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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Normal people don't just fling slurs around for the sake of it, unless bull****ting with friends. Typically, it's caused by ****ty actions from others.

Proper solution? Report both.
This is league, people have the tendancy to interpret "anything that they believe impinges on their ability to win" as trolling or intentionally feeding. If I took that philosophy I'd probably be reporting 9 people every game. If you have nothing constructive to add, you just devalue your report when you report endless amounts of people that don't end up in a tribunal case because they did nothing wrong.

Anyway, if I'm reporting them, I think I'm suggesting they're not normal lol. Only a very small percentage of the playerbase gets banned.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
None of what you guys are saying addresses the real issue- people actively trying to ruin other's fun in what is otherwise an enjoyable experience.

Someone trolls in one game, sure whatever it happens. All ****ing day though? That's completely unnecessary, and is ruining Okuser's overall experience for no reason whatsoever, in ranked no less, where "tryharding" is the norm.

People might cite others such as Mog, Phreak, or even big streamers like OddOne who really don't rage over solo queue. There's a very good reason they don't rage- they're already living the dream. They make a living off of LoL, their personal sphere of control with regards to how they enjoy this game is much larger than Okuser's. OddOne can look at his viewercount and say "someone's trolling? who gives a **** I'll just run a commercial."

Okuser encounters the same issue and... it's a bit more difficult to just say "wow what a prick" and be done with it. That prick just completely and utterly wasted 30+ minutes of his life, making sure he wouldn't enjoy any of it as he was at bot lane with him, chose a ****ty support, and was forcing him to 2v1 out of spite.

Imo trolling and ruining people's game experience should be time-bans/suspension punishments, whereas saying things like ****** should just be mute-punishments.

Also Mog if you're offended by a word, use the word filter. It's there for a reason.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Dekar, I don't think I can take any of your argument seriously or Okuser's when it's clear you haven't even attempted to understand the system you are arguing against. You're speaking from your own bias without doing any research.

If you bothered to look into it you'd know that they're already pushing towards Mute Punishments. And Word Filter is not an excuse, it's clearly stated in the FAQ.



Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Actually no, the proper solution is to report literally the only offense I saw. The most offensive thing I saw from that nautilus was starting W as support Naut, but while that's questionable/bad, it's not really convincing me that he's deserving of a report.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
None of what you guys are saying addresses the real issue- people actively trying to ruin other's fun in what is otherwise an enjoyable experience.

Someone trolls in one game, sure whatever it happens. All ****ing day though? That's completely unnecessary, and is ruining Okuser's overall experience for no reason whatsoever, in ranked no less, where "tryharding" is the norm.

People might cite others such as Mog, Phreak, or even big streamers like OddOne who really don't rage over solo queue. There's a very good reason they don't rage- they're already living the dream. They make a living off of LoL, their personal sphere of control with regards to how they enjoy this game is much larger than Okuser's. OddOne can look at his viewercount and say "someone's trolling? who gives a **** I'll just run a commercial."

Okuser encounters the same issue and... it's a bit more difficult to just say "wow what a prick" and be done with it. That prick just completely and utterly wasted 30+ minutes of his life, making sure he wouldn't enjoy any of it as he was at bot lane with him, chose a ****ty support, and was forcing him to 2v1 out of spite.

Imo trolling and ruining people's game experience should be time-bans/suspension punishments, whereas saying things like ****** should just be mute-punishments.

Also Mog if you're offended by a word, use the word filter. It's there for a reason.
It's a problem, but how do we actually address it? Riot is working on putting pre and post-game chat into tribunal logs (one thing that annoys me about riot, technical improvements are goddamn slow, I mean, look at the client) but beyond that, tell me what systems could be put into place. Anything I can think of beyond "the person who sees it remaining calm and reporting them at the end of the game with context" that can be done by the players runs afoul of other systems put in place to deal with other issues. Your reporting method runs afoul of the systems for dealing with toxic players who overreport for example.

But, there is a rioter here, you can suggest something.

But you're right, different types of punishments might be more effective for this issue, they are expirimenting with muting after all.

But yea, it's not that we don't care, it's that we don't know what to do about it.

At the same time, that doesn't excuse what okuser did.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
You're saying things I already know, and believe are being done wrong/wayyyyy too ****ing slow, like a lot of quality of life changes Riot is slow to do.

Trolling/ruining people's game- ban. Not mute.

Harassment/other random crap people do? Mute. If it persists, or they continue to get reported, ban.

I'd love to see these changes, instead of useless Riot members deciding to switch health/mana pots positions for the FOURTH time. :)

Votekick option: trolls in champ select are now gone.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Actually no, the proper solution is to report literally the only offense I saw. The most offensive thing I saw from that nautilus was starting W as support Naut, but while that's questionable/bad, it's not really convincing me that he's deserving of a report.
Then report anyway. If you trust the Tribunal then you know if he isn't trolling he will never accumulate enough reports for it to matter. But if he really is reportable as I assume Okuser said then you are helping with your report.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Except you don't know if he is trolling or not.

