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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
my gog master yi buffs

You try too hard. It's obviously been thought of and tried many times, but does anyone actually do it/is it viable at a competitive level?

since it currently works on jungle creeps, I would imagine so.

Will this be significant?
Uh.. her ult becoming physical is a huge buff (now will scale with last whisper). Same buff applied to sivir boomerang and the damage increase was significant late game.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Wasn't there like, a nerf or two that dunked him out of "viability?"

You know how league community is, super fickle even when champ gets slap on the wrist.


Banned via Administration
Jun 28, 2007
probably on a platform
do you have to be such a condescending jack*** with every post?

i don't get why people like john still respond to your troll bait and why people actually put up with your posts

people only put up with you because you are good at the game, but they really shouldn't because it doesn't give you a right to act like you are god's gift to this game either

like i know none of it is directed at me or effects me in any way really, but i get sick of trying to read/skim this thread and half the posts i see are you trolling someone or being the biggest jack*** because someone said something "obviously stupid"

tl;dr why do you feel like you have to troll/respond so negatively or at all to these posts??

dat ninja lovage


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Funny how I post

in other news, I didn't ban rammus last game and they won because of rammus. who would have thought?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
good :D she's one of the few AD carries I actually enjoy playing.
that is pretty crazy.
MF should be the only AD carry anyone enjoys playing (maybe Corki or Trist from time to time).

mf buffs are GAY

she was in a perfect spot before the patch now she's gonna be fotm again GGGGGGGGGGggggggg
I thought her ult scaled off of both AD and AP? In any case, I like playing her, but maybe these buffs will make it impossible, with everyone else choosing her? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like this gives her more useful late game skills (from what I understand, everything but her W becomes less useful late game?)


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
While MF ult does scale off AP as well as AD, it's now physical damage instead of magical which is nice since it'll now scale late game with armor pen instead of magic pen. Remember though this is all speculation and nothing is confirmed. Anyways hope the changes do occur, Lee Sin iron wall really needed to be hit, gave him more sustain then udyr's turtle stance and is manaless, so I always wonder why the skill hasn't been hit yet, also not sure how I feel about the ryze changes (from what I can tell seems like an overall buff to a strong champion).


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
The only case where this would be bad for MF is if, even after LW and Armor Pen runes and masteries, they still have more armor than MR. That doesn't seem like something that'll happen very often, unless your team is really AD heavy and the enemy team is building against that.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Looking at the change list..

Aww mana nerf on glitterlance :[ (ratio nerf ain't too bad, was high anyways), Lulu's ult now does straight up knock up.. Harder to get away i guess.. But easier to chase..

Liking item changes... Evil tomb building from gp5 now, i like!

Wota nerf.. *sadface*

force of nature now gives you a constant gragas

Annie changes look interesting.. +10 armor on shield, more spammable, but stays up less. Kinda what it should be for a burster.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Looking at the change list..

Aww mana nerf on glitterlance :[ (ratio nerf ain't too bad, was high anyways), Lulu's ult now does straight up knock up.. Harder to get away i guess.. But easier to chase..

Liking item changes... Evil tomb building from gp5 now, i like!

Wota nerf.. *sadface*

force of nature now gives you a constant gragas

Annie changes look interesting.. +10 armor on shield, more spammable, but stays up less. Kinda what it should be for a burster.
I think the Lulu ult thing was just a text change, not an actual ability change.

I don't understand why people keep feeding dphat, just let him only post on Team Liquid. Both problems solved for both parties.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Also, force of nature is no longer mentioned on that page. Do they keep editing it or something? O_o


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
This is something this thread could use more of.

Funny how I post

in other news, I didn't ban rammus last game and they won because of rammus. who would have thought?

I don't honestly think Rammus is that good, especially after the nerfs. He's mad slow and has really predictable pathing. Very vulnerable to counterjungling or just getting eaten by like mundo.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY

If this actually gets implemented, I'll hold a candlelight vigil for everyone who uses Shen.
Personal thoughts:

Annie - I like the changes, but she still needs the right opponent to lane against to work. She still explodes everything, but she looses some of the more common lanes :\

Kog - Does this really change anything? Still a really long range AoE slow/nuke. AP Kog still can poke hella hard with this and his ult, and AD Kog can still keep himself somewhat safe from bruisers.

Lee Sin - About time imo. Lane Sin sustain just bonkers.

Master Yi - Holy **** his jungle is going to be monsterously fast, and actually consistent. This will make him a strong counter jungler, but I dunno if it makes him any less "build around me." At least he is consistent, which certainly gives him a lot more to work with.

