Good supports, not support annie or picks like that, are pretty damn relevant to the game with their utility.
You need to stop thinking, how can I get my ac fed, and think, how can I make my team win? Your utility helped your adc? Do it now for your team.
Completely agreed.
As someone who qued in this season at the unholy land of 900 elo and pulled myself up to 1250 before the new system and up to Silver Tier II before work got busy, you can't doubt what supports offer at lower levels.
NO ONE buys wards outside of supports in the lower levels. Its understandable honestly with their lower gold rates due to low CS, so I don't get angry. That alone is more than enough to get you buy. What ended up pulling me through 900-1100 (which is a pretty comfortable place to be as a support, anything lower than 1100 is head scratchingly infuritating) was a build of sona/lulu that was Ruby Sight Stone, Gank Boots, 5 wards, 5 vision wards, philo stone, and Aegis. It worked with these two supports because they bring enough natural utility that aura and activated items, while certainly nice, are unneeded. In a game where no one buys wards except the suppots AND people tend to have really bad habbits of roaming and going for jungle camps, this was enough for my team to continually catch members of their team out of position. Every baron fight went our way due to total vision of the entry from their jungle and the river making bush play impossible.
And people who don't play supports really need to get over the whole idea that the ADC owns the support. You are the TEAMS support, not the ADCs, otherwise you would be building the Zeke's every single game.
I wish I had the time to keep it going. Tier 2 was a blast to play in, and I was rising quickly before losing practice time and getting out of touch with the game, and this is a very hard game to keep up with. Maybe that Karma rework can pull me back in.