Area of influence = Amount of the map they can control at a given moment in time.Same old theo.
Which is why you said supports have little to no influence. If you wanna keep whining about a supports and how bad it is you can't carry, even though that is bull since doing your job as a support should be enough to help your team.
But as usual I should have known better.
I don't think soeaka also brings as much as other supports into late game unless you have a comp set for her. Otherwise I don't think she is great against or with AD heavy comps allied, that or poke comps.
It's a lot easier to win a soloq match as a character like Hec / Malph / etc because when you initiate your team will follow. As Taric or Janna I'm more or less glued to my team in terms of what they decide to do.
But then, you're absolutely godawful at League and I don't even know why I'm replying to you.