You land a uair above 50%, you're guaranteed a rest that will kill on almost any stage.

Mooks, what hitstun value are you playing with nao? Better yet, can you just PM me your codeset? I'm still debating between MAD or not. I like having to choose properly, but at the same time, no WD is fine by me. I need to take off my grav mods, and maybe change the values of the damage mods, if not just take them out entirely.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
Jiggs still sucks, but I'm not sure anything can save her
wrong. completely wrong. jigglypuff is freaking **** with brawl+. she was obviously designed with hitstun, and giving her hitstun has made her god. she can do her smash 64 upair upair to rest combos. she has her wop back, her ground game is slow but powerful. and the rollout is the icing on the cake. jigglypuff is DEFINITELY high tier in brawl+.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I kinda figured Jiggs would be good. I'm pretty sure you can also bair people all the way off the sides on top of the rest goodness.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
1. Query: With hitstun, is Zelda's Dthrow now a guaranteed setup for a lightning kick? It already pseudo-works in Brawl, I imagine that hitstun would make it inescapable regardless of DI.
And after what I've seen of Luigi's Dthrow, it's looking pretty likely. Tests?

2. Guaranteed 0-death combos is bad news bears. All combos should, in my opinion, have the possibility of escape with proper DI after something like 60% has been inflicted.
I know this is probably hard now with stale moves, and I imagine moves with non-reduced knockback will help ensure escapability once % is high enough. This is pretty much how combos work in Melee. I think most combos stopped at 60% then.

3. Lower hitstun has weaker DI, right? Higher hitstun has stronger DI, yes?
But what's the ratio here? We need to make sure that when we're discussing hitstun values, we're discussing the changed DI as well.
Cause we need to start addressing questions like, can a Falcon 10% hitstun combo be more successfully DI'd out of in an 11% scenario, or does the increased hitstun too high at 11% to make the increased DI matter?

4. Videos make it look like throws have too much hitstun. Dthrows look like they take forever to end hitstun even at 11%. This seems to be throwing some things off, as the throws alone seem to be making combos too easy.
Is there no way to separate the hitstun value of throws from knockback hitstun?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Ok, I was slightly unsure of how ppl would interpret what I said and there has been a little confusion so let me address that. This is going to be a long post since I was away for a while and need to clear things up.

^^I think 0-death guranteed combos would be going a bit overboard, but if at any point in said combo the player could've escaped by DIing differently, then I think it's justified.

I don't really want to see any "up throw rest" or "space animal chaingrab" type of textbook BnB combos, but rather short 4-5 hit combos being interwoven with tech-chases and predicted DI (to link to other 4-5 hit combos which results in an 8-10 hit "combo")
No. I do not want 0-death guranteed combos, Nothing should be a guaranteed. Here is where i stand about what i think combos in brawl should be. For one, the majority will not be melee combos. I say this because I feel that the way this game is designed is similar to 64 than melee. I feel that it doesn't matter how many competitive elements we fix about this game, it will not make the game any harder. It will still be easy to do things because that is how its programmed, but this doesn't make it not competitive.

64 was highly competitive yet combos were fairly easy to do in that game. But at the higher ends, the good 0-death combos were harder and the mindgames for getting the first hit is what made players good as well as some technical aspects. I think that 64 despite being somewhat easy to combo, was still pretty solid. The combos I feel were a little over the top only because the DI was so terrible. I do not want brawl combos to be like 64 combos where they are cookie cutters. I dont believe this will happen seeing how brawls DI system is the best so far and it will only happen if we put the stun to a crazy length.

I just don't feel that moves are programmed to act the same way melee's moves did. And especially with it being more floaty, I think that the prospect of having the majority of combos be molded after melee is a highly unrealistic solution. This does not mean that we wont see this. We will have the tech chasing from that game as well as select few character having some things from melee.

So with the moves being easier to combo like 64 and the DI from brawl, I think the best system is 64 with brawl DI. There has been talk already that brawl feels like it should be after 64 anyway which idk how much that adds, but I thought Id say this..