Olaf - :( Oh well, they didn't even touch Tiger Udyr so that just gives me more reason to play Udyr.

Ryze - I think this is overall a buff. Early lane definitely stronger with the mana reduction all around, and Q does more damage until the 2k mana point. Q hit lategame, but a better early game means you can get to lategame easier, and maybe be stronger because the early game advantage. W scaling hit, which is fine, and I'm fine with the snare getting hit a little. Still very strong, spammable cc.
E buff is actually pretty cool. Having it scale off of your build is nice even its a small scaling. In a full on fight its getting 5% of your mana in damage though split among the other team, which is a nice buff. The ult is pretty damn sweet. The extra mana was nice, but that's a toooon of movespeed. Plus his ult is on such an absurdly low cooldown.
The last thing Ryze needed was mobility. That can be an escape from ganks, fast positioning in fights, chasing down enemy players, mobility across the map... the fact that his ult is free to cast and has an incredibly low cooldown because Ryze naturally caps cdr and has his passive makes this very strong.

Shen - RIP
scratch that. Thank god they wouldn't defeat the entire purpose of Shen.

Talon - 20 mana? uuuuh... I don't know how this will change his weak matchups but they just made matchups where he has the edge that much easier to snowball from. I wonder how jangle Talon will be with such a spammable rake... still probably jank as hell but so much fun.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Hopefully I'm not reviving a dead topic here, but does anyone run Avarice runes? I know I did the math when the seals first came out and they seemed amazing, but actually running them on Leona is extremely good. Lowest CS on team, 1st or 2nd highest gold gain on post-game stats. Even being in game, comparing the gold value of my items on my 2/3/4 13 cs Leona to a 4/0 58 cs Fizz, I was basically on par.

Do "good" players run these runes at all? Only on supports? Junglers at all? The Utility mastery for gold is rather high up, does that make it not worth it?

Deleted member

i dont like gp5 yellows on melee supports considering you are supposed to go in often, armor is better IMO

if you want to play passive on melee supports you are playing the wrong support champs

if you are planning on being a support that fights at level 2/ goes in often i like 1/14/15 that jpak told me to use, get -2 creep damage/-2 damage so when u go in creeps don't **** the **** out of you

rest of defense besides initiator doesnt interest me much at all, extra ward/ 2gp5 i like in support tree

* also i like gp5 quints, but armor quints maybe movespeed quints make sense too SOMETIMES but 99% of the time i go gp5 quints


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
the quints are ofc good on support

but sacrificing your YELLOWS for gold makes no sense on anyone outside of soraka imo

going into bot lane with 30 armor (esp as melee, esp as initiator) is asking to get **** stomped by anyone who knows how to trade lol.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Armor Marks are only 3.5 armor less than Seals.

Soraka was the main character I was thinking of for using Avarice runes in higher skill games. What about on other characters/roles? Does anyone use them at all?

Here are some numbers:
Philo Stone = 800 gold
Passive Gold Gain = 13/10
Mastery Gain = 2/10
Runes = 5.25/10
Item = 5/10

Starting Gold = 475
Regrowth Pendant = 435
Potion = 35

Amount of time needed to buy a potion:
35/1.3 = ~27 seconds

Passive and Mastery:
35/1.5 = ~23 seconds

Passive and Runes:
35/1.825 = ~19 seconds

Passive and Runes and Mastery:
35/2.025 = ~17 seconds

Amount of time needed to buy Philo Stone assuming open Pendant + Pot:
330/1.3 = ~253 seconds

330/1.5 = 220 seconds

330/1.825 = ~181 seconds

330/20.25 = ~163 seconds

So just after the 4 minute mark, you could buy philo stone, if you're relying on passive gold gain only, it would be after the 5.5 minute mark.

When is the time a support usually goes back to base? Depending on how long it is, running Avarice runes means that on first recall a support could buy boots and philo stone ~90 seconds before the other team could.

Also, using only passive gain, a Philo Stone pays for itself after 800/1.8 = ~444 seconds, which is roughly 7.5 minutes. With Avarice runes + mastery this goes down to about 316 seconds (~5 minutes).

Going strictly by numbers:
Having the only income for a 0cs support be the passive gold gain, at the 10 minute mark they can:
Buy Philo Stone, boots, and a ward

Having the income be runes, mastery, and passive gold gain, at the 10 minute mark they can:
Buy philo stone, boots, a ward, and have 480 gold left over.

