That's more or less what I was wondering, Moggeh.
Basically gotta build early game Poppy or something, I'd imagine. Her WEQ is just nasty.
Poppy's quickly one upping Rammus as my favorite champion, and the biggest problem I have is what role to use her as. I've had success in the jungle and in bottom lane, but top lane's always been a different case.
I've almost never "won" my top lane as Poppy because I get stomped on by Rumble or other damage-over-time-esque characters (if that makes sense), but I rarely get the chance to try her on those APs like Akali or LeBlanc simply because I feel more comfortable in jungle or bottom as bruiser/harass. Despite losing top very often, I usually manage to pull back into a game by just last hitting creeps the entire time while they build up at the second tower of mine.
However, that puts another champ roaming around and harming other lanes/jungle while I build up to that point, not to mention giving the other team global gold, so my success in those games is primarily based on how well the other lanes can handle themselves with another champion running around. If they can, fantastic, we'll usually win these games because I've farmed up enough to usually nail my Trinity and maybe a Hextech/Bloodthirster (whatever I feel like building into). If they can't, and I haven't farmed up enough, everything just further piles up until it snowballs and we lose the game.
Granted, the champion could just STAY in my lane and keep the harass up, it makes it easier for my jungler to gank them, which is why I assume most champs refuse to push beyond that point.
I'm only assuming I'm doing okay in Jungle as Poppy because the other jungle has yet to harass and counter jungle, or because the other lanes are being too eager and pushing so far in that the ganks more or less come to me, you know? I really don't think she's an excellent jungler at all...maybe a good counter jungler post 2-3?
Just back to you real quick, Mog, I'm thinking that her damage would mitigate it enough if she were to pin the other champion against a wall with her E. In that case, I'd assume that it'd be too unreliable because it'd be solely depending on the other champion's positioning.
Then again, I could easily be dismissing it just because it sounds ridiculous, lol.