The thing is those are just stupid combos. That's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the combo potential of 11%. I'm just saying that Sketch needs to spend some time rediscovering how well ZSS can chain moves together, because if he did he would be able to come up with much better combos than that.
Yes, spamming utilts and such are stupid combos. The thing is, every game had it. From what Im seeing, I think that the only way to combo with low hitstun is by those stupid combos. The DI and low stun I feel are not enough to make legit, good combos where you can use other moves to combo with. At 12% stun, you still have the stupid combos, but at least you can use other moves to continue combos so you don't have to resort to stupid combos.

I also feel that with the release of no decay on knockback, this will limit the number of times you can spam the same move to combo which forces you to use other ways to continue. But if the stun level right now isn't enough to support comboing by other means, when those codes come along, I dont see how it will be possible when all your attacks don't decay. This is what I feel until someone proves me wrong.

I comboed fine with Charizard with less stun than you use. Also, you seem to forget that you mentioned liking Auri's combo chains with Ike! Come on now, combos exist for all characters. Some characters are obviously better at it than others, but perhaps they have something up their sleeve to make up for it? It's called developing a metagame. If you want to see ridiculous combos for every character in only a few days you will end up with a game that allows for some really crazy 0-deaths when people actually figure stuff out.
Didn't we also mention that less stun means less DI which means comboing is easier and more set at 10% than 12%?

About the small Ike combos I liked. It was small and it was of the spammy Uair kind. I would like to see more variety in Ike's combos if possible. Also, I think you guys used S cancel which means Ike recovered much quicker from his Uair lag..

There is a distinguishing difference between my CF combos and my Charizard combos. CF really didn't change too much. A lot of the little tricks in melee still work (this response.
That wasnt my point. The point was, comboing with CF is easy for you because you know his tricks from the past. This means that comboing for Pit should be equally as easy since they know Pits tricks for playing him for 9 months. So why is it ok that CF can combo easy and others have to work harder since the tricks they learned in brawl don't transfer over to your code set in brawl+ the same way your CF tricks from melee did?

I already do 0-death combos and near 0-death combos :-P.
me too :-P
All combos should, in my opinion, have the possibility of escape with proper DI after something like 60% has been inflicted.
I dont agree with this. Proper DI should make combos easier to escape by making it hard on the attacker to follow up since you are limiting what moves they can do even after 60%. This would be no different than being able to escape combos with an AD. Especially since DIing is the easiest in brawl, escaping combos would not be hard thus making the combo game boring IMO. Imagine if you could escape all combos in melee with good DI.

But the higher up the %, the less elaborate the combos will become..


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Lower hitstun has weaker DI, right? Higher hitstun has stronger DI, yes?
Not necessarily true. Higher hitstun will make certain moves put you into tumble faster, and when you enter tumble apparently you can DI better. I don't think that there is any change beyond that, just weak DI normally and strong DI in tumble.
The DI and low stun I feel are not enough to make legit, good combos where you can use other moves to combo with.
Here is where I disagree. I KNOW that most characters have good legit combos and setups. I don't know how you can say that there aren't enough when there is no way you had enough time to test every character enough to know how well they do, that's what a bunch of people is for.
Didn't we also mention that less stun means less DI which means comboing is easier and more set at 10% than 12%?
I was doing those combos on 12% first. DI won't really save you too much from the usmash either. Regardless, I comboed well with a character that wasn't on your list, and if I wasn't around you probably wouldn't have thought he could combo well. Even if combos are more guaranteed at 10% that would only be for a small amount of percent, as you would enter tumble soon if it started you out in tumble at 12%. So I don't see why it's a big deal that things combo better at low percents, that's how it's always been.
This means that comboing for Pit should be equally as easy since they know Pits tricks for playing him for 9 months.
Because there is a significant difference between how moves perform and what is good when you include hit stun. Knowing that there is a weaker hit right after the main attack might not be something that seems to matter without stun, but with it it's an attack that could very well continue the chain of combos up. Also, a lot of people that are playing Brawl aren't experienced with developing combos and coming up with good ideas of using moves to combo. That's a talent in and of itself really.
So why is it ok that CF can combo easy and others have to work harder since the tricks they learned in brawl don't transfer over to your code set in brawl+ the same way your CF tricks from melee did?
Why is it ok? Because CF is a good character and I'm using him in a skillful way? What exactly is your argument here?

