getting bored of most of the ads right now (im an AD MAIN LOL)
here's what i think of my most played AD's in current meta
ashe - really strong and fun but relies on a team that doesnt suck **** that can engage off your arrows correctly, also kinda boring to play in lane compared to caitlyn (da funnest AD)
vayne - im too rusty with her since she got nerfed a bit and new sivir came out and was king. she's still AMAZING when played in the vs. the right lanes, but one of the higher skill cap ADs because of how fast you are and the killing potential you have in fights if you choose to dive a carry and then dip out with flash, ult movespeed, tumble and E. still one of the hardest carrying ADs
sivir - imo still top 3 strongest AD (kog/ashe, sivir,) her ult is still busted as **** for making picks on bruisers, tanks when they overextend. she has amazing lane presence with correctly placed E's (reaction times ni99a) to keep up her Q spam combos (from support baiting/initiation)
kog - insanely strong AD carry, only weakness is he is frail and his only defensive move is kite with R's and melt their face off with IE crit W hits (works 100% of the time vs. underfed bruisers and junglers) can carry a game in solo que harder than any AD carry besides sivir and old vayne
graves - used to love him but now one of my least favorites, i hate his earlygame team fight ability (before bf sword + zerkers) because your attack speed sucks chode and your only damage is q and r (it's often too risky to E into fights, huge chance at getting ***** unless your linemen bruiser/jungler/support are doing their job right (not as common in solo que)
trist - a lot of fun actually but i only like playing him CHEESE build (26 offense or some ****, getting magic pen, NO MANA REGEN MAN MODE) and run heal ignite, with an alistar/leona support. objective is to get FB or die trying at lv.4. it's a cheese build that works a lot and is hella fun if you wanna play maniac trist (me)
caitlyn - my favorite AD carry right now. typically a huge fuukn noob character that everyone sucks with, i thnik she's still super strong if played correctly. she's the highest APM AD carry IMO, you actually gotta do a lot of micro with your harassment in lane to a) harass them on as many of their last hits as possible, b) de-aggro from creeps to avoid pushing lane and know where to stand to not aggro creeps, and c) have sw33t traps and really fast E's. she's a total blast to play well.
mf/ken are gonna be the next AD's i buy, i fuuking hate both of them so im not looking forward to it (i hate 90% of heros before i play them, then i love them LOL ex. vayne, kog)