And after all that, once you purchase the initial gold/10 item, you can sit on 2.525 gold/second. Which goes up to 3.025 gold/second after you buy the HoG.
10 minutes of 18/10 or 23/10 gold gain is a total of 1080 or 1380
10 minutes of 25.25/10 or 30.25/10 is a total of 1515 or 1815 (don't forget to include the extra 480 gold from the first 10 minutes, for a total of 1995 or 2295).

So by just running the runes and mastery, you're looking at an extra 900 gold in the first 20 minutes.

That's basically (really rough number) 50 cs. Sounds interesting for champs that don't really need seals/glyphs too much.

Deleted member

yeah its fine like we already said but i personally think its toxic gameplay to submit to passivity

1. If that's all you plan on doing, you will never learn proper bot lane dynamics, only how to play like a *****
2. extremely boring
3. great teamwork/aggression leads to a bot lane stomp making 2 of their characters useless --> you can roam --> tip another lane into your favor/ cement victory

and for the record, regrowth start has too many problems in itself to justify the faster philo stone start unless your opponents seriously suck


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I read something in a solo mid thread to the effect of Jax not being able to lane vs Garen early levels, cause his silence + spin does a lot of damage to Jax, and Jax needs to be very passive in lane. I noticed this when I did the matchup today, that I couldn't really harass unless I baited a spin (which it took me one tower dive to figure out). However, once I got to mid/late game, it didn't seem to matter as much, because Jax has a stronger late game than Garen, right?

So is this a fairly accurate description of the matchup? Just be super passive cause you can't trade (even if you miss on some CS) and wait till late game?

(though I haven't seen a Garen in ages before today, so maybe it's something I don't need to worry about?)


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
So I've been trying to roam more as support (when playing taric, ali, leona, thinking of trying it with janna too bc of MS), especially when the enemy bot lane is playing too passive to get endless free kills from. A problem I'm having is as soon as I leave, the enemy bot lane starts deny my ad carry (usually voorhese) hard. What can we do to prevent this? I go to try to make plays, but in the meantime enemy bot lane denys my ad carry loads of cs and starts smacking on bot tower. Are there just certain ad who handle the 2v1 lane better?

Deleted member

garens tough early but that doesnt mean you can't outplay him/ prevent massive damage

the key is ur stun IMO


Dec 12, 2001
So I've been trying to roam more as support (when playing taric, ali, leona, thinking of trying it with janna too bc of MS), especially when the enemy bot lane is playing too passive to get endless free kills from. A problem I'm having is as soon as I leave, the enemy bot lane starts deny my ad carry (usually voorhese) hard. What can we do to prevent this? I go to try to make plays, but in the meantime enemy bot lane denys my ad carry loads of cs and starts smacking on bot tower. Are there just certain ad who handle the 2v1 lane better?
As soon as they see you leave the lane they know they have the advantage down there. Chose your roaming times more wisely, such as when one or both of the enemy bot have backed, or when you and your AD are returning to lane after buying—take a quick detour to mid early for easy kills


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
From a Jungle Perspective:
- Master Yi: Will be able to clear his camps slightly faster. Opens up more counterjungling chances. Faster clearing time is always a nice appeal for a jungler.
- Lee Sin: No real affect in the jungle. Nerf looks to be mainly geared toward Lane Sin.
- Amumu: MR per level scale will be extremely helpful. His cooldown on his ult increasing by 20 seconds is meh. Lategame he'll be able to re-engage team fights slightly faster. *Shrug* Would have liked to seen more adjustments to the mummy.
- WW: Not that big of a nerf. Probably deals more with Lanewick.
- Alistar: Cool.
- Randuin's: 2 second slow now a 1 second slow. Hrm. Feels weird.

Not really any significant jungle changes. But... the new item: Athene's Unholy Grail looks pretty sexy for AP Junglers like Nautilus, Amumu, and Maokai. 80 AP + 40 MR + Health Regen + Cooldown is like... the Wits End for AP Junglers.

Edit: Actually, Athene's Unholy Grail seems to be more of a mid item comp, but... I think it will be really good for Naut/Amumu/Maokai as it will allow them to become less blue dependent and move toward more of a carry role in solo-queue.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I think I'm going to start taking MF mid again. at least for a little while. (assuming we have an AP top and an AP/Hybrid Jungle to balance out the damage)


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I think I'm going to start taking MF mid again. at least for a little while. (assuming we have an AP top and an AP/Hybrid Jungle to balance out the damage)
Why take MF mid when you can take Annie? :bee:


Alicorn or not, my mane mare, my unicorn, Twilight
May 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Jungle Shen tho :/ Dunno, maybe I can actually excuse myself for not ulting from top lane to bot lane. I really doubt I'd replace Smite/Flash for Smite/Teleport.
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