There are a whole lot of other characters that are good at 10% hit stun. Jiggy P apparently balls out with uair -> rest, I tried out Ness, Mario, Marth, Luigi and a handful of other characters and came to a conclusion that they have some awesome potential for combos. I just stuck with CF cause he was sexy. The metagame will develop and the combos and setups will be discovered. If you think that only TL, CF, and ZSS are there isn't enough stun to have non-stupid combos then that is just not true.

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
I dont agree with this. Proper DI should make combos easier to escape by making it hard on the attacker to follow up since you are limiting what moves they can do even after 60%. This would be no different than being able to escape combos with an AD. Especially since DIing is the easiest in brawl, escaping combos would not be hard thus making the combo game boring IMO. Imagine if you could escape all combos in melee with good DI.

But the higher up the %, the less elaborate the combos will become..
You could escape most combos in melee with DI actually, it was just a little complicated.

To escape Marth's Ken combo, you Di'd an untipped fair away from Marth. If it's a tipped fair, then it depends more on the speed that Marth was moving at (if he did a running jump then DI towards him so you end up behind him, if he did a standing jump DI away from him). One of the most infamous combos in melee and it can be escaped by just DIing correctly.

The same applies to upthrow rest (DI the throw) and a lot of other combos (d-throw to knee on Marth).

What makes the game deep is that if you predict their DI, you can make adjustments (if you think they will try to DI away from your ken combo, do a dash first and get them anyway). If you are fair comboing with Marth and they keep DIing towards the ground (and you are to close to tip them with a fair), throw out a uair instead and punish that bad DI.

I believe that "reactive" combos are not good for a game, because in reality they are just an extension of BnB combos. "If they DI this way, then do this." I think "predictive" combos are much healthier. "If you think they will DI this way, then do this," because it gives you the possibility to be wrong (thus ending the combo), but still give you your advantageous position, since more often then not you will be able to set up a tech chase even if you miss the combo.

Just like in the Darkrain combo 3

After the up throw, the Fox technically escaped the combo (since he hit the ground), but was immediately put into a tech-chase where Falcon could cover most of his options (techroll away or no tech would have to be predicted though).


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Why is it ok? Because CF is a good character and I'm using him in a skillful way? What exactly is your argument here?
And Pit is not a good character and Im not using him in a skillful way? The question was more about the relation between it being ok for you to combo easy with CF from melee exp, and its not ok for Pit mains(as an example) to combo easy with their exp. It was not a question about "why is it ok that Mookie can combo easily with CF." Your missing the second half of the quote in your response
There are a whole lot of other characters that are good at 10% hit stun. Jiggy P apparently balls out with uair -> rest, I tried out Ness, Mario, Marth, Luigi and a handful of other characters and came to a conclusion that they have some awesome potential for combos. I just stuck with CF cause he was sexy.
I don't doubt they have combo potential but DI plays a more prominent effect so your adjusting more to the DI to combo easier. I have tried out 10% and I felt restricted in the moves I could do to combo.
The metagame will develop and the combos and setups will be discovered.
Why do you want the hacks to make the metagame start from scratch? We should not be using codes in a way that completely throw the current metagame out the window, but use the codes to accommodate them. Yes we can use this as an opportunity to expand the metagame, but I think that is something that will come naturally and it seems like your trying to force it by saying "if we make the hit stun at 10% now where its really hard for ppl to combo, they will eventually find ways around it to make it work" I simple don't buy that. How do you know that its even possible to find "new ways" of comboing in a game where we have been questioning if the games metagame has reached its peak?
If you think that only TL, CF, and ZSS are there isn't enough stun to have non-stupid combos then that is just not true.
No, if you look closer I included "ect'. But I have been experimenting with almost every character to find good moves. I have made two vids showing some super combos at brawl natural hitstun with crap DI as well as creating a thread of Additional combo friendly moves.

