Ok i'll give the somewhat detailed rundown of things that might not make perfect sense
13th- Chillindude829, Lost to BlackWaltz (olimar) and Inui (snake/meta),
In the final game against blackwaltz, chillin gimped Olimar on his last stock at yoshi's, and chillin was excited that he won, but the yoshi's island platform came up right as olimar was about to die and chillin had already put the controller down, so he had to grab his controller and he ended up rolling into an upsmash.
17th- Boss, Lost to Shadow (Snakeee's brother, MK), and CK
17th- Neo, Lost to Inui in losers, i dunno in winners who he lost to, might've been Snakeee or someone
Travis created most of the bracket manually, only to have inui mess around with tio after the teams was over and then tio crashed...not really sure what happened to it, but travis had to completely redo the bracket after that. Some people had already played their first rounds.
Jose- Good set! Even though it didn't count. I can't believe I beat you! Bucket Brake! I wish that second match we had was on video.
Saki Zatoichi- I was fresh of Jose, your diddy didn't cut it compared to his at all. You were my only official victory of the day!
Snakeee- Too goodz! I should've used R.O.B. the whole time against you. You were the only match I used R.O.B. in all day
BMX- so gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay metaknight why did you make me use him, i will get better and make it so that doesn't happen again, but man you woodbridge guys need to stop that meta crap, you all were so versatile and now you ALL (save for Kenny, good stuff) play Metaknight.
Azen/Chillin- good teams sets, almost got a game off you guys, I'm getting better! We had the lead, so thats promising.
Duo/Mister E- Good teams sets, fun, poyo was amazing that round
Walnuts/other person i can't remember- good teams sets, and capitalizing on poyos mistake. We should've had it.
Waffle/Neo/EE- fun car ride with retarted truck drivers