That guy who got banned doing off builds apparently was only doing it once he hit diamond with stuff like jungle mordekasier. This was very deliberate once he diamond as well, 180 in what he usually picked.

Support naut, while not great normally, is not a troll pick. He wasn't trolling either if what mpg said was true, 19 assists of 27 kills? Sounds like he was trying legitimately.

While it is better to ask for off picks it's not trolling to do such, I legitimately play Quinn top but I'm not trolling when I pick her up there. You need context which the game logs have. Riot also has the pregame and post game chat rooms so if, mid or troll, they will see that.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Then report anyway. If you trust the Tribunal then you know if he isn't trolling he will never accumulate enough reports for it to matter. But if he really is reportable as I assume Okuser said then you are helping with your report.
And what happens if everyone took your advice? The tribunal would temporarily be flooded with reports from people with high report weight, sending a ton of innocent people to the tribunal (who still has a small, but existant error rate).

Then these people who used to have useful reports would be dropped to almost meaningless.

You could say this time is different because the guy was trolling, but how would mogwai know this? He had no idea what went on bottom lane.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Karma Relaunch is patching on the PBE right now. Also, VanZ, who else did you give the Misty account to? I get bumped off once in awhile (and noticed it's at plat, lol)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
john, dunno if you are still asking for advice, but one thing ive found that helps is commentating about the game as it is going on. stuff like why you are picking x champion and how it works for the team, your actions in the game, what items you are going and why, and so on. it really helps break any sort of tunnel vision that might be going on (unless "lets tower dive at level 1" sounds good to you)


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
WTP, your avatar....

Dekar, Mogwai wrote a blog post a really long time ago (pre-Riot IIRC) about why he can stay calm in solo queue. Read up.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I agree with Dekar.

The tribunal system doesn't cover a massive glaring hole that is constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY) abused.
Champion select chat is ALWAYS full of the **** from trollers and if they say anything in game at all it's usually "you're bad" or "I said I could only do X role". People dodge in champion select because of these trollers and they end up get nothing against them unless FOUR OTHER PEOPLE are forced to play a 20+ minute game with them. WHAT THE FLYING ****.

I don't (or rarely) dodge at this point. I also don't play ranged carry nearly ever because the impact of the troll support is so minute to everyone else on the team in comparison.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
damn, my confidence in league is at an all-time high right now, then adobe air **** blocks me by giving me a bugsplat everytime I try to connect to my game

riot pls


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
I agree with Dekar.

The tribunal system doesn't cover a massive glaring hole that is constantly (and I mean CONSTANTLY) abused.
Champion select chat is ALWAYS full of the **** from trollers and if they say anything in game at all it's usually "you're bad" or "I said I could only do X role". People dodge in champion select because of these trollers and they end up get nothing against them unless FOUR OTHER PEOPLE are forced to play a 20+ minute game with them. WHAT THE FLYING ****.

I don't (or rarely) dodge at this point. I also don't play ranged carry nearly ever because the impact of the troll support is so minute to everyone else on the team in comparison.
i hate this too and they are supposedly working on this:



Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
The issue isn't that the tribunal system isn't perfect, nothing is perfect. It's that it's been so awful for so damn long. There are plenty of GREAT improvements any number of people can recommend within voting in 10 cases.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
As much as I agree Dekar, I think that the issues have a lot more to do with technical issues then an actual lack of desire to put them in.

Which brings me to the problem covering a lot of issues in the game, riot really doesn't have the best track record with technical things. I mean, granted they are making some improvements, but they're satisfied with the core client.

How many other basic features people have been clamoring for took incredible amounts of time to develop?

And it's not that the tribunal is a bad initiative, it's scope is just too limited to accomplish what it realy needs to.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Vyke seems mad over something, or just doesn't like me for some reason, but I can't put my finger on it so I suppose I'll just have to ignore him lol.

And ya, the client seems to be the crutch. They refuse to undertake the huge task that is completely recreating their flawed client because... LoL is the largest game out there right now, and I'm guessing they can't afford the downtime. I don't know, I'm not an amazing programmer, especially with creating a gaming client out of nothing, what I do know is that they have had forever to address these problems.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
I'm totally fuming over here. Let me just change the subject and give some positive advice to take the heat off of me for a moment.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
YAY I DID IT! I got gold off of placement matches :D
Nice job getting there. :D

I'm totally fuming over here. Let me just change the subject and give some positive advice to take the heat off of me for a moment.
How do you get people to clearly get your plan and role with it, like split pushing/traps/baits/ etc.


Smash Champion
Sep 13, 2007
Honestly, I don't usually have to fight for any sort of leadership role or argue with people over objectives. I'm probably just lucky in that department, but I suggest or ping things like dragon or a tower after a lane kill or a pick and people just tend to flow with it. It's probably due to the lack of anyone willing to do much but auto-pilot in Solo Q. Again, this is just personal experience from my games.

When people start to get a bit rowdy or argue with one another, I just tell them to ignore each other. Like, with the actual ignore function.
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