Im not arbitrarily throwing about the number but its just for a relationship purposes. If I could combo at brawls natural stun against crap DI with simple stupid spammy combos, then at 10%, I can use more moves to combo and combo better against crappy DI, so then when I add good DI, I need to up it to 12%. Remember, the numbers are not important as much as the trend.

But regardless, I find that 12% is really good and comboing IMO is only "easy" because that is the way the game is programmed. This goes back to my 64 spiel I started my previous post with..

@Darksonic: Then I may have misinterpreting the way he wrote it. This is why I responded the way I did. I interpreted that proper DI should allow you to escape every combo by being out of range and out of hitstun. This is what I disagree with. Because technically your right about the DI properly escaped the ken combo, but DIing like that didn't allow him to avoid the following hits. His DI didn't send him out of combo range which with brawls powerful DI is something we need to watch out for when deciding stun %.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
As for my vids, I'm fully aware that the combing was pretty shallow. My point was simply to show some practical stuff in the heat of a match.

It's a bit hard to find vids in the thread with so many pages. Kupo, I think you should add more stuff to the OP in that regard.

There's still a majority of characters that haven't been showcased by videos, or even talked about in depth. I challenge some of our members with video capability to show some direct comparison between similar combos under different hitstun levels. This would more clearly show the differences, and would go a long way towards a final decision on hitstun.

On the 0-death issue, I don't think we should have this in Brawl. DI is a lot better than previous smash games, but it still isn't that hard to react to DI, especially after we've had a lot of practice. Mookie is already saying he can punish any type of DI with Falcon. Not all characters will have that kind of versatility, but I'd rather not see anyone rise to god tier because of combos, even if it IS Falcon. And we still even want an airspeed hack? Falcon would be god after that :chuckle: I can tell that if we get to an airspeed hack, then the hitstun is definitely going to drop below 10.

Having said all that, I'm really liking the outcome of these hacks so far. The matches are definitely getting shorter. Mookie is even doing 4 stock matches! Just the fact that many characters now have setups that lead to guaranteed KO's makes all the difference in the world to me!


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
lol ever since we got hit stun, Ive switched to 4 stock matches.

It's a bit hard to find vids in the thread with so many pages. Kupo, I think you should add more stuff to the OP in that regard.
The problem is, a lot of them aren't worth showcasing unless you like watching ppl mess up because they are trying to look cool wavedashing.
On the 0-death issue, I don't think we should have this in Brawl. DI is a lot better than previous smash games, but it still isn't that hard to react to DI, especially after we've had a lot of practice
Why shouldn't 0-death be possible if one is really good? Im not saying it should be easy, but it should still be possible...
Yes, reacting to DI is not that hard, but, the DI is so powerful that with not enough stun, you can DI out of range and out of stun in 1 or 2 moves which causes the combo game to suffer as well as the games excitement.
And we still even want an airspeed hack?
No. We are not getting this for a couple reasons...MK and sonic but especially MK. Can you imagine them keeping their ground speed in the air? MK's air speed is the one weakness he has that limits his combos. If we were to use this, yes, we would definitely lower hitstun, actually there are probably a couple of codes we are going to use that would lower hit stun anyway which kinda makes our arguing foolish atm, isnt it? :bee:


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
wrong. completely wrong. jigglypuff is freaking **** with brawl+. she was obviously designed with hitstun, and giving her hitstun has made her god. she can do her smash 64 upair upair to rest combos. she has her wop back, her ground game is slow but powerful. and the rollout is the icing on the cake. jigglypuff is DEFINITELY high tier in brawl+.
I was theorizing, thanks for the correction

My reasoning was that a lot of her moves seem to have too much knockback in brawl to properly combo. Fair, Utilt, Ftilt, even bair at mid-high percents. I assumed it would be the same in brawl+

I actually use utilt as a killing move against smaller characters that are hard for me to rest.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
Why shouldn't 0-death be possible if one is really good? Im not saying it should be easy, but it should still be possible...
The thing is, you aren't really good. Neither am I for that matter. Not to mention the metagame isn't developed. Noone should be able to pull 0-deaths out of a hat at this point, unless your enemy seriously messes up.

