So uh, guys, Nautilus, thoughts?
I personally think people are underestimating him a bit. I played 20+ games with him yesterday and after the first 4 or so, I finally found a build I liked and figured out what I should be doing with him and started to do pretty good.
I would say he's probably pretty average overall, maybe a bit below average (but still, not by much). His Ult is ****, his shield is amazing, his tether is nice (although they need to touch it up cuz ive thrown it through people a couple times >:/), and his torrent clears minion waves like a boss. His passive is hella sexy (auto attacks giving a 1 second stun), his shield makes you rain damage on them while you take nothing, etc.
Main problems Ive seen though, he's SUPER slow, he has long cooldowns (aside from like, Torrent and his ult, which is still 80ish seconds at max), and he usually needs to hang around with someone as he doesnt have enough damage output or anything to burst someone completely down unless you can predict their every move like, 4 times, and keep up with them long enough to get your passive AND tether a second time. He is really good in team fights though. He's naturally really tanky and his passive stun and knock ups on his ult and tether are great for crippling/interrupting important enemies and their abilities, he has CC on everything, and his taunt and dance are most likely the two best of their kind of all time.