I find jiggs isn't as amazing if you turn up gravity. Enemies begin to fall through you during the uair lag until higher %s, and then the window before uair hits them too far is large. Pound is her only setup move, too. Then again, Pound->Sing is hilarious if the enemy misses a tech, and you feel suicidal. Then they wake up before you anyways ;p.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Then again, Pound->Sing is hilarious if the enemy misses a tech, and you feel suicidal. Then they wake up before you anyways ;p.
This is one thing I'd like to see in the char balance. I know it probably wont be addressed since it's insignificant, but it's totally ******** that you wake up from sing in like 1 second.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Almas is entirely correct. We all kinda suck atm. I'm seeing huge potential for combos, but I'm not necessarily performing them. This makes it very hard to figure out what level of hitstun to use, since we don't really know the full effect this will eventually have on the game.

The funny thing is right now a lot of characters all feel like they could make high tier... remind you of anything? This is exactly how things felt when brawl first came out. The characters' metagames weren't flushed out yet, so they could all be played on a similar level. Even with just the introduction of hitstun and the ALC, a lot of characters' metagames change drastically, which is why we really do need to look at this like a whole new game.


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
leaf you're right about our ultimate goal for finding the most appropriate value for the hitstun modifier (and other things), but I think that a different outlook on the development process is ok too. It's not imperative that we need to find the perfect value right away and use it, even if that's the ideal. It's only by experimenting like we are will we figure out what works and what doesn't. Part of that should soon be the inclusion of the tournament scene, especially since our aim with this project is to make a more competitive game out of it.

It's not the end of the world if we use the wrong value for a particular tournament and someone walks away with the cash just because they found an oversight. It's all part of the learning process, and we all have to be open to the idea of experimenting, even with money on the line because that's the fastest, and dare I say only, way we'll ultimately figure out what we want to go with and what we don't. Don't forget that we are in the unique situation of actually controlling the mechanic ourselves, so we can change our minds if ever we feel it's in our best interest to make such a change.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Ok guys, I dont agree with the 10 percent only weak combos. I kno what your talking about with the hits being more diable but still I really dont think u guys are utilizing 12. If your using 12 and have no mad espeacially i truly believe from today it creates unbalance...

Ok ive been playing with my brothes marth vs ganon on 10 and Mad, I was able to combo him and he was really able to combo me and he had more reach plus more run speed. When I mastered the wd with ganon It was equal and I didnt feel it as if ganon was not at a disadvantage. I played today with 12 and no wd and once i got caught in a fair (unless teched) I was in a possible ken/gimp always. I would like 12 but it just doesnt seem as though the char are made for it. Now you could say we can balance them but that only leads to biase and plus it would take up to much space prob...imagine, the countless request of make shiek god, omg zelda needs a half extension on here ankle, um can you guys make meta not use teh swordz, paunch paunch paunch?

In time we will see with examples...tournies, matches vid proof? but right now its too early.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
leaf you're right about our ultimate goal for finding the most appropriate value for the hitstun modifier (and other things), but I think that a different outlook on the development process is ok too. It's not imperative that we need to find the perfect value right away and use it, even if that's the ideal. It's only by experimenting like we are will we figure out what works and what doesn't. Part of that should soon be the inclusion of the tournament scene, especially since our aim with this project is to make a more competitive game out of it.

It's not the end of the world if we use the wrong value for a particular tournament and someone walks away with the cash just because they found an oversight. It's all part of the learning process, and we all have to be open to the idea of experimenting, even with money on the line because that's the fastest, and dare I say only, way we'll ultimately figure out what we want to go with and what we don't. Don't forget that we are in the unique situation of actually controlling the mechanic ourselves, so we can change our minds if ever we feel it's in our best interest to make such a change.
I agree with this. That is also why I believe we should start at higher % values and work our way down to see if anything that is broken emerges, which might be best to have the "initial" hitstun at somewhere around 11.5% or 12%. Either value seems like it would be a good starting place to me, personally.


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
I'm not sure if it's brawls teching system or this code, but techs are really hard to pull off making some moves just ridiculous with hitstun. Anyone else having this problem?


Smash Ace
Dec 23, 2007
I personally feel that the teching difficulty is just right. Makeing it hard to do makes you really need to practice because you get ***** if you dont. Then agin its not hard for me at all mabye that just has something to do with the fact i main link, ness, and sonic, but probley not


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
Well you feel the pain using Link as I do with CF.
I used to be in favor of increasing the tech window, but its true that it is the thing alongside DI that really allows you to escape combos. If you can't tech, the opponent will kill you, simply enough.
Just practice, that's all I can say.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Kupo, I agree with what you're saying about 10% hitstun. It's so little time for comboing that it seems the majority of "comboing" is done by the same repetitive move as it is safe. Trying out other moves usually doesn't work as the enemy escapes the stun by that point, as such it breaks down into spammy combo safe moves dominating many of the combos.

I'm probably going to move up to 12%, I initially dropped from 13% to 11%. With 12% not only will those spammy combo safe moves be plausible but switching from the spammy "combo safe" moves to other moves that have potential for comboing will create the true combos. A combo should be comprised of a series of different attacks that lead into one another, even if there is reptition of one move at some point in the combo-- there should be differentiation of moves. With 1-% stun I don't see the hitstun window being long enough to really take advantage of what other moves could offer aside from just using the same move over and over again .


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
I use Link and I dish out pain...zair is broken now :D.

O and idk if you guys are playing on 10 long enough to realize you can get sick with combos not just dumb utits all day. My chars im using to test is fox, falco, dk, d3, Link, Ganon, Ike and mario.

Wind Owl

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2008
Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
I can't really understand how you guys think higher stun will lead to less repetition. Utilt gayness has been in since 64. In fact, pretty much all BnB combos in 64 were repetitive.


Smash Ace
Dec 23, 2007
GAHHHHHH!!! why does samus still blow *** against most of the cast.... theres got to be a way to fix her. like mabye giving her atleast one reliable kill move... but hey she is much better with hitstun. Man a wolf will just pick your *** apart though DX

and hellz yeh man zair FT freakin W!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I can't really understand how you guys think higher stun will lead to less repetition. Utilt gayness has been in since 64. In fact, pretty much all BnB combos in 64 were repetitive.
I didn't say that higher hitstun would = less repetitive combos, I simply stated that there would be more option for change, and mixing up. Obviously the tilts and other such moves that already spam together for combos will still be used with higher hitstun.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
GAHHHHHH!!! why does samus still blow *** against most of the cast.... theres got to be a way to fix her. like mabye giving her atleast one reliable kill move... but hey she is much better with hitstun. Man a wolf will just pick your *** apart though DX

and hellz yeh man zair FT freakin W!
samus is still kinda crappy ya but she can combo into her killers now :)


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
I'm going to post this here as well, since this is Kupo's domain for the most part.

CF isn't quite as good as I've been making him out to be. He has problems with swordsmen (with the exception of Ike), as their attacks just completely out-prioritize CF's everything. He still combos like a crazy man, but getting inside TL and Marth is a ***** and you have to play very carefully. Dunno much about the Link matchup, but I really won't think it would be as rough as TL or Marth.

For most other characters CF's uair has enough priority to work it's way in and keep up combos after the stun wears off. To combo in his other aerials CF can position himself pretty well so if you are experienced in the matchup you could continue combos while avoiding aerials from your opponent.

Kupo will be happy to hear this, but I'm more and more becoming not a big fan of S-canceling. As a CF against a defensive Marth it's a seriously uphill battle to get inside and do some damage. If I try an aerial I get faired, if I try to sneak in a grab it's hella risky, if I actually land a hit on their shield I get grabbed. Blah. I don't think it's broken, but yeah, it's really lame. When the shield stun code comes out I'll gladly switch over to it and drop S-canceling. Hopefully having enough shield stun so that jabs are really effective for harassing shields (like in Melee) can be implemented without having too much shield stun.

I'm looking forward to Magus canceling as well. That is going to be sweet. Phantom Wings, please get your **** together and make this crepe happen!

I'm going to start working up a Marth to counter other swordsmen. Marth is really good with added hitstun, not just cause of combos, but because of the fact people are forced to tech more. Tippering someone from a tech, tumble, or roll is just so